What is the difference between a contract program & pre-paid?

I'm on a contract plan now with Verizon but the pre-paid seems like a better deal for me.  Is it worth it/possible to change plans?  What would be the ins/outs of it?

Yes, it's possible to move your number to a prepaid account.  You just have to call Prepaid Customer Service (the number can be found at the "Contact Us" link in blue at the top right of this page) and make the switch.
If you want to use a daily prepaid plan, only "feature" type phones that do not require a data package will be compatible.  You can check about your specific model with the Prepaid CSR when you call.
The main difference is that you must pay in advance for prepaid service, and with the daily plans, you only pay for the days you make calls on your phone.

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  • What is the difference between these two programs?

    Hello, I disassembled the following java class file.
    public class Test1 {
        public static final void test1 (byte[] ba, int v) {
         ba[0] = (byte)v;
    }and got the following output;
    Compiled from "Test1.java"
    public class Test1 extends java.lang.Object{
    public Test1();
      Signature: ()V
       0:     aload_0
       1:     invokespecial     #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4:     return
    public static final void test1(byte[], int);
      Signature: ([BI)V
       0:     aload_0
       1:     iconst_0
       2:     iload_1
       3:     i2b
       4:     bastore
       5:     return
    }I got to wondering what would happen if I eliminated the instruction i2b at line 3 in +test1([BI)V+*. So, using jasmin bytecode assembler I wrote the following equivalent program.
    {code}.class public final Test2
    .super java/lang/Object
    .method public static final test2([BI)V
    .limit stack 4
    .limit locals 4
    .end method{quote}Notice that I eliminated the instruction *i2b* from Test2.j source.{quote}
    Here is the bytecode dump of Test2.j;Compiled from "Test2.j"
    public final class Test2 extends java.lang.Object{
    public static final void test2(byte[], int);
    Signature: ([BI)V
    0:     aload_0
    1:     iconst_0
    2:     iload_1
    3:     bastore
    4:     return
    }Then I compiled program and executed with both Test1.test1([BI)V and Test2.test2([BI)V;public class Driver {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    byte[] ba1 = new byte[1];
    byte[] ba2 = new byte[1];
    for (int v = 0; v <= 255; v++ ) {
    Test1.test1( ba1, v);
    Test2.test2( ba2, v);
    System.out.print ( "Test1.test1( ba1, " + v + "):"
    + Integer.toHexString( (int)ba1[0] & 0xff ));
    System.out.println ( " / Test2.test2( ba2, " v "):"
    + Integer.toHexString( (int)ba2[0] & 0xff ));
    }The results where exactly the same for both methods! Why does java the compiler even bother to call *i2b* instruction if it doesn't have any affect?
    I listed the results for verification.
    Test1.test1( ba1, 0):0 / Test2.test2( ba2, 0):0
    Test1.test1( ba1, 1):1 / Test2.test2( ba2, 1):1
    Test1.test1( ba1, 2):2 / Test2.test2( ba2, 2):2
    Test1.test1( ba1, 3):3 / Test2.test2( ba2, 3):3
    Test1.test1( ba1, 4):4 / Test2.test2( ba2, 4):4
    Test1.test1( ba1, 5):5 / Test2.test2( ba2, 5):5
    Test1.test1( ba1, 6):6 / Test2.test2( ba2, 6):6
    Test1.test1( ba1, 7):7 / Test2.test2( ba2, 7):7
    Test1.test1( ba1, 8):8 / Test2.test2( ba2, 8):8
    Test1.test1( ba1, 9):9 / Test2.test2( ba2, 9):9
    Test1.test1( ba1, 10):a / Test2.test2( ba2, 10):a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 11):b / Test2.test2( ba2, 11):b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 12):c / Test2.test2( ba2, 12):c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 13):d / Test2.test2( ba2, 13):d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 14):e / Test2.test2( ba2, 14):e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 15):f / Test2.test2( ba2, 15):f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 16):10 / Test2.test2( ba2, 16):10
    Test1.test1( ba1, 17):11 / Test2.test2( ba2, 17):11
    Test1.test1( ba1, 18):12 / Test2.test2( ba2, 18):12
    Test1.test1( ba1, 19):13 / Test2.test2( ba2, 19):13
    Test1.test1( ba1, 20):14 / Test2.test2( ba2, 20):14
    Test1.test1( ba1, 21):15 / Test2.test2( ba2, 21):15
    Test1.test1( ba1, 22):16 / Test2.test2( ba2, 22):16
    Test1.test1( ba1, 23):17 / Test2.test2( ba2, 23):17
    Test1.test1( ba1, 24):18 / Test2.test2( ba2, 24):18
    Test1.test1( ba1, 25):19 / Test2.test2( ba2, 25):19
    Test1.test1( ba1, 26):1a / Test2.test2( ba2, 26):1a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 27):1b / Test2.test2( ba2, 27):1b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 28):1c / Test2.test2( ba2, 28):1c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 29):1d / Test2.test2( ba2, 29):1d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 30):1e / Test2.test2( ba2, 30):1e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 31):1f / Test2.test2( ba2, 31):1f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 32):20 / Test2.test2( ba2, 32):20
    Test1.test1( ba1, 33):21 / Test2.test2( ba2, 33):21
    Test1.test1( ba1, 34):22 / Test2.test2( ba2, 34):22
    Test1.test1( ba1, 35):23 / Test2.test2( ba2, 35):23
    Test1.test1( ba1, 36):24 / Test2.test2( ba2, 36):24
    Test1.test1( ba1, 37):25 / Test2.test2( ba2, 37):25
    Test1.test1( ba1, 38):26 / Test2.test2( ba2, 38):26
    Test1.test1( ba1, 39):27 / Test2.test2( ba2, 39):27
    Test1.test1( ba1, 40):28 / Test2.test2( ba2, 40):28
    Test1.test1( ba1, 41):29 / Test2.test2( ba2, 41):29
    Test1.test1( ba1, 42):2a / Test2.test2( ba2, 42):2a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 43):2b / Test2.test2( ba2, 43):2b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 44):2c / Test2.test2( ba2, 44):2c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 45):2d / Test2.test2( ba2, 45):2d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 46):2e / Test2.test2( ba2, 46):2e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 47):2f / Test2.test2( ba2, 47):2f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 48):30 / Test2.test2( ba2, 48):30
    Test1.test1( ba1, 49):31 / Test2.test2( ba2, 49):31
    Test1.test1( ba1, 50):32 / Test2.test2( ba2, 50):32
    Test1.test1( ba1, 51):33 / Test2.test2( ba2, 51):33
