When 3212 digital output to active a relay

plz help me about digital output  of wsn 3212 .when temperature of thermocouple is abov then 25 degree i want to active a relay from digital output of node..plz tell me about this program...

sir suppose i want to measure temperature from thermocouple from wsn 3212node.nd compare it with 40.when temperature is above than 40 degree.it give an digital out put from wsn3212 to active an relay to run a fan..here is programming example is attached.assume here numeric value compare with incomming value from wsn 3212 thermocouple temperature.when temperature above than 40 then led on...
labview.png ‏192 KB
labview.png ‏192 KB

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    It sounds to be more a referencing issue than an issue between the DIO and impedance analyzer. Sounds like it may not be calling to the correct channel.
    Heres some troubleshooting steps:
    Can you communicate with the ELVIS board in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)? 
    If so, can you use one of our example files to try to do some DIO? 
    If that works, try to comment out the impedance analyzer step to make sure it isn't causing the issue. You can comment things out by using the diagram disable structure, which is under programming->structures. 
    Kyle Mozdzyn
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments
    Kyle M.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi ggarza:
    Here is the current specification for the digital outputs on the 2220: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/0147137D2442E4A9862572C100758895?OpenDocument. As you can see there, it only supports 3mA, so it would not be possible to use this relay. In addition to this, you should be careful using this outputs, as the manual specifies they are not isolated.
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    NI México

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    Probeersel state machine2.vi ‏92 KB

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    Probeersel state machine2.vi ‏43 KB
    States.ctl ‏5 KB

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    Best regards,

    Hi Dimitri,
    Welcome to the NI Forums! It's good to hear that you've already received some help here.
    Q: Is there an easy way to measure the seconds that the output port wire to the heating element is active? 
    A: Yes! The method we can use to perform this action depends on the sort of architecture that you're using at the moment, however we can take advantage of the section of your code which defines whether the line should be on or off. When it's on, using a While Loop we can  use a Timestamp to keep track of the current System clock; this Timestamp will update on every loop iteration. If we use a reference Timestamp which is created outside of the While Loop when we first begin to drive the line high, we can simply work out the difference between the current Timestamp and the reference Timestamp to get the total time.
    This kind of code will also be device independant because it relies only on the computer it is used on.
    I hope this helps!
    Alex Thomas, University of Manchester School of EEE LabVIEW Ambassador (CLAD)

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    With these speakers the connection that I would suggest would be to use the Digital out on the back of the sound card into the DIN Input on the DTT3500's. This will require a converter cable for /8'' Minidin to standard DIN which can be purchased from here:
    You will also need a standard DIN cable (one should have shipped with your DTT3500's).
    This should give you 5. with digital output only enabled on the Audigy.

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    Thanks a lot for your answer.
    Regards, Anacelia

    Hi Anacelia,
    You should not realy on this answer without verifying with NI first. So here goes.
    Page 347 of the catalog indicates the supported data transfer mode is "programed I/O". This indicates that each line state change must be initiated by an operation of the controlling software. Therefore, the upper frequency limit is determined by how often the code that sets or resets the line runs.
    So, the upper limit is determined by the software and the environment it is running in. If you are woring in Windows environment, and your machine is faster than about 400 Mhz then there are two factors to concider when answering your question. How fast does the code run, and how deterministic is it.
    If determinism is not an issue, you could resonably expect to get
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    If determinism is required, and you are not running in a Real Time environment, the above estimates should be backed off. Anything above 5-10Hz is going to be questionable.
    Like I said, verify what I have said with NI.
    I hope this helps,
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    relay coil to DAQ module output point
    -5Vdc common to DAQ Dig Gnd point
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    2. Do I need some resistor to limit the current through the DAQ board or
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    3. How do I protect t
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    coil once
    disconnected? With the flyback diode suggested I am protecting the power
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    Please attach a suggested wiring diagram to your answer.
    Thanks in advance for your support.

    We use a MOSFET (2N7000) switch in our systems to isolate the DIO ports from the relay drive. The attached schematic shows the circuit.
    One problem we have with this is when the board powers up the DIO ports are configured as inputs, and the circuit sees enough voltage to turn on. The 47k resistors were recently reduced to this from 100k, which seemed to help.
    DIO_Relay_Drive.bmp ‏1440 KB

  • MyDAQ, Increase Digital Output?

