What replaces Aperture project in LR

In Aperture I used to assign new photos to a project - In LR is the best approach to import photos while adding a keyword (project name) and to create a smart collection to group these new photos?

Keyword is certainly one way to do this.
If you have a keyword, you don't also need a smart collection to group these new photos; just use the keyword.

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    Regarding the "ship shape" comment: you might want to look at some other products just to see how they would handle importing images. There is a lot of chatter on that subject for obvious reasons. What you don't want is all your info being stuck in a format that is difficult to retrieve.
    First, consider referenced photos instead of the library. The managed library of Aperture/iPhoto is pretty unique to Apple. Sure, things like Lightroom's Aperture importer will copy those photos out for you, but it's a work around. If you have a photo structure in the Finder, it's always available no matter what you use, DAM or browser or just Spotlight.
    Second, consider preserving your photo adjustments. Think of them as printed pictures. The adjustments (except really simple stuff like maybe crops, etc) do not carry over to other image managing  programs per se; the way to preserve those adjustments is to export the photo as adjusted, say in a TIFF. That's what you may have noticed that plugins like Nik do: they don't pass adjustment INFO to Aperture, they pass an exported photo. Consider a workflow that does the same. Even if the new Apple products or whatever comes next is what you wanna use, it may be useful to have these. Some of the cool adjustments demo'd in Photos might translate exactly from your Aperture info, but maybe not. You might have to start anew, and having at least an exemplar might be nice.
    Third, make your photos application independent by writing in metadata. The cool thing about image files is that even your garage door opener can probably open them. They are really universal. AND so is the exif/IPTC/XMP metadata within those files or sidecars. So write it in there. You can replicate a whole Project/folder/album or collection set/collection just using heirarchical keywords. And another cool thing is that this info is available in the Finder, in other operating systems, and with searches via Spotlight. It's tremendously powerful and many Aperture and Lightroom users, who often are solo users, don't make enough use of it. Those who worked with other people/departments etc probably use this more often; Photo Mechanic is the epitome of this. Metadata in photos is far more powerful than even tags in the operating system; it's like a DAM grafted into your files.

  • Desktop can not see all images in aperture project

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    It's possible you don't have Previews for the "missing" images (Aperture shares the Preview, not the full image).
    What happens if you update every image in the Project's Preview?
    To update all the JPEG previews in a project
    In the Library inspector, Control-click the project whose JPEG previews you want to update, then choose Update Previews from the shortcut menu.

  • Why are my photos not as sharp when I import them into Facebook from the Aperture Projects file, compared to when I 'share' them with Facebook within the Aperture programme? There is a noticeable difference and has been spoiling my photos for some time.

    Hi all, I take wildlife photos (mostly birds) as a hobby, and have become frustrated with the quality of my photos recently when shared online, particularly Facebook.
    I started blaming my camera ( a Canon 7D) as I changed it a few months ago from a Canon 550D, and I soon noticed that the images were not as good. Then I realised it was when I started using Aperture.
    I started by using the 'share' option within Aperture but I soon realised that then I have no control over the creation of an album, and the photos start appearing on facebook before I have finished uploading them and given them captions. Plus if I subsequently move them or export them to my back up drive then they disappear from Facebook!
    So I started creating albums within Facebook and then importing the photos from the aperture projects file on my computer. Because they are imported I can then delete or move the aperture file and the photos stay on facebook. Otherwise my macbook was becoming completely full.
    However to test my theory I have today uploaded the same photo edited in Aperture stored in the same projects folder using the two different methods described above, and there is a very distinct difference between the quality of the two images. The shared ones are very much sharper than the imported ones.
    I am a computer novice and don't know how to check what the quality settings are, or how to adjust anything to improve the way the photos go into facebook. I do have a manual but I just cant understand it :-(
    I have tried a free sample of Lightroom 5 and my photos  look amazing, there is such a difference, but I don't want to give up with Aperture unless the problem really can't be solved.
    Sorry for such a long first post, I would be very very grateful for any help you can give me!

