What is the condition for First write statement in reports?

What is the condition for First write statement in reports?

U have to write what ever u want to dispaly.
Top-of-page will trigger first and write the statements.
SAmple report program for reference.
REPORT ztemplate
          LINE-SIZE 130
          LINE-COUNT 65
          MESSAGE-ID zm.
* The Data Declarations
TABLES:    mara." General Material Data.
* Type Declarations:
TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_mara,
          matnr LIKE mara-matnr,
          mtart LIKE mara-mtart,
          matkl LIKE mara-matkl,
         END OF ty_mara.
* Internal Tables:
* The following structure type must be defined in the data dictionary
DATA :  i_output TYPE ty_mara OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
DATA: lines TYPE i, free TYPE i.
* The Selection Screen Definition
SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR  mara-matnr.                  "Material No
*PARAMETERS:     P_XXXXX like XXXX-XXXXX.                   "Description
*PARAMETERS:     CB_XXXX as checkbox.                       "Description
*PARAMETERS:     RB_XXXY radiobutton group XXX default 'X'. "Description
*PARAMETERS:     RB_XXXZ radiobutton group XXX.             "Description
*Validate material no details
IF NOT s_matnr[] IS INITIAL.
LOOP AT s_matnr.
IF NOT s_matnr-low  IS INITIAL.
  SELECT SINGLE matnr INTO v_matnr
         FROM mara
         WHERE matnr = s_matnr-low.
  IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    MESSAGE i128.
IF NOT s_matnr-high IS INITIAL.
  SELECT SINGLE matnr INTO v_matnr
         FROM mara
         WHERE matnr = s_matnr-high.
  IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    MESSAGE i128.
   REFRESH: i_output.
  CLEAR  : i_output.
  SELECT matnr
         INTO TABLE i_output
         FROM mara
         WHERE mara~matnr IN s_matnr.
  IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    MESSAGE i000 WITH text-002.
    " No records found for selected criteria
        leave list-processing.
  IF NOT i_output[] IS INITIAL.
    LOOP AT i_output INTO wa_output.
      WRITE:/001 wa_output-cb AS checkbox,
             003 wa_output-matnr,
             015 wa_output-mtart,
             024 wa_output-matkl.
      CLEAR wa_output.
  lines = sy-linno - 1.
      wa_output-cb = space.
      DO lines TIMES.
        READ LINE sy-index FIELD VALUE wa_output-cb.
          IF wa_output-cb = 'X'.
        MODIFY i_output  FROM wa_output INDEX sy-tabix TRANSPORTING cb.
CASE sy-ucomm.
      DELETE i_output WHERE cb = 'X'.
  WRITE:/001 'CB' ,
         003 'Material No',
         015 'Mat type',
         024 'Mat group'.

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    for all entries is used to join two or more tables.
    It is same as join but performance wise for all entries is more effective.
    You can only use FOR ALL ENTRIES IN ...WHERE ...in a SELECT statement.
    SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab WHERE cond returns the union of the solution sets of all SELECT
    statements that would result if you wrote a separate statement for each line of the internal table replacing the symbol
    itab-f with the corresponding value of component f in the WHERE condition.Duplicates are discarded from the result
    set. If the internal table itab does not contain any entries, the system treats the statement as though there were
    no WHERE cond condition, and selects all records (in the current client).
    for example:
    SELECT * FROM sflight INTO wa_sflight
    WHERE CARRID = ftab-carrid AND
    CONNID = ftab-connid AND
    fldate = '20010228'.
    this condition, return all entries of the sflight
    hen using FOR ALL ENTRIES the number of matching records is restricted to the number of records in the internal table. If the number of records in the database tables is too large then join would cause overheads in performance. Additionally a JOIN bypasses the table buffering.
    So for all entries is used for filtering out the data from the two tables based on the entries in them.
    1) For all entries avoids inner join & so the performance increases.
    2) For specified values in 1 itab, if you to fetch values from other table you can use it.
    3) Use of select stmt in loop is gets avoided, as u can use read statement on the the new itab.

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Santosh Nayak

    I believe recently created opportunities list shows all the opportunities in descending order.(created date).
    You should be able to create your own recently created list by adding additional filters.