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    I'm currently working with a myDAQ trying to trigger three 3V relays through the digital outputs. My main problem is instead of giving me 5V when triggered, the digital outputs are only giving me ~2V since they can turn on an LED, but they don't switch my relays. Is there any way to increase the voltage coming from the digital outputs?
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    I'm a beginner to LabVIEW and myDAQ and would appreciate any help! Thanks!

    Hello SNorrell,
    According to the myDAQ's specifications, each DI/O line can source a maximum of 4mA, which won't be enough to drive your coils unless you use multiple outputs to drive each.  I don't recommend attempting that. 
    Depending on how many relays you need to use, however, it's likely that you can get a few to work without additional hardware by using the built-in 5V supply line to drive the lines and grounding them at the DO.  Invert the logic on your digital lines so that they go low to turn on the relays. You'll need to account for power-up conditions and ensure your hardware doesn't toggle on or off unexpectedly when powering on the DAQ or the PC. You'll also want to ensure you're not driving too much current to the digital pins, refer to the documentation for current and voltage limits.
    Tom L.

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    These blips can occur when writing to a digital port, and not masking the bits you do not wish to change.
    If these blips are causing problems, take a look at the Write to Digital Port.VI. Double click on its icon to open its front panel. Go to its block diagram. You'll see where the port is configured on iteration 0, and then the Port Write is called, and there is an input to mask lines. This is what you'll need to do--put a value on this input to mask lines you want to remain the same. This should fix the blips you are seeing.
    Also, if you are not manipulating more than one digital line at a time, you could use the Write to Digital Line.VI, which would accomplish the same thing. But if you need to update more than one line at the exact same ti
    me, this method won't work for you.

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    - take external sync from S/PDIF
    - set the optical to ADAT so it doesn't mess up the coax s/pdif input
    This seems like such an obvious application. Has anyone gotten it to work?

    This is my point - the currently active channel does not produce sound through its multiple outputs unless Logic is playing.
    So, for example, if I am auditioning different drum grooves from RMX through the multiple outputs (for the purpose of putting effects/processors on the outputs in Logic) this only works when Logic is playing.
    Or if, in BFD, I have the direct Snare coming out of one output into an aux, and then a direct Kick coming out and output into another aux, I cannot hear them unless Logic is playing - I can only hear the ambient mic's as these are mapped to Outputs 1-2 which are the initial track you set the multiple output AU up on.
    If none of this is something you tend to do, I guess it's hard to understand!

  • Synchronous LED display with digital output

    In the experiment I want to control a relay, so I use the MAX to generate a digital output task and then transfer it to example code in labview as below. How can I amend  this code so that when the module ouput 1 there is a synchronous LED display on the front board.

    Use single sample digital writes inside your loop.  Use a shift register to hold the state (T or F) and invert each iteration.  Now you can just wire the state wire to a front panel led and be sure that it is sync'd to the digital output.

  • NIELVIS- digital output!

    Hi was trying to work on some relays on the elvis prototype board, i see that the digital output give about 4.3V but for some reason the relays cant be activated by these, Could anybody pls tell me if that is because the digital outputs dont have enough current to activate the relay, or suggest anything to rectify this! I am currently trying to use those 8 digital outputs as switches to activate the realys.
    Thank you

    Those specifications differ based on the internal DAQ board you are
    using in conjunction with the ELVIS unit.  The ELVIS uses either
    the 6036E or the 6251, there is no way to change the actual output
    voltage of the digital lines, they only output the specific state
    either high or low.  The NI-ELVIS User's Guide has more information about the specific specifications of the NI ELVIS.
    Good luck!
    Micaela N
    National Instruments

  • U330 no audio digital output (SPDIF)

    Hi !
    I own an U330 and I want to use the optical output for digital audio (SPDIF w/ mini toslink).
    But, no matter the setting I choose, It doesn't work I have no red light.
    When I choose the digital output in the Realtek software, nothing happens even if I plug a mini toslink jack and play music...
    In fact , when I plug it, the U330 detects that a jack has been insered, and in the realtek software, the icon of the analogic output becomes active.
    I've already installed Realtek last driver...
    Has someone experienced this problem ? Do you have the red light in the jack socket ?

    take a look at this thread, it may help.

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