What's simpler than mail merge?

I have a Pages '09 document which will be used again and again by multiple people. Rather than make them perform a find and replace for each string like, "<%FirstName%>, <%LastName%>, <%Email%>" I wish I could attach a form to the file so that when someone openned it they would have to populate a few text fields one time and upon submition the find and replace would happen for all the various placeholder texts.
The mail merge feature would be great if I needed a form letter but I don't. The benefit of mail merge would be creating several copies of a pages document populated by the data from rows a numbers file. I don't want to have to teach people how to change the data in a numbers file and make sure that they have it in the proper location on their machine.
Does anyone know of a simple way to do this? I've looked at several applescript options but the find and replace scripts seem to only apply to body text. My document has body text, text boxes, tables and other types of text that I need replaced.
Any answers would be greatly appreciated. Even if they are complicated. I'm comfortable trying to figure out Applescript or Automator if those are the only option but I definitely need a push in the right direction.

Here is the edited script.
--[SCRIPT open_a_Pages_custom_template_and_fill_fields]
Enregistrer le script en tant que Script ou Application : open_a_Pages_custom_template_and_fill_fields.xxx
déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
Aller au menu Scripts, choisir “open_a_Pages_custom_template_and_fill_fields”
L’aide du Finder explique:
L’Utilitaire AppleScript permet d’activer le Menu des scripts :
Ouvrez l’Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
Cochez la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus”.
Sous 10.6.x,
aller dans le panneau “Général” du dialogue Préférences de l’Éditeur Applescript
puis cocher la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus”.
Save the script as a Script or an Application : open_a_Pages_custom_template_and_fill_fields.xxx
Move the newly created file into the folder:
<startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:
Go to the Scripts Menu, choose “open_a_Pages_custom_template_and_fill_fields”
The Finder’s Help explains:
To make the Script menu appear:
Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
Select the “Show Script Menu in menu bar” checkbox.
Under 10.6.x,
go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
2011/04/29 -- modified at 23:00:06 according to OP's request
true = open a predefined custom template
false = open the custom template selected thru Choose From List
property use_predefined_template : true
Edit this property to fit your needs. You may change the strings or their number.
The unique requirement is to keep the first two and the last two characters.
property field_names : {"<%Error Title%>", "<%Error Type%>", "<%Unit ID%>"} --
on run
          my activateGUIscripting()
  run script do_your_duty
  --my do_your_duty()
end run
script do_your_duty
  --on do_your_duty()
          local templates_loc, myTemplates_loc, chemin_des_modeles, le_modele, mon_modele
          local nb_chiffres, entire_contents, indx, chemin_de_mes_modeles, noms_de_mes_modeles, le_conteneur, i, un_element, le_titre, mon_choix
          set field_values to {}
          repeat with i from 1 to count of field_names
                    set field_name to item i of field_names
                    set le_prompt to "Enter the string to fill the field " & field_name
                    set maybe to text returned of (display dialog le_prompt default answer (text 3 thru -3 of field_name))
                    copy maybe to end of field_values
          end repeat
Grab the localized names of the templates folders *)
          tell application "Pages"
                    my close_palettes()
                    set templates_loc to localized string "Templates"
                    set myTemplates_loc to localized string "My Templates"
          end tell -- to application a
Define the path to the folder storing custom templates *)
          set chemin_des_modeles to "" & (path to library folder from user domain) & "Application Support:iWork:Pages:" & templates_loc & ":" & myTemplates_loc & ":"
          if use_predefined_template then
Here, use a predefined custom template
                    set le_modele to "merge_in_it.template" --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                    set mon_modele to chemin_des_modeles & le_modele
Here, use a Choose from list dialog to define the template to use
