What is the difference between Mobileme and appleid?

I am having problems syncing my iphone to my macbook pro...getting a disconnected during sync message. The solution that has been presented by numerous people experiencing this problem is to reset your sync history in mobile me. The problem with that is that I cant get into my mobile me...Maybe I never signed up for it? Or i forgot the password? Either way I am stuck and all the answers I can find seem to imply that your apple id is the same or is in somehow related. All I know is that I have my apple id password and it works but it doesnt work on mobile me, and neither does anything else...HELP!

iCloud (which uses your Apple ID or your old MobileMe ID) replaced MobileMe a few months ago.
So go to icloud.com and try signning in with that information, if it doesn't work you will probably need to create a new apple ID, which you can do there.
Once you can sign into icloud, you can use that to sync your devices as long as they meet the minimum requirements.  If your iPhone has iOS 5 or later, it should have iCloud on it...depending on what version of OS you have on your Macbook Pro.
Your best bet is to go to iCloud.com to check the minimum requirements and compare them to your devices.

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    The data will be replicated in the same way as we do in 3.5.
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    RRR = sequence number
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    EX: SYSDATE = "05-29-2012" MM-DD-YYYY
    IF 10
    1- UID01 , AAAAA , 125001
    2- UID02 , AAAAA , 125002
    10- UID010 , AAAAA , 12A010
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         WHERE TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YY') = SUBSTR(USER_CODE,0,2)                         
         AND TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM') = DECODE(SUBSTR(USER_CODE,3,1),'1','01',          
              '2','02', '3','03', '4','04', '5','05',          
              '6','06', '7','07', '8','08', '9','09',          
              'A','10', 'B','11', 'C','12')                    
    I want to know "What is the difference between TO_CHAR and TO_DATE()?".

    try to use following select
    with t as
    (select TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YY') ||
             DECODE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'MM'),
                    '01', '1',
                    '02', '2',
                    '03', '3',
                    '04', '4',
                    '05', '5',
                    '06', '6',
                    '07', '7',
                    '08', '8',
                    '09', '9',
                    '10', 'A',
                    '11', 'B',
                    '12', 'C') as code
        from dual)
    SELECT t.code || NVL(SUBSTR(MAX(USER_CODE), 4, 3), '000') USER_CODE
    WHERE SUBSTR(USER_CODE, 1, 3) = t.codeand yes you need check time on your prodaction server
    good luck
    Edited by: Galbarad on May 29, 2012 3:56 AM

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    what is the difference between upgradation and migration.
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    2. go to BI .7  find the query;s ,give the query name and save the query ,
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        come to 7.0 check the query in analyzer also.
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    query's already available in 7.0 why are u doing this work?
    can i know the upgrades those  objects, is it neccessary, if necessary how can i upgrade.
    infoobje , transferrules, transferstructure ,infosoure, datasoure,updaterules, ods, cubes.
    Points will be Assingned ,
    Thanks & Regards

    I was talking in a general sense not on a query level.
    If your taling about migration in that level meaning as a part of larger upgradation (in your case 3.x to 7) there may be many places where you need to do this kind of activities.
    Fr eg migration into new data flow, Migration of Web templates from BW 3.x to Netweaver 2004s, etc
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi Kuamr,
    UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD, the function modules used until now are not part of the standard set of ABAP commands. They are used to display the file interface on the presentation server. UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD are not compatible with USs and have been replaced by GUI_UPLOAD and GUI_DOWNLOAD.
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    Instead of using the function modules, you can use the static methods GUI_UPLOAD and GUI_DOWNLOAD of the global class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES.
    Hope this resolves your query.
    Reward all the helpful answers.

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    903830 wrote:
    some say count(1) is faster and some say count(*), i am confused about count function?In the link provided by Prakash :
    prakash wrote:
    You can read :
    Followup   August 31, 2001 :
    I'll have to guess, since you don't say, that you are using 7.x and before when count(*) and count(1) were different (and count(1) was slower). In all releases of the databases for the last 4-5 years, they are the same.
    Don't waste your time on that.

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    good regards kenji

    Hi Kenji,
    SRM is more of Supplier Identification and SNC work of building
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    SNC is very Good tool to handover Inventory replenishemnt
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    SNC is designed for direct materials procurement.
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    aznjia wrote:
    I wouldn't trust it. Even though the new battery is rated at 54 Watt hour but an apple battery may or may not run up to 1000 cycles. I looked the product reviews on amazon and I will go for what others said. However, Apple battery is designated to last about 700-1000 charge cycles but a battery over than 700 cycles. I am apple battery tech savvy. I would like to share my experience and provide sufficient answers to all the people in this forum.
    I have no idea what you are trying to say. But I am NOT buying or recommending any 3rd party battery. Please read the post.

Maybe you are looking for

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