What is your take on "Camino".

I use Safari and have Firefox. Was thinking of taking Camino out for a spin. Is there a difference between Camino and Firefox? I know Camino is made specifically for OSX, but other than that, is it superior to Firefox?
What do you think of Camino?

The 3 main differences I can think of between Camino and Firefox:
- Camino does not support the plug-in architecture of Firefox
- Camino integrates with the Mac keychain (so user/password details you may have saved with Safari should work out of the box with Camino)
- Camino has the look and feel of a 'real' OS X application.
Both are excellent browsers. I use Camino 90%+ of the time - it just feels a bit more 'snappy' to me compared to Safari and Firefox.

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    (Please note that references to the original developers, Zeobit, also now refer to Kromtech Alliance Corp, who acquired MacKeeper and PCKeeper from ZeoBit LLC in early 2013.)

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    Customer Support,
    I have purchased Week Cal HD a while back via the App Store. This app stopped working after I upgraded to OS5 and I have been waiting for a new version that supports it. Since no update was posted until now I contacted the developer and have been informed that Apple has removed the app from the app store, claiming it has too many similarities with the build in calendar application.
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    I very much encourage you to allow the sale of Week Cal HD through the App store again or provide me with a reason why Apple decided to effectively take away a software I paid for?
    PS: If this is the wrong contact optinos for this complaint please let me know where to direct it otherwise."

    You might find this interesting
    And i think with further digging you will discover that the developer has had a revised app for many many months ready but its been blocked by apple. Also these similar features that are causing the fuss first existed on week cal hd, not the other way around, sovthis is just usual apple style, and its a bigger shame that they could not even exucute it properly, instead we are stuck withva calendar that cant be used for business unless all you want to do is keep track of birthdays and your lunch breaks ....

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    I am not trying to reopen old discussions or start a new yet pointelss one, I'm just trying to gain a little bit more insight into this issue. Also, my opinnion on this has changed lately, so even if this thread touches some old topics, it may be that things have changed since then.
    Anyway, thank you very much for your patience.

    You can already run a bunch of FP languages on the JVM and they have decent support for directly calling Java code and using Java libs.
    Personally I am happy with plain, old boring Java.

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    You can already run a bunch of FP languages on the JVM and they have decent support for directly calling Java code and using Java libs.
    Personally I am happy with plain, old boring Java.

  • What's YOUR Idea of an "Ideally Organized HD?