    Test1.test1( ba1, 52):34 / Test2.test2( ba2, 52):34
    Test1.test1( ba1, 53):35 / Test2.test2( ba2, 53):35
    Test1.test1( ba1, 54):36 / Test2.test2( ba2, 54):36
    Test1.test1( ba1, 55):37 / Test2.test2( ba2, 55):37
    Test1.test1( ba1, 56):38 / Test2.test2( ba2, 56):38
    Test1.test1( ba1, 57):39 / Test2.test2( ba2, 57):39
    Test1.test1( ba1, 58):3a / Test2.test2( ba2, 58):3a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 59):3b / Test2.test2( ba2, 59):3b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 60):3c / Test2.test2( ba2, 60):3c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 61):3d / Test2.test2( ba2, 61):3d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 62):3e / Test2.test2( ba2, 62):3e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 63):3f / Test2.test2( ba2, 63):3f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 64):40 / Test2.test2( ba2, 64):40
    Test1.test1( ba1, 65):41 / Test2.test2( ba2, 65):41
    Test1.test1( ba1, 66):42 / Test2.test2( ba2, 66):42
    Test1.test1( ba1, 67):43 / Test2.test2( ba2, 67):43
    Test1.test1( ba1, 68):44 / Test2.test2( ba2, 68):44
    Test1.test1( ba1, 69):45 / Test2.test2( ba2, 69):45
    Test1.test1( ba1, 70):46 / Test2.test2( ba2, 70):46
    Test1.test1( ba1, 71):47 / Test2.test2( ba2, 71):47
    Test1.test1( ba1, 72):48 / Test2.test2( ba2, 72):48
    Test1.test1( ba1, 73):49 / Test2.test2( ba2, 73):49
    Test1.test1( ba1, 74):4a / Test2.test2( ba2, 74):4a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 75):4b / Test2.test2( ba2, 75):4b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 76):4c / Test2.test2( ba2, 76):4c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 77):4d / Test2.test2( ba2, 77):4d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 78):4e / Test2.test2( ba2, 78):4e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 79):4f / Test2.test2( ba2, 79):4f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 80):50 / Test2.test2( ba2, 80):50
    Test1.test1( ba1, 81):51 / Test2.test2( ba2, 81):51
    Test1.test1( ba1, 82):52 / Test2.test2( ba2, 82):52
    Test1.test1( ba1, 83):53 / Test2.test2( ba2, 83):53
    Test1.test1( ba1, 84):54 / Test2.test2( ba2, 84):54
    Test1.test1( ba1, 85):55 / Test2.test2( ba2, 85):55
    Test1.test1( ba1, 86):56 / Test2.test2( ba2, 86):56
    Test1.test1( ba1, 87):57 / Test2.test2( ba2, 87):57
    Test1.test1( ba1, 88):58 / Test2.test2( ba2, 88):58
    Test1.test1( ba1, 89):59 / Test2.test2( ba2, 89):59
    Test1.test1( ba1, 90):5a / Test2.test2( ba2, 90):5a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 91):5b / Test2.test2( ba2, 91):5b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 92):5c / Test2.test2( ba2, 92):5c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 93):5d / Test2.test2( ba2, 93):5d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 94):5e / Test2.test2( ba2, 94):5e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 95):5f / Test2.test2( ba2, 95):5f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 96):60 / Test2.test2( ba2, 96):60
    Test1.test1( ba1, 97):61 / Test2.test2( ba2, 97):61
    Test1.test1( ba1, 98):62 / Test2.test2( ba2, 98):62
    Test1.test1( ba1, 99):63 / Test2.test2( ba2, 99):63
    Test1.test1( ba1, 100):64 / Test2.test2( ba2, 100):64
    Test1.test1( ba1, 101):65 / Test2.test2( ba2, 101):65
    Test1.test1( ba1, 102):66 / Test2.test2( ba2, 102):66
    Test1.test1( ba1, 103):67 / Test2.test2( ba2, 103):67
    Test1.test1( ba1, 104):68 / Test2.test2( ba2, 104):68
    Test1.test1( ba1, 105):69 / Test2.test2( ba2, 105):69
    Test1.test1( ba1, 106):6a / Test2.test2( ba2, 106):6a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 107):6b / Test2.test2( ba2, 107):6b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 108):6c / Test2.test2( ba2, 108):6c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 109):6d / Test2.test2( ba2, 109):6d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 110):6e / Test2.test2( ba2, 110):6e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 111):6f / Test2.test2( ba2, 111):6f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 112):70 / Test2.test2( ba2, 112):70
    Test1.test1( ba1, 113):71 / Test2.test2( ba2, 113):71
    Test1.test1( ba1, 114):72 / Test2.test2( ba2, 114):72
    Test1.test1( ba1, 115):73 / Test2.test2( ba2, 115):73
    Test1.test1( ba1, 116):74 / Test2.test2( ba2, 116):74
    Test1.test1( ba1, 117):75 / Test2.test2( ba2, 117):75
    Test1.test1( ba1, 118):76 / Test2.test2( ba2, 118):76
    Test1.test1( ba1, 119):77 / Test2.test2( ba2, 119):77
    Test1.test1( ba1, 120):78 / Test2.test2( ba2, 120):78
    Test1.test1( ba1, 121):79 / Test2.test2( ba2, 121):79
    Test1.test1( ba1, 122):7a / Test2.test2( ba2, 122):7a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 123):7b / Test2.test2( ba2, 123):7b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 124):7c / Test2.test2( ba2, 124):7c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 125):7d / Test2.test2( ba2, 125):7d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 126):7e / Test2.test2( ba2, 126):7e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 127):7f / Test2.test2( ba2, 127):7f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 128):80 / Test2.test2( ba2, 128):80
    Test1.test1( ba1, 129):81 / Test2.test2( ba2, 129):81
    Test1.test1( ba1, 130):82 / Test2.test2( ba2, 130):82
    Test1.test1( ba1, 131):83 / Test2.test2( ba2, 131):83
    Test1.test1( ba1, 132):84 / Test2.test2( ba2, 132):84
    Test1.test1( ba1, 133):85 / Test2.test2( ba2, 133):85
    Test1.test1( ba1, 134):86 / Test2.test2( ba2, 134):86
    Test1.test1( ba1, 135):87 / Test2.test2( ba2, 135):87
    Test1.test1( ba1, 136):88 / Test2.test2( ba2, 136):88
    Test1.test1( ba1, 137):89 / Test2.test2( ba2, 137):89
    Test1.test1( ba1, 138):8a / Test2.test2( ba2, 138):8a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 139):8b / Test2.test2( ba2, 139):8b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 140):8c / Test2.test2( ba2, 140):8c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 141):8d / Test2.test2( ba2, 141):8d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 142):8e / Test2.test2( ba2, 142):8e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 143):8f / Test2.test2( ba2, 143):8f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 144):90 / Test2.test2( ba2, 144):90
    Test1.test1( ba1, 145):91 / Test2.test2( ba2, 145):91
