When is an account subject to licensing?

Scenario: SharePoint Enterprise 2013 On-Premise
If the User Profile Service syncs an OU in Active Directory and that OU contains 10 people's accounts - if only 5 of those people in that OU have been granted rights to a SharePoint site collection in that farm, is that 10 accounts or 5 accounts that are
subject to licensing?

Users are not automatically pruned by anything OOTB in SharePoint when their AD account is disabled/deleted. My personal recommendation would be to take a look at Metalogix ControlPoint. I believe it does have an option to help with licensing, but it also
has the ability to prune user accounts that are no longer active in Active Directory from SharePoint.
Trevor Seward
Follow or contact me at...
This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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  • Error when i create accounting

    frist of all sorry if i put this message in wrong subject or wrong thread.this is my frist time in forum
    dear all,
    i use ebs r12 12.1.2 os Linux x86-64
    when i create accounting i meet error this log :
    Application Object Library: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    FNDWFBG module: Workflow Background Process
    Current system time is 15-APR-2011 01:39:37
    **Starts**15-APR-2011 01:39:37
    **Ends**15-APR-2011 01:39:37
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Successfully resubmitted concurrent program FNDWFBG with request ID 450126 to start at 15-APR-2011 01:53:18 (ROUTINE=AFPSRS)
    Executing request completion options...
    Output is not being printed because:
    The print option has been disabled for this report.
    ------------- 1) PRINT   -------------
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed successfully
    Current system time is 15-APR-2011 01:39:37
    Subledger Accounting: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    XLAACCPB module: Create Accounting
    Current system time is 16-JAN-2012 12:43:15
    XDO Data Engine Version No: 5.6.3
    Resp: 20639
    Org ID : 81
    Request ID: 450125
    Data Template Code: XLAACCPB
    Data Template Application Short Name: XLA
    Debug Flag: Y
    Calling XDO Data Engine...
    [011612_124319140][][STATEMENT] oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleBlobInputStream@179f36b
    [011612_124319242][][STATEMENT] Logger.init(): *** DEBUG MODE IS OFF. ***
    [011612_124319244][][STATEMENT] DataTemplate.getTmpDir(): system-temp-dir property value from DATABASE: /usr/temp
    [011612_124319246][][STATEMENT] Template parsing started...
    [011612_124319389][][STATEMENT] Data Template ......
    [011612_124319389][][STATEMENT] oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument@19fdbcb
    [011612_124319525][][STATEMENT] Inside properties Parser...
    [011612_124319525][][STATEMENT] db_fetch_size=20
    [011612_124319526][][STATEMENT] Inside parameterParser...
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_REQUEST_ID Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_ENTITY_ID Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_SOURCE_APPLICATION_ID Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_SOURCE_APPLICATION_NAME Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_APPLICATION_ID Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_APPLICATION_NAME Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_DUMMY Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_LEDGER_ID Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_LEDGER_NAME Default value:
    [011612_124319527][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_PROCESS_CATEGORY_CODE Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_PROCESS_CATEGORY_NAME Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_END_DATE Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_CREATE_ACCOUNTING_FLAG Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_CREATE_ACCOUNTING Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_DUMMY_PARAM_1 Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_ACCOUNTING_MODE Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_DUMMY_PARAM_2 Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_ERRORS_ONLY_FLAG Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_REPORT_STYLE Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_ACCOUNTING_MODE_NAME Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_ERRORS_ONLY Default value:
    [011612_124319528][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_ACCOUNTING_REPORT_LEVEL Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_TRANSFER_TO_GL_FLAG Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_TRANSFER_TO_GL Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_DUMMY_PARAM_3 Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_POST_IN_GL_FLAG Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_POST_IN_GL Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_GL_BATCH_NAME Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_MIN_PRECISION Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_INCLUDE_ZERO_AMOUNT_LINES Default value:
    [011612_124319529][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_INCLUDE_ZERO_AMT_LINES Default value:
    [011612_124319530][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_VALUATION_METHOD_CODE Default value:
    [011612_124319530][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_SECURITY_INT_1 Default value:
    [011612_124319530][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_SECURITY_INT_2 Default value:
    [011612_124319530][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_SECURITY_INT_3 Default value:
    [011612_124319530][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_SECURITY_CHAR_1 Default value:
    [011612_124319530][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_SECURITY_CHAR_2 Default value:
    [011612_124319530][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_SECURITY_CHAR_3 Default value:
    [011612_124319530][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_CONC_REQUEST_ID Default value:
    [011612_124319531][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_INCLUDE_USER_TRX_ID_FLAG Default value:
    [011612_124319531][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_INCLUDE_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIERS Default value:
    [011612_124319531][][STATEMENT] Parameter:P_USER_ID Default value:
    [011612_124319531][][STATEMENT] Inside dataQueryParser...
    [011612_124319535][][STATEMENT] Inside dataStructureParser...
    [011612_124319540][][STATEMENT] Group ...report
    [011612_124319541][][STATEMENT] Group ...APPLICATION
    [011612_124319542][][STATEMENT] Group ...APPLICATION_FLAG
    [011612_124319543][][STATEMENT] Group ...NO_ACTION_EVT
    [011612_124319544][][STATEMENT] Group ...ACCT_PROG_ERRORS
    [011612_124319545][][STATEMENT] Group ...EVENT_CLASS_S
    [011612_124319545][][STATEMENT] Group ...LEDGER_S
    [011612_124319546][][STATEMENT] Group ...BALANCE_TYPE_S
    [011612_124319547][][STATEMENT] Group ...EVENT
    [011612_124319548][][STATEMENT] Group ...AE_HEADERS
    [011612_124319550][][STATEMENT] Group ...AE_LINES
    [011612_124319551][][STATEMENT] Group ...AE_ERRORS
    [011612_124319552][][STATEMENT] Group ...NO_ENTRY_EVENTS
    [011612_124319553][][STATEMENT] Template parsing completed...
    [011612_124319553][][STATEMENT] Setting Data Template
    [011612_124319553][][STATEMENT] Setting JDBC Connection
    [011612_124319576][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_REQUEST_ID Value :
    [011612_124319642][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_ENTITY_ID Value :
    [011612_124319642][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_SOURCE_APPLICATION_ID Value :200
    [011612_124319642][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_SOURCE_APPLICATION_NAME Value :Payables
    [011612_124319642][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_APPLICATION_ID Value :200
    [011612_124319642][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_APPLICATION_NAME Value :Payables
    [011612_124319642][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_DUMMY Value :Y
    [011612_124319642][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_LEDGER_ID Value :2023
    [011612_124319642][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_LEDGER_NAME Value :SMI_PL
    [011612_124319643][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_PROCESS_CATEGORY_CODE Value :PAYMENTS
    [011612_124319643][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_PROCESS_CATEGORY_NAME Value :Payments
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_END_DATE Value :2012/01/10 00:00:00
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_CREATE_ACCOUNTING_FLAG Value :Y
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_CREATE_ACCOUNTING Value :Yes
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_DUMMY_PARAM_1 Value :Y
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_ACCOUNTING_MODE Value :D