  • What are the reasons for following Javascript error in Report Viewer

    Post Author: dhuka
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Hello Everybody!
    I am using Crystal Reports 10 in my web application. But unfortunately I am surrounded with strange problem related to it because of which I have been unable to deploy is on client-side. In my application the error given below is displayed as javascript error in Report Viewer and report is not displayed. But more frustrating part is that I am getting the same error due to different problem with reporting and I am stuck with it as I am unable to figure out what's causing the error now. Earlier this error appeared due to problem with parameter passing to stored procedure which I resolved it and error vanished but once again it has shown up. Moreover this error now appears less frequently and randomly therefore it is even difficult to trace the cause.
    Problem with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. In the future, you can display this message by double-clicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar.
    Line: 40Char: 12Error: Expected ')'Code: 0URL: http://myServer/myApp/myForms/myReports/ReportViewer.aspx
    So can anybody tell me what factors might be causing this errors as the error text is very vague in nature and gives no idea about the actual error.
    Guys, I hope for your kind co-operation.

    Post Author: dhuka
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Thanks for you reply Krishna.
    But this syntax error is the one that is creating problem for me as I cannot trace it. The form ReportViewer.aspx contains only a report viewer object which remains un-binded to any ReportDocument even at runtime.
    At code behind ReportViewer.aspx I have code below that associates SQL Stored Procedure Parameter and Report Filter along with report name. Once all above is associated with ReportDocument, I export ReportDocument to PDF file format and display the report. Here I dont' even bind ReportDocument with my ReportViewer. Moreover, as I mentioned previously this error is encountered randomly (with no reasonable explanation so far) on client PC (while browsing through application).
    I hope below code give you good idea of the way I am implementing my reporting.
    Looking forward to you solution. Please note that I am only passing the ReportFileName and Parameter and Filter Criteria to this form while dataTable by itself using the connection information.
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CODE BEHIND of REPORTVIEWER.ASPX>>>>>>>>>>>
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Dim strKeys() As String
    Dim strReportFilter As String
    Dim strReportName As String
    Dim strError As structError
    ReDim strKeys(0)
    If strReportName = "" Then
    strReportName = Context.Session("ReportName").ToString()
    If Not Session("ReportParameters") = Nothing Then
    Dim char_Delimiter() As Char = ";".ToCharArray()
    strKeys = Session("ReportParameters").ToString().Split(char_Delimiter)
    End If
    If Not Session("ReportFilter") = Nothing Then
    strReportFilter = Session("ReportFilter").ToString()
    End If
    Session("DataTable") = Nothing
    End If
    If Not ViewParameterReport(strReportName, strKeys, strReportFilter, strError) Then
    ASPNET_DisplayErrorMessageBox(strError.strMsg, Me)
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Catch ex As Exception
    strError.strMsg = Err.Description
    ASPNET_DisplayErrorMessageBox(strError.strMsg, Me)
    End Try
    End Sub
    Private Function ViewParameterReport(ByVal str_ReportName As String, ByVal str_ReportParameters() As String, ByVal strReportFilter As String, ByRef strError As structError) As Boolean
    Dim str_ReportPath As String = CStr(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ReportPath"))
    Dim crLogInfo As TableLogOnInfo
    Dim crConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo
    str_ReportPath = CStr(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ReportPath"))
    o_Rpt = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
    o_Rpt.Load(str_ReportPath & "\rpts\" & str_ReportName)
    If Context.Session("DataTable") = "" Then
    crLogInfo = New TableLogOnInfo()
    crConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo()
    crLogInfo = o_Rpt.Database.Tables(0).LogOnInfo
    crConnectionInfo = o_Rpt.Database.Tables(0).LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo
    crConnectionInfo.ServerName = clsDbCnn.Server
    crConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = clsDbCnn.Database
    crConnectionInfo.UserID = clsDbCnn.UserID
    crConnectionInfo.Password = clsDbCnn.Password
    crLogInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
    ds_MISReports = New DataSet()
    ds_MISReports = CType(Session("DataTable"), DataSet)
    End If
    If Not IsPostBack Then
    Dim param_Fields As CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterFields = New ParameterFields()
    Dim iCount As Integer
    If str_ReportParameters.GetUpperBound(0) <> 0 Then
    For iCount = 0 To str_ReportParameters.Length - 1 Step 2
    o_Rpt.SetParameterValue(CStr(str_ReportParameters(iCount).ToString()), CStr(str_ReportParameters(iCount + 1).ToString()))
    o_Rpt.RecordSelectionFormula = strReportFilter
    End If
    End If
    'crViewer.DisplayGroupTree = False
    'crViewer.ReportSource = o_Rpt
    SetDBLogonForReport(crConnectionInfo, o_Rpt)
    Dim TargetFileName As String
    Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream
    Dim FileSize As Long
    Dim GenDS As DataSet
    'Dim oRD As New ReportDocument()
    Dim crReportObject As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportObject()
    Dim oExO As ExportOptions
    Dim oExDo As New DiskFileDestinationOptions()
    'Build Target Filename
    TargetFileName = str_ReportPath & "\Pdfs\" & Session.SessionID & ".pdf"
    'Export to PDF
    oExDo.DiskFileName = TargetFileName
    oExO = o_Rpt.ExportOptions
    oExO.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
    oExO.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
    oExO.DestinationOptions = oExDo
    'Send the file to the user that made the request
    Response.Buffer = True
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf")
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=MyReport.pdf;")
    fs = New System.IO.FileStream(TargetFileName, IO.FileMode.Open)
    FileSize = fs.Length
    Dim bBuffer(CInt(FileSize)) As Byte
    fs.Read(bBuffer, 0, CInt(FileSize))
    o_Rpt = Nothing
    Return True
    Catch ex As Exception
    strError.strMsg = Err.Description
    Return False
    crConnectionInfo = Nothing
    crLogInfo = Nothing
    End Try
    End Function
    Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo, _
    ByVal myReportDocument As ReportDocument)
    Dim myTables As Tables = myReportDocument.Database.Tables
    Dim count As Integer
    For count = 0 To myTables.Count - 1
    Dim myTableLogonInfo As TableLogOnInfo = myTables(count).LogOnInfo
    myTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo
    myTables(count).Location = myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName & ".dbo." & myTables(count).Location.Substring(myTables(count).Location.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
    myTables(count).LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = myConnectionInfo.ServerName()
    End Sub