    Test1.test1( ba1, 146):92 / Test2.test2( ba2, 146):92
    Test1.test1( ba1, 147):93 / Test2.test2( ba2, 147):93
    Test1.test1( ba1, 148):94 / Test2.test2( ba2, 148):94
    Test1.test1( ba1, 149):95 / Test2.test2( ba2, 149):95
    Test1.test1( ba1, 150):96 / Test2.test2( ba2, 150):96
    Test1.test1( ba1, 151):97 / Test2.test2( ba2, 151):97
    Test1.test1( ba1, 152):98 / Test2.test2( ba2, 152):98
    Test1.test1( ba1, 153):99 / Test2.test2( ba2, 153):99
    Test1.test1( ba1, 154):9a / Test2.test2( ba2, 154):9a
    Test1.test1( ba1, 155):9b / Test2.test2( ba2, 155):9b
    Test1.test1( ba1, 156):9c / Test2.test2( ba2, 156):9c
    Test1.test1( ba1, 157):9d / Test2.test2( ba2, 157):9d
    Test1.test1( ba1, 158):9e / Test2.test2( ba2, 158):9e
    Test1.test1( ba1, 159):9f / Test2.test2( ba2, 159):9f
    Test1.test1( ba1, 160):a0 / Test2.test2( ba2, 160):a0
    Test1.test1( ba1, 161):a1 / Test2.test2( ba2, 161):a1
    Test1.test1( ba1, 162):a2 / Test2.test2( ba2, 162):a2
    Test1.test1( ba1, 163):a3 / Test2.test2( ba2, 163):a3
    Test1.test1( ba1, 164):a4 / Test2.test2( ba2, 164):a4
    Test1.test1( ba1, 165):a5 / Test2.test2( ba2, 165):a5
    Test1.test1( ba1, 166):a6 / Test2.test2( ba2, 166):a6
    Test1.test1( ba1, 167):a7 / Test2.test2( ba2, 167):a7
    Test1.test1( ba1, 168):a8 / Test2.test2( ba2, 168):a8
    Test1.test1( ba1, 169):a9 / Test2.test2( ba2, 169):a9
    Test1.test1( ba1, 170):aa / Test2.test2( ba2, 170):aa
    Test1.test1( ba1, 171):ab / Test2.test2( ba2, 171):ab
    Test1.test1( ba1, 172):ac / Test2.test2( ba2, 172):ac
    Test1.test1( ba1, 173):ad / Test2.test2( ba2, 173):ad
    Test1.test1( ba1, 174):ae / Test2.test2( ba2, 174):ae
    Test1.test1( ba1, 175):af / Test2.test2( ba2, 175):af
    Test1.test1( ba1, 176):b0 / Test2.test2( ba2, 176):b0
    Test1.test1( ba1, 177):b1 / Test2.test2( ba2, 177):b1
    Test1.test1( ba1, 178):b2 / Test2.test2( ba2, 178):b2
    Test1.test1( ba1, 179):b3 / Test2.test2( ba2, 179):b3
    Test1.test1( ba1, 180):b4 / Test2.test2( ba2, 180):b4
    Test1.test1( ba1, 181):b5 / Test2.test2( ba2, 181):b5
    Test1.test1( ba1, 182):b6 / Test2.test2( ba2, 182):b6
    Test1.test1( ba1, 183):b7 / Test2.test2( ba2, 183):b7
    Test1.test1( ba1, 184):b8 / Test2.test2( ba2, 184):b8
    Test1.test1( ba1, 185):b9 / Test2.test2( ba2, 185):b9
    Test1.test1( ba1, 186):ba / Test2.test2( ba2, 186):ba
    Test1.test1( ba1, 187):bb / Test2.test2( ba2, 187):bb
    Test1.test1( ba1, 188):bc / Test2.test2( ba2, 188):bc
    Test1.test1( ba1, 189):bd / Test2.test2( ba2, 189):bd
    Test1.test1( ba1, 190):be / Test2.test2( ba2, 190):be
    Test1.test1( ba1, 191):bf / Test2.test2( ba2, 191):bf
    Test1.test1( ba1, 192):c0 / Test2.test2( ba2, 192):c0
    Test1.test1( ba1, 193):c1 / Test2.test2( ba2, 193):c1
    Test1.test1( ba1, 194):c2 / Test2.test2( ba2, 194):c2
    Test1.test1( ba1, 195):c3 / Test2.test2( ba2, 195):c3
    Test1.test1( ba1, 196):c4 / Test2.test2( ba2, 196):c4
    Test1.test1( ba1, 197):c5 / Test2.test2( ba2, 197):c5
    Test1.test1( ba1, 198):c6 / Test2.test2( ba2, 198):c6
    Test1.test1( ba1, 199):c7 / Test2.test2( ba2, 199):c7
    Test1.test1( ba1, 200):c8 / Test2.test2( ba2, 200):c8
    Test1.test1( ba1, 201):c9 / Test2.test2( ba2, 201):c9
    Test1.test1( ba1, 202):ca / Test2.test2( ba2, 202):ca
    Test1.test1( ba1, 203):cb / Test2.test2( ba2, 203):cb
    Test1.test1( ba1, 204):cc / Test2.test2( ba2, 204):cc
    Test1.test1( ba1, 205):cd / Test2.test2( ba2, 205):cd
    Test1.test1( ba1, 206):ce / Test2.test2( ba2, 206):ce
    Test1.test1( ba1, 207):cf / Test2.test2( ba2, 207):cf
    Test1.test1( ba1, 208):d0 / Test2.test2( ba2, 208):d0
    Test1.test1( ba1, 209):d1 / Test2.test2( ba2, 209):d1
    Test1.test1( ba1, 210):d2 / Test2.test2( ba2, 210):d2
    Test1.test1( ba1, 211):d3 / Test2.test2( ba2, 211):d3
    Test1.test1( ba1, 212):d4 / Test2.test2( ba2, 212):d4
    Test1.test1( ba1, 213):d5 / Test2.test2( ba2, 213):d5
    Test1.test1( ba1, 214):d6 / Test2.test2( ba2, 214):d6
    Test1.test1( ba1, 215):d7 / Test2.test2( ba2, 215):d7
    Test1.test1( ba1, 216):d8 / Test2.test2( ba2, 216):d8
    Test1.test1( ba1, 217):d9 / Test2.test2( ba2, 217):d9
    Test1.test1( ba1, 218):da / Test2.test2( ba2, 218):da
    Test1.test1( ba1, 219):db / Test2.test2( ba2, 219):db
    Test1.test1( ba1, 220):dc / Test2.test2( ba2, 220):dc
    Test1.test1( ba1, 221):dd / Test2.test2( ba2, 221):dd
    Test1.test1( ba1, 222):de / Test2.test2( ba2, 222):de
    Test1.test1( ba1, 223):df / Test2.test2( ba2, 223):df
    Test1.test1( ba1, 224):e0 / Test2.test2( ba2, 224):e0
    Test1.test1( ba1, 225):e1 / Test2.test2( ba2, 225):e1
    Test1.test1( ba1, 226):e2 / Test2.test2( ba2, 226):e2
    Test1.test1( ba1, 227):e3 / Test2.test2( ba2, 227):e3
    Test1.test1( ba1, 228):e4 / Test2.test2( ba2, 228):e4
    Test1.test1( ba1, 229):e5 / Test2.test2( ba2, 229):e5
    Test1.test1( ba1, 230):e6 / Test2.test2( ba2, 230):e6
    Test1.test1( ba1, 231):e7 / Test2.test2( ba2, 231):e7
    Test1.test1( ba1, 232):e8 / Test2.test2( ba2, 232):e8
    Test1.test1( ba1, 233):e9 / Test2.test2( ba2, 233):e9
    Test1.test1( ba1, 234):ea / Test2.test2( ba2, 234):ea
    Test1.test1( ba1, 235):eb / Test2.test2( ba2, 235):eb
    Test1.test1( ba1, 236):ec / Test2.test2( ba2, 236):ec
    Test1.test1( ba1, 237):ed / Test2.test2( ba2, 237):ed
    Test1.test1( ba1, 238):ee / Test2.test2( ba2, 238):ee
    Test1.test1( ba1, 239):ef / Test2.test2( ba2, 239):ef
    Test1.test1( ba1, 240):f0 / Test2.test2( ba2, 240):f0
    Test1.test1( ba1, 241):f1 / Test2.test2( ba2, 241):f1
    Test1.test1( ba1, 242):f2 / Test2.test2( ba2, 242):f2
    Test1.test1( ba1, 243):f3 / Test2.test2( ba2, 243):f3
    Test1.test1( ba1, 244):f4 / Test2.test2( ba2, 244):f4
    Test1.test1( ba1, 245):f5 / Test2.test2( ba2, 245):f5
    Test1.test1( ba1, 246):f6 / Test2.test2( ba2, 246):f6
    Test1.test1( ba1, 247):f7 / Test2.test2( ba2, 247):f7
    Test1.test1( ba1, 248):f8 / Test2.test2( ba2, 248):f8
    Test1.test1( ba1, 249):f9 / Test2.test2( ba2, 249):f9
    Test1.test1( ba1, 250):fa / Test2.test2( ba2, 250):fa
    Test1.test1( ba1, 251):fb / Test2.test2( ba2, 251):fb
    Test1.test1( ba1, 252):fc / Test2.test2( ba2, 252):fc
    Test1.test1( ba1, 253):fd / Test2.test2( ba2, 253):fd
    Test1.test1( ba1, 254):fe / Test2.test2( ba2, 254):fe
    Test1.test1( ba1, 255):ff / Test2.test2( ba2, 255):ff                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

