What's Flash storing in its preference folder?

A search for traces of a troublesome application lead to a folder with surprising contents.
It appears the Flash player is filing away data about sites I visit in this folder
~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player/\#SharedObjects/7XXXXXXX/
Anyone know why? What is it storing in all those .sol files? Is it safe to delete these?

If you Control + Click on any Flash presentation you will be presented with a Flash preferences menu, which among others, allows you to choose how much local storage you give to Flash presentations.
Choose none to prevent this from happening.
Delete them without penalty, especially if you have a high speed internet connection.

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  • What are the text files that suddenly showed up in the Preferences folder?

    I just noticed a group of text files in the Preferences folder that I haven't noticed before. All of them were created within a 3-minute period on 12/31/2008. The names are in sets of 4 or 5 that follow this scheme:
    The default app to open these is Property List Editor.
    They haven't been modified since they were created, even though I've been adding, deleting, and modifying apps and their preferences since then. Anybody know what they are? Can or should I delete these?
    Thanks in advance.

    To be honest I don't know what program they are related to. However If the files are located in ~/Library/Preferences (Where is ~ = your home directory) Then You should be safe in moving/deleting them, at worst you will have to reset the settings in one of your apps. What that folder is mainly used for is say for example you have your dock show/hide it self. That will be saved to a plist file in the preferences folder. If you delete or move the dock's plist out of there your dock on your next login will go back to the default view of Mac OS.
    Now To be honest you don't have to move/delete those files that are there, especially since at most you will probably reset some of the preferences you set in an application. But its up to you. Also you could always move it first to see what app it is and either move it back or delete it later.
    Hope that helps,

  • Wierd foldernames in preferences folder - what are they ?

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    They all appers to be empty..
    And the are all from the 14 august and up to today
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    but what are they and can i delet them ??? ... hope somebody can teel me
    The folders are:
    ˛]@ê÷òøˇfi¿†~a|êÿÃè¿ö(øˇfl ß≠§
    ˛dPê÷òøˇfi¿†~a|êÿÃè¿ö(øˇfl ß≠§
    ˛íPê÷òøˇfi¿†~a|êÿÃè¿ö(øˇfl ß≠§
    ˛iê÷òøˇfi¿†~a|êÿÃè¿ö(øˇfl ß≠§
    ˛s¿ê÷òøˇfi¿†~a|êÿÃè¿ö(øˇfl ß≠§
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    fii`ê÷òøˇfi¿†~a|êÿÃè¿ö(øˇfl ß≠§
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    Searching the forum i have found the folowing
    It seems frome all post that the folders can be deleted without worys
    but they will come back
    A fix cud be:
    Barbara Brundage >> Oh, oh, now I remember. It's caused by the Adobe TWAIN driver. Go to the PE folder>Plug-ins>Import/export and trash that. It's nothing but trouble.
    Allan Seidel >> One can stop the folder creation by fooling Adobe CS to not load its TWAIN plug-in. Search for the TWAIN file at Plug-Ins:Import/Export. Rename the file to ~TWAIN. CS will no longer create the strange folder.
    Wonder what is safe to do ??
    I have now tryde allan's solution ... hope it works
    Discussions link on the topic (for other reading this with the same problem)
    Message was edited by: Jesper Møller

  • My older ibook g4 is locked up with an icon flashing. looks like a file folder flashing a blue and white face/question mark. what is this?

    my older ibook g4 is locked up with an icon flashing. looks like a file folder flashing a blue and white face/question mark. what is this?

    Apple's suggestions for dealing with the flashing question mark folder:
    Niel has summed it up pretty nicely.

  • How do you find out what application is generating a plist file in your preference folder?