    Generally I would not use Facebook for sharing any photos, it compresses the photos substantially, and when you have shadows and dark colours you get visible "bands" where there should be subtle gradients, ie at sunsets and sunrises.
    It sounds like you are using two methods to upload to Facebook:
    1. Sharing from within Aperture, which basically syncs Facebook with your Aperture album, so any changes made at either end gets synced, hence the deletions from Albums, although the original file should still be in your library, just removed rom the album. It is like a playlist in iTunes.
    2. Exporting pics and uploading to Facebook from the browser.
    I am not sure how method 1 gets compressed, but I know that uploading hi-res jpegs to Facebook using method 2 results in poor quality images.
    I wouldn't even bother comparing option 1 or 2, and they will both be poor images once you view them on Facebook, as opposed to viewing uploaded images on proper image sharing / hosting sites.
    Your problem is not with Aperture, it is using Facebook for showing your work.
    If you export pics form Aperture at high res jpegs or TIFFs your images will be fine.
    If you insist to use Facebook as your way to share your work, then your workflow should be this:
    1. Right click images you want to share.
    2. Select Export version.
    3. Export as 100% size and ensure the export settings are set at 100% quality.
    4. Upload this pic into Facebook.
    This will get you the best image size and resolution on Facebook.
    See how you go.

  • Burning pics to DVD from Aperture Project

    I am trying to burn pics to a DVD from an Aperture project(copies for friends who were on the trip). I put in the DVD, open disk utility, select Aperture and everything freezes or slows down to a crawl. It has become so much of a problem that I am now loading the pics onto an old PC and burning the DVDs that way. Any thoughts/insights/or suggestion would be appreciated.

    If you are talking about a data DVD, and not a video DVD slideshow, then the proper sequence is to put the disk in, then in Aperture select all the photos, and then use Export and target the DVD disk. Would be the same if using a CD, and only enough photos to fit on it. Then when it completes the Export, click to burn the DVD.
    More info about what you are trying to do, please.

  • Putting Mobileme Gallery Photos into Aperture Project

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    I have one image in my Aperture Library that has a globe badge. I've been struggling to understand what it means as this badge is not explained in the manual and I can't find anything on the web.
    Are you saying this happens when you pull photos from MobileMe? I've never done this, so it's a bit strange. I do often send galleries from Aperture to MobileMe, but have never done the reverse.

  • I have Iphoto library in Aperture.  Can I move the projects from iPhoto to aperture project by dragging?

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    Tell us more, please. I am not quite sure, what you want to do and how you are using Aperture and iPhoto?
    Which versions of Aperture and iPhoto are you using?
    Do you have separate photo libraries for Aperture and iPhoto, or are you opening your iPhoto libraries in Aperture?
    I have Iphoto library in Apeture.
    Did you import an iPhoto library into Aperture?  And now you are seeing a section "iPhoto Library"  in the Aperture projects list in the Inspector?
    Events and albums you imported from iPhoto (Import > Library > Some iPhoto Library) will be imported as Aperture projects and albums, and they will behave exactly as other Aperture projects and albums.
    Can I move the projects from iPhoto to aperture project by dragging (within the aperture program)? Is this making a duplicate of all the photos? It seems to work??  It then leaves my Iphoto library in apeture empty.
    You can drag images from any project in Aperture to other projects and that will move (not duplicate) the images and all its versions to that project. And when you drag all images from the project to another project, the remaining project will be empty and can be deleted.  (Caution: Photos that you have hidden in iPhoto will not be visible in Aperture. If you are not sure, if you have hidden photos, open the library again in iPhoto and unhide all photos).
      I feel that I may have doubles and would like all pictures of one year in same project in Aperture instead of going between both.
    There should be no problem with moving all photos from the same years to the same projects. You can also drag projects in "Projects" view on top of each other. That will merge them.
    You could also define smart albums in Aperture to search for images taken at a specific period of time:
    File > New > Smart album:
    Then, in the Smart Settings HUD, click "Add Rule" and add a Date or Calendar rule.
    For example, to find all images taken in 2010, use a rule "Date > Capture Year is > 2010"
    To search for Photos taken at a specific date or at several dates, use a "calendar" rule. This way, you do nat have to type the date, but can pick it from a mini calendar.

