What is "error 9813?"

I am new to downloading podcasts. Each time I try, I get the error message "9813" which says the problem is with I Tunes. Can anyone help?? Thanks.

Other forums on various websites seem to suggest this is a keychain error.
This post offers suggestions for 10.3; not sure if it works in 10.4, but definitely not 10.5
This suggests verifying and repairing, in Keychain First Aid
http://forums.macnn.com/82/applications/309536/error-9813-itunes-trying-login-it ms/
http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa;jsessionid=aSZIOXk8m64efwTkV2?messageID =2836522&#2836522

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    This is getting very tiresome.
    I rarely use iTunes-and I use the store even less.
    But I found a song I wanted to download and went and opened the ITMS.
    when I click on a song, and then try to log in, I get an "unknown error -9813-make sure you have a network connection" well, since i AM in ITMS-I must have a network connection, yes?
    If I try to open a new account-same error.
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    I rather doubt that I trashed the folder, so Im willing to bet that iTunes 6 or 6.01 did it. grrrr.....
    I have QT 7.03, ive trashed .plists and did a permissions/keychain repair. nothing.

    As you know about permissions repair and suchlike I will guess that you have searched for files (or iTunes Library) on your computer or external HD (mine is on an external drive) to determine whether your library has in fact disappeared altogether.
    I used to lose random music files on a fairly regular basis back in iTunes 4 and before but I have found that since version 5 things have been very stable.
    Go to the Itunes preferences and click on the advanced cog wheel to see where it thinks your library is located. If it finds the library follow the path displayed... but if it isn;t there I'm not sure what to suggest apart from searcihng for individual music files... Search for m4p files to locate recent purchases.

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    We could not complete your iTunes Store request.
    An unknown error occurred (-9813).
    There was an error in the iTunes Store. Please try again later.
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    Hi Caramby,
    thanks for ur reply.
    every time i boot up Logic i get these messages - it seems the prefs have been loaded incompletely and im not sure what the error reading writing thing is about.
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    hope this shines some light on the issue.

  • What does "Error 10" mean? "An error occurred while loading your project. 10"

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    Thanks for any input on this problem.  You can see the error message screenshot below.

    Thanks Bill... me too.
    After writing to Dennis Radeke on an Adobe.com blog about this and getting his very limited response, I wrote to him quoting something I read on the wiki page that you sent me the link to...
    Adobe blog:
    http://http://blogs.adobe.com/genesisproject/2009/11/having_weird_behavior_with_an.html#co mment-2701
    Wiki page link that you gave me:
    Here's what my response today was...
    Thanks for your reply DR.
    My old version of Premiere 6 works perfectly on Windows 7.  I’ve created over a thousand different Premiere project files on this 5 year-old PC that was updated to Windows 7 last year.
    All of my other Premiere 6 files open and maintain their original editability and all the features in this ancient version of Premiere work very well.
    I own and use mostly Mac machines but I have one 5 year-old PC with a 160 gig hard drive with Windows 7 that I run Premiere 6 on because it’s a thousand dollar program that I had from 10 years ago that I didn’t want to repurchase. Buying a newer PC 5 years ago was far less expensive than buying a new copy of Premiere.  Some people seem to think, “Wow, just buy a new version of the software for a thousand dollars and a new computer with a 5 Terabyte hard drive.”, but that isn’t always the reality of some peoples financial situation.
    With 20 gigs of open HD space, all of my previous, even more complex Premiere 6 files still open and edit just fine.  It is only this one file that I created Thursday that won’t re-open after closing it for the first time.  Since the backup copy of that file won’t open either, and all the support files open, play and work in other previous project files, I’m thinking that there is some glitch that happened when saving this file that is corrupting it now, making it unable to be re-opened.
    Based on prior advice on multiple topics about Premiere 6 from people on the Adobe forum who use only newer versions of Premiere, most information that applies to the brand new Premiere Pro CS5 still seems to apply to the old Premiere 6.
    I found that holding down Shift-Option while opening Premiere 6 trashes the preferences file. This became my work around since I can’t locate the preferences file based on your path noted (in your blog) nor via the other prefs file path published on the Adobe website.
    But unfortunately, trashing the prefs file, resetting the plugin cache file, increasing the virtual memory paging file size, importing the problem project file in to a new project, nor anything else is working to allow this file to open.
    Now I’m looking in to XML:Wrench to see if that can find the corruption in this file, but I’ve had a malware warning from one download source and the xmlwrench.com website says their download is only a demo version, but no price is listed… this seems somewhat strange and possibly deceptive.
    But I read something on an Premiere Pro wiki page , quoted below, at this URL, that seems to be pertinent, and though my version of Premiere may be ancient, it seems that, according to this user’s concerns, Adobe is still having problems with current versions of Adobe software creating corrupt files…
    “Can someone please advise – why on EARTH we should have to download XML Wrench and manually fix a corrupt Adobe project??? This is something common to all the Adobe “Support” forums on issues like this, and the many others that plague Adobe’s product (and I’m not being a mindless troll – I’ve been forced to use it for years so I do know the usability and other issues it has): it seems that people are excited because they’ve found a “fix” (which is more like a work-around) – purely because they’re understandably ecstatic that all their hard work isn’t comPLETEly lost.
    However, Adobe should be making sure their product isn’t so buggy! This issue should be fixed (as just one example). Adobe should be finding out what causes the corruption in the first place and fixing it. And whether it’s some other codec on the system that’s caused it is no excuse – their software should have better error management built into it. I’ve seen other issues where an Adobe support representative has happily replied: “oh, that’s a known issue since version [3 versions back] – don’t worry, most users are aware of the work around for it: just select and move all of the items in your timeline each time you open the project and you’ll be fine!”
    I’m sorry to rant on – but can some other users please explain the above to me? (i.e. why aren’t more people annoyed about this and complaining to Adobe to fix these things).”
    All of this coming from an experienced user of Adobe products complaining about needing XML:Wrench to fix corrupt Adobe files seems relevant.
    In addition, why does no one, including the Adobe knowledge base, have any info about what “An error occurred while loading your project. 10″ means?… why isn’t there a database that identifies Adobe error numbers by the simple number itself?  The only info I was able to find identifying “Error 10″ on the Adobe site was a software installation error, not a project loading error.
    Now I find myself chasing a clean download of XML:Wrench in order to hopefully fix this corrupt file.  Whether I’m using Premiere 6 on a 160 gig hard drive with 20 gigs of open space or Premiere Pro CS5 on a 5 Terabyte hard drive with 3 Terabytes of open space, the problems, according to other users, seem to be the same as ever with corrupt Adobe Premiere files, based on what I’ve been reading across the internet.