                    set nb_chiffres to 3 (* 
2 = allow 99 templates
3 = allow 999 templates *)
Grab the list of every items stored in the folder *)
                    tell application "Finder"
                              set entire_contents to entire contents of folder chemin_des_modeles
                    end tell
Build two lists. One contain the path to every custom templates.
The other contain the names of these templates and the names of subfolders *)
                    set indx to 1
                    set chemin_de_mes_modeles to {}
                    set noms_de_mes_modeles to {}
                    set le_conteneur to ""
                    tell application "System Events"
                              repeat with i from 1 to count of entire_contents
                                        set un_element to item i of entire_contents as text
                                                  if type identifier of disk item un_element is in {"com.apple.iwork.Pages.template", "com.apple.iwork.Pages.sfftemplate"} then
                                                            if name of container of disk item un_element is not le_conteneur then
                                                                      set le_conteneur to name of container of disk item un_element
                                                                      copy (text 1 thru nb_chiffres of "---") & space & le_conteneur to end of noms_de_mes_modeles
                                                            end if
                                                            copy un_element to end of chemin_de_mes_modeles
                                                            copy text -nb_chiffres thru -1 of ("00" & indx) & space & name of disk item un_element to end of noms_de_mes_modeles
                                                            set indx to indx + 1
                                                  end if
                                        end try
                              end repeat
                    end tell
                    if my parleAnglais() then
                              set le_titre to "Pages’s custom templates"
                              set le_titre to "Modèles personnalisés de Pages"
                    end if
Choose the template to use.
If you select a subfolder name, the script beep and ask one more time *)
                              set mon_choix to choose from list noms_de_mes_modeles with title le_titre
                              if mon_choix is false then error number -128
                                        set mon_choix to text 1 thru nb_chiffres of (item 1 of mon_choix) as integer
                                        exit repeat
                              on error
                                        beep 1
                              end try
                    end repeat
                    set mon_modele to (item mon_choix of chemin_de_mes_modeles)
          end if
Create a new document from the selected template *)
          tell application "Pages"
  open file mon_modele
                    tell document 1
                    end tell
                    repeat with i from 1 to count of field_names
                              my Rechercher_Remplacer(item i of field_names, item i of field_values)
                    end repeat
          end tell -- Pages
  --end do_your_duty
end script
on parleAnglais()
          local z
                    tell application "Pages" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
          on error
                    set z to "Cancel"
          end try
          return (z is not "Annuler")
end parleAnglais
on activateGUIscripting()
  (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
          tell application "System Events"
                    if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true
          end tell
end activateGUIscripting
on Rechercher_Remplacer(avant, |après|)
          local nom_du_dialog
          tell application "Pages" to activate
          tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Pages"
  keystroke "f" using {command down}
                    set nom_du_dialog to title of window 1
                    tell window nom_du_dialog to tell (first UI element whose role is "AXTabGroup")
                              set value of first text area of first scroll area to avant
                              set value of first text area of last scroll area to |après|
                              if (count of checkbox) = 0 then
Simple dialog *)