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_DUMMY_PARAM_2 Value :
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_ERRORS_ONLY_FLAG Value :N
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_REPORT_STYLE Value :D
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_ACCOUNTING_MODE_NAME Value :Draft
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_ERRORS_ONLY Value :No
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_ACCOUNTING_REPORT_LEVEL Value :Detail
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_TRANSFER_TO_GL_FLAG Value :
    [011612_124319658][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_TRANSFER_TO_GL Value :
    [011612_124319659][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_DUMMY_PARAM_3 Value :
    [011612_124319659][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_POST_IN_GL_FLAG Value :
    [011612_124319659][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_POST_IN_GL Value :
    [011612_124319659][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_GL_BATCH_NAME Value :test11
    [011612_124319750][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_MIN_PRECISION Value :
    [011612_124319751][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_INCLUDE_ZERO_AMOUNT_LINES Value :N
    [011612_124319751][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_INCLUDE_ZERO_AMT_LINES Value :No
    [011612_124319751][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_VALUATION_METHOD_CODE Value :
    [011612_124319772][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_SECURITY_INT_1 Value :
    [011612_124319837][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_SECURITY_INT_2 Value :
    [011612_124319891][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_SECURITY_INT_3 Value :
    [011612_124319891][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_SECURITY_CHAR_1 Value :
    [011612_124319891][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_SECURITY_CHAR_2 Value :
    [011612_124319892][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_SECURITY_CHAR_3 Value :
    [011612_124319958][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_CONC_REQUEST_ID Value :
    [011612_124319958][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_INCLUDE_USER_TRX_ID_FLAG Value :N
    [011612_124319958][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_INCLUDE_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIERS Value :No
    [011612_124319958][][STATEMENT] Paramter :P_USER_ID Value :1110
    [011612_124319958][][STATEMENT] Setting Parameters
    [011612_124319958][][STATEMENT] Setting Parameters
    [011612_124319960][][STATEMENT] Start process Data
    [011612_124319960][][STATEMENT] Process Data ...
    [011612_124319966][][STATEMENT] Executing data triggers...
    [011612_124319966][][STATEMENT] BEGIN
    [011612_124319966][][STATEMENT] 1:null :
    [011612_124319966][][STATEMENT] 2:null :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 3:200 :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 4:Payables :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 5:200 :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 6:Payables :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 7:Y :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 8:2023 :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 9:SMI_PL :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 10:PAYMENTS :
    [011612_124319967][][STATEMENT] 11:Payments :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 12:2012-01-10 00:00:00.0 :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 13:Y :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 14:Yes :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 15:Y :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 16:D :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 17: :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 18:N :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 19:D :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 20:Draft :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 21:No :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 22:Detail :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 23: :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 24: :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 25: :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 26: :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 27: :
    [011612_124319968][][STATEMENT] 28:test11 :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 29:null :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 30:N :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 31:No :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 32: :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 33:null :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 34:null :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 35:null :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 36: :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 37: :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 38: :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 39:null :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 40:N :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 41:No :
    [011612_124319969][][STATEMENT] 42:1110 :
    [011612_124319971][][STATEMENT] Executing data triggers...
    [011612_124319971][][STATEMENT] Declare
    l_flag Boolean;
    l_flag := XLA_CREATE_ACCT_RPT_PVT.BeforeReport ;
    if (l_flag) then
    end if;
    [011612_124319994][][EXCEPTION] SQLException encounter while executing data trigger....
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: -: XLA-95103: An internal error occurred. Please inform your system administrator or support representative that:
    An internal error has occurred in the program xla_create_acct_rpt_pvt.BeforeReport . ORA-20001: -: XLA-95103: An internal error occurred.
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.APP_EXCEPTION", line 72
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XLA_EXCEPTIONS_PKG", line 110
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XLA_EXCEPTIONS_PKG", line 289
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XLA_EXCEPTIONS_PKG", line 162
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XLA_CREATE_ACCT_RPT_PVT", line 275
    ORA-06512: at line 4
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(SQLStateMapping.java:70)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(DatabaseError.java:133)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:206)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:455)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:413)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(T4C8Oall.java:1034)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement.doOall8(T4CCallableStatement.java:191)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement.executeForRows(T4CCallableStatement.java:950)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1225)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3387)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3488)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.execute(OracleCallableStatement.java:3857)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.execute(OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.java:1374)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.executeTriggers(XMLPGEN.java:650)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processData(XMLPGEN.java:263)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processXML(XMLPGEN.java:215)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeXML(XMLPGEN.java:254)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataProcessor.processDataStructre(DataProcessor.java:390)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataProcessor.processData(DataProcessor.java:355)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.DataTemplate.processData(DataTemplate.java:334)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XDODataEngine.runProgram(JCP4XDODataEngine.java:294)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(Run.java:157)
    Oracle error 20100: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20100: Error: FND_FILE failure. Unable to create file, o0010400.tmp in the directory, /usr/tmp.
    You will find more information in the request log.
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 417
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 526
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_CONCURRENT", line 1328
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    has been detected in FND_CONCURRENT.SET_INTERIM_STATUS.+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------
    Beginning post-processing of request 450125 on node ORAAPPS at 16-JAN-2012 12:43:20.
    Post-processing of request 450125 failed at 16-JAN-2012 12:43:21 with the error message:
    One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 16-JAN-2012 12:43:21
    anyone have same problem and already solving ??