  • What is the syntax for a CASE statement in Crystal XI

    I'm having difficulty locating documentation for the use of CASE statements in Crystal syntax. My database administrator does not allow me to write SQL expressions so I need to covert the SQL below to Crystal Syntax. Can anyone help me? Thank you very much!!
             WHEN projects.ProjType like 'S%' then 'Shopping Center'
             WHEN projects.ProjType like 'I%' then 'Industrial'
             WHEN projects.ProjType like 'O%' then 'Office Building'
             ELSE 'Other'
    from projects

    Let's assume column XYZ has both numbers (1), and letters (any alphabet).
    I have a case statement on SQL to turn any value that's not 1 into 0, then I am getting a sum of that column.
    I am also grouping by Row A, B etc to get aggregated sum of column XYZ for those group.
    Now on Crystal Reports function, I need to sum up values under column XYZ for all the groups.
    If I try using sum function like below, I get an error stating:
    "A number field or currency amount field is required here"
    So I thought if I can use a case statement to change the non-numbers to 0 prior to sum that will probably resolve it. But I could not get the below case statement to work either (Error: A string is required). 
    SELECT {Command.XYZ}
       Case 1:

  • What is the conditional operator for AND, OR .....?

    what is the conditional operator for AND, OR .....? in ABAP language...
    AND, OR .. & is not accepting or recognising.
    Is these feature available in abap ??? if yes, how to use?

