What is this environment variable __CHECKFIX1436934=1

On a relatively fresh installation of Mavericks, I see this environment variable:
What does it do? 

decrement ptbypt

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    I've looked everyone online and I can't find a straight answer. Can someone help me out?

    You mean the system properties?
    Here's an example:System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.version"));All of the can be found here:

  • How to set environment variable?

    I just succeeded starting up an external executable by using nativeprocess.
    Now I have to set the portnumber as an environment variable.
    After setting this portnumber, I can send queries to the executable.
    But I don't now how to set this environment variable.
    You can see my try in bold:
    Starting the executable (an extract of the code):
    public var portnumber;
    file = file.resolvePath("C:\\Program Files\\CM Synergy 6.3\\bin\\start_dbase.exe");    #start executable
    process.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, getportnumber);    #get portnumber as output of the executable
    The next step is to define the variable portnumber:
    file = file.resolvePath("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe");
    processArgs[0] = "/C";
    processArgs[1] = "set";
    processArgs[2] = "portnumber=";
    processArgs[3] = portnumber;
    When I try to print out all environment variables, portnumber is not in:
    file = file.resolvePath("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe");
    processArgs[0] = "/C";
    processArgs[1] = "set";
    If I replace the last executable with my real command (running the query), the executable is giving the error that my portnumber is not set.
    Is it possible? I have also tried it with setx.exe. Even running a python script where I set os.environ is not working.
    I have the feeling that the command is executed but that the variable is not remembered for the next executable.

    Hello Martin,
    Thanks for your input. I have tried what you suggested but it didn't work. I will post my source code. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. After setting my variable portnumber, I would normally run a query. Instead of running the query, I'm writing out the environment variables. Unfortunately, portnumber is not in the list . I also tried using "setx" insetad of "cmd.exe set" but without any difference.
        public var portnumber;
        public function run_query():void
            var file:File = new File("C:/WINDOWS/System32/cmd.exe");
            var si:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
            si.executable = file;
            var processArgs:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
            processArgs[0] = "/C";
            processArgs[1] = "set";
            nativeProcessStartupInfo.arguments = processArgs;
            var process:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
            process.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onOutputData);
        public function set_portnumber():void
            var file:File = new File("C:/WINDOWS/System32/cmd.exe");
            var si:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
            si.executable = file;
            var process:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
            process.standardInput.writeUTF("set portnumber="+portnumber+"\n")
            setTimeout(run_query, 1000);
        public function onOutputData(event:ProgressEvent):void
            var process:NativeProcess = event.target as NativeProcess;
            textReceived.text += process.standardOutput.readUTFBytes(process.standardOutput.bytesAvailable) + "\n";

  • Using environment variables in a wmi query

    I'm trying to use WMI Queries on Group Policy Preferences to targeting computers on my network.
    I have a file named testfile.txt in Windows directory and I check its last modified date to replace the policy files if the date is older of than current file.
    I set this query : Select * from CIM_DataFile where Name='C:\\Windows\\testfile.txt' and LastModified<'20140910145110.821214+180'.
    The replace action occurs on all machines where windows directory is 'C:\Windows\'. But there are machines on network where windows is installed on directory 'C:\Windows7'.
    So I was thinking to use %WindowsDir% environment variable in the WMI query to ckeck testfile.txt date on the correct directory where windows is installed.
    I've tried different ways to use this environment variable in WMI query with no success (For example: Select * from CIM_DataFile where Name='%WindowsDir%\\testfile.txt' and LastModified<'20140910145110.821214+180').
    Can someone help me with the correct syntax?

    > I set this query : Select * from CIM_DataFile where
    > Name='C:\\Windows\\testfile.txt' and
    > LastModified<'20140910145110.821214+180'.
    > The replace action occurs on all machines where windows directory is
    > 'C:\Windows\'. But there are machines on network where windows is
    > installed on directory 'C:\Windows7'.
    > So I was thinking to use %WindowsDir% environment variable in the WMI
    > query to ckeck testfile.txt date on the correct directory where windows
    > is installed.
    Short answer: You cannot use environment variables in WMI filters.
    But you can modify your query:
    Select * from CIM_DataFile where (Name = 'C:\\Windows\\testfile.txt' or
    Name = 'C:\\Windows7\\testfile.txt' ) and
    Event this one should work:
    Select * from CIM_DataFile where Name like 'C:\\Windows%\\testfile.txt'
    and LastModified<'20140910145110.821214+180'
    BTW: The variable should be %windir% anyway, not %windowsdir% :)
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

  • Environment variables of 9i  App server

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    What kind of environment variables? Could you provide some more details. All Application Server settings are done via the EM Website.
    Also, if this is a J2EE question, please post it on the J2EE forum.
    Ashesh Parekh
    Oracle9iAS Product Management

  • Environment variable path failed in oracle 11g installation

    hi all,
    i am reinstalling oracel 11g in my window 7 64 bit machine after i uninstalled it. however, i got an issue that is environment variable path failed in the installation process. this didn't happen when i firstly successfully installed oracle. how can i fix the issue? thanks in advance.

    user571093 wrote:
    the problem is i uninstalled oracle 11g in my windows 7 64 bit machine and then try to install it on my machine. during the prerequisite check stage, an error message popped up like this:
    environment variable: "PATH" failed
    This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length. (more details)
    Expected Value
     : 1023
    Actual Value
     : 1433
    so, what is the reason caused this problem and how to fix it. thanks in advance.
    hongI believe the error message is self-explanatory - assuming you you using a supported database and OS combination (which are unknown)
    environment variable: "PATH" failed+
    This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length.+
    Expected Value+
    *: 1023*
    Actual Value+
    *: 1433*
    Your PATH variable exceeds the limit of 1023 characters

  • Is it possible to reference environment variables in the .properties files?