    What's YOUR Idea of an "Ideally Organized HD?"
    I've been giving this a lot of thought lately. Whereas it is obvious that OSX organizes your hard drive better than anything on Windoze, especially when you consider the power derived from using Spotlight, I have been wondering exactly WHAT, WHAT does an Ideally Organized Hard Drive look like? What are it's properties? I don't mean how it should look specifically to YOU, the single user. I mean what does an ideally organized Hard Drive look like to everyone running OSX? (which is everyone). What are some of the components of a ideally organized hard drive? What does it look like/feel like? Not necessarily in order of importance, I'll start this one off:
    An Ideally Organized Hard Drive Has These Properties (feel free to add your ideas):
    1) All the music, documents, apps, pictures and movies go into their designated locations, just for starters. You may even want to create another main Category such as I did, and call it "All Talk & Sound FX". Here's where I stick my voice, and talk radio, and verbal jokes etc. for example.
    2) There are NO identical (duplicate) files, but the thorough and profuse use of Alias files are implemented. {{{if you have duplicates, and you update the one, you necessarily have to update the other, otherwise, you don't have duplicates anymore, right? But if you use an Alias, no matter which file, original or Alias, that you update, BOTH files are updated.}}}
    3) The HD is organized for EASY Backup on a daily basis: Everything new gets placed into an "Everything New" file (call it what you want) on the Desktop, then this one folder is backed up daily, saved onto an external HD, then loaded back and now actually saved onto the HD as new stuff just once a week (in accordance to #1); this is the outcome from doing a Restore from this backed-up "Everything New" folder. Everything goes into this "Everything New" folder on a daily basis; however, Applications are installed immediately whereas everything else just gets popped into the "Everything New" folder for holding.
    4) Many files are annotated in the Get Info Window with easy to find key words and comments. Spotlight will do the rest my friends!
    5) A DMG of the HD (a perfect Clone which is achieved using your Tiger Disk--Disk Utility) is done on a weekly basis (heck, all you have to do is launch the software at night, go to bed, have an automatic shutdown on your Mac for about 3.5 hours later (for a 23GB DMG Disk Image)). {{Note that a Restore from the "Everything New" folder must be done first!, prior to making the DMG}} When this Disk Image is made, it will have All of your Preferences, All of your newly installed applications, All of your Bookmarks, All of your new additions to iCal, All of your new Addresses, EVERYTHING, and therefore these specific folders do NOT have to be backed up **separately** by using this process as I describe.
    Once a week you will Restore from this DMG (which takes an hour if you have previously verified/mounted this image), then delete the week-old Backup of the "Everything Folder", because your HD now now has all these files added to it (remember, the key here is to do a Restore from the "Everything New" folder first, before you made the most recent DMG). You can now also delete any old Disk Images that you want, because you will be making more! (I always keep 2 or 3 on hand). You can now also delete any old "Everything New" backups from your External, because you will be making more of these backups as well!
    6) Your Hard Drive should utilize the copious amount of custom icons, in order to quickly spot and identify files/folders.
    7) You have created shortcuts (Alias') on the HD, which point to spots on the External HD, (which is not only used for Backup as recently described) to facilitate the transfer of large files (example: AIFF's) to/from the external HD. My External HD has a working "Powerbook" folder where these files are saved to, keeping my internal HD at a bare minimum of growing size, yet the files are easily uploaded/downloaded between the external and internal, and viewed, when the External is attached (of course) to the internal.
    8) The hard drive lacks any sensitive material whatsoever, i.e. passwords are kept on an external hard drive, and new ones are backed up daily to the Everything New folder. Using a free program such as Password Vault also strengthens this area of security and organization. If the Passwords are kept to an external location, and yet are easily accessed by an Alias, then they are 100% safe to reside on the External, since the External would have to be attached in order for the passwords to be read.
    9) Maintenance is run routinely on the HD, using a program such as Onyx, especially before and after the disk image process. You can also schedule Onyx to run the Apple maintenance scripts automatically, when you are asleep. Also part of this maintenance would be running a program such as Disk Warrior, before and after the disk image process. Onyx and Disk Warrior go hand in hand, and although you will not "see" (visually) HOW your HD has been organized more efficiently, you will experience the benefits of using Disk Warrior (faster/more responsive), which organized your HD Directory automatically.
    10) Another nice little Utility is SpeedTools, which has a great program for Defraging files. Yes, I've found that Disk Defrag does work. Point #10 does nothing for "organizing", however I make this point because Disk Defrag does indeed help your HD to run more efficiently (thus faster).
    *** Ohh by the way, maybe I'm saying the following as a joke, maybe I'm not. But if you follow my suggestions above, you wouldn't be so paranoid about downloading the latest update to Tiger (or Leopard when that comes out) because the old "Archive & Install" option becomes obsolete. If you run into trouble NOW, using my methods, you now have the peace of knowing that you have a perfectly Cloned Disk Image of your valuable, ideally organized Mac HD, residing on an external drive and just waiting to be called into action! ***
    Finally, please note that I am not telling you how to organize your hard drive, I am only suggesting this as one way to do it, and the way that I do it. If you have something totally different from this, but it works for you, please post that. If you want to add to what I've said, go right ahead! But if you don't agree with something I've said, then by all means offer your own suggestion and be civil about it! Thanks!
    ~ Vito

    You and everyone else that takes the time to read, and understand what I said, and can benefit from this, is WELCOME! ; )
    By the way, I forgot to mention. I use "Micon" a little terrific freeware program (from VersionTracker) to make (initialize) my custom icons. I also use Graphic Converter to make my own original icons of anything I like. Don't underestimate the value in making your own custom icons-- they really stand out from the "standard old blue".
    ~ Vito

  • What are your impressions of "multi-tasking"?

    If you have iOS4 and a capable device, you should have multi-tasking and opened apps appearing in the task bar. Newer app versions are able to run in the background. In my opinion, when I close most apps (by pressing the home button), I want them to close completely, not run in the background. Aside from being a privacy issue, apps in the task bar may use battery power or if truly in a suspended mode, they still take up memory or process capability. In order to really shut them down, two additional home button clicks and then two more screen strokes are required. Not very efficient and probably leading to an earlier home button failure. Why not have some kind of screen command (tap or swipe combination?) to simultaneously shut down all apps in the task bar? The bar itself is useless if you have used many apps in the course of a day. To find what you're looking for, you have to scroll through a long parade of icons. It's a lot easier to just tap the icon where you know it is sitting in the nice folder you created. I don't get it. I realize the bar can be used for switching open apps, but this is really not that big of a deal for the vast majority of apps. Furthermore, there should be an option to enable or disable multi-tasking globally as well as for individual apps. Now that would be an improvement.
    What are your thoughts?