    Conditional operator for AND and OR are same AND and OR.
    A logical expression consists of comparisons (see expressions 1 to 4 below) and/or selection criteria checks (expression 5) using the operators AND, OR and NOT , as well as the parentheses " (" and ")".
    The individual operators, parentheses, values and fields must be separated by blanks:
    f1 = f2 AND (f3 = f4).
    f1 = f2 AND ( f3 = f4 ).
    NOT takes priority over AND, while AND in turn takes priority over OR:
         NOT f1 = f2 OR f3 = f4 AND f5 = f6
    thus corresponds to
         ( NOT ( f1 = f2 ) ) OR ( f3 = f4 AND f5 = f6 )
    The selection criteria comparisons or checks are processed from left to right. If evaluation of a comparison or check proves part of an expression to be true or false, the remaining comparisons or checks in the expression are not performed.
    All data objects that can be converted among each other can be used as operands for logical expressions.
    Check if u are using the AND or OR operator this way.
    IF f1 AND f2.
    In this case it will throw error. Here it act as relational operator.

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    what r the conditions that u hav to check for automatic invoice split ( from order to proforma invoice)

    You can find out the exact fields which lead to invoice split in the Data VBRK/VBRP field of copy control between the order and the invoice type at item category level.
    Find out this routine.
    Go to VOFM tcode and Data transfer-----Billing documents
    Here you can see the routine. See the code behind this routine. This will give you the exact criteria used for invoice split in your specific case.
    By default,
    It is payer, payment terms, incoterms, Billing date
    Hope this helps.
    Reward if this helps.

  • What is the use of at new statement?

    What is the use of at new statement?

    AT - itab
    LOOP AT itab result ...
      [AT FIRST.
        [AT NEW comp1.
           [AT NEW comp2.
           AT END OF comp2.
         AT END OF comp1.
      [AT LAST.
    1. ...  FIRST
    2. ... |{END OF} compi
    3. ...  LAST
    The statement block of a LOOP loop can contain control structures for control level processing. The respective control statement is AT. The statements AT and ENDAT define statement blocks that are executed at control breaks, that is, when the control structure is changed. The additions to the AT statements determine the control break at which their statement blocks are executed. Within these statement blocks, the statement SUM can be specified to add together the numeric components of a control level. For the output behavior result, the same applies as for LOOP AT.
    The prerequisite for control level processing is that the internal table is sorted in exactly the same sequence as the component of its line type - that is, first in accordance with the first component, then in accordance with the second component, and so on. The line structure and the corresponding sorting sequence gives a group structure of the content of the internal table, whose levels can be evaluated using AT statements. The AT- ENDAT control structures must be aligned one after the other, in accordance with the group structure.
    The statement blocks within the AT- ENDAT control structures are listed if an appropriate control break is made in the current table line. Statements in the LOOP- ENDLOOP control structure that are not executed within an AT- ENDAT control structure are executed in each pass of the loop.
    In order that control level processing is carried out properly, the following rules must be observed:
    After LOOP, a restricting condition cond can only be specified if this selects a consecutive line block of the internal table. Otherwise, the behavior of control level processing is undefined.
    The internal table cannot be modified within the LOOP loop.
    A work area wa specified in the LOOP statement after the addition INTO must be compatible with the line type of the table.
    The content of a work area wa specified after the addition INTO in the LOOP statement must not be modified.
    If the INTO addition is used in the LOOP statement to assign the content of the current line to a work area wa, its content is changed upon entry into the AT-ENDAT control structure as follows:
    The components of the current control key remain unchanged.
    All components with a character-type, flat data type to the right of the current control key are set to character "*" in every position.
    All the other components to the right of the current control key are set to their initial value.
    When the AT-ENDAT control structure is exited, the content of the current table line is assigned to the entire work area wa.
    Addition 1
    ... FIRST
    The control level is defined by the first line of the internal table. The control break takes place when this line is read.
    In the group level AT FIRST, the current group key contains no components and all character-type components of the work area wa are filled with "*" and all remaining components are set to their initial value.
    Addition 2
    ... |{END OF} compi/>
    : Control levels are defined by the beginning or end of a group of lines with the same content in the component compi (where i = 1, 2, and so on) and in the components to the left of compi. The control breaks take place when the content of the component compi or another component to the left of compi changes.
    The compi components can be specified as described in Specification of Components, with the limitation that access to object attributes is not possible here.
    If the INTO or ASSIGNING additions are used in the LOOP statement, a field symbol can be entered after AT |{END OF} outside classes, to which the corresponding component of the work area wa or the field symbol <fs> is assigned. This form of dynamic component specification is obsolete and has been replaced by specification in the format (name).
    Addition 3
    ... LAST
    : The control level is defined by the last line of the internal table. The control break takes place when this line is read.
    In the group level AT LAST, the current group key contains no components and all character-type components of the work area wa are filled with "*" and all remaining components are set to their initial value.