    [011612_124319994][][EXCEPTION] SQLException encounter while executing data trigger....
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: -: XLA-95103: An internal error occurred. Please inform your system administrator or support representative that:
    An internal error has occurred in the program xla_create_acct_rpt_pvt.BeforeReport . ORA-20001: -: XLA-95103: An internal error occurred.
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.APP_EXCEPTION", line 72
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XLA_EXCEPTIONS_PKG", line 110
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XLA_EXCEPTIONS_PKG", line 289
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XLA_EXCEPTIONS_PKG", line 162
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XLA_CREATE_ACCT_RPT_PVT", line 275
    ORA-06512: at line 4Please make sure you have no invalid objects.
    Please also see these docs.
    R12: Ap Invoice Online Accounting with Final Post Ends With Errors ORA-20001 XLA-95103 [ID 853424.1]
    FAACCPB Create Accounting Internal Error xla_create_acct_rpt_pvt.BeforeReport [ID 783493.1]
    CSTCRACC Create Accounting Err ORA-20001 Xla-95103 Internal Error Occurred ORA-01400 [ID 1309124.1]
    CSTCRACC - Create Accounting - Cost Management Completes With Errors: java.sql.SQLException, ORA-20001, XLA-95103 [ID 1252703.1]
    Create Accounting Concurrent Program Errors - ORA-20001 XLA-95103 [ID 1392267.1]
    Create Accounting Error Due To Invalid Package Apps.Ap_payment_extract_details_v [ID 1366269.1]
    ------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------
    Beginning post-processing of request 450125 on node ORAAPPS at 16-JAN-2012 12:43:20.
    Post-processing of request 450125 failed at 16-JAN-2012 12:43:21 with the error message:
    One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
    Also check OPP log file ($APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDOPP* file).