    I havent done any kind of multitasking on my ipod touch, im waiting to upgrade my software to the newer one. However, I couldnt agree more with that of pressing the home button many times to perform basic function to switch apps or enable the multitasking ability. I think palm adapted a better design of software than apple ever did with their IOS 4. Palm's webOS can handle full multitasking--something the iPhone can't do. Palm uses what it calls "a deck of cards model" for managing multitasking: You can view each of your open applications at once, shuffle them any way you choose, and then discard the ones you want to close. All of this is done with intuitive gestures that mimic handling a physical deck of cards. Apps remains live, even when minimized into the card view, so changes can continue to happen in real-time, even if you've moved on to another activity.
    I had the time to experience a bit of a palm web os software on an AT&T store and my impression on that software is done more elegantly than apple multitasking home pressing button system.
    P.S to NYtroutbum: you should definitely present that idea to apple by its feedback product page. Let's hope it listens.

  • What does it take to cancel?

    I have been trying to cancel Verizon Fios for two days!  I called yesterday and was on hold for 1.5 hours.  I gave up and disconnected.  I tried again this morning.  I was on hold for almost two hours! Again I gave up.  I tried again this afternoon and instead of choosing the cancel service option I chose the upgrade service option and immediately connected to an agent.  Of course she transferred me to another department and I have now been on hold for 30 minutes and counting.  What would it take to cancel!!!  This is absolutely ridiculous. 
    Guess what Verizon? If someone is trying to cancel your service this is not the best way to try to persuade them not to.

    ladydee wrote:
    I have been trying to cancel Verizon Fios for two days!  I called yesterday and was on hold for 1.5 hours.  I gave up and disconnected.  I tried again this morning.  I was on hold for almost two hours! Again I gave up.
    I've found that they tend to have very long hold times during non-business hours, especially for the elite team that handles cancellation.  You may want to try again during regular business hours.
    Good Luck.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.

  • What does it take to get my service cancelled?

    I am trying to find out what it will take to get my account cancelled... I called more than a week in advance of my move to set up the cancellation of my FIOS home service and was assured that was all I needed to do; I would receive my final bill in the mail. However, a week after I moved, my account was charged and my autopay paid my bill of nearly $200 for services this month in a home I no longer live in, for an account that should no longer be active. I called and spoke with no fewer than 12 agents over that week, including someone who after 43 minutes of being passed around HUNG UP on me! Finally I spoke with someone who was helpful and said my account was deactivated, and in about 14 business days I should get a refund check in the mail. Well, three weeks later, my account has still not been cancelled and I have not gotten my refund! I just called again and spoke with an agent who told me he couldn't help me and I needed to call back another office on Monday. It has been nearly a month since I moved and this account was supposed to be cancelled and I still cannot get anyone to just stop the account! What does it take at Verizon to end my service??? 

    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases".  You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information.  This should be checked on a frequent basis  as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer that solved your issue as the accepted solution.

  • What does it take to get an app on the Ovi store?

    What does it take to get an app on the ovi store?  There are so many apps available that are not included in the ovi store.... like "s60spoton"  It allows you to use your cameras flash as a flash light! I've been wanting this forever.  If this app was easily available on the Ovi store, I would have been able to find it easily... but it was linked to me in a forum. 
    Why are there so many useful apps not cataloged in the Ovi store? 

    It's the maker of an apps responsibility to get it listed on the store so if it's not on there it's because the maker hasn't put it there.
    Nokia cannot put apps on the store without the makers consent.
    Only the maker/publisher of an app can tell you why their app isn't on the store. It may be for financial reasons, legal reasons, licensing issues, piracy concerns or they may just have ceased development and moved on.
    The ovi store isn't the only source of applications and some developers prefer to use independant sites like www.getjar.com instead.