  • What is the query for Accounts Payable Trial Balance (APXTRBAL) in 11.5.10?

    Hi Guys,
    What is the query for Accounts Payable Trial Balance (APXTRBAL) in 11.5.10?
    I have to write an AP Invoice Aging Report in Discoverer to show all unpaid invoices that have been transferred into GL... Business wants it to match one-to-one with the AP Trial Balance standard report...
    Business wants to run the report for any date in a past...
    The report has two parameters:
    As Of Date - the same as As of Date for the AP Trial Report
    Trial Balance Run Date - the date when Trial Balance was run...
    Conditions are:
    TRUNC(Invoice Date) <=TRUNC(NVL(TO_DATE(:As Of Date),SYSDATE))
    TRUNC(NVL(Payment Date,'01-JAN-5000')) > TRUNC(NVL(TO_DATE(:As Of Date),SYSDATE))
    TRUNC(Invoice Creation Date) <= TRUNC(NVL(TO_DATE(:Trial Balance Run Date),SYSDATE))
    Distr Accounting Date <= TRUNC(NVL(TO_DATE(:As Of Date),SYSDATE))
    NVL(Distr Creation Date,Invoice Creation Date) <= TRUNC(NVL(TO_DATE(:Trial Balance Run Date),SYSDATE))
    Show_Flag = 'YES', where:
    Show_Flag = CASE WHEN ( NVL(Cancelled Date,'01-JAN-1901') > NVL(:As Of Date,SYSDATE) AND NVL(Inv Amount Aud,0) = 0 ) THEN 'YES' ELSE ( CASE WHEN NVL(Inv Amount Aud,0) = 0 THEN 'NO' ELSE 'YES' END ) END
    There is a difference between the logic of my report, and the logic of AP Trial Balance...
    Could you please advise what I'm missing?

    What is the query for Accounts Payable Trial Balance (APXTRBAL) in 11.5.10? You can get the code by opening the report in Reports Builder and get the query.
    Or, enable trace/debug as per (FAQ: Common Tracing Techniques within the Oracle Applications 11i/R12 [ID 296559.1]).

  • What are the announcements for renting VPS?

    What are the announcements for renting VPS? For details, understand VPS and make the choice of rental; for Taiwan VPS and Hong Kong VPS, without records, unlimited contents, wider range, and more efficient experience. Your server will show its excellence with the advantages.
    Most station agents become less inclined to virtual hosting, for national space, domain name records are needed, which waste the time; for overseas hosting such as Korea hosting, US hosting, no records, but slower speed than national space; therefore, more and more station agents prefer servers, but because the price of servers are too high, they turn their focus on VPS.
    The following are the announcements:
    1.Open remote desktop lander:
    Start-run-mstsc or start-procedure-nearby-remote desktop connect
    2.Several conditions for account halt:
    First, client side login cause account halt
    Second, certain account quits the remote control in midway when it runs routine
    Third, certain routine is restricted by synchronous operation of system administrator.
    3. Not install the third party firewall
    If you need firewall, please use windows firewall, the third party firewall in VPS will cause system collapse and data loss, the system automatically obtains the newest windows patches and install itself, which do not require human operation. Installing system patches in VPS sometimes will heavily lead to VPS collapse and data loss.
    Do not modify remote desktop port.
    Because of the specialty of VPS system, default remote desktop port is 3389, do not modify randomly, or the remote connection will be out of work.
    4. Except some special conditions that user registration is needed for certain procedure, when the remote connection has been close down, do not forget logout user to save memory resource, and prevent the loading connection next time, if it happens, reboot VPS.
    5. VPS has been set with relative security when it was paid, with high security. It suggests that do not open firewall randomly, if you open it by your own, the following ports should be opened: 21(FTP), 3389(remote connection), 80(website http), 3306(MySQL), 1433(SQL Server). Timely check whether there is suspicious account or system log, download 360 safety guard to avoid these files and process.
    6. Try not to modify registry hand-actuated, ensure the reboot of VPS. Modify remote ports please add the modified port in firewall first, and then reboot.
    7.Modify IIS installation files, backup these files, and then modify them with the software that can keep the file layout, prevent these files from destroying IIS.
    8.Website service of VPS and FTP service of IIS are default to open hand-actuated, set Web Publishing Service as automatically if you are station agent. If you often use FTP service of IIS, please set FTP Publishing Service as automatically, i.e. reboot it automatically. If you use serv-u, tick all the system service terms. In the terms of security and resource consumption , it suggests that those users who seldom use FTP do not set it as automatically.