    I have had two similar warnings come up in Drive Genius 3, a program that I use to manage my drives.  The warnings occur during a daily verification of preferences on my main drive, a 256GB SSD. 
    They state:
    "The preference file at '/Users/me/Library/Preferences/com.analogsolutions.Football.plist' may be corrupted."
    "The preference file at '/Users/me/Library/Preferences/org.machinedevelop.National.plist' may be corrupted."
    Per Drive Genius' advisement, "Corrupted files can cause appplication crashes and should be moved to the Trash." I delete the files, however they are regenerated each day. 
    Q: How do you figure out what application is generating a preference file?  And is there a way to tell if this is a OS generated preference file? 
    I have searched online and cannot find any information about either Analog Solutions or Machine Develop nor am I able to discern what these particular .plist files are for... 
    Q: Are these two .plist files truly potentially harmful?
    Thanks for the Help!
    model iMac12,2
    3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3

    Hi Everyone, sorry for the late response.  I have been monitoring my Preferences Folder; every moment I am on my computer trying to catch what application/process generates these files.  I was hoping to try your suggestions, but oddly enough the offensive .plist files have not returned since the last time I deleted them about a week ago.... strange...
    In any case, I have responded to some of your suggestions and questions that I have information on:
    X423424X wrote: Ok, can you double click the .plist file?  If so it should attempt to launch the Property List Editor (in your Utilities folder).  That way you can look at stuff in the plist.  Maybe (hopefully) there's something in there that can shed some light on who is creating it.   If Property List Editor cannot open the file (some apps create files that have the .plist extension but don't actually create the proper XML format -- probably what ProSoft was alluding to) then try opening it with a text editor.
    The .plist file when opened in text editor contains a string of (what to me seems to be) an arbitrary list of numbers.
    Linc Davis wrote: Those files have been given obfuscated names so you won't know what created them. They must contain encrypted registration data for some third-party commercial software that you use.
    Yes, seems likely...
    Linc Davis wrote: It should be fairly easy to find out what application is creating them, if you really care. Move the files to the Desktop, then log out. Log back in while holding the shift key as you click the "Log In" button. That will prevent your login items from loading, among other things. Open your account preferences and launch the login items one at a time by double-clicking them in the list. After each one, check to see whether the files have been recreated.
    Ran through login, one by one, no luck in identifying the application(s). 
    X423424X wrote: Another thought, lock the plists on the hope that whatever is using them will "choke" and complain about it (no guarantee that will work but worth a try).
    Thanks, the lock idea is the one I will try next if they ever reappear...
    X423424X wrote: Also, I don't recall if I asked this but if those plists are deleted while logged in will they be recreated during that same login session.  Or do they only appear after you deleted them and then and then logged out and back in?  Or do you have to reboot to recreate them?
    Unfortunately I do not know for certain.  Though from all my login/startup/reboot tests I believe that they are not directly linked to starting up the machine or loging in either.
    I'm not really certain why the .plist have not returned.  I haven't uninstalled any programs, though I did run a couple updates for some widgets within the last week; however that was about 3 days after I deleted the last set of .plist files and usually they reappered everyday.  In any case, given that they have not been regenerated I guess my problem is solved per se, at least I am no longer getting that annoying warning everyday.   Still, it's a bit of a mystery  
    Thanks again for all the help!

  • Want to instal new flash player but its asking for a password - what password

    want to instal new flash player but its asking for a password - what password -

    Forgot Your Account Password
    For Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks
        Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         When the menubar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu.
         Enter resetpassword at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow
         instructions in the dialog window that will appear.
         Or see:
           Reset a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Password
           OS X Mountain Lion- Reset a login password,
           OS X Mavericks- Solve password problems,
           OS X Lion- Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    For Snow Leopard and earlier with installer DVD
         Mac OS X 10.6- If you forget your administrator password,
         OS X- Changing or resetting an account password (Snow Leopard and earlier).
    For Snow Leopard and earlier without installer DVD
        How to reset your Mac OS X password without an installer disc | MacYourself
        Reset OS X Password Without an OS X CD — Tech News and Analysis
        How To Create A New Administrator Account - Hack Mac

  • Flash has had its day , use HTML5, so what prog do I now use ?

