When is temp tablespace been freed?

Hi all
our temp tablespace is 2GB, and it is always full(100% used)
Could you tell me know
1) when temp tablespace is freed?
2) how to find out which users are using temp tablespace?

1) Extents in the temp tablespace are only freed when the database is shut down. It is normal, and desirable, for your temp tablespace to show as 100% full. Allocating extents is an expensive operation. Once Oracle allocates an extent in temp, it manages them internally, re-using them as required.
2) You can use v$sort_usage to see who is using temp tablespace. However, do not be surprised if noone is using temp even if it is 100% full.

Similar Messages

  • When is temp space freed

    I have a problem between 2 executions of my application. The sequence is:
    Stop application.
    Start the 2nd run.
    One second into the 2nd run, I get a TEMP space full error. When is temp space freed?

    Yes, that's essentially correct. Note that there are different uses of space within Temp. Many uses are transaction, cursor or connection specific (locks, sort space, materialised results etc.) and are freed when the associated transaction/cursor/connection is closed. Some uses (prepared command cache) are not connection specific and will not be freed until the datastore is unloaded from memory (though there are limits on how large the prepared command cache can grow so it should never result in Temp space exhaustion).
    If you suspect that Temp space is not being freed when it should be then you should log an SR so that support can investigate in case there is some obscure bug at work.

  • PDB without local TEMP Tablespace

    Due to the Oracle Database 12c Concepts Guide it should be possible to create a PDB without a local TEMP Tablespace and the create PDB syntax includes the option (MAX_SHARD_TEMP_SIZE).
    But I cannot find any hint how to create a PDB without a TEMP Tablespace or how to change the default temp tablespace to point to the CDB:
    Any help will be appreciated.

    There is no standard way to create a PDB without a TEMP tablespace
    Yes - there is. But you CLEARLY don't want to do things the standard way. You want to use some particular non-standard way.
    It is not 'standard' to create a database without a temporary tablespace. That is almost ALWAYS a mistake. That generally happens when you use the CREATE DATABASE command and don't specify it properly.
    When you create a database you do NOT have to create a temporary tablespace. That has been the RULE from the very beginning and it is still true for 12c. For proof see the DBA Guide:
    Creating a Default Temporary Tablespace
    The DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE clause of the CREATE DATABASE statement creates a default temporary tablespace for the database. Oracle Database assigns this tablespace as the temporary tablespace for users who are not explicitly assigned a temporary tablespace.
    You can explicitly assign a temporary tablespace or tablespace group to a user in the CREATE USER statement. However, if you do not do so, and if no default temporary tablespace has been specified for the database, then by default these users are assigned the SYSTEM tablespace as their temporary tablespace. It is not good practice to store temporary data in the SYSTEM tablespace, and it is cumbersome to assign every user a temporary tablespace individually. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you use the DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE clause of CREATE DATABASE.
    You don't have to believe me or the docs.
    Try it yourself. That is the best way to learn. Post your results here for all to see.
    That is what that 12c doc says and what ALL of the docs for the versions before say. See for yourself. Here is the doc link for Oracle 7.3 so you can see the CREATE DATABASE systax yourself
    Without a temp tablespace Oracle is forced to use the SYSTEM tablespace for the temporary.
    These are the STANDARD ways:
    1. Create PDB with a temporary tablespace.
    2. Use the DBCA with a custom template
    3. Create your own PDB seed database without a temp tablespace and then clone your seed to create other PDBs without a temp tablespace
    4. Use CREATE DATABASE to create a DB without a temp tablespace and then plug it in to your CDB root container.
    Those are ALL standard methods. The last three result in PDBs withoug a temp tablespace.
    #1 is what you should be using.
    1. Create PDB with a temporary tablespace.
    2. Shrink/resize the temp tablespace down to a minimum if you want
    3. Assign the users to the CDB temp tablespace if you don't want them using the PDB temp
    I would appreciate if you only answer to questions if you have tested it or have a precise answer to it!
    I have done BOTH of those things. Your failure to recognize that is NOT my problem.
    I have created a PDB without a temp tablespace using DBCA and a custom template.
    I have also created a PDB without a temp tablespace by using the historical standard method of CREATE DATABASE  without a temp tablespace and then plugging it into the CDB and a PDB.
    It is YOUR responsibility to RTFM and YOUR responsibility to actually put your fingers on the keyboard and try things.
    The forum is NOT a coding service so you have no right to expect someone to write code for you and no right to get upset if they don't.
    dbca doesn't use any other commands than the one's I've already tried!
    Your reality is different than Oracle's. Support your reality with some facts.
    I just created a PDB (create pluggable database) and no wonder that one comes with a temp tablespace.
    I don't see where you posted ANYTHING that shows:
    1. exactly WHAT you did
    2. exactly HOW you did it
    3. exactly what results you got.
    If you want help with the code or a process you are using you have to POST that code or process.
    We can NOT see your computer screen to see what screens you see or what entries you make.
    Complain about the messenger all you want.
    But you will NOT be successful with 12c if you refuse to RTFM and refuse to try things yourself. Making unsubstantiated statements or trying to attack me may make you feel better but you won't learn anything from it.