    endasil wrote:
    Um...have you compared when specifying v = 0x0FFFF, as an arbitrary example?
    Edit All right I'll be a little more specific. How the heck would your Test1 method know if it's only being passed int values <= 255?
    Edited by: endasil on Nov 6, 2007 8:48 PMI see, well, why would it care? all it does is take int and store it into a byte. what else could it do with an int and byte array? Also, if you wanted to check for values <= 255 one could simply add asm code to do that, after all, Test2.test2() has a signature of ([BI) that is (byte[] ba, int v). So, if the method wants to fool around with v* it can iload_1* and do any comparison tests, ifeq* etc..., and latter stuff it into byte array using bastore* without the unnecessary i2b* call.
    I just don't see the use of the i2b* instruction if bastore* could careless. Will this cause the stack to become unlined and cause trouble program down-the-line in execution? I am thinking that I loaded an int*, +4bytes+, but only consumed 1byte. But now that I think about it, iload_1 loads an int* onto local heap so it should get cleaned up when the program exits. So, as long as I made bastore* the last instruction in the program I shouldn't have a problem. Or maybe this doesn't matter either?
    *Also, since ba is an byte[] why would I want to check it for anything other than a byte value? if I wanted to get an int I would have created an int[]*
    My point is that as long as one wants to stuff an int into a byte array the i2b instruction is overkill, albeit not much, and I just do see the usefulness of it.
    This is for when I do something like, byte_array[i] = '-', and the compilers say loss of information and I cast '-' to (byte)'-', meaning I don't care if I loss any information. but it called i2b anyways byte_array[i] = '-' yields the same result.
    I just didn't understand what was behind this.
    Does that answer that question or am I missing anything?
    Edited by: earamsey on Nov 6, 2007 8:04 PM