                                        set {X_bouton, Y_bouton} to position of last button
Advanced dialog *)
                                        set {X_bouton, Y_bouton} to position of button -3
                              end if
                    end tell -- window nom_du_dialog…
                    click at {X_bouton + 5, Y_bouton + 5}
  keystroke "w" using {command down} -- Close the dialog
          end tell -- System Events…
end Rechercher_Remplacer
on close_palettes()
          local w, buttonX, buttonY, buttonW, buttonH
          tell application "Pages" to activate
          tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Pages"
                    set frontmost to true
                    repeat with w from (count of windows) to 1 by -1
                              tell window w
                                        if (subrole is not "AXStandardWindow") then
                                                  tell first button to set {{buttonX, buttonY}, {buttonW, buttonH}} to {position, size}
                                                  click button 1 at {buttonX + (buttonW div 2), buttonY + (buttonH div 2)}
                                        end if
                              end tell
                    end repeat
          end tell
end close_palettes
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 29 avril 2011 23:01:47
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    This was a great feature and it appears it is NO LONGER AVAILABLE Greta option to merge with Address book
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    Thank you for your valuable Tip of resorting back to Pages 09!
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    I could do this in WordStar in the mid 1980s on a Commodore 128 running CP/M. I could do it in WordPerfect under DOS. I can do it in Word in Windows, and I HATE Windows.
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    Sarris2 wrote:
    I hacked my way to the answer before reading your good advice. I see three problems here:
    1. As you say, the tutorial materials are vague and fail to explain how the feature works or how to get to the feature.
    2. The "Edit:Merge" menu option is greyed out until you add a Merge Field, so you can't connect to a Numbers data source until AFTER you have chosen your first Merge field, which presumes you are using the address book, so the first field has to be an Address Book field even if the eventual document doesn't have any Address Book fields in it.
    Have you tried my instructions?
    All you need is a Numbers spreadsheet with the appropriate headers in it. Link to that and then you can merge to those revealed headers.
    3. There is apparently a "magic number" bug in Mail Merge in Pages. Since I couldn't connect to a data source until after inserting the first Address Book field and I was working with bad advice from the tutorial, I inserted 14 fields, creating my own cross-reference table in a separate document to tell me which Address Book Field to map each Numbers file Merge Field to.
    Again, why are you insisting on barking up the wrong tree, and arguing with the koalas that they aren't pandas?
    When I actually got around to mapping the fields, I hit the magic number 13 and instead of seeing Numbers fields to map to, I saw Address Book fields again. I tried deleting the field and creating a new one and got a repeat of the Edit:Merge window now pointing to the Address Book. When I once again pointed it to the Numbers file, all the fields I had mapped changed their names to the actual Numbers fields, and when I went to create the new field, the list of choices were from the Numbers file instead of the Address Book.
    Haven't a clue what this is supposed to mean, and why you are still futzing about in Address Book.
    So, I got what I wanted, though I wasted a lot of time unnecessarily using Address Book fields and remapping them to the Numbers fields, and I'm still hampered by the lack of Conditional Merge Fields. From Bento, I have a field named "Becket" that has either a "0" or a "1". I'd like to type the word "Becket" on the card if it is "1" and not type anything if it is "0". I could do that in Wordstar, etc.
    It seems that in Pages, I have to tweak the data itself, wrestling with Numbers to replace all "1"s in that column with "Becket" and replace all the "0"s with empty cells. It's a lot more of a tedious process in Numbers than it would be if I just had a conditional Merge field.
    Can't follow what this has to do with a simple merge which is where you started.