  • IPhoto events and Aperture projects

    What happens to iPhoto events and Aperture projects in Photos? I have read that Events and Projects are not available in the new Photos app. My library is entirely organised this way. If Photos is organised just by date, then will all my years of sorting be lost?

    If, like me, you used Events as your main organizational tool - you will really be disappointed in Photos.   My Albums transferred, but I had over 100,000 pictures, taken over 13 years and organized mostly by the "Event/Title" line above each group of pictures.   Those titles did not transfer to Photos.
    They do have an Album titled iPhoto Events and a lot of events are in there - however, not all and they are in a completely random order.   In my case, over 3,000 events with absolutely no way to find anything other than scroll through or possibly search.  Also, at this time there is no way to move forward with Event organization as it does not exist.   There is not way in Photos to label each days photos with an event or title.   It's like one big huge shoebox with date order the only organization.  Ridiculous.
    I mostly use a 35mm SLR Camera without any GPS designation - so I now have 109,000 photos in one big list organized by nothing but the date taken or scanned. 
    I have also scanned a lot of family history photos and old family photos - fortunately I put most of those in Albums - otherwise Photos is very excited to just list them according to the date I scanned them which has nothing to do with the content of the photo.
    Definitely back up your iPhoto before you do anything.   I am looking for an outside program that will continue my organization and not throw everything out on the whim of people who just use photos for social media and sharing.   This change made me realize that Apple has no intention of creating and keeping a serious organization system for amateur and professional photographers who have a large number of files that need to be organized and kept for many years.

  • Can I have two Aperture projects with same name?

    Hi. I'm new to Aperture and an advanced iPhoto user. I started using Aperture sharing the same library with iPhoto (that new functionallity).
    I've read lots of manuals and tutorials (Apple's and others) as well as this support topics. I understand iPhoto Events are now Aperture Projects and I've read a lot about how should it be organized and so on.
    My problem is: I got, for example, 4 iPhoto Events with the name "Friends". The appear in Apperture as 4 Projects named "Friends". I decided to rename one of them and the I came back to "Friends" name. Aperture won't let me: it appends "(1)". It seems I cannot name to Projects the same way, although I have that.
    Before: Friends, Friends, Friends, Friends
    After renaming one of them and trying to get back to original name: Friends, Friends, Friends, Friends (1)
    I have that duplicated name because it is like a title, photos of my friends in different time (one Friends is from 2005, other from 2010, and so on, for example).
    It seems pretty bad I have to come up with a new name for each new Project, considering I have hundreds of them today. Any tips? Thanks.

    If there is nothing separating the images then put them all in the same project. If you have a project Friends you know all your friends images are in there and you can find the ones you want by date or keyword or even Face.
    There is no requirement to have the images from different times at the bar to be in different projects. I personally wouldn't work that way but if having a project called Friends at Bar works for you then place all the images of your friends at the bar in that project.
    Of course another way to look at this is to use albums to pull all the images of your Friends at Bars together. Don't have the name of the project organize your library, create albums and/or smart albums to collect the images into meaningful groupings.

  • How do I burn a selected few of my photos in an Aperture project?  When I select a few, it burns the whole project anyway. .  Grrrrr.

    How do I burn a selected few of my photos in an Aperture project?  When I select a few to burn, it burns the entire project...    Grrrrr.......

    Select the pics. Export them to a Folder on the Desktop. Burn that with the Finder.

  • Restoration of deleted Aperture project from Time Capsule - is it possible?

    Hi, I have used Time Capsule to back up my Aperture library. Today I deleted a project by mistake. I am unable to open the aperture project library from yesterdays backup to find my lost project. I have to copy the entire library and there is not room on my harddrive. It does not restore it - only offers to copy the entire 138 Gig library of pictures. If I make room and copy same 118 Gig library can any one advise how one opens it, accesses it, places it etc so that Aperture will open this previous complete version as opposed to the current version (in which the project is deleted?)
    Thnx ++ I am desperate. John McKaigney

    Sorry, I don't have the answer for you but would suggest that if you have not already done so, that you should also post in the Aperture forum. There are a number of threads there about library restorations.