    I am told :-
    Flash has had its day !   future active content on our website will be with HTML5 tools which allow for all the same functions.
    Flash is buggy or inoperative on portable devices which already account for nearly 15% of our traffic, this is predicted to rise to as much as 50% in the next few years.
    I am not aware of HTML5 at all, tha testifies how often they let me out of here !
    I start to google this and see that Adobe have Wallaby to convert swf to html5, but reading the table of what works, and what doesnt, it seems like only dumb basic things will translate over, its full of semi or unsupported functions. Importantly AS3 code is not supported, as well as a host of other things that surely make flash the clever thing that it is. I create maps with coding for buttons that open other parts of the map, coding that allows zoom and pan and so on. I have artwork with raster images in it of vehicles, the artwork has to look realistic. Table says coding and raster images unsupported.
    If Flash is to be put down, and Adobe cant even get the table to be full of supported aspects, what hope is there ?
    What can anyone tell me about how I use HTML5 to create artwork from scratch, or to get these intelligent files converted to HTML5 ?
    If I wish to alter a file later on, I asume I open the Flash fla, make the changes, then convert it to HTML5 again and go through again any hell holes the first conversion saw.
    If portable devices are responsible for the demise of Flash, is that not the tail wagging the dog ?
    IMPORTANTLY....are there programs that create HTML5 files like Flash creates from scratch its files ? It will need such to be able to draw the artwork. 
    I was told you can create HTML5 with notepad, no way could I draw my artwork with notepad ! People would need to be Spock !
    I create the vector content in Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Freehand (better than Illustrator) and so would need a prog that imported Freehand files. I currently use Flash8 to do so then migrate to CS5.
    Is it that a HTML5 file creating program exists and one needs to start from scratch on a file and this will then be able to do the clever things that coding and flash can do, and it will allow use of raster images ?  What is that program ?
    I read that Flash 10.1 is less of a CPU hog than Flash 10 and in act is better at times than HTML5  Apple have made a business move and caused this it seems.
    I am using Flash Pro CS5, so what is this 10.1 ?
    I put HTML5 into the forum search window and found nothing, a little surprised at that.

    Adobe and its products are embracing new web standards such as HTML5, including Flash Pro. Have you read about the all new Flash Professional CS6, yet? It has a really cool export to HTML5 feature that allows you to export all your flash assets for HTML5 projects using the Toolkit for CreateJS. Check these videos for more information:
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/adobe-technology-sneaks-2012/export-to-html5-from-flash-professi onal/
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/cs6-creative-cloud-feature-tour-for-web/introduction-to-flash-pr ofessional-cs6/
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/cs6-creative-cloud-feature-tour-for-web/new-support-for-html5-in -flash-professional-cs6/
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/cs6-creative-cloud-feature-tour-for-web/exporting-flash-content- as-html-in-flash-professional-cs6/
    Please let us know if you have any other queries at all.
    Suhas Yogin

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    What is the default name of the folder where the cache (i.e. Firefox's temporary internet files) is stored? Basically, what folder is Firefox's equivalent of Temporary Internet Files?

    You can find the location of the cache on the about:cache page (open that page via the location bar like a website).
    Only large image and media files are stored as individual files on disk.<br />
    Other files are stored in a few large container files (_CACHE_XXX_) in the cache folder and not as separate files on disk.<br />
    The individual files on disk have random names without a file extension for security reasons: you can't open an application or start a downloaded virus inadvertently by clicking a file in the cache folder.<br />
    You can look at this extension for easier access to files in the cache.
    * Cache Viewer: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/2489

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    My ipod touch 4g keeps flashing the apple sign on the screen what should i do and its warranty is over to

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order. The appointment is free.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

  • Fireworks CS5 wont start up in lion (error in preferences folder)

    Ok, after 10 days with out FW CS5 on my new Lion installment. I finally cracked some kind of bug where FW would freeze just after loading and the last text in the CS5 logo was tabs and then the processor would go up to around 81% and just freeze.
    Apple and Adobe, both blame each other and none could give an answer, but to re-install everything, which i just had done. (Man the big dudes are lost sometimes!)
    "My" problem turned, that I seemlessly had a corrupt file in my ~/Library/Preferences/
    But i couldnt figure out which one it was.
    I ran a Terminal plutil -s *.plist and no errors showed up.
    The solution turned out to be:
    Deleted the entire macromedia folder in the ~/Library/Preferences/ folder and now its working.
    macromedia is the name of the old FW creators before Adobe took over.
    So i am guessing there is some kind of error, but who can tell. I cant, adobe cant and apple cant.
    Well hope this helps somebody!