  • What is the difference between unlocked and contract free

    i want to know what is the difference between unlocked iphone and contract free iphon?

    Unlocked means that you can use any sim card in the phone all the time and keep swapping and the phone will still work.  You will pay full price for the phone.
    Contract actually means that you will buy the phone for the full price, but the phone will then become locked to the first carrier whos sim card you insert into the phone and if you want to use another sim card, you'll need to get the phone unlocked from that carrier.
    If you want an unlocked phone, then buy an unlocked phone and not a contract free phone - if you pay full price for the phone it's a no brainer to buy anything less.

  • What is the difference between variable and Define

    these different declarations when it is done using the keyword "variable" and "define"
    and both of these are done OUTSIDE "DECLARE"
    VARIABLE g_monthly_sal NUMBER
    DEFINE p_annual_sal =5000
    -- I understand that p_annual_sal will be taken as a CHAR.
    -- ALSO IF DEFINE variable acts as macro variable, SO is it necessary to give it some value whenever we define it.
    if not what value would be substituted for it?
    OR does that mean whenever we want to specify data type for a bind varible we should use VARIABLE and
    when we do not want to specify type we use DEFINE?
    Edited by: user6287828 on Feb 24, 2009 11:03 AM
    Edited by: user6287828 on Feb 24, 2009 11:04 AM

    Both are SQL*plus commands. In a real programming environment you will not use such constructs (except a few rare scripting cases).
    The difference is how the construct is later used. DEFINE is more like a copy&paste string. Whereever the name of this substitution variable is found it will be pasted into the sql*plus session.
    VARIABLE creates a real variable. You can change the value and if follwos the usual principles of variables (including binding).
    Example can be found the docs:
    from the docs
    Where and How to Use Substitution Variables
    You can use substitution variables anywhere in SQL and SQL*Plus commands, except as the first word entered. When SQL*Plus encounters an undefined substitution variable in a command, SQL*Plus prompts you for the value.
    You can enter any string at the prompt, even one containing blanks and punctuation. If the SQL command containing the reference should have quote marks around the variable and you do not include them there, the user must include the quotes when prompted.
    SQL*Plus reads your response from the keyboard, even if you have redirected terminal input or output to a file. If a terminal is not available (if, for example, you run the script in batch mode), SQL*Plus uses the redirected file.
    After you enter a value at the prompt, SQL*Plus lists the line containing the substitution variable twice: once before substituting the value you enter and once after substitution. You can suppress this listing by setting the SET command variable VERIFY to OFF.
    Using Bind Variables
    Bind variables are variables you create in SQL*Plus and then reference in PL/SQL or SQL. If you create a bind variable in SQL*Plus, you can use the variable as you would a declared variable in your PL/SQL subprogram and then access the variable from SQL*Plus. You can use bind variables for such things as storing return codes or debugging your PL/SQL subprograms.
    Because bind variables are recognized by SQL*Plus, you can display their values in SQL*Plus or reference them in PL/SQL subprograms that you run in SQL*Plus.
    Creating Bind Variables
    You create bind variables in SQL*Plus with the VARIABLE command. For example
    This command creates a bind variable named ret_val with a datatype of NUMBER. See the VARIABLE command for more information. (To list all bind variables created in a session, type VARIABLE without any arguments.)
    Referencing Bind Variables
    You reference bind variables in PL/SQL by typing a colon (:) followed immediately by the name of the variable. For example
    :ret_val := 1;
    To change this bind variable in SQL*Plus, you must enter a PL/SQL block. For example:

  • What is the difference between CUSTCRMPRJ or crm/home/shr/ext in SAP-CRMWEB

    I have some questions related to customization of E-commerce application.
    as we per the SAP doc.
    we have three software components.
    In the above two software components have two dc's like /crm/home/crm/ext &  /crm/home/shr/ext and for all the extensions to modify. If we are adding all the chnages related to E-Commerce in the above DC's . what is the use of CUSTCRMPRJ software component?
    Is there any difference between CUSTCRMPRJ.sca and above dc's, 
    When to modify which component?
    What is the relation between SHRWEB & SHRAPP same way CRMWEB  & CRMAPP.?
    What is the relation between  SHRWEB& CRMWEB , SHRAPP &  CRMAPP?
    Please clarify the above questions.

    Hi Nitin,
    Thanks for the valid reply.
    I have worked on webdynpro applications in SAP WAS, but not much with respect to J2EE app. Now  I need to  support the CRM E-commerce apps(b2b scenario)  which are already customized by dev team.
    I have few questions related to applications.
    I have imported the weborder track which has all the following .SCA's
    I have understood one point clearly that, SHRAPP & CRMAPP will have only Enterprise application Dc's only, it has one.ear file to deply the web applicatons related to  SHRWEB and CRMWEB by refering the related web DC's.
    All CRM Web component DC's in SHRWEB have corresponding Enterprise applications in SHRAPP to deploy in server. same for CRMWEB.SCA have corresponding Enterprise application dc's in CRMAPP.
    can you clarify the folowing questions.
    1) what is the relation ship between SHRWEB and CRMWEB?
    2) what is the difference between
                *isa (E-Commerce), this related .war is available in SHRWEB.sca*
               *icss (Internet Customer Self Service) .war is availabl in CRMWEB.sca*
    3) There are lot of dc's available in SHRWEB& CRMWEB, what is the relationship between each dc?
    CRM/home/shr/ext/  (for customer extn)
    Also in the above dc's how to find that which dc's are related to Web order , Web Complaints & Returns.?
    Please clarify it.