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    …and the other 98 missing features.
    Just use Pages '09, which should be in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Rate/review Pages 5 in the App Store.

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    Wow! After all my searching and just after posting this I figured out the solution! I originally had { MERGEFIELD Field_Name \# # } But then I just removed everything after the field name, as is normal for any other text field, so not indicating it was
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    Don't upgrade to Lion. It's a pretty box of tricks but it's hardly essential, and certainly not the indispensable "next step" that OS X, Tiger, Snow Leopard were. Stay where you are and run AW happily.
    If you HAVE to get a new machine, demand that they install Snow Leopard on it.

  • What is the best app for address labels and mail merge?

    What is the best app for address labels, mail merge and keeping track of customers information?

    Whilst this will work, it's intended for merging information (e.g. producing personally-addressed letters to a list of people).
    If you simply want address labels, open Contacts and then choose which contacts you want (either a group or hold down Cmd and click on those you want - if they're together, click on the first and use Shift when you click on the last). No need to select any if you want all.
    Then press Cmd-P and click on Show Details (at the bottom). Choose Labels (at the right hand side) and choose the size labels you have. You can even adjust the font and colour if you wish.

  • Why do I receive "4.3.2 connection rate limit exceeded" error message using the mail merge extension and what can be done about it?

    I am using TB 31.3.0 with Mail Merge 3.9.1. I routinely send an email to 435 members of an volunteer emergency responders group that I coordinate. I do so using a .csv list with mail merge. While there were no problems in the past, more recently the mail merge function will hang after sending a varied number of messages successfully and I get the following error message:
    "An error occurred sending mail. The mail server sent an incorrect greeting: 4.3.2 connection rate exceeded.."
    There is an "OK" button in the error message pop up that can be clicked to resume the mail merge process. It would appear that if I click the "OK" button immediately whenever the error message is received I must do so frequently and some members do not receive their email. If I delay clicking the "OK" button, I found that I only needed to click the "OK" button twice to send to all the members.
    An on line search suggests this is the result of some sort of throttling by my ISP, Sonic.net. There is also this comment: "If you are receiving this error, you are likely using mailing list software which cannot decipher the temporary fail codes. If so, you will need to set your software to slow down its delivery rate and/or reduce the number of active connections per remote host."
    I am not super technical. Is it realistic to think that I can tweak mail merge to that I do not have to babysit my email to this group?

    then I suggest you send using a mail provider that is not actively trying to block your outgoing mail. Or use a yahoo / google groups mailing list feature so you only send a single mail.
    Or use a free account from the likes of http://www.ymlp.com/ who limit free account mailing lists to 1000 subscribers. ( Googled them this morning)

  • What happened to mail merge

    The new update of Numbers killed the mail merge file use. Do you know of a work around with out going over to the "Dark Side Microsoft "

    Mail merge was dropped in Numbers 3.x.  you can still use the previous version which is loacted in the folder "/Applications/iWork '09"

  • Mail merge in Pages using Address Book - problem with fields

    I am a fan of using the many of the Mac OS, iLife and other Apple applications together and just purchased iWork '09. I'd never done mail merges in previous versions of Pages, but I decided to try today with my Address Book data. I stumbled across some problems related to Address Book that have bothered me for some time and wonder if there is a simple go-around. Many of the cards in my Address Book have more than one line in the street address field. For example, they have street and street number in one line and the apartment number in the second. When Pages encounters such vCards in my Address Book, it doesn't know what to do and skips the next line of the address, which includes city, state and zipcode. I have also altered my Address Book template to include such things as the person's college (as I work with lots of college students), but this field is not recognized in Pages' mail merge feature. So, if I put the college name at the beginning of the street field in Address Book (which is what I have done until today), I can get excellent mail labels to print from Address Book, but I now I realize that this causes the mail merge problems in Pages described above. If I list the college elsewhere in the vCard, such as under the guise of "department" (an accepted field for mail merge in Pages), I lose the ability to get accurate mail labels in Address Book. Any ideas?

    Page's Mail Merge doesn't show up any "Custom" fields in its list?

  • Mail Merge from Numbers picks up wrong cell

    I have a Numbers document with several tables (each in a different Sheet).  The document was created by exporting data from ScrumWorks Pro into an excel document and than opened in Numbers.  The data I use in the mail merge is in one of the tables.  To prep the table for the merge, I set the top row of the one table to be a header row and save as a numbers document.  Some of the columns in the table reference other tables in the document (for example = PBI::Table 1::C2).
    In Pages, I use three of the columns as merge fields (column B - "Task Title", column F - "Original Estimates (hours), & column I - "PBI Title").  Column I is the one with references to the different table in the same document.
    When I do the mail merge, the first page correctly gets the first two column, but not the third.  The second page of the mail merge picks up column E instead of column B, column I instead of column F, and again not the third merge field.  The third page of the mail merge picks up column N instead of column B, column H instead of column F, and again not the third merge field ... etc.
    I am guessing that it wants/needs further modifications to the Numbers document to prepare it for the merge, but I am not sure what.  Anyone have any ideas?

    Not surprised at all.
    You wrote that the column F contains hours values.
    The truth is that it contain date_time values displaying only the time component.
    The Mail merge hate this kind of data.
    There is a simple workaround. Insert a new column just after column F.
    In the new cell G2, insert the formula =""&F2
    Apply Fill Down
    In the Pages document, repose the field supposed to extract values from column F by one defined to extract from he new column G.
    I'm quite sure that the merge feature will behave as you wish.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 28 mai 2011 21:31:37
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.7
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • Is there a way to Automate or Script the Mail Merge Feature in iWorks?