  • Drop Temp tablespace hangs...

    I have created a new TEMP tablespace and made it default TEMP one.
    Now I want to drop TEMP3 tablespace, because it has become fulll...
    when I drop it through EM, it hangs...
    Once a tablespace has been dropped, the objects and data in it will no longer be available. To recover them can be a time consuming process. Oracle recommends a backup before and after dropping a tablespace.
    Are you sure you want to delete Tablespace TEMP3?
    Delete associated datafiles from the OS
    When I checked at EM, there are locks too..
    SMON has locked the system
    What should I do now?

    The_Rock wrote:
    I have created a new TEMP tablespace and made it default TEMP one.
    Now I want to drop TEMP3 tablespace, because it has become fulll...
    when I drop it through EM, it hangs...
    Once a tablespace has been dropped, the objects and data in it will no longer be available. To recover them can be a time consuming process. Oracle recommends a backup before and after dropping a tablespace.
    Are you sure you want to delete Tablespace TEMP3?
    Delete associated datafiles from the OS
    When I checked at EM, there are locks too..
    SMON has locked the system
    What should I do now?Refer
    Drop Temp Tablespace Command Hangs [ID 214371.1]
    How to Drop Temporary Tablespace Having Enteries in V$SORT_USAGE [ID 285993.1]

  • TEMP tablespace 98%

    in 8.1.7 under Win 2003 (yes not supported). TEMP tablespace is used at 98%. Should we enlarge temp file or it is not necessary and Oracle manges it automatically ?
    Many thanks.

    > TEMP tablespace is used at 98%.
    Question.. what is better? A 50% used TEMP tablespace? And if you think so, why would it be "better"?
    Consider this for CPUs. Let's say you have 32 CPUs in your server. Only 2 are used at 100%. The remaining 30 CPUs are idle.
    What is good about this? Nothing much. And bad? What is especially bad is that you/your company paid loads of money for those 30 CPUs that are now sitting and doing absolutely nothing. What a waste!
    Back to temp space. Is a 50% temp space usage "better" than 98%? No.
    Temp space is a resource. A resource (CPU, space, memory, etc) is there to be used. If it is only used 50%, then the remaining 50% is a "waste". So in that respect, 98% is a LOT better than 50%. It seems that temp space has been correctly sized and that the vast majority of it, is being used.
    When is 98% (or 99% or a 100%) a problem? When there is not enough.. and more is still needed. And Oracle will inform you of that via error messages. (e.g. unable to extend temp space by x)
    This is only part of the resource utilisation puzzle of course. The other parts deal with how effectively the resources are being used. Is that 98% utilisation effective and efficient utilisation? (which needs you to look at HOW it is being used in order to determine WHY it is being used in order to answer these questions)

  • Qeustion regarding temp tablespace group

    Hi All,
    I am new to this concept. I've been reading about it but there is something I am not sure to understand.
    If I have a temp tablespace group using tablespace temp1 and temp2 and a user submit a large query, will the query use both temp1 and temp2 or just 1 of them?
    Group Name: temp
    Tablespace: temp01 (1 datafile temp01.dbf)
    Tablespace: temp02 (1 datafile temp02.dbf)
    Thank you!