    Hi Folks!
    Its because the macromedia folder is recreated each time flash is used somehow.
    I made an Automator App that
    1) Locates the ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia
    2) Moves the Macromedia Folder to the Trash
    3) Runs Adobe Fireworks CS 4
    So all I need to do is click this Automator App instead of the Fireworks App in my Dock, and then I am sure it will start.
    (I Know that this is not a 100% cool in the end fix, but seems like Adobe are ignoring this error after several of attempts of direct action to tell them.)
    Here is how to build your own automator app that does these three steps for you.
    My finder is in danish, but I translated it in red text for you. Guess its easy to figure out:
    Remember!!! If you are running Adobe Fireworks CS5 then choose that in step 3 instead :-)

  • Why is FaceTime stuck "turning on" its preference?

    FaceTime is stuck at the following state:
    Reproduceable steps:
    1. Open FaceTime
    2. Click switch labelled "Off" (to turn "preference" on)
    3. Wait...forever
    What's going on? Why doesn't this action timeout if it fails and why is it failing?
    ( Boy, an error message would help here )
    Why is the "FaceTime "preference" blocking my use of the app?
    ( Yes, I know what it does, as it says in the screen capture above. It's just incredibly annoying that I cannot use the app I PURCHASED before the preference is set. )
    BTW, the spell checker in the Apple support text editor is not very good.
    Check the following test results:
    ...and lastly, why oh why did Apple remove "Save As..." and its usual shortcut (Apple-shift-S) from the Preview app, which now calls the same feature "Export"? Gawd, I love saving screen grabs as TIFF format (which, BTW, Apple support does not support) then saving the TIFF, closing Grab, opening the TIFF in Preview and saving it, er "Exporting" it, as JPEG — then, embedding it in this support question. NOT.
    Little help, please. Anyone. Beuller?

    [ Apoogies for the initial attitude, Apple. I'm hoping someone distills our usabilitiy notes to improve products :]
    Thanks, miauhas and thatchtastic.
    I deleted the one password keychain file I found under the Login keychain in the Keychain Access app. (You can find the app in the Applications/Utilities folder.)
    I have no idea why it worked; however, the process was not so straight forward.
    Steps to reproduce:
    (a.) Unlock the Login keychain in the Keychain Access app
    (b.) Delete the file that is of "application password" kind and named something like "FaceTime: [email protected]"
    (c.) Quit the Keychain Access app
    (d.) Open FaceTime
    (e.) Turn FaceTime "on"
    (f.) Enter your Apple ID credentials
    (g.) [ wait for FaceTime to "turn its preference on" ]
    > At this point, the app gets stuck "turning on"
    (h.) Quit FaceTime
    (i.) Open FaceTime
    > At this point, a new dialog in the right-hand panel appears (with video feed at left)
    > Step: Enter e-mail address to associate with FaceTime
    (j.) Enter e-mail address
    (k.) [ app verifies address, which in this case is the same as my Apple ID ]
    (l.) FaceTime set-up process complete
    On balance, there appears to be a bug hanging around, causing the app to essentially crash in certain circumstances. Apple developers, please investigate further — thanks!