  • What does it take

    Hey guys
    I have iCaht AV 2.1 and a Powerbook g4 etc etc and I am trying to set up a chat with my Dad in Australia on an IBM thinkpad running Windows XP and AIM Trillion or whatever it is.
    What does it take to ACTUALLY have a 2-way Video chat coz NOTHING we are doing is working.... I have read REAMS of stuff on this forum - Ralph has established my computer can actually recieve and send both video and audio... but it just will NOT work. What is the BEST modem and broadband provider here in the UK and in Australia???
    What does it take to actually make it work???
    If nothing works - I want my money back from buying a completely USELESS iSight to do this..... It would be easier to book satellite time and use a flyaway kit complete with crews either end than to try to use this to have 2-ways......
    G4 PowerBook 1.25gHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Among the reams, have you looked at Mac Video Chat with PCs?
    Both of you should test with others. You can find some robot ("Autoresponder") and human Buddy Names for iChat Test here if you need them. Testing will help you find whose system needs the most attention.
    Since you have now apparently connected with Ralph, it seems your computer can connect. Has your Dad tried others? Perhaps the problem is at Dad's end. If so, the list of things for the PC to check in my link above should be helpful.
    Check your Broadband Speed. Some Australian broadband can be on the slow side. Therefore, if your Dad already subscribes to the maximum bandwidth that is available from his Australian ISP, he should be particularly careful that his AIM "Video Quality" is not set too high (as explained in the "Mac Video Chat with PCs" link.)

  • What does it take for Apple to replace a Lemon?

    PowerBook G4 failures to date:
    Logic Board failure
    USB port failure (2nd new logic board)
    Logic Board failure (3rd one)
    Airport card failure
    Random power failures
    Replacement power pack
    Continuing random power failures
    ...all within the first year of purchase. Now I'm waiting on hearing from Apple Customer Relations with their answer. I can't have this computer in the shop any longer as it's essential to my business.
    So what did it take for Apple to replace your Lemon?
    PowerBook G4 15"   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1Gb Memory

    Human contact is the key. It sometimes helps to have face-to-face contact at an Apple Certified Service Center or Apple Store, as you may never know who is on the other end of your phone call (and vice versa). This way they can certify that you are not a crazy person who is abusing you powerbook, and they may have more time to test your computer until a problem surfaces, which they can then report to Apple. An ACSS can lobby on your behalf for a replacement more convincingly than you can on your own, as their professional opinion may carry more weight.
    Apple replaced my 12" without a problem after replacing the logic board three times (constant unexplained kernel panics from all three). (I have heard from some that three can be the magic number.) Generally, you can argue that more than one logic board replacement is simply not cost effective for a laptop, as the board itself plus labor almost equals the cost of a new machine!
    Establishing a record of problems early on is also helpful, as Apple can become wary of someone trying to score an upgrade several months after a computer is purchased.
    Powerbook 15" 1GHz FW800   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Formerly 768mb RAM

  • What does it take to find a simple ringtone to load onto my phone without re-inventing the wheel?

    what does it take to find a simple ringtone to load onto my phone without re-inventing the wheel?

    you could use a free ringtone app or
    This how to make ring tones for your iPhone:
    Choose the desired song from you library
    Do a secondary click on your song if you are using a MAC (right click for PC)
    Click "Get Info"
    Go to Options tab
    Set Start Time and Stop Time, some iOS only allow for a 30 sec duration for ringtones, then click OK
    Do secondary click (right click for PC) to your selected song
    Click "Create AAC Version", new song from your selected will added to your library (short one)
    Do secondary click (right click for PC) to your short one (new song)
    Click "Show in Finder"
    Rename file *.m4a to *.m4r, click "use *.m4r"
    Drag the file to library, for the first time it would automatically add your library with new folder "Tones" under Apps folder
    Open the ring tones in the Tones folder of your library than drag it to your iPhone and your ringtone also would be automatically added "Tones" folder.
    Last but not least, set the ring tone in your iPhone under the "Setting-Sound"
    For information on how to make ringtones read http://www.ehow.com/how_2160460_custom-iphone-ringtones-free.html

  • Lumia 1020 Owners - What is your iPhoto Workflow

    I really want to start using iPhoto fully to manage my photos. I have my images from my past two phones in iPhoto already and that's all fine. They were the Lumia 800, and then Lumia 520 as a cheap stop-gap when my 800 broke whilst waiting for my next phone..The Lumua 1020.
    I now take all my photos on my Lumia 1020. This combination of the 1020 and iPhoto has a few stumbling points:
    The Lumia 1020 doesn't geotag the 38MP images, only the 5MP
    iPhoto import doesn't seem to work on it's own for me
    Combination of the Windows Phone App and iPhoto allow successful import, but of both the high res and 5MP versions (Still with the same Geotag problem)
    If you have a Lumia 1020, what is your workflow you follow from taking your photos, importing, tagging them etc?
    I don't mind too much if I end up saving both versions of a file but would like to avoid it with as little hassle as possible, I don't really want to have to tag each image twice (Once for the 38MP and once again for the 5MP).
    Some things i'd like to be able to do:
    Ideally only keep the high res versions of the images, without having to manually exclude the 5MP versions every time I try an import (Yes I may miss out of some of my reframed photos, but I rarely re-frame except when quickly sharing a file - I can edit the originals once in iPhoto if I want to crop etc)
    Auto tag the high res versions of the images with a keyword of say "HiRes", to make it easier to find them when printing
    Somehow get the Geolocation to work on the 38MP images (I may end up writing some custom code myself to copy the tag over, something would possibly run on the phone, but I haven't looked into it yet)
    I tried out the Nokia Image Importer for Mac. It works well, but it does import the 38MP and 5MP and then just drops them into the file system. Although that has some advantages, i',m looking to embrace iPhoto as my photo software, as I assume I can export to file system later anyway.

