What's to happen to iPadI when ios6 comes out

I read an article saying you must get as many apps as you can,now because ios6 will not run on the iPad one. I hope this isn't true,after-all its only three yo.does Apple do this to people? I spent six hundred and change on that unit and over a grand on my new ipadIII are they obsolete after just three years???? Help!

1, you don't need to hurry up - NOW. ALL the current apps are compatible with pre-iOS6 OS'es.
2, however, as soon as iOS 6 is out, you'll need to be extremely cautious if you tend to update your apps on your desktop iTunes. (This doesn't apply to updating directly on the iPad.) It'll update the file and won't allow you to go back to a version compatible with pre-iOS6 operating systems. There may be cases when you notice the latest version of an earlier-purchased app can't be synched to your iPad as it has become iOS 6+ only. (This has become quite problematic with my iPhone 1 / 3G and 1st / 2nd gen iPod touches as I've VERY frequently run into this problem.)
You MUST use Time Machine and NOT let it delete old ipa's. With that, it'll be very easy to switch back to a still-working app version by just restoring it from the Time Machine backup. I do this very frequently with my 1st/2nd gen iPhone / iPt devices.
3, Generally, an "obsolete" OS will gradually lose most third-party support in about two-three years. Very few developers support, for example, iOS 3 now, which means very few current apps run on iOS 3 today.

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     Cheers, Tom

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    -Matt wrote:
    It was assumed that 'Flux' was the cause, an app which changes the color and brightness of the screen to lessen the strain on your eyes when looking at the screen in a dark surrounding.
    The purpose of Flux is to lower the screen temperature (blue spectrum) at night so your computer monitor doesn't keep you awake by stimulating the pituitary gland in your brain that controls the sleep cycle.
    It is important to make sure any software like that (especially) works with your currrent machine and OS X verison before using it.
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    I was recommended AppZapper to get rid of the app and it's connections, which I did.
    Using this program is always a mistake, because it does a search only, thus other files are flagged and the use assumes the zapper knows what it doing and then deletes essential needed files or it doesn't catch certain files.
    I read somewhere that a broken fan may be the cause, as a buzzing sound is coming from the inside of the laptop, which does sound like a hardware issue, which I mentioned at the genius bar but as it showed that there were no hardware issues when we tested my MBP, nothing was thought of it. Does anyone have a solution to this, or know what the cause may be? Thanks.
    What likely occurred is you missed something to uninstall in Flux, and/or it's not compatible with your OS X/machine or AppZapper deleted a unrelated necessary file.
    It's also possible you either have a bad fan that's striking it's own enclosure, or something got inside the machine, which wouldn't show up on the hardware tests.
    I would start out by going through the Steps #1-#8 here, this will fix OS X if you deleted a essential file out of it, also kick out anything by a possible incomplete uninstall of Flux, reset the SMC and PRAM etc.
    Step by Step to fix your Mac
    Next I would check with the Flux developer about finding out where all the parts of Flux are, and it's manual uninstall method, any issues with your machine/OS X version, then use the free Easy Find to locate the orphaned files in your Applications or User folder if there are any. The #8 Step above will refresh OS X, so no need to look there.
    https://s3.amazonaws.com/DTWebsiteSupport/download/freeware/easyfind/4.9/EasyFin d.app.zip
    Once that's been done, if your still having problems, then have Apple open the machine up and inspect the moving parts.

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    I understand your frustration, but when any form of rationing is required you have to prioritise. The number of unlocked vs packaged phones will be quite small and the number of unlocked buyers wishing to upgrade immediately will be smaller still. Against this you have the corporations sharing $billions between them.
    It would, you're correct, have been fairer to release all at the same time, but fairer doesn't come into it: it's business.

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