  • Aperture Project Re-Import Problem

    Aperture Project exported to aux. drive cannot be imported.  Getting "Error Importing Library" message; "The library could not be imported because it is from an out of date version of Aperture 3. Please upgrade the library to the latest version of Aperture"
    The project is a 2009 project that was exported this year after I upgraded to 3.0, in an effort to create more disk space in my MacBook Pro.  I have several years of well over 100 Projects that I've exported "Projects as a New Library" and am now unable to re-import them for added work and access. 
    Is there a clear cut solution to this?  I've done some searching on web and it appears this has been a significant problem for other Apertures users as well. 

    Hello nikondon,
    First you need to upgrade your old Library. Select it in the Finder and double-click it. That will launch Aperture with this library and convert it.
    (or hold down the Option key while clicking on the Aperture Icon in the Dock.  From the list of available libraries choose this particular one).
    Then you will be able to import your old library into your current one.

  • I am trying to project a film from an ipad mini with a vga cable to a projector.  The film played, but the ipad did not mirror what was being projected.  I am trying to be able to mirror the devices AND isolate the window so I can use different menus wit

    I am trying to project a film from an ipad mini with a vga cable to a projector.  When tested, the film played, but the ipad did not mirror what was being projected, it was a black screen.  I am trying to be able to mirror the devices AND figure out how isolate the window so I can use different menus with the film still playing.
    Any one know an app or softward that i can use?
    Thank you!

    To move an iPhoto Library to a new machine:
    Link the two Macs together: there are several ways to do this: Wireless Network,Firewire Target Disk Mode, Ethernet, or even just copy the Library to an external HD and then on to the new machine...
    But however you do choose to link the two machines...
    Simply copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder on the old Machine to the Pictures Folder on the new Machine.
    Then hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library'
    and select the Library that you moved.  That's it.
    This moves photos, events, albums, books, keywords, slideshows and everything else.
    Your first option didn't work because you imported one Library to another. Every version and thumbnail is imported like a distinct photo, you lose all your Albums, Keywords etc., the link between Original and Previews is destroyed, the non-destructive editing feature is ruined and so on. In summary: it's mess.
    Your second option didn't work because you simply referenced her library on the old machine.

  • IPhoto Events to Aperture Projects

    For those in the know,
    Are iPhoto Events analogous to Aperture Projects?
    I am considering purchasing Aperture 3 with the goal of leaving iPhoto behind.
    I really like the way events are managed and displayed in iPhoto.
    Should I be safe in considering Aperture's Projects like iPhoto events.
    Can projects be sorted and viewed by day, in grid fashion a la iPhoto??
    Any help would be appreciated.

    If I were you, I'd download a trial version of Aperture and see if it works the way you want. (Even if it doesn't work how you want, you might still be happy with how it works.)
    Aperture Projects are loosely analogous to iPhoto Events. However, a Project can have any number of other containers (albums, slideshows, etc) below it, so it is much more versatile. However, if you don't use any other organization within a Project, than the Event/Project analogy is pretty sound.
    As for viewing Events in iPhoto by day, I wasn't aware that was a function of iPhoto. I know you can view Event-by-Event, and if your events are split into days, you will get a grid of days (really events) showing you the "key" photo in each Event. There is a view of all of your projects within Aperture that does the same thing. (I rarely use that, though, since I can see a list of all of my projects and just click on an item in the list to see all the pictures.)

  • What Does Finalize Project Do? iMovie 11

    Does anyone know what the "Finalize Project" option in the file menu of iMovie 11 does? Is it different than Export?

    When you share directly to YouTube (for example) on a big movie, it might take an hour to render and an hour to upload. If it fails, it can be hard to know if the failure was in the render or in the connection to YouTube. This let's you render, make sure all is well, watch it, and then send to YouTube.
    With 1080P, the render can take a lot longer than before, so you can let it render while you are away, or overnight, and then send various sizes where they need to go. For example you might send 1080P to YouTube or to Toast, but you would never need to send 1080P to iTunes, so 1080P is not even an option there.
    But you are right, it is the same thing as sharing to Media Browser in all sizes.

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