Whatever login to the page (username) that name I can see in my page

I am creating a page called leave Request.One field is there called "name".Actually whatever I login (Suppose my name).That name i can see in that field..How I will get that?
Suppose I logged in as suman...that name I can see that field
This is my design page in WD java
e.t.c e.t.c

Hi Suman,
If you want to get the uniquename of the logged in portal user use this code.
String Username = "";
IWDClientUser wdUser = null;
try {
wdUser = WDClientUser.getCurrentUser();
} catch (WDUMException e) {
IUser user = wdUser.getSAPUser();
Username =user.getUniqueName();
// for unique ID use user.getUniqueId().
for this you need to add the security.api jar file.
Right click on the project properties->addexternal jars and add this .jar file
If you want to get the Portal Roles then use the following code:
Iterator itr = user.getRoles(true);
IRoleFactory rfact = UMFactory.getRoleFactory();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
String roleName = (String) itr.next();
IRole role = null;
try {
role = rfact.getRole(roleName);
wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Role:" +
+ "Display Name:" + role.getDisplayName()
+ "ID: " + role.getUniqueID()
+ "Uniquename: " + role.getUniqueName()
+ "Description: " + role.getDescription());
} catch (UMException e) {
wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager.reportException("error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(),true);

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