    1. A single workarea execution can't use space from more a single tablespace even when the user is assigned a temporary tablespace group. Or in other words: A single workarea execution can only allocate a single temporary segment, and segments in general can't span multiple tablespaces in Oracle, i.e. they must fit into a single tablespace.
    2. Even multiple workareas for a single session can't use space from the multiple temporary tablespaces available. So this looks like a session attribute, i.e. assigned to the session, and all workareas of that session will use the single temporary tablespace assigned (taken from the group)
    3. Multiple sessions of the same user can be assigned to different temporary tablespaces taken from the group.
    4. Parallel execution slave sessions can do the same, they can be assigned to different temporary tablespaces taken from the group.
    So in order to leverage the power of temporary tablespace groups you need either multiple sessions running serial SQL or the parallel execution option.
    Girish Sharma

  • TEMP tablespace getting full while inserting a CLOB in Trigger

    We have a Oracle 10g ( DB on a Solaris 9 box which also runs our J2EE web-service application on Weblogic 8sp6 server.
    We get around 220K web-service requests from upstream callers daily to insert data in the main table, say TABLE1, which has daily partitions on a date column. This table has around 21 columns out of which 1 is a CLOB column.
    Now this table has an AFTER INSERT trigger which calls a package procedure to insert the same record into another table, say TABLE2.
    From Java application insert statement in executed in below format using a weblogic jdbc connection pool :
    INSERT INTO TABLE1(COLUMN1, COLUMN2, ........., CLOB_COLUMN,........, COLUMN21) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11, :12, :13, :14, :15, :16, :17, :18, :19, :20);
    Clob object is prepared in application using ojdbc14.jar.
    We are observing a strange issue here. The TEMP tablespace utilization keeps on growing as more and more inserts are executed by application and after ~125K inserts the TEMP tablespace gets full and we start getting ORA-01652 error.
    On further analysis we could see that there are only 7-10 session being maintained but as more and more inserts happen TEMP tablespace utilization goes on increasing for each of these sessions.
    When we tried with inserting just few records and then watching the session details in v$session_wait then we could see that it is in INACTIVE state and waiting for the event ‘SQL*Net message from client’. This does not seem correct as the session has successfully inserted the data and committed the transaction and we can see the data in the tables as well.
    The confusing thing here is when we modify the trigger to pass blank string('' ) instead of the CLOB column to TABLE2 then this issue does not occur. All 200K records are inserted properly and TEMP tablespace utilization also keep always below 1%.
    Can you please help us in solving this issue. Is this related to any oracle issue?
    Inside the package we have tried using DBMS_COPY statement to copy the CLOB column after insert but still same result.
    Code for reference:
    IF (:NEW.date_col > SYSDATE - 2)
    IF (:NEW.cat IN (1001, 1002))
    END IF;
    END IF;
    procedure PKG.Process_change(
    p_COLUMN1 number,
    p_COLUMN2 varchar2,
    p_CLOB_COLUMN clob,
    flag boolean
    ) is
    v_watermark pls_integer;
    v_type varchar2(1);
    if (flag) then
    v_type := 'U';
    v_type := 'I';
    end if;
    select t_seq.nextval into v_watermark from dual;
    insert into TABLE2(
    COLUMN1 number,
    COLUMN2 varchar2,
    CLOB_COLUMN clob,
    )values (
    p_COLUMN1 number,
    p_COLUMN2 varchar2,
    p_CLOB_COLUMN clob,

    My first thought on reading your post is that not only are you using a database version that is now so old it is in extended support and even then not even the most recent patchset for it.
    The first thing I would do is move to 11gR2 and if you can't do that at least get to and apply CLOB relevant patches as well.
    Same goes for your operating system. Solaris 9 is ancient: So move to 10 which has vastly improved memory management.
    To help you further it would be really valuable to know the table layout. For example is this a heap table or an IOT? Is it partitioned? Is this RAC? What size are the CLOBs? Are they stored in-line? Chunk size? etc.
    This page should start you down the right road:
    But I am also wondering why you would use a trigger to, as you say, "insert the same record into another table." This description is a poster child for "bad design."

  • Restored coldbackup and having trouble with TEMP tablespace

    Hi, i succesfully restored from a coldbackup on solaris.(oracle 9.2)
    i can log on to database using toad, query the database, but when i try to take an export or something i got the error
    EXP-00056: ORACLE error 1157 encountered
    ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 203 - see DBWR trace file
    ORA-01110: data file 203: '/sun2int1/oracle92/app/oracle/product/9.2.1/oradata/TPRS/temp03.dbf'
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 424
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 1140
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
    when i did the restore, i simply renamed the datafiles and redo logs.
    But i didnt rename the TEMP datafile, as you can not rename it with a "alter database rename file ..." command
    so thats the problem!
    i planned to create a new default temp. tablespace, and simply make it default and drop the other one. but it does not work!
    i tried to execute:
    create temporary tablespace temp01 tempfile '/oracleAS/TPRS/oradata/TPRS/temp01.dbf' size 100M;
    but they all hang! i wait, but nothing happens! (and alert log does not log anything too)
    and finally i tried to drop the default tablespace, and i couldnt drop it as i thought. (ORA-12906: cannot drop default temporary tablespace
    So, im stuck and i beleive i have to RENAME the datafile for temporary tablespace. how can i do this?
    Edited by: merope on Jun 9, 2009 11:32 AM