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    Why have 5 accounts if you need to access all of them.. just have one account?
    Sorry I cannot follow why you would even use the PC to control the Time Capsule. Apple have not kept the Windows version of the utility up to date.. so they keep making it harder and harder to run windows with apple routers.

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    I seem to not enter the correct answers to my security questions for itunes to buy an in-app purchase and also cannot answer the questions exactly like i answered them when creating the account for my ipod, how do i find out what answers i put for my ipod touch and itunes?

    Try these previous discusssions:
    recover answers to security questions: Apple Support Communities
    how do i change apple ID security...: Apple Support Communities

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    I have two iTunes accounts.  When I view account info on a older account that I seldom use, it indicated that it was associated with one device; I.e., my IPad.  I am trying to link it to the other account instead

    johnfromnorth andover wrote:
    I have two iTunes accounts
    When I view account info on a older account that I seldom use, it indicated that it was associated with one device; I.e., my IPad.  I am trying to link it to the other account instead
    You want to uise the newer account with the iPad?
    Settings > Store.
    Tap account, sign out then sign in with the account you want.

  • HT1495 how to delete apps when using one account for iphone 4s and ipod4, can delete from phone but not ipod

    How do we delete apps from ipod 4 when using same account as iphone 4s, we can delete from the phone but not the ipod, and when i get an app on my phone it automatically comes up on the ipod and visa versa, now ipod is full,

    Read the article from which the thread was posted, it clearly defines how to use multiple iDevices on a single computer.
    Sharing an Apple ID is not an issue.

  • I typed my email wrong when creating an account. How can i get my $15 itunes card credit back? help!

    Hi Guys. Okay. Here is what happened. I was helping my friend create an account and he gave me his e-mail account but i accidentally misspelled it. It was a company email so i am certain that it has not been claimed since it ended with example (@companyname.com). My question is how do i go about retrieving my $15 dollar itunes card that we used when creating the account? Has anyone experienced this already? If so how did you fix it? I would really appreciate everyone's help. Let me know. Thanks in advance. =)

    You have to contact iTunes support
    They don't have a telephone call center
    You can submit a form on expresslane.apple.com and an iTunes store advisor will respond with you over email

  • How posting key is taken up when we generate accounting document

    hi ,
    i am trying to bill a customer using billing type RE which is credit for returns. but when i generate posting document instead of crediting the customer account its getting debited  ie) it is taking up the posting key 01 instead of 11 .
    how this posting key is determined when we generate accounting documnet .
    if u have any questiin or clarification kindly ask me.

    start with checking OBXW, here you check the customer item outgoing invoice, where you will find posting keys assigned for debit and credit. Might be its configured wrongly here.
    Second, Check T.code OB40 this is where we tell what type of accounts are affected with this posing key and is the effect a debit or credit. You have radio buttons for it.
    But remember these are all standard SAP config settings and i guess there would really be a need to change them here if not while practising.... Make the settings as required and do consult an FI guy on this.
    sadhu kishore

  • When I enter a subject in the help "search box" and enter, it does not go to the subject but goes back to the screen before I clicked on the help option at the top of the screen

    I cannot get thehelp option to work. When I click on the help option at the top of the screen, I get the page with the Search option, but when I enter a subject to search, tescreen returns me to the point where I started before clicking on "help". Is the help file corrupted? How can I fix?