    I've been trying to build a production management system slowly over the last few months, my boss is a bit of a technophobe so I've been trying as hard as i can to keep everything in familiar programs, at its core all the system has to do its take information in from Purchase Orders, this is added to a Numbers File, within that numbers file are our Open Order Book showing All orders and 2 "Merge Sheets" all new Orders are Added to the Merge Sheets then onto the Open Order Sheet, those "merge sheets" are then used as a data source for a Pages file "Job Card" (we have 2 job card files once blue one yellow but the process is the same)
    Up until now I've been manually merging each time we get a new order, but this happens a lot so what I've been trying to do is Automate the procedure.
    Ive created 2 Automator Apps  each runs the same sequence just for the two different Job cards as follows:
    Get finder Item "Job_Card_Blue/Yellow" > Open Finder Item > a "watch me do" of mail merge > Print > Close Application without saving
    The Problem is the Watch me do is a bit of a clunky work around, if I could make it work without the mouse moving over the screen it wouldn't be so bad, even if I could somehow give Mail Merge a Keyboard Short Cut it would also be better.
    So my questions, after a large ammount of waffling:
    1) is there a way i can "see" and then edit the "watch me do" Script?
    2) is there a simpler work around im not seeing?
    3) is there an existing script of program I can use? (obviously i know there is Filemaker etc, if it was up to me I'd use a Database, but the owner of company is adimant i use office or easy programs, becuase it needs to be a system i can leave to him once my contract is up)
    Any Help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Yes I've created an Automator Application that does the job, but the "watch me do" function that does the Mail Merge is a rather Clunkey work around, as the mouse moves all over the place, thats the part i want to remove and replace with a script, or work out a different way around it that avoids the "watch me do" function.
    Is this Possible? or where/who is there i can ask to write me a script, im not a novice to scripting, but i am a novice to Applescript.

  • Error Mail Merge Aborted due to error in creating the Mail Merge DataSource

    Dear All,
    please help me with this problem (Oracle release 12.0.4.)
    1. PROBLEM:
    When attempting to extract data, using Web ADI in HRMS, Word is selected as the viewer, but an Excel spreadsheet is generated rather than a MS Word document containing the data. Also error "Mail Merge Aborted due to error in creating the Mail Merge Data Source." appears on screen.
    We are using MS Office 2003.
    2. PROBLEM:
    Unable to create data source from HR form PAYWSLEE.
    We are using custom integrator. This integrator is attached to form function. Form function is attached to responsibility. We also created the layout.
    The next step would be to create data source from form PAYWSLEE, but we are not able to perform this...
    In release 11i we used this form (PAYWSLEE) to create datasource (for mailmerge), but in R12 this is not working... Something is missing here and I need your help to determine what. I checked the most documents on Oracle Support and didn't find solution for this problem...
    Please advise.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi all,
    Thanks for visiting our forum and sharing your experience here. It'll be benefited to our communicator.
    Have a good time.
    George Zhao
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click "[email protected]"

  • How to get pages ver 5 mail merge to work using numbers as a data source

    As a long time user of MS Word and Excel, I use the mail mail merge feature to create invoices by merging client contact info into the invoice template. At the end of Nov-2013, I changed to a new-to-me MBP-15. After purtchasing and downloading Pages, Numbers and Keynotes, I had difficulty using my Word/Excel files as a merge in Pages and Numbers.  Apple support has told me that the feature no longer works in Pages/Numbers version 5 in the OS 10.9 op-sys.  What a BIG disappointment.  I've begun to find some work arounds, but they are a pain in the @$$.
    Does anyone have any updates on this issue?
    Has anyone found a simple to use work around?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Apple has removed over 90 features from Pages 5.
    http://www.freeforum101.com/iworktipsntrick/viewforum.php?f=22&sid=3527487677f0c 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Archive/trash Pages 5 and rate/review it in the App Store, then get back to work.

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