    Hi there
    "So for ALL the apps, the annual monthly fee is £46.88, but you can rent occasionally for £70.32 pm.... ?" Correct
    £17.58 single app plan requires an annual commit - it's £27.34 for the month-to-month plan without annual commit.

  • What are the key requirements to write a recursive cte?

    what are the key requirements to write a recursive cte?
    when we will go for a recursive cte.

    A common table expression (CTE) can be thought of as a temporary result set that is defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement. A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an
    object and lasts only for the duration of the query. Unlike a derived table, a CTE can be self-referencing and can be referenced multiple times in the same query.
    A CTE can be used to:
    Create a recursive query. For more information, see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186243%28v=sql.105%29.aspx
    Substitute for a view when the general use of a view is not required; that is, you do not have to store the definition in metadata.
    Enable grouping by a column that is derived from a scalar subselect, or a function that is either not deterministic or has external access.
    Reference the resulting table multiple times in the same statement.
    Source : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190766%28v=sql.105%29.aspx

  • What is the cause for the mac to become slow

    what is the cause for the mac to become slow?

    Things You Can Do To Resolve Slow Downs
    If your computer seems to be running slower here are some things you can do:
    Start with a visit to: OS X Maintenance - MacAttorney.
    Boot into Safe Mode then repair your hard drive and permissions:
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions Pre-Lion/Mountain Lion
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior and/or Tech Tool Pro to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    Repair the Hard Drive - Lion/Mountain Lion
    Boot from your Lion Recovery HD. When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported, then click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu. Select Restart from the Apple menu.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Restart your computer normally and see if this has helped any. Next do some maintenance:
    Suggestions for OS X Maintenance
    For situations Disk Utility cannot handle the best third-party utility is Disk Warrior;  DW only fixes problems with the disk directory, but most disk problems are caused by directory corruption; Disk Warrior 4.x is now Intel Mac compatible.
    OS X performs certain maintenance functions that are scheduled to occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly period. The maintenance scripts run in the early AM only if the computer is turned on 24/7 (no sleep.) If this isn't the case, then an excellent solution is to download and install a shareware utility such as Macaroni, JAW PseudoAnacron, or Anacron that will automate the maintenance activity regardless of whether the computer is turned off or asleep.  Dependence upon third-party utilities to run the periodic maintenance scripts was significantly reduced since Tiger.  These utilities have limited or no functionality with Snow Leopard or Lion and should not be installed.
    OS X automatically defragments files less than 20 MBs in size, so unless you have a disk full of very large files there's little need for defragmenting the hard drive. As for virus protection there are few if any such animals affecting OS X. You can protect the computer easily using the freeware Open Source virus protection software ClamXAV. Personally I would avoid most commercial anti-virus software because of their potential for causing problems. For more about malware see Macintosh Virus Guide.
    I would also recommend downloading a utility such as TinkerTool System, OnyX 2.4.3, or Cocktail 5.1.1 that you can use for periodic maintenance such as removing old log files and archives, clearing caches, etc.
    For emergency repairs install the freeware utility Applejack.  If you cannot start up in OS X, you may be able to start in single-user mode from which you can run Applejack to do a whole set of repair and maintenance routines from the command line.  Note that AppleJack 1.5 is required for Leopard. AppleJack 1.6 is compatible with Snow Leopard. There is no confirmation that this version also works with Lion.
    When you install any new system software or updates be sure to repair the hard drive and permissions beforehand.
    Get an external Firewire drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
      1. Carbon Copy Cloner
      2. Data Backup
      3. Deja Vu
      4. SuperDuper!
      5. SyncTwoFolders
      6. Synk Pro
      7. Synk Standard
      8. Tri-Backup
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on maintenance, optimization, virus protection, and backup and restore.
    Additional suggestions will be found in Mac maintenance Quick Assist.
    Referenced software can be found at CNet Downloads or MacUpdate.
    Additional Hints
    Be sure you have an adequate amount of RAM installed for the number of applications you run concurrently. Be sure you leave a minimum of 10% of the hard drive's capacity as free space.
    Add more RAM. If your computer has less than 2 GBs of RAM and you are using OS X Leopard or later, then you can do with more RAM. Snow Leopard and Lion work much better with 4 GBs of RAM than their system minimums. The more concurrent applications you tend to use the more RAM you should have.
    Always maintain at least 15 GBs or 10% of your hard drive's capacity as free space, whichever is greater. OS X is frequently accessing your hard drive, so providing adequate free space will keep things from slowing down.
    Check for applications that may be hogging the CPU:
    Open Activity Monitor in the Utilities folder.  Select All Processes from the Processes dropdown menu.  Click twice on the CPU% column header to display in descending order.  If you find a process using a large amount of CPU time, then select the process and click on the Quit icon in the toolbar.  Click on the Force Quit button to kill the process.  See if that helps.  Be sure to note the name of the runaway process so you can track down the cause of the problem.
    Often this problem occurs because of a corrupted cache or preferences file or an attempt to write to a corrupted log file.