  • What is the difference between Wine, Wineskin, Winery and Wine Bottler, and how do I get Wine to *ACTUALLY* work in Mountain Lion?

    Ok, so this is my first post here and I am admittedly terrible at forums. Someone might say, "This was addressed in the ___________ thread by __________! Go read it!" --- that may be so but I've spent enough hours trying to google this problem into submission to no avail based on what is apparently working for others, so I would like a chance to get specific answers to specific questions that aren't from Mar 2011, etc.
    So first of all, I'm confused by all the various Wine programs/apps/whatevers. I've seen Wine, Wineskin, Winery, Wine Bottler, and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if there are even more than that. What's the difference between all of these and how do they work with one another? What do I actually need to get windows programs working?
    All of my google searches have led me to people giving out fish, but no one giving out fishing lessons. I'm not a pro at mac and windows and all that, but I'm a fairly bright individual who gets VERY frustrated, very quickly, when I don't understand the why and how of something I'm attempting.
    I've also found "answers" where the person attempting to help starts off helpful enough, but degrades into the most archaic of techno-babble after about 5-6 sentences. On the other hand, I've watched tutorials on youtube where the poster decides to skip (apparently crucial) sections of the tutorial, and mutters such gems as: "... you might wanna have to run Wine first before you can do anything, cuz I think it has to configure it and set up a bunch of stuff" 
    A happy medium between techno-babble and the most basic of explanations would be ideal for me, and I'd imagine for others as well.
    Here is a summarized history of my relationship with Wine:
    Diablo II - I downloaded this awesome thing which ended up being... uh... I guess Diablo II in a Wineskin "wrapper". I'm not sure, all I know is that it's a D2 icon, and if I go to 'show package contents', it's got C drive, Program Files, et cetera inside of it. I double click it, it launches D2, and it works like a dream. <3
    'Vanilla Install' - That's what I heard someone call it. It was the command/terminal style install using xquartz and xcode found at http://www.davidbaumgold.com/tutorials/wine-mac/. I followed every instruction to the letter, and got all the way to '$ sudo port install wine', at which point it started going smoothly, free from the possible error he described regarding the installation of xcode, and then just failed after I left the room to use the restroom and came back. Please don't ask me to repeat what the error was, because honestly, after reading more things on the interwebs, I'm confused as to why it's even necessary to go through all of that, so I'd rather not try that route again anyways, rendering the error message quite possibly irrelevant.
    Wine + Wine Bottler - So I decided to try to seek out an easier method, as I know that one must exist that doesn't involve command lines. I found a video tutorial at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0BBkISOcEA, and oh man would it be great if that method had actually worked. Again, I followed all instructions provided to procure my free fish, and at the point in the video where he declares that "xquarts or x11 will open" - it doesn't open. Nothing opens. I was trying to install Star Sonata, btw.
    So here I am, thoroughly worn out, frustrated at all the random places Wine is installed on my mac now, and just want someone to explain it all, from top down, without getting toooooooo technical on me. I know that might be asking a lot...

    ## I know that the poster has already found a solution, but the following is a possible answer for others that have similar issues.
    For Winebottler, just go to their website and download it. Run the program. Choose .wine as your prefix (best choice) or whatever suits you best. You'll need a functional X11. If you can't use the one that comes with your mac, download the latest one from the website.
    If your issue is one with Winebottler's Wine not running correctly due to X11, then you have a pretty ugly problem, although a simple upgrade is the best solution (Upgrade XQuartz.app).
    The above website is the easiest way to get REAL wine on your computer. First of all, Wineskin WInery, etc. are NOT WINE. They are 3rd party apps that may use Wine or may have originally part of Wine, but they are no longer up to date with Wine. WineBottler is currently up to date with the stable releases of Wine (but not the maintenence releases).
    For the website tutorial and to run Wine on your mac without using a thrid party app, you will need to know a few things.
    First, you will need to know basic control of the command line. That means, sudo (you must know the administrator password to your computer), and the forms of cd (change directory).
    Second, you will need Xcode. Download 4.2 (stable) or whatever other versions you want, but beware: It is over 1 GB, and you will need time for it to work.
    Third, you will need to get MacPorts and configure it. The tutorial should have this data.
    When you download wine (use sudo port install wine-devel for the latest development release of wine), it will first download a lot of dependencies. This will take a while. After that, it will download wine itself.
    After obtaining wine, to run a program, open the terminal.app window.
    cd desktop/XYZ/ZYZ\ WRQ
    The above will first enter the desktop, then folder XYZ, then folder ZYZ WRQ. From here,
    wine th11e.exe
    Or whatever executable you are trying to open. (Using Subterranean Animism as my example).
    It should, in theory, run the program. Watch the terminal for errors. If there is an X11 problem, then it's not wine acting up. If the app crashes or has other issues, check the Wine Application Database to see if your app is compatible with wine.
    If you have any further questions or other things, feel free to reply; I may or may not get back to you, but there's a good chance that someone will come in eventually. Otherwise, the Wine Wiki should have some information.

  • What's the difference between using a connection pool and a datasource

    Howdy. I figure this is a newbie question, but I can't seem to find an
    In the docs at bea, the datasource docs say
    "DataSource objects provide a way for JDBC clients to obtain a DBMS
    connection. A DataSource is an interface between the client program and the
    connection pool. Each data source requires a separate DataSource object,
    which may be implemented as a DataSource class that supports either
    connection pooling or distributed transactions."
    In there it says the datasource uses the connection pool, but other than
    that, what is the difference between a connection pool and a datasource?

