What to do for broken battery?

The battery to my notebook broke a couple months ago, I've been busy lately and also haven't been in that big of a need of it, but I finally got on here to ask.  I got my notebook less than a year ago, probably around 10 months ago, is there a warrenty or anything on these? And if there is do I call HP or just take it back to best buy? Thanks. 

bcbaker91 wrote:
It doesn't work, I know when i'm not plugged it wont turn on or charge and the computer told me the battery failed and wasn't working. 
OK. That is far more understandable than broken.
1)  Your notebook is still in warranty (you can check that in the BIOS in the System information screen)
The standard warranty is one year from purchase date.
2) The HP Support Assistant or HP Advisor has reported that your battery has failed and given you a Warranty reference number to use when contacting HP then it is unlikely that a replacement will cost you anything at all.
Best regards,
****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    BTW, statements like
    "Use the device until the battery has drained to the point of self-shutdown. Basically, use it until it turns itself off."
    in articles like the one at http://www.macblend.com/how-to-calibrate-your-mac-iphone-or-ipad-battery/ are complete BS and if you do follow their "advice", your battery life will be severely hampered. Particularly if you also follow one of the comments: "Step One.One: Leave the device for 5+ hours before start charging. This will fully drain the battery." Well, the guy that advised the latter certanly doesn't know anyhting about lithium batteries and the damage deep discharging does to them.
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    The consensus here seems to be: (1) that it's quite ok to leave it plugged in; (2)  It is good to use the battery occasionally, per
    Apple - Batteries - Notebooks
    (3) It is not good to run your battery all the way down, or even close to that.
    Following these guidelines I have a battery which is 15 months old, with 108 cycles and currently reads between 98-100% health.

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    It is a matter of opinion as far as removing it or leaving it in. If you leave the battery in and plug it in and unplug it frequently the capacitors could read incorrectly and think that the battery is charged to 100% when it is not. This is only a temp issue. Calibrating the battery will resolve this. If you leave the battery out of the machine it could get lost, or give your notebook more spaces to get dust in it. Personally I always advise to leave batterys in for this reason. Charles informed you to leave it out which is not incorrect either. The notebook will run a bit faster on ac power and your graphics performance will be increased(with battery in or without) and you should not run into the memory issue. It is a matter of choice. You can run a battery check in the Total Care advisor and if it needs calibration because you leave it in often and it should link you to the steps if needed.
    Message Edited by Gangles on 10-29-2009 07:49 PM
    I currently work on behalf of HP for numerous support departments. The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of myself, not of HP. There is no guarantee that the opinions expressed are 100% correct.

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    Of course,just take it back into service:
    All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us - J.R.R. Tolkien

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    LisetteMeulman wrote:
    Is it better to charge the battery fully and let it empty completely, or charge it again befor it is empty ?
    NEVER EVER empty it.       Ever.   Nothing will destroy a lithium quicker.
    General consideration of your MacBook battery
    Contrary to popular myths about notebook batteries, there is protection circuitry in your Macbook and therefore you cannot ‘overcharge’ your notebook when plugged in and already fully charged.
    However if you do not plan on using your notebook for several hours, turn it off (plugged in or otherwise), since you do not want your Macbook ‘both always plugged in and in sleep mode’.
    Do not perform “battery calibration” on your current Macbook. There is no calibration of current Apple portable Macbooks with built-in batteries.
    A lot of battery experts call the use of Lithium-Ion cells the "80% Rule", meaning use 80% of the full charge or so, then recharge them for longer overall life. The main quantified damage done in the use of Lithium Ion batteries are instances where the internal notebook battery is “often drained very low”, this is bad general use of your notebook battery.
    All batteries in any device are a consumable meant to be replaced eventually after much time, even under perfect use conditions.
    If the massive amount of data that exists on lithium batteries were to be condensed into a simplex, helpful, and memorable bit of information it would be:
    1. While realistically a bit impractical during normal everyday use, a lithium battery's longevity and its chemistry's health is most happy swinging back and forth between 20% and 85% charge roughly.
    2. Do not purposefully drain your battery very low (10% and less), and do not keep them charged often or always high (100%).
    3. Lithium batteries do not like the following:
    A: Deep discharges, as meaning roughly 10% or less. Avoid this in all instances if you can. This is hard on your battery.
    B: Rapid discharges as referring to energy intensive gaming on battery on a frequent basis (in which case while gaming, if possible, do same on power rather than battery).
    C: Constant inflation, as meaning always or most often on charge, and certainly not both in sleep mode and on charge always or often.
    From Apple on batteries:
    "Apple does not recommend leaving your portable plugged in all the time."