    Do you have that problem when running in the Firefox SafeMode?<br/> ''A troubleshooting mode.''<br />
    You can open the Firefox 4.0 SafeMode by holding the '''Shft''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut. Or use the Help menu item, click on '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' while Firefox is running. <br />
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut to open it again.''
    If not, see this: <br />

  • HT201210 I backed up old phone to PC then did a sync to new 4S but when trying to update apps on phone it states - account not valid in Argentine store, must switch to U.S. store. I am in US and when I view account on PC it correctly shows me in US. Now w

    I backed up old phone to PC then did a sync to new 4S but when trying to update apps on phone it states - account not valid in Argentine store, must switch to U.S. store. I am in US and when I view account on PC it correctly shows me in US. Now what?

    log out and log back in again to store
    and if required

  • Nothing happens when i type a subject in the status bar

    when I type a subject or something I want to find e.g. wikipedia or red sea, dogs etc in the box in middle of screen, nothing happens. I am not rerouted to any page.
    The only way I can access a page is to write the address in the menu bar at the top or go into the smaller google toolbar at the top right hand corner of the screen

    You're presumably talking about the Firefox home page. After you type in a search term, hit Enter.
    If that doesn't work, then update to Firefox 4.0.1 by clicking Help | About Firefox | Check For Updates. Then try again.
    If the problem persists, disable AVG Safe Search by clicking the Firefox button, go to Add-ons, then Extensions and you should be able to find it in there.
    If you don't have the AVG app installed, try running Firefox in [[Safe Mode]]. If it functions properly in that configuration, then one of your add-ons is the culprit.

  • Fonts not showing correctly only when on my account page on app store

    fonts not showing correctly only when on my account page on app store

    Firstly, make sure that your device is not hidden (left hand pane). If it just reads device then toggle between SHOW and HIDE.
    Secondly, try all the other ports on your computer, even a number of times.
    Thirdly, if you have another computer try plugging your device into it without taking any action, give it a moment, remove it and try it back in your other computer again.
    Failing all that, see here - http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1538 for Windows and http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1591 for Macs
    And failing all that put the device into Recovery mode. See here and note the paragraph 'If you restore from a different computer.... ' down near the bottom of the page -

  • Unloading point is not copied from PR -PO,when i change account assignment

    Hi All,
    unloading point is not copied from PR -PO,when i change account assignment from 'K' to 'F' in PO. unloading point field should be in display for both 'K' & 'F' Account assignment category in SPRO because we r using this field to acknowledge my thirty party planning system.
    Thanks in advance
    Vengal Rao

    Have a look at SAP note <a href="https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/734273">734273</a>

  • "View Journal Entry" line when "Export"shows 'Account Description' as TEST?

    When use "Line Drill Down" of Journal Entry line from GL & click on "View Journal Entry" button. The Journal line that appear when "Export" shows 'Account Description' as TEST in the excel or csv file. This issue is happening in Production. Is there any setup thats bringing this 'Account Description' as TEST or Oracle is defaulting this 'TEST'? What is the reason for this?
    It will be of great help if somebody explain this.

    Try the patch 9695800.

  • I would appreciate your help on how to configure a gmail in a way  it  ask  for the password  everytime I connect?. In the only way I can configure it  I have to include the pw when configuring the account  and  after that  it do not ask for pw

    I would appreciate your help on how to configure a gmail in a way  it  ask  for the password  everytime I connect?. In the only way I can configure it  I have to include the pw when configuring the account  and  after that  it do not ask for pw  so  everyone that shares my iPad can  oppen my mail  with  no pw  required.

    The iPad is designed to be a single user device, and there is currently no way to password protect the Mail app - even removing the account password from Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars will just prevent new mail being downloaded, it won't hide those that have already been downloaded. There is this work-around for the app : https://discussions.apple.com/message/13127632#13127632 . Also there might be third-party email apps that feature password protecting.

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