  • If the program has a write statement   at   the top  & the TOP-OF-PAGE

    Q]      We know that START-OF-SELECTION  is triggered by the 1st   writr statement. Now if the program has a write statement   at   the top  & the TOP-OF-PAGE too is written explicitly  which also contains write statements-----what will be the effect?

    i will order of events
    see first of all initialization event gets triggred and then at selection screen triggres and then it goes to start of selection and if it found any list processing statement then it goes to top-of -page event and after executing all the statements it returns back to the start of selection event
    just i will give one test case to u execute it u will know one thing
    give one write statement in the initialization event and in the start of selection of give one write statement see what happns u can find different different things just try i will expalin u the concept..
    plzz reward if it is useful...
    plzz dont forget to reward..
    if u want any concepts u can contact me on [email protected]
    plzz reward

  • What is the pathname for mail that I can get to from a terminal window

    What is the pathname for mail that will allow me to get to mail from a terminal window?
    [ iMac 27-inch;  Mac OS X version 10.7.5 ]

    Your best bet would be to take the drive to the oldest/compatible with that drive Windows PC and grab the files off, right click and format it exFAT (XP users can download exFAT from Microsoft) and then put the files back on.
    Mac's can read and write all Windows files formats except write to NTFS (and in some cases not read) so if you can change the format of the drive to exFAT (all data has to be remove first) then you will have a drive that doesn't require paid third party NTFS software (a license fee goes to Microsoft) for updates.
    Also it's one less hassle to deal with too.
    .Drives, partitions, formatting w/Mac's + PC's

  • What is the extension for debug log file name?

    1) Please let me know what is the extension for debug log file....
    is it .dbg or .log ?
    in one of the sr the service engineer asked to put .log as the extension is this correct?
    here is what he said...
    a) Enable the following Profiles at user level:
    OM: Debug Level = 5
    INV: Debug Trace = YES
    INV: Debug Level = 11
    INV: Debug File = [directory value from above query]/logfilename.log
    (make sure that you have write permission for this file and directory)
    WSH: Debug Enabled - Yes
    WSH: Debug Level - Statement
    2) do the end-user (for whom trace is enabled) need to have read and write permissions on the directory and the log file?

    user652672 wrote:
    1) Please let me know what is the extension for debug log file....
    is it .dbg or .log ?
    INV: Debug File = [directory value from above query]/logfilename.log
    (make sure that you have write permission for this file and directory) It is what you set in the value of "INV: Debug File" profile option (according to the above value, it will be logfilename.log).
    2) do the end-user (for whom trace is enabled) need to have read and write permissions on the directory and the log file?No, just make sure the directory is writable by the oracle and applmgr users.

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