    SQL> col file_name for a50
    col status for a15
    col tablespace_name for a15
    col PROPERTY_VALUE for a20
    select file_name,tablespace_name,bytes/1024/1024 as "SIZE_IN_MB",status,autoextensible from dba_temp_files;
    ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 202 - see DBWR trace file
    ORA-01110: data file 202: '/izmir1/oradbTPRS/temp1.db'
    no rows selected
    This is not the actual directory: /izmir1/oradbTPRS/temp1.db
    it is the old location, but in the restored db, the temp1.db file is in some other directory
    how can i rename this?
    Edited by: merope on Jun 9, 2009 11:50 AM

  • 9i on Linux. Problems with Temp tablespace cleanup

    I am currently running Oracle 9i Enterprise on SUSE Linux 7.2.
    I am executing queries against the new XMLType datatype and every query adds to the Temp tablespace, which doesn't get cleaned up. Eventually, the tablespace will run out of space and Oracle will issue and error:
    ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace <name>
    The only way to clean up the Temp tablespace seems to be by restarting the server.
    Is that happening on other platforms as well? I would appreciate any help.

    You can connect to the database as DBA (Sys or System) and make a bigger temporal tablespace. Or create a new bigger temporary tablespace and assign it to the user.
    PS: Temporary tablespace is used when no memory available for the session, for example when a big ORDER BY is done. Try to increase the memory assigned, just look at initXXX.ora (sort_size)

  • Oracle 9i TEMP tablespace backup problem using RMAN!

    Oracle8/8i whole backup is ok for our backup software(using RMAN without RC database), but for Oracle 9i, I get following error messages when backing up temp tablespace.
    1. RMAN-20202: tablespace not found in the recovery catalog
    2. RMAN-06019: could not translate tablespace name "TEMP"
    I check some views of Oracle9i, and know some changes happen for temp tablespace in 9i, but how to deal with this problem. Any idea, please!

    In 9i RMAN does not restore temporary datafiles. Instead, you should create them after your restore. I believe that Oracle is going to make a change to this in the next release of 9i and have RMAN create the temporary files. You can view the temporary datafiles @ v$tempfile.
    I believe RMAN doesn't restore temporary files because they are locally managed and not in the control files. RMAN reads the controlfile of the target database to obtain info about backups, datafiles, etc.
    Hope this helps.

  • To shrink the size of TEMP tablespace

    Dear all,
    There is a databse with RAC, now in OEM the size of TEMP tablespace has been reached at 99.9%. now we want to shrink the size of TEMP tablespace.
    how to we do that???????
    plz help me...........

    Temporary tablespaces usually show they are full, however this space is not actually in use. It is rather allocated. Oracle has evaluated the best way to obtain the most of performance, and he said it is better to allocate once than allocate-deallocate-reallocate extents, so temporary space is not 'released'.
    If you want to feel psychologically more confortable with lower allocated space, you can drop your tablespace (create an interim default temporary tablespace first) and recreate it.
    You can also rebuild temporary datafiles:
    alter tablespace temp add tempfile 'C:\ORACLE\ORACLEXE\ORADATA\XE\TEMP01.dbf' size 32m;
    SQL> select name from v$tempfile;
    SQL> alter database tempfile 'C:\ORACLE\ORACLEXE\ORADATA\XE\TEMP01.DBF' drop including datafiles;
    Database altered.

