What is my vimeo user account name?

Hey there,
I'm in the final cut pro X vimeo uploade feature and it's asking for my account user name.
I've got my name as Caleb Kingston and my end url as stunninganimations. Which one of these do I use?

Well the silly thing with FCP is you can enter anything you want, hit publish and it will take an hour or two to export the video and THEN at the end, it will tell you whether it was right or wrong. I tried it once and entered the wrong username or password and left to go home expecting it would be uploaded by morning but when I came back, it was stuck with that error. I can't remember what I tried last time so I just wanted to be positive I got it right this time before going home. lol

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    3. For problems with 3rd pty programs ask support/forum of respective software vendors.
    4. If you feel like addressing Microsoft, use

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    iBook G-4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1.33 GHz, 768 MB memory, 60 GB HD, iPod Shuffle

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        Using WS2012 I created user account in AD.  I right clicked a user account and chose "Move".
        The problem is my finger slipped and hit other keys.
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                DistinguishedName : CN=user1,DC=<DomainName>,DC=<SomeName>,DC=us
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        Thank you

    If I understand well, you were able to get the user DN. Based on the name, the user account should be directly under your domain (Not under an OU or a Container). So, use ADUC and select your domain. Once done, you should be able to see the user account.
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
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    Snags40 wrote:
    In both cases the UID for my primary User Account is 507
    507?  That's odd; usually the first one created is 501, then 502, etc.  Could you have gone through 6 accounts?
    Since I've migrated thru several Macs to get to the current state on the old MacBook, I suspect the UID has changed.
    That could explain some of it, if you used Migration Assistant instead of Setup Assistant.  It would have taken a lot of migrations and user accounts to get to 507, I'd think.
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    Good question.  I skipped Tiger, and don't recall earlier versions, but this article may help:  http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20051022175850619&query=change%252BU ID

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    Most likely items are:
    New user accounts are a great way to isolate user issues from systematic ones.
    You can look above for hints as to where the problem(s) lie.

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    Could anyone who knows how this works please give me some info?
    Thanks in advance.

    First, you don't have a 5+ year old 3GS. The 3GS has only been around for under 4 years. In fact, 5 years ago there were NO iPhones; the original iPhone (2 generations before the 3GS) came out on June 29, 2007 - not quite 5 years ago. The 3GS was released June 19, 2009.
    That aside, you can sync multiple phones to one computer - see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1495. boogeyman is wrong. It is 100% safe to create an additional user name on her computer, log in with that name, and back up the phone. See this for details on what you want to do: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2109

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    I cannot get into my account because you put the wrong username on my account.  My username is chicoglen, and you have it as glen.cauthon!  Therefore, my password does not work.  This is why I left skype before....it seems that you cannot get things right!

    I don't really understand which email of Skype you are referring to. But to change the Skype name you signed into Skype simply select "Sign out" from the "Skype" menu and you have the option to use your original name again.
    (I've also removed your full Skype names from your post to protect your privacy)
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
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