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    What's your OS?  If you are on a Mac then try this Adobe Official Solution:
    Hope this gets you started.

  • What does (error code -600) mean?

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    I received this code in a pop up window while trying to open iTunes from my Apps folder.

    = -600, /*no eligible process with specified descriptor*/
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.
    Any change?

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    The ipad was taken to an Apple store & the genious said there was a battery problem and there was nothing they could do?

    Thanks Alfred,
    My iTunes on the Air are up to date. Tried 3 times to restore and always get error 3. The iPad now only shows the graphic to plug into iTunes.
    Called hotline to Apple rep yesterday, (chat) then they phoned me. He couldn't figure it out and went to consult a colleague. That was yesterday afternoon &amp; he hasn't called back yet. This is on my dime.
    Any idea what error 3 is.
    Mac user since 1984,
    512k origininal, just smoked itself 4 months ago due to internal corrosion.
    Now using Air, iPad mini, iPhone

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    Taken at face value, you're having trouble with an Apple Application Support program file there. (Apple Application Support is where single copies of program files used by multiple different Apple programs are kept.)
    Let's try something relatively simple first. Restart the PC. Head into your Add or Remove Programs control panel, select "Apple Application Support", click "Change" and then click "Repair".
    If no joy after that, try the more rigorous uninstall/reinstall procedure from the following post. (Although the procedure is for Vista and 7 and you've got XP, just read "Computer" as "My Computer", read "Uninstall a program control panel" as "Add or Remove programs control panel" and assume the system is 32-bit, and you'll be doing the right things.)
    Re: I recently updated to vista service pack 2 and I updated to itunes 10.2.1 and ever since I did that my itunes won't open any more.  Itunes starts but before anything loads a

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    Read this thread, maybe you can find the fix

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    Try uninstalling iTunes, restart your computer and re-install iTunes.

  • What is error code 603 and how does one fix it?

    What is error code 603, please, regarding add-on installation?  (The error codes page says for "error 6xx" to contact the Exchange online forum for assistance..)  It is a "failed online license check" for an add-on that is a free add-on listed on the Adobe Add-ons page as compatible with PS CS6, CC, and CC 2014, as well as all three versions of a bunch of other apps.  It is a Flypaper app, which looks to have been reworked to be compatible with the new 2014 apps.  Since Flypaper apps come from reliable source, I'm not sure what the error means, and I'm certainly not sure how to remedy this.  (The original Russell Brown Paper Textures Pro works fine on PS CC but isn't compatible with 2014.)
    I am running Win 7 64-bit.
    p.s.  numbers of other extensions still don't download  to PS 2014, so maybe this is also waiting for an Adobe fix??

    The add-on in question is called "Flypaper Select" (by Flypaper Textures).
    This morning, when I sent  the question, it was on last page of the free PS
    add-on list and showed the add-on as compatible with all three latest PS
    versions.  Tonight, when I click on the add-on in "my add-ons" list, it now
    shows compatibility only with PS6 and CC, and  I can no longer even find it
    in the big add-ons list.  I will try to send screen shot of "my add-ons" to
    the address you listed.  It is also below.
    Thanks for your help.  I have been finding many add-ons change from day to
    day, and many won't show up in Extensions window even though the desktop CC
    app says they have been installed.  I assume I am not the only person with
    these problems.

  • HT201210 what is error code (1)?  it is not listed but this is the error i get trying to restore my 3gs.

    what is error code (1)?  it is not listed but this is the error i get trying to restore

    Take a look here for Apple's suggestions on that error:

  • TS1424 What about error -1202?

    What about error -1202?
    I've had problems with Win 7 64bit installations spanning iTunes 10 to now iTunes 11.
    Connecting to the store generates -1202 unexpected errors.
    I can't seem to find clear definition to what error code -1202 is...

    I run across the same problem upgrading to ios 5. I finnally took my phone to future shop (totally away from my server, wifi, laptop and its firewalls etc) and the upgrade is now installed. Last night I tried uploading ios 5 on my wifes phone (purchased at exactly the same place and time as mine and it worked perfect the first time, go figure. The only difference was i was running windows vista on my laptop and my wife has windows 7 on her laptop who knows if this has some effect on the upgrade.

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    what is error 400-1

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    I have this same problem and now I can't play music I have previously boughten and cannot authorize my computer.

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