  • Com.apple.safari.plist missing in preferences folder

    Hey everybody,
    my safari has become unusably slow. I checked for solutions and found out I should delete the com.apple.safari.plist. So I browsed my preferences folder in the library for the file and could not find it. I checked my whole Library for any Safari related file and there was none.
    Has anyone an explanation for this? I already reinstalled the OS which didn't change a thing.
    I hope anybody can help me please
    I am using a mid 2012 rmbp with 8gb ram, which has become a little laggy in general since the yosemite in update

    Unfortunately, deleting the com.apple.safari.plist didn't solve my original problem. Safari is still so superslow sometimes. And then its fast again. But Chrome is always faster and immediately responding. I've run a test with Etresoft:
    Problem description:
    generally laggy system. especially the finder
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.2 (105)
    Report generated 15. Dezember 2014 17:24:18 MEZ
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
      MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) (Verified)
      MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro10,1
      1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4-core
      8 GB RAM Not upgradeable
      BANK 0/DIMM0
      4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
      BANK 1/DIMM0
      4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
      Bluetooth: Good - Handoff/Airdrop2 supported
      Wireless:  en0: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
      Intel HD Graphics 4000 -
      Color LCD spdisplays_2880x1800Retina
      NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M - VRAM: 1024 MB
    System Software: ℹ️
      OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) - Uptime: 16:57:59
    Disk Information: ℹ️
      APPLE SSD SM256E disk0 : (251 GB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
      Macintosh HD (disk1) / : 249.79 GB (67.15 GB free)
      Encrypted AES-XTS Unlocked
      Core Storage: disk0s2 250.14 GB Online
    USB Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
      Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    Thunderbolt Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
      Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
      [not loaded] com.numark.4trak.usb (3.0.2 - SDK 10.7) [Support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
      TuxeraNTFSUnmountHelper: Path: /Library/StartupItems/TuxeraNTFSUnmountHelper
      Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist [Support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist [Support]
      [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist [Support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist [Support]
      [running] com.spotify.webhelper.plist [Support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
      iTunesHelper Programm (/Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesHelper.app)
      NIHardwareAgent ProgrammHidden (/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Hardware/NIHardwareAgent.app)
      Dropbox Programm (/Applications/Dropbox.app)
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
      SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.4.6 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      Silverlight: Version: 5.1.30514.0 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 15.0.0 - SDK 10.10 Check version
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
    Audio Plug-ins: ℹ️
      Numark4TrakAudioHAL: Version: Unknown - SDK 10.7 [Support]
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
      Flash Player  [Support]
      Tuxera NTFS  [Support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
      Mobile backups: OFF
      Auto backup: YES
      Volumes being backed up:
      Macintosh HD: Disk size: 249.79 GB Disk used: 182.64 GB
      Backup [Local]
      Total size: 251.20 GB
      Total number of backups: 3
      Oldest backup: 2014-12-07 16:51:16 +0000
      Last backup: 2014-12-14 19:12:26 +0000
      Size of backup disk: Too small
      Backup size 251.20 GB < (Disk used 182.64 GB X 3)
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
          8% WindowServer
          1% hidd
          1% SoulseekQt
          1% Dock
          0% fontd
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
      318 MB com.apple.WebKit.WebContent
      266 MB Safari
      258 MB Preview
      137 MB Finder
      129 MB WindowServer
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
      1.33 GB Free RAM
      4.62 GB Active RAM
      1.18 GB Inactive RAM
      1.23 GB Wired RAM
      4.93 GB Page-ins
      2 MB Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
      Dec 15, 2014, 12:26:53 AM Self test - passed

  • The browser will not keep its preferences or options.

    Every time I set them and reboot or shutdown, settings all reset back to first use (i.e. show all splash screens for extensions etc.) Happens everytime no exception. No preferences saved and reused you have to reset all items contained in the Options folder. This I unacceptable. Also it would not import bookmarks or export them (corrected by itself go figure) and would not restore or backup them either. This happens every time I use it. Getting ridiculously tired of having to reset everything every time I use the browser. Wish you could reply with the answer.