    Here’s what I’d like to do…
    In the application.properties files, I tell OPA where the docgen server is via this setting:
    # Location of the Document Generation Server
    Note that this is the setting from my Dev environment.
    Because I have separate DocGen servers for each environment, I have to maintain separate copies of this file for each environment. For example, my Prod file contains this setting:
    # Location of the Document Generation Server
    Notice that it’s a very slight changes. I’d like to use something like this instead:
    # Location of the Document Generation Server
    Obviously, I’d create an environment variable on each server to accommodate the setting. For example, on my Prod machine, I’d create this environment variable:
    BIP_SERVER = bipPrd

    Unfortunately environment variables cannot be used in the OPA .properties files. The only way to do this is to maintain separate properties for your different environments.

  • LIBPATH environment variable on AIX

    My oracle user doesn't have this environment variable LIBPATH configured properly. I'm trying to change it but i can't find where it was set.
    I've checked /etc/profile, /etc/environment, .profile and .env but it's not set anywhere.
    Yet, when i type set as oracle, i see it set.
    I've tried addint export LIBPATH=correctsetting but it's still not updated.
    Has anyone seen this or has any ideas as to how i can set this environment variable? (environment is oracle 10g on AIX)

    Mine is setup when the /var/opt/oracle/orarc102 is called.
    The /var/opt/oracle/orarc102 is called within my .profile
    When use say oracle user are you refering to the ORACLE account itself or another user account?
    If you are refering to another oracle user then go through the .profile and the other . files and see what is called during login. You will eventually find where it is setup. Of course if you are refering to the ORACLE account then I don't know what to tell you.
    Message was edited by:
    Timothy Boles

  • How to look Environment Variable

    Hi All:
    Can any one let me know how can I find environmental variable??
    For example I am working in Server (XMD, XMP,XMS)
    Now I need to map this filed to target filed<system>.
    So how can I get this variable ? Suppose I receive "XMD" then cheking last char "D" or "P" or "S" I can map Development, Production or Staging.
    -For this I need to write a java code(to get Environment Variable)
    or I can achive it in Graphical Mapping tool itself.
    Max points for the best answer

    here is more details :
    <b>source mesg:</b>
    <b>target id</b>
    I have one fixValues table
    XMD - Developemt
    XMP - Production
    XMS - Staging.
    so before mapping this I need to chek what is  my environment variable.
    so according to that I can Map the respective field
    bottom line how can I get a SID so that I can map it to target.

  • Java environment variables

    Just curious... What are the different environment variables that Java looks at, and what is the purpose for each of them?? To clarify that I'm talking about, I think some of them are JAVA_HOME, JAVAC(?), CLASSPATH, etc.

    There are three environment variables that Java generally uses:
    1. PATH
    3. JAVA_HOME
    PATH is actually a windows environment variable where you specify the paths of executable files. For Java, this environment variable helps it locate java compiler, java runtimes - java, javaw and other tools in the JDK.
    CLASSPATH is specific to Java; it helps Java tools find Java class files
    JAVA_HOME is used by Java Applications to point to the directory where JDK is installed.
    For the current status of environment variables in Windows, run a command prompt and type 'set' (without quotes) followed by enter. Windows will then list all environment variables defined.

  • Environment variable RFC_NO_TRFC_CLEANUP

    This concerns RFC's being submitted by an external system.  There is an OSS note 480089 that refers to setting the environment variable to 1.  Where is this environment variable set and what does it do if I set it to 1?  My guess is that it is set in the SAPRFC.INI file but I can't find any documentation to know this for sure.

    Check these parameters
    please be sure you have set this
    as note 128126
    for user SAPServiceEDP
    John Feely

  • Error in setting environment variable

    Please note JKit is where my jdk1.3 is stored(i.e instead of jdk1.3 folder its JKit folder)... i have gone thru the similar threads but with no success.
    SET CLASSPATH=c:\JavaWebServer2.0\lib\servlet.jar;c:\JKit\lib;
    SET CATALINA_HOME=D:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29;
    SET JAVA_HOME=D:\Jkit;
    The error i get after running autoexec.bat and then tomcat/bin/startup is as follows..
    The CATALINA_HOME environment variable is not defined
    This environment variable is needed to run this program
    please HELP!!.THANKS