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    Battery does not appear to charge
    Important: iPod touch cannot be charged with a FireWire-based power source.
    Verify that the power source being used is working properly.
    If connecting to a computer's USB port, verify it is a high-powered USB 2.0 port. Note: The USB ports on most keyboards don't provide enough power, so if you're connecting iPod touch to a keyboard, make sure it has a high-powered USB 2.0 port.
    Verify the computer is turned on and not in sleep or standby mode. If iPod touch is connected to a computer that's not turned on or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPod touch battery may drain.
    Try another USB port.
    Try charging from a USB charger if available.
    If that does not help, try another USB cable if available.
    Learn more about charging the battery.
    The Home button isn't working
    Put the iPod Touch to sleep.
    Wait a couple of seconds.
    Press the Home button.
    iPod Touch should wake up.
    If iPod Touch does not wake up, then iPod Touch should be serviced.
    Resources for Service

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    No one here works for Apple nor does Apple visit this message board.  We are all end users like yourself helping each other out. 
    "Official" Apple "replacement" announcements will be listed on their website and possibly on their Knowledge Base website.
    Check the All Programs website too.

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    Have a look here for the sizes and prices.
    It is however, much better to get a USB external drive that comes with it's own power adapter to avoid issues when or if your USB port can't supply enough power to your external drive.
    That issue however does happen rarely but it does happen.  Especially when connecting other devices to your other USB port while your external hard drive is connected to your other usb port.

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    I assume that you will have to set up as new since it will not let you restore from the backup. Then after you set it up, you can restore from the iCloud backup. The backup should not disappear be use you are setting this device up as new. Your backup should still be in iCloud.
    However, after you activate the iPd and update the software, you will have to erase the device in order to restore from the Cloud backup, that is the only way to get to the iCloud backup.
    Copied from the article that linked you to this discussion ....
    Update your device to the latest version of iOS to be able to restore the backup.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    It only means you should restore whilst it is connected to a power supply, so that your battery doesn't go flat during the process.

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    If your batteries leaked and possibly eroded teh contacts the best you can do it to attempt to remove all the fluid and clean the contacts. If the keyboard still does not work after a thorough cleaning yes it will need to be replaced. A new wireless keyboard is about $59 from OWC or you may want to look online for a used one, sometimes OWC (www.macsales.com) has them used. Other sources are Apple of course, Amazon, and any Apple reseller.

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    I bought the Mophie juice pack™ powerstation from the Apple store for $80. It has more then enough power to quickly boost the charge on my iPhone4S to an acceptable level. It requires the standard 30pin/USB Apple cord to plug into it.
    But unless you need to charge your phone from 5-100%, this battery is overkill. It's a real hassle having the Apple cord connected to your phone whilst there's a battery in your pocket and you end up looking quite strange with your "corded" smartphone.
    I might recommend a battery case (Mophie has these), but they don't offer the protection that I need (I use a LifeProof case).  Instead I would buy a smaller Mophie juice pack™ reserve (keychain, direct plug) to get out of a bind and then charge up your iPhone in the car, wall, airplane, etc.
    My only concern with the above (direct plug batteries) is that the slightest bump and the battery becomes a lever that could break the 30 pin plug on your phone, just like that warily flimsy feeling when you put an iPhone in a dock.
    Hope that helps, at least in the Mophie department!

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    First, the battery. The recalled battery replacements have not held up well, and, unfortunately, feedback on the Apple site isn't what I would call complementary about their batteries. When I replaced mine, I got a Newer Technology battery from OWC at http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer%20Technology/BAP17AL60RS/ . Mine has 104 cycles on it and 4113 mAh capacity.
    Now, charging. There are only 4 components in the charging circuit: Power adapter, DC-in card, battery and logic board. It sounds like your power adapter, being newer, is probably fine. Where the power adapter plugs into the computer, is that jack loose? If you put a pen or pencil on it and push it a little, gently, does it wiggle side-to-side? If so, your DC-in card may be bad. Assuming the battery stats are good and the battery is good, it should charge. Sooo, last but not least, is the logic board. Probably the best thing you can do is find a friend with a Powerbook or visit an Apple store or Apple authorized service provider to use another power supply that they know works (just to be sure) and a substitute battery (again, to be sure). If indeed yours are good, and I went through this a few months ago with one of our Powerbooks, you can replace the DC-in card, and if that doesn't work, then the logic board.
    If you want Apple to do that, have them send it to the Apple depot, where they'll do whatever is required to put the Powerbook in close to new condition. Put an old, bad, Apple battery in it, so they'll replace it. Cost runs around $350 if the case isn't banged up, and if it is, the price can go up. When ours went in, they replaced the logic board and put a new battery in. Of course ensure your data is backed up, and if anything is really confidential, move it onto an encrypted disk on your hard drive or back it up and delete it.
    If you have the store replace the logic board, it will run you more than double what they charge to send it to the depot.

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    What will happen to the battery if i let my Ipod touch 4th Gen charging for 8 hours?I'm editing and fixing my ITunes in my P.C,and It's two days old.Thank you.

    Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store. If under warranty, as you say (the warranty is transferable) and not abused Apple will exchange it at no cost.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar      

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