    Thanks for the info. I think it makes some sense. But it's a bit greek.
    I'm sure it'll make more sense the more I work with it. Thanks.
    "Chuck Nelson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3dcac1f5$[email protected]..
    Here is a more formal definition of a DataSource from the Sun site
    "A factory for connections to the physical data source that thisDataSource object
    represents. An alternative to the DriverManager facility, a DataSourceobject
    is the preferred means of getting a connection. An object that implementsthe
    DataSource interface will typically be registered with a naming servicebased
    on the JavaTM Naming and Directory (JNDI) API.
    The DataSource interface is implemented by a driver vendor. There arethree types
    of implementations:
    Basic implementation -- produces a standard Connection object
    Connection pooling implementation -- produces a Connection object thatwill automatically
    participate in connection pooling. This implementation works with amiddle-tier
    connection pooling manager.
    Distributed transaction implementation -- produces a Connection objectthat may
    be used for distributed transactions and almost always participates inconnection
    pooling. This implementation works with a middle-tier transaction managerand
    almost always with a connection pooling manager.
    Does that help clarify the distinction?
    Chuck Nelson
    BEA Technical Support

  • What is the difference between ojvm and client versions?

    Changing the java vm from client to ojvm result in the following error:
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no UniqueC in java.library.path
    Project Settings -&gt; Configurations -&gt; Development -&gt; Runner -&gt; Virtual Machine -&gt; ojvm FAILS
    Project Settings -&gt; Configurations -&gt; Development -&gt; Runner -&gt; Virtual Machine -&gt; ojvm      RUNS OK.
    Project Settings -&gt; Configurations -&gt; Development -&gt;Paths -&gt;Additional Classpath:
    What is the difference between ojvm and client versions? How can I make ojvm to find UniqueC.dll?
    Various version info:
    Output from program:
    java version:1.4.2_01
    java home:C:\programfiler\JAVA\2sdk1.4.2_01\jre
    java vm version: cdov
    Taken from JDeveloper Help About:
    Oracle IDE
    UML Modelers Version
    Business Components Version
    java.version     1.3.1_02
    java.vm.name     OJVM Client VM
    java.vm.version o

    However, Adobe offers extra paid services to create PDF or to export PDF to other formats. You are not required to buy them, however.

  • What is the difference between Aspect Ratios?

    Hello. I couldn't find any specific documentation regarding this.
    I am working on an iPhoto 09 slideshow project using the scrapbook theme. I am planning to export the slideshow as a movie (it looks like the default export is mpeg 4 but I could also export as a quicktime .mov) and then move to iDVD to burn on a DVD. Ultimately, I need to show it on a projector using a DVD player. I'm not sure what the projector's resolution is but I assume 16:9 will be the best aspect ratio for the highest quality.
    In the slideshow settings, there are 4 different aspect ratios:
    1) This Screen (16:9)
    2) HDTV (16:9)
    3) TV (4:3)
    4) iPhone (3:2)
    What is the difference between This Screen (1) and HDTV (1)? Does it matter? Any other suggestions?

    Terence Devlin wrote:
    Aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of the image - in other words it's about shape. So both the 'This Screen' and the 'HDTV' settings will be the same Aspect Ratio.
    The Aspect Ratio has no bearing on the quality, only the shape of the final images.
    TD is absolutely correct here. The aspect ratio is only the shape of the image, not the quality. Basically, you need to decide if you are designing the show for viewing on a HD tv (16:9 or widescreen) or a SD tv (4:3 or squarish). A couple of years ago this choice was easy since most tv's out there were still 4:3, but today, the opposite is true. The popular choice now would be 16:9.
    The biggest problem you will have with the quality of your slideshow is the
    fact that you're burning it to DVD.
    Your slideshow will be heavily compressed to fit the DVD spec of 640 x 480
    pixels and this can lead to soft images or even blurry ones.
    I think we're getting "compression" and "resolution" confused here a bit, or at the very least, we're using the wrong terminology.
    For everyone's benefit, let me try to explain...
    If you show an image that is native 640x480 on a screen that is native 640x480 (standard def tv screen), the image will look just fine. This is resolution and will not effect quality as long as you don't try to view at a higher resolution than the image actually is.
    (If you try to view a 640x480 slide show in full screen mode on your computer monitor which is running at 1280x1024, the image will look horrible.)
    Trying to view a higher rez image (ie: 3200x2400) on a lower resolution (ie 640x480 or SD tv) screen will reap NO benefit in quality. Remember that a SD TV will only show 640x480 (or 720x480) and no higher, so there is no benefit in trying to cram more pixels into an image than the screen can actually show.
    Of course this all changes if you're going to view it on today's HiDef tvs, but even on them, the resolution tops at at 1920x1080. Once again, using a very high def image (ie: 3840x2160) will reap NO benefit since the resolution of the screen it's being viewed on tops out at 1920x1080. The aspect ratio on this type of tv is now 16:9 so the images shape will be wider than a normal tv (4:3).
    Compression is the scheme used to compress an image to reduce it's file size, thus reducing it's quality. JPEG is a common form of image compression, and the amount of compression can be adjusted..the more compression, the more degradation of quality. This has nothing to do with resolution.
    Depending on how you're going to process (iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD), the program will reduce the resolution of the original image to the resolution of you output. In other words, don't worry about doing any kind of resolution change prior to creating the dvd, as the program you choose to use will simply lower the resolution (this is not compression) to fit the output you choose.
    Message was edited by: Rufus
    Message was edited by: Rufus
    Message was edited by: Rufus

  • What is the difference between iterator.remove() ArrayList.remove()?