    Sorry didn't work. I did know about how to do this before I had the problem but I did like to have it completely restated as you listed it (thanks). This is always tied to windows 7 on this particular machine. My other system does not have this issue and its windows 7 also. Both have the exact same settings and software installed but the one is 1 year older and slower but has no problems. Both are from the same manufacturer. I would have accessed it and used all its setting but It is 500 miles away and not turned so I cannot access its files. This system far exceeds any recommended system requirements for Firefox. I so far have uninstalled it and reinstalled it at least 40 or 50 times through Jan 2012 and just know have been able to get it to work. I have also uninstalled any software that could have caused any problem without success. This time I left everything running performed all sort of upgrades for windows, ran a cleaner, left Zone Alarm Extreme Security Running and installed add-ons to the browser(Firefox 10). Seems this time to want to work. Personally I think it all windows 7 64 bit problem. No matter what I do with this its seems to go against any rational troubleshooting. Please any other thoughts. There has to be a key to the problem hidden somewhere. Just like when tech help says it will fix it or it will not and you find that its not the case and something else is the culprit. Usually something very simple. Any ideas or help is appreciated as I really want to understand why the fixes are not working.
    Thanks Very Kindly

  • Preference folder/No such file or Directory

    Hello knowledgeable ones!
    So I'm using single user mode to move/delete my preference folder in hopes that it will recreate itself and upon start up, get past the grey screen of despair.
    I tried what it says on the Apple.com site about renaming/moving preferences and the iMac only responds "no such file or directory". Possibly because I don't remember what I did for the short name on my account? I don't know 100% which exact version of OS it is either.. This is because I've only had the computer six days, it was the family computer my younger brother mainly used but he passed away 4/nearly 5 months ago now, and my dad asked me to take it on my birthday, kinda TMI I guess but it does sound stupid that I don't know. My dad's computer is close to same/or maybe it is the same as this one, so this computer may have 10.58 like his, my dad however much he's infatuated with Mac products knows next to nothing about them.
    The endless grey screen started after I installed avast! because dumbly I thought I'd check for viruses since I hadn't used this computer in ages (I've been working with an outdated snail-speed PC since I moved out of my parent's house). avast! told me something within my preferences was corrupted something like media_preference and I assumed after deleting it, it would remake it on start-up anyway and avast! gave no other option and refused to quit..
    Sooo I have an idea of what's wrong but not what to do?
    I have an install disc that may not be the correct one. The iMac won't boot it on start-up from 'c' or 'option' and the disc is Tiger v. 10.48 but this computer has been upgraded before maybe, it is 10.58 now? I have nothing but the keyboard plugged in, I've tried many times doing safe mode start-up with 'shift' 'command 'v' and it says generating crash report and something with the computers name and error with loginwindow. My account is the admin, and my brother's doesn't have admin rights and it doesn't automatically log you in on start-up if that makes a difference?
    Is there a way to clear a cache of some kind to make stuff work? I tried making a new user in single user mode to log-in or maybe that will recreate the deleted preference, honestly maybe I'm not doing it right? I haven't made much progress in single user mode. I don't think my dad has a firewire cable and I know I don't, I read that maybe we could hook them up to restore stuff though I have no idea how and he doesn't actually know the computer isn't working since it was my brother's, I feel incredibly bad and am very reluctant to tell him.
    How do I get past this grey screen + spinning wheel?  Sorry this was long! Thank you for reading!

    My preferred scheme is : save on the machine in a defined folder.
    Attach a folder actions script to this folder to copy every new or modified document on the server.
    The backup tool installed on the server will be of absolutely no help.
    If the document is corrupted, it's during the save process so the tool will backup a corrupted file.
    I assume that the described problem is not linked to the folder where you try to save the beast but to the folder in which document's components are stored before it's converted to a package or to a flat file.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 8 mars 2010 19:16:04

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    Clean out your system caches using a tool like OnyX. Some of them are persistent and don't respond to disk space allocation changes which in turn may make them interfere by being in the wrong place or too small to hold more data, resulting in corruption of plists or things that acces the font cache. Just wipe them clean. Takes a little longer on next system startup, but you will pleasently notice that your system will generally regain some of its snappiness. Regardless of what most Mac people think, OSX pollutes itself over time just like Windows does... If the issue persists after that, you may wish to check your spotlight settings and Time Machine and exclude your user pref directory from their indexing and backup.

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