    I don't use the Windows Phone app from Microsoft to import pictures as it doesn't get date and time right for movies. This is my workflow:
    1. Import all pictures and movies with Nokia Photo Transfer. This software is more lightweight than the Microsoft app. And it gets all dates and times correct.
    2. Drag all files into the app Houdahgeo and geotag everyting using reference photos. The highres pictures get geotags from the lower res pictures without any problems. If you have taken photos with a DSLR or any other camera you can geotag them this way also.
    3. Import only the highres pictures to Iphoto.
    4. Delete all pictures manually in Lumia 1020. This is a lot easier since Lumia Black. And finally I delete all photos from the temporary folder that I imported to with Nokia Photo Transfer.
    This is way too complicated compared to say an Iphone. With my Iphone I acomplish all of the above with two clicks. 
    I am not sure but I do believe that the highres pictures where geotagged by the phone in earlier versions of Nokia Camera. I sure hope they will solve this issue. There is already too much work importing pictures.

  • What is your Premiere, After Effects and SpeedGrade Workflow?

    Hi Everyone,
    I am an experienced editor who's switched to Adobe's CC barely a year ago. At the moment I'm in the midst of finishing up a corporate project and trying to think of the best workflow between Premiere, After Effects and SpeedGrade. I'm loving the Dynamic Link workflows, but at the some time I'm facing some obstacles, and am wondering how you guys do your work.
    Let's say I finished the edit of the project and send the project via Dynamic Link to SG. I finish the grade and then decide to use the Dynamic Link to AE to add some titles with shapes and effects such as Fast Blur. This is where I'm facing the first problem. When I choose a clip to be 'Replaced with an AE Composition', the color correction is gone, and now if I grade in SG, it will naturally grade the titles I added. So, it seems as though my color grade is a waste of time and I have to do it the old school way of first absolutley completing the color grade, exporting, re-importing and then heading for titles and effects. That makes you lose quite a bit of "dynamics" in your work (and time aka money), if my clients want changes for example.
    For simple animations with text, and shapes, this is not a big issue since you could easily add the titles to a second Video track. But when you use After Effects which changes the acutal image of a clip by adding effects, things don't work out too easily. But in any case, these might just be the limitations to the relativley new Dynamic Link workflow.
    In my specific example, how would you go about it? What is your workflow? Maybe I'm missing out on some tips & tricks.
    Be happy to hear from you guys and maybe get some expert knowledge.

    Hey there,
    I'm also looking for a solid workflow solution since adopting (and actually really liking) Speedgrade.  So below is what I'm going to try which should work and will follow this thread to see if any other workflows pop up.  Also typing this out here to help me with plan of attack
    Project Specs - 3 minute corporate video with text animation, interviews, broll, and computer screen replacement
    Edit in Premiere
    Dynamic link to SpeedGrade for color correction
    Open back up in Premiere, confirm all color corrections are applied, and then duplicate sequence to an AE Prep extension
    In AE prep sequence, take all AE "base" shots (for computer screen composite or anything needing stabilization) up onto their own track (i.e. V5 & V6)
    Add 10 frame handles to in & out, checkerboard clips as needed
    Delete all other remaining content but keep blank spaces / no ripple deletes
    Export this out to a ProRes4444 QT movie
    Import ProRes4444 QT movie back into premiere, add over existing video layers in AE Prep extension sequence, and then there time out the screen shot replacement content to cover effect duration
    Dynamic link AE Prep Premiere Pro sequence to AE
    Do the AE work
    Dynamic link back to Premiere
    This was my similar work around back in the day before I had Automatic Duck in FCP to AE
    Hope this helps anyone else - if there are any glaring "why would you do all that" points - please let me know   I'll also report back if there are any horrible roadblocks throughout the process.

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