    Very many thanks for ur solution.. i actually hadset the environment variables spacce..but when i execute the autoexec.bat file i dont get any error(out of env space)..but when i run the startup.bat file i get from the command prompt, i get the foll error.
    This is my Autoexec.bat
    SET JAVA_HOME=D:\Jkit\bin
    SET CATALINA_HOME=D:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29\bin
    Syntax error
    Out of environment space
    Out of environment space
    Out of environment space
    Using CATALINA_BASE: D:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29
    Using CATALINA_HOME: D:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29
    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: D:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29\temp
    Using JAVA_HOME: D:\Jkit
    Out of environment space
    Out of environment space
    I even set JAVA_HOME AND CATALINE_HOME to the \bin dir respectively..
    still i get the same error
    As given under the tomcat installation documentation (RUNNING.txt), i set the space for environment space under the Memory tab, for startup and shutdown.bat files, it creates a shortcut for running the resp .bat files, running startup.bat file i get,CATALINA_HOME VAR HAS NOT BEEN SET PROPERLY, THIS OCCURS FOR BOTH TOP LEVEL DIR SETTING AND /bin DIR SETTING of CATALINE_HOME IN autoexec.bat

  • What is a container variable in BPM (Exchange Infrastructure)?

    In BPM scenario with Exchange Infrastructure, I have come across container variable. What is this container variable? How it is used in BPM?
    In another instance I read that to trigger a alert in BPM I have to create a container variable. So I have another question, What steps I have to follow to create a container variable and trigger alert?

    To create alerts in XI , check this blog,
    ALso, if you are on SP14 and above, check this note 913858.
    The container variables that are accepted while createing Alerts in XI are available on this link,

  • RE: (forte-users) FORTE_ROOT environment variable

    Simply :
    myVar : string = ${forte_root};
    It works in the current partition, if you want to know about variables
    in another partition or
    another machine, you'll have to use the
    task.part.operatingsystem.GetEnv() syntax.
    Patrice BOURDON
    Alliance Sante France
    ZIAP Chtx-Deols - BP 30
    Place Marcel Dassault
    31630 DEOLS
    e-mail: mailto:[email protected]
    web : http://www.alliance-sante.fr

    Dear Jane,
    In order to see the new value of the environment variable you have to
    reboot your forte, or it is also possible to write a simple forte program
    which sets the environment variable (SetEnv), in this case you can change the
    value without rebooting.
    Best Regards,
    Tamas Deak
    Jane Patterson wrote:
    Dear Forte Users,
    I am using a Windows 95 machine running Forte 30G2 and I am trying to get
    the value of FORTE_ROOT within a method so I can create the full path and
    name for the applications helpfile. I have tried many, many ways to get
    the value out of this environment variable, but with no joy!
    All ideas or samples will be welcome.
    Jane Patterson
    Jane Patterson
    Analyst/Programmer, Administrative Technology Services
    P.O. Box 56, University of Otago
    Dunedin, New Zealand
    Business Phone: +64 (0)3 479 8286
    Business Fax : +64 (0)3 479 5080
    For the archives, go to: http://lists.sageit.com/forte-users and use
    the login: forte and the password: archive. To unsubscribe, send in a new
    email the word: 'Unsubscribe' to: [email protected]
    Tamas Deak
    Lufthansa Systems Hungary
    (forte developer)
    2-6 Mazsa ter, Budapest, 1107, HUNGARY
    (36-1) 4312 973
    [email protected]
    [email protected][email protected]-

  • FORTE_ROOT environment variable

    Dear Forte Users,
    I am using a Windows 95 machine running Forte 30G2 and I am trying to get
    the value of FORTE_ROOT within a method so I can create the full path and
    name for the applications helpfile. I have tried many, many ways to get
    the value out of this environment variable, but with no joy!
    All ideas or samples will be welcome.
    Jane Patterson
    Jane Patterson
    Analyst/Programmer, Administrative Technology Services
    P.O. Box 56, University of Otago
    Dunedin, New Zealand
    Business Phone: +64 (0)3 479 8286
    Business Fax : +64 (0)3 479 5080

    Dear Jane,
    In order to see the new value of the environment variable you have to
    reboot your forte, or it is also possible to write a simple forte program
    which sets the environment variable (SetEnv), in this case you can change the
    value without rebooting.
    Best Regards,
    Tamas Deak
    Jane Patterson wrote:
    Dear Forte Users,
    I am using a Windows 95 machine running Forte 30G2 and I am trying to get
    the value of FORTE_ROOT within a method so I can create the full path and
    name for the applications helpfile. I have tried many, many ways to get
    the value out of this environment variable, but with no joy!
    All ideas or samples will be welcome.
    Jane Patterson
    Jane Patterson
    Analyst/Programmer, Administrative Technology Services
    P.O. Box 56, University of Otago
    Dunedin, New Zealand
    Business Phone: +64 (0)3 479 8286
    Business Fax : +64 (0)3 479 5080
    For the archives, go to: http://lists.sageit.com/forte-users and use
    the login: forte and the password: archive. To unsubscribe, send in a new
    email the word: 'Unsubscribe' to: [email protected]
    Tamas Deak
    Lufthansa Systems Hungary
    (forte developer)
    2-6 Mazsa ter, Budapest, 1107, HUNGARY
    (36-1) 4312 973
    [email protected]
    [email protected][email protected]-

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