    Following code uses iterator.remove() ArrayList.remove().
    public class CollectionRemove
        private static void checkIteratorRemove()
             List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();     
             System.out.println("in checkWithIterator*************");
            Iterator<String> iter = list.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String str = iter.next();           
                if (str.equals("2")) {
                System.out.println("list Size: " + list.size() + " Element: " +  str);
        private static void checkListRemove()
             List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();     
            System.out.println("in ncheckWithForLoop*************");
            Iterator<String> iter = list.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) 
                 String str = (String) iter.next();    
                if (str.equals("2")) {
                System.out.println("list Size: " + list.size() + " Element: " +  str);
        public static void main(String args[])
    output is :
    in checkWithIterator*************
    list Size: 3 Element: 1
    list Size: 2 Element: 2
    list Size: 2 Element: 3
    in ncheckWithForLoop*************
    list Size: 3 Element: 1
    list Size: 2 Element: 2Why is this difference ? what is the difference between iterator.remove() ArrayList.remove()?

    In the case of Fail-fast iterator, if a thread modifies a collection directly while iterating over it, the iterator will thow ConcurrentModificationException . Say,
    for (Iterator it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext()) {
        Object object = it.next();
        if (isConditionTrue) {
            // collection.remove(object);  can throw ConcurrentModificationException
    }As per specs,
    Note that this exception does not always indicate that an object has been concurrently modified by a different thread. If a single thread issues a sequence of method invocations that violates the contract of an object, the object may throw this exception. For example, if a thread modifies a collection directly while it is iterating over the collection with a fail-fast iterator, the iterator will thow this exception.

  • What's the difference between InDesign CC and InDesign CC 2014?

    I am in the middle of projects and I see there is a whole new release of the Adobe Cloud apps.
    What is the What's the difference between InDesign CC and InDesign CC 2014?
    Are there different features?
    Different tutorials?
    I don't want to suddenly open my files in INDD CC 2014 unless it is fairly seamless.
    Thanks for any help and advice.
    — CR

    -you may need to log OUT of your Cloud account and then log IN again to see the updates
    This messages says (at least some) CC 2014 programs use NEW plugins https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1499663
    -so do not uninstall the older CC programs if you use plugins in your programs until you are sure you have plugins that work in CC2014
    If you are sure you don't need the old CC programs
    -http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html to install or uninstall
    -read reply #3 about the ORDER of uninstalling & installing
    For program specifics, try InDesign
    The Cloud forum is not about using individual programs
    The Cloud forum is about the Cloud as a delivery & install process
    If you will start at the Forums Index https://forums.adobe.com/welcome
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • What's the difference between SNC and SRM?

    we will sell SNC in Q2.But i don't know what is the difference between SNC and SRM.
    i've heard SNC suit Direct procurement better than SRM...
    Pls give me the advice and information.
    good regards kenji

    Hi Kenji,
    SRM is more of Supplier Identification and SNC work of building
    relationship with Supplier starts after this Supplier identification.
    SNC is very Good tool to handover Inventory replenishemnt
    to Suppliers and it gives Visibility of inventory information over Web UI.
    SNC has many processes like PO Collaboration, SMI, DR,DCM, SNI,
    Invoice Collaboration,Release process...to accomplish above mentioned task.
    SNC is designed for direct materials procurement.
    SRM has contract negotiations,bids,auctions for sourcing to identify suppliers
    SRM is good for basic purchasing fuctionality and suitable for indirect materials.
    In addition to all these SNC has Customer Collaboration functionality also.

  • What's the difference between *.JSP and *.DO?

    Hi. I'm new to JSP programming and noticed that form actions call something like pageName.do -- what's the difference between the .JSP and .DO? When do you call one vs. the other? Thanks.

    A request including the jsp extension usually refers to a single JSP file on disk that will be loaded and rendered directly.
    A request including the do extension usually refers to a call into a special servlet that will redirect the request to another "controller" class which will in turn do some processing, and then load one or more JSP files to render the response.
    The commonest form of the latter is the usage in the Struts framework. The do extension is not mandatory, it just presents a convenient way to distinguish calls that should be handled by Struts from requests for JSPs and other content that are mostly handled by the container (e.g. Tomcat) directly.

  • What's the difference between Mozilla and Firefox

    what's the difference between MOZILLA and FIREFOX?

    Firefox doesn't include the SeaMonkey suite.<br />
    SeaMonkey is a separate program (not just a browser, but a suite) maintained outside the Mozilla Corporation.
    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SeaMonkey
    <blockquote>SeaMonkey is a free and open source[3] cross-platform Internet suite.<br />
    It is the continuation of the former Mozilla Application Suite, based on the same source code.<br />
    <br />
    The development of SeaMonkey is community-driven, in contrast to the Mozilla Application Suite, which until its last released version (1.7.13) was governed by the Mozilla Foundation. The new project-leading group is the SeaMonkey Council.

  • What is the difference between Category Mgmt and Spend Analysis?

    Hi Friends
    What is the difference between Category Mgmt and Spend Analysis?
    Chinna Krishna

    Hi Chinna
    Here are my two cents on this questions
    1. Catagory Management : It pertains to all sourcing activities that a purchasing group does for a specific catagory of items ( say tyres, bearings, etc. in automobile industry scenario OR steel sheets, electric motor, etc. in consumer durables industry scenario) in order to meet companies strategic goals like cost, quality, delivery and new product introduction. It also involves the strategic sourcing piece for that category. Typically it can include following activities for a category which is being managed
    - Identifying current and future business & technical requirements
    - Constant vigilence and analysis of supply market for that category ( and also identifying new sources)
    - Lauching various projects within category focussed on cost reduction, quality improvement, delivery improvement. This may include some of activities like supplier analysis. RFx, Reverse auctions, contract negotiation, etc.
    - Monitoring the category specific supplier performance
    Category Management team typically consists of cross functional team and it is iterative process (continuous improvement).
    Category Management in covered to some extent in E-Sourcing application and its analysis is covered in Spend Analytics application. Fully blown category management is on road map of SAP but none of the current functionalities addresses it fully.
    2. Spend Analysis: This involves analysis of the spend at highest level of organization. To improve the data quality, it typically involves spend data standardization & enrichment, supplier normalization and spend categorization. Once you have clean data, one can slice and dice the data to gain insight into the spend and identify opportunities for launching the various initiatives focussed on cost, quality and delivery.
    SAP Spend Analytics application covers this spend analysis capability.
    Its a long answer and hope it helps you.

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