What is the easiest way to reinstall Dashboard?

that's what i need to know. thanks

Use Pacifist.
Just follow the instructions.
Power Mac G5 2.0 DP   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   30" ACD

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    1. The best way to transfer files from another computer is by using Migration Assistant > http://pondini.org/OSX/SetupLion.html Your new MacBook Pro will ask you to restore from another computer during its initial setup.
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    What do you not understand?
    You can duplicate the iPhoto library (command - D ) and delete everything except the project and its photos from the copy and move that
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    Try using Table and Rows for this kind of forms. These forms will have the same look throught with a question and and answer section..
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    You might also want to post this in the iMovie forum https://discussions.apple.com/community/ilife/imovie

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    OK it depends.
    If you have a finished movie, you can SHARE/EXPORT MOVIE and create your final movie. Then, depending on the size of the finished movie, you can transfer via dropbox or similar service. Ninety minutes is a very long movie for iMovie, but it may work for you. I would suggest 720P to keep the size down.
    If you need to transfer the entire iMovie Project so it can be edited in iMovie at the other end, then you need to transfer the project and event assets to an external hard drive and get the hard drive to the other location.
    Directions are here. Follow the directions for 1) Moving or copying Project to external drive. Then 2) Consolidate Media.

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    Droid Hacker

    In Exchange 2013 you can use the ECP to add additional email addresses to mailboxes. In order for a mailbox to send using an address, that address needs to be set as the reply address. One mailbox cannot send as multiple addresses. Doing that would require
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    Its worth confirming what free space you have on your drive: 
    go to:   Apple Menu > About this Mac >  More Info > Storage
    The bar chart shows how much free space there is on the drive:
    Please realise that partitioning does not create extra space so this wont help you.
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    There's probably another way to get here, but, in SQL Developer, on the tree navigation, expand the objects down to your table, right click, then click EXPORT.. there you will see all the options. This is a tedious process and it sucks IMO, but yeah, it works. It sucks mostly because 1) it's one table at a time, 2) if your data model is robust and has constraints, and sequences and triggers, then you'll have to disable them all for the insert, and hope that you can re-enable constraints, etc without a glitch (good luck, unless you have only a handful of tables)
    I prefer using the oracle command line EXP to export an entire schema, then on the target server I use IMP to import the schema. That way, it's near exact. This makes life messy if you develop more than one application in a single schema, and I've felt that pain -- however -- it's a whole lot easier to drop tables and other objects than it is to create them! (thus, even if the process of EXP/IMP moved more than you wanted to "move".. just blow away what you don't want on the target after the fact..)
    You could use oracle's datapump method too.
    Alternatively, what can be done, IF you have access to both servers from your SQL developer instance (or if you can tnsping them both already from the command line, you can use SQL*PLUS), is run a script that will identify your apex apps' objects (usually by prefix to object names, like EBA_PROJ_%, etc) and do all the manual work for you. I've created a script that does exactly this so that I can move data from dev to prod servers over a dblink. It's tricky because of the order that must be executed to disable constraints and then re-enable them, and of course, trickier if you don't consistently prefix ALL of your "application objects"... (tables, views, triggers, sequences, functions, procs, indexes, etc)

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    I did a Time Machine backup yesterday and the only thing changed on the computer was the artwork. However, when Time Machine launched to do a backup it said there was 30GB(!!!) to back up?!?!?
    I am assuming something got corrupted in the iTunes library file during the crash and now it thinks it has to back up part of the music.
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    Any help is much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!!

    Time Machine backs up all files except those you exclude in TM prefs. It doesn't "know" what kind a file is; it just compares info about a file on the source drive to see if it has already been backed up, or if it is new or has changed and needs to be backed up again. For unchanged files or folders, TM simply creates another hard link on the backup drive.
    iTunes artwork files are separate files. The assignments of artwork to particular music files are saved in another file within the iTunes application (which is actually a package, a folder containing other files). So if all you did was add album artwork, TM would back up each new artwork file, and a new copy of the hidden file within the iTunes application containing the artwork-music links.
    The following is speculation on my part, but it seems logical:
    TM uses records in the hidden File System Events log to identify any new or modified files. However, it is possible to have an FSE entry as to a particular file without modifying the file (e.g. open, then close). So TM doesn't "know" until it actually compares the source file with the backup file (if one exists) whether a file is new or has been modified.
    Hope this helps.

  • What is the easiest way to export all tables data from Oracle to MS SQL Server?

    Hello MS,
    I would like to export all tables from Oracle 11.2 to MS SQL Server 2012 R1.
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    - the “MS SQL Integration Services” Tool
    - not Oracle dump *.dmp format because it is a propritery binary format
    - flat file *.csv (delimited format)

    Hi lingodingo,
    If you want to directly export all tables from Oracle database to SQL Server, I suggest you use SQL Server Import and Export Wizard. Because you just need to follow the wizard with GUI, this is the easiest way.
    If you want to make some modification for the tables‘ data before loading to SQL Server, I suggest you use SQL Server Integration Services package. For more details, please refer to the following similar thread:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hey jabXhook,
    Thanks for the question. You may have already received your answer from the Apple Store yesterday, but iMovie is definitely the way to go if you want to trim or split clips. Check out the following resource:
    Trim, split, and move clips - iMovie Help
    Trim unwanted frames from a clip
    1. In the timeline, select the range of frames you want to keep in the clip.
    2. Control-click the clip, and choose Trim Selection from the shortcut menu.
    The clip is trimmed to the boundaries of the selection.
    Matt M.

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