When I boot up my iMac and hold down ALT it boots straight into windows 7 without giving me the option to boot OSX back up. Have I lost OSX and all my files completely? Please help

I set up boot camp for my iMac with windows 7. All was fine and it gave me the option to boot into windows.. I then used windows for a few hours and shut down the mac to boot back onto OSX when I was done.. This time my mac booted straight to windows 7 even with me holding down the ALT key it gave me no choice.
I'm assuming the boot camp set up was wrong somewhere but is there a way to get back on to OSX now?? Please help

1. Have you tried both Alt keys - maybe your Alt key is dead.
2. Do you have wireless keyboard? Have you tried to change batteries? USB Keyboard?
3. If your Win is installed correctly then you have also installed all windows support software.
There should be Startup manager like on the Mac (next to the clock little bootcamp app or in control pannel) to restart your Mac into the Mac partition.

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