What's going to happen to all the files on the Mobileme server?

Will they be removed?
If not, will iWebs sites still be up and running and can we add to them if required.

MobileMe is shutting down so you need to download any files that you need.
You can do this from the Finder Go menu and follow the path iDisk/My iDisk. Any website files will be in the Web/SItes folder.
iWeb offers two other methods of publishing your site....
... and there are lots of choices for hosting...
The MobileMe only features will not be available to you but there are alternatives...

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    All of what you are saying is certainly possible. The next version of iWeb could potentially make all the workarounds that we do to edit HTML obsolete. To be sure, this is a net positive. But for those of us with more complex and more "post-processing" heavy sites, it will probably mean that we need to make some changes.
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    Maybe I'm hoping for too much, though. I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine.

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    So what now? Will Apple ditch iWeb? They could at least tell us what's going to happen. After all I bought the Macs (2) for my wife so she could make her own websites. If they ditch the app I'll ditch Apple. 

    iWeb will still function, even after being ditched by Apple, so your wife can continue creating beautiful webpages.
    If they ditch the app I'll ditch Apple.
    Logic is not everybody's forte.

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    Unfortunely, all movies and songs purchased in iTunes will be lost...you'll have to purchase them again! Any applications you've purchased, you can download again for free.
    Music Rescue is a program you can use to transfer any and all data (music, movies, pictures..) from your iPod to your computer, and iTunes.

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    artworks349 wrote:
    So what happen to frontrow?
    See HERE.
    artworks349 wrote:
    Whats a good web builder thats a esay to us as iweb had a look at sandvox
    Consider the free Weebly — it's a browser-based builder, so you'll be able to update your site from any modern Mac or PC. And Weebly's net promoter score — an industry calculation of how likely users are to recommend a service to others — is an unusually high 80%. (Source)

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    Well, all my PAID, bought on iTunes movie poster art is now missing as well in iTunes 11.1.2. My largeish personal movie collection, wherein I hunted down the poster art and manually added it... all still work. Further, I note, in moving one of my processed films between Macs, the cover art is embedded in the H.264 movie file itself. It cannot go away. As a test of this, I transferred one of my files to a PC notebook of a friend, and even iTunes on the PC sees the cover art fine.
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    A note to Apple Programmers Imagine were I Steve Jobs telling you this. (Oh, I am THAT guy who caused a rewrite of the Apple Store. Remember THAT?) Here is the permanent fix to cover art issues: In a hidden, locked (after edit) Unix file stored safely somewhere, you just have iTunes use an OUTBOARD FILE which simply contains the link data for the art. THEN, when ANY new version of iTunes comes along, it just reads that little file, and NO USER is ever left without art. The file is opened and modified as needed, and just locked up after each change.
    Further, the poster art is not searchable by name on your computer if you wanted to do a manual add to permanently fix the problem.
    From experience, I can tell you manually adding movie poster art, which iTunes then embeds, is painfully slow even on a fast machine. That is because a huge file must be rewritten. This is why Apple may have reticence - keeping user experience positive.
    Further, Apple may be using a direct screen dump technology for the poster art, which puts a graphic onscreen without using further memory. Large collections could tank a lesser machine if this was not used.
    Well, at least my movies look good in Apple TV.

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    Did you save them did your Photoshop preferences get reset without knowing what been happening on you machine there is no way can know we could only venture a guess.
    Supply pertinent information for quicker answers
    The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
    Adobe product and version number
    Operating system and version number
    The full text of any error message(s)
    What you were doing when the problem occurred
    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

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    The Omega

    Actually, I did notice this and comment on it in another thread on this subject:
    Curiously, you never specifically mentioned this either. I also didn't "complain about those who ask questions" in either of my posts in this thread. In fact, I don't particularly care for these App Store changes either. I simple provided an explanation that was posted elsewhere. Apparently, the only explanation you're willing to accept is that Apple did it out of complete incompetence and/or greed.
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    Message was edited by: modular747

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    rcschnoor is correct.
    Definitely do not have all details needed.
    Heres the route the account will take.
    Im assuming:
    1. The account has been disconnected due to non-payment.
    2. There is a balance owed on the account..
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    Try to connect on Live chat one more time.
    Still not connected , better to contact Adobe Phone Support
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