  • Need help on extending my TEMP tablespace (Ora ver -

    I am having problem in executing the SQL query with certain parameters in the WHERE clause.
    ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 4 (block # 524242)
    ORA-27069: skgfdisp: attempt to do I/O beyond the range of the file
    OSD-04026: Invalid parameter passed. (OS 524247)
    ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 4 (block # 524242)
    ORA-27069: skgfdisp: attempt to do I/O beyond the range of the file
    OSD-04026: Invalid parameter passed. (OS 524247)
    I get the above listed error. And i assumed there may be some issue due to Temp tablespace. I also verified the space occupied by the TEMP tablespace and it was 99% occupied.
    Kindly let me know is there a way to extend the space without affecting the existing DB content
    Srinivasan B

    Didn't you got a answer in your Getting error while executing the SQL ( ver, did you ?
    Furthermore, don't worry about the TEMP tablespace utilization, Oracle doesn't freed space until you need it. By the way, how your TEMP tbs is defined (AUTOEXTEND, DATAFILE/TEMPFILE...) ?
    Anyway, you have to be sure about the free space on your device. And check on metalink website to get some notes advices.

  • Queries are not releasing temp tablespace in 11g standard edition

    Queries are not releasing temp tablespace in 11g standard edition

    user8928004 wrote:
    Hi any one faced one issue.... please help
    Patience, Grasshopper
    You posted this follow-up a mere two minutes after your previous post.
    This forum is not a chat line, and it is not paid support.
    Everyone here has a job for which they are paid, and this forum is not it.
    No one is responsible for monitoring it and giving a quick response.
    Furthermore, it is a global forum.  The person with the information you seek may very well live 20 time zones away from you and was going to bed just as you posted. He will not even see your post for several more hours.
    Your original post went up in the middle of the night for half the world.
    No one with the information you seek is deliberately withholding it until you sound sufficiently desperate.
    Please present evidence to backup your assertion that "Queries are not releasing temp tablespace"
    From the very fine 11g Database Administrator's Guide,   at Managing Tablespaces
    Space Allocation in a Temporary Tablespace
    You can view the allocation and deallocation of space in a temporary tablespace sort segment using the V$SORT_SEGMENT view. The V$TEMPSEG_USAGE view identifies the current sort users in those segments.
    When a sort operation that uses temporary space completes, allocated extents in the sort segment are not deallocated; they are just marked as free and available for reuse.

  • Temp Tablespace Goes Berzerk using XMLGEN

    The following procedure seems to maxout my temporary tablespace (2G!!!!)
    I use this procedure to pump XML to a client given a sql statement and a few parameters.
    I am using the plxmlparser_v1_0_2 release and the XSU12_ver1_2_1 release.
    There seems to be some discussion concerning this in other threads but no soloution seems to be forth coming. Any advice?
    PS I am also having a problem with XMLGEN returning XML datasets >90k. Methinks the two issues are related.
    James Crockart
    [email protected]
    procedure createDynamicXML(
    sql_string varchar2,
    result_name varchar2 default 'results',
    row_name varchar2 default 'row',
    error_name varchar2 default 'error_results',
    rowid_name varchar2 default null,
    rowid_col varchar2 default null,
    useLowerCase boolean default true,
    useNullAttrib boolean default false)
    no_sql exception;
    --XML Variables
    xmlString CLOB := null;
    amount integer:= 255;
    position integer := 1;
    charString varchar2(255);
    if sql_string is null then
    raise no_sql;
    end if;
    --Set XML preferences
    if rowid_name is not null then
    end if;
    if rowid_col is not null then
    end if;
    if useLowerCase then
    end if;
    --Set mime header
    --Generate XML
    xmlString := xmlgen.getXML(sql_string);
    --Output XML
    position := position + amount;
    end loop;
    when no_data_found then
    end createDynamicXML;

    The user the xml sdk was installed in and its privs is:
    grant connect to XML;
    grant resource to XML;
    grant javauserpriv to XML;
    grant javasyspriv to XML;
    I suppose I can give the XML user it's own temp tablespace to save the rest of the production environment from going down.
    But does not solve the problem :(

  • Relation between temp tablespace and index creation

    I have my Oracle database (11gR1) on windows 2008 server R1 64 bit..
    This is my development database. i have one table which has more than 2 billion rows , the problem i m facing here is while creating the index on this table i m getting temp segment error , while my temp tablespace size is 32 gb.
    Here my doubt is :
    1.What will happen in temp tablespace when index is created ? Relation between temp and index creation ?
    2. how to create the index on a huge table?
    3. What is the meaning og logging and no logging in INDEX creation .
    4. how can we over come for these kind of problem and manage the temp TS..
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vikash Chauradia

    add another tempfile?
    1.What will happen in temp tablespace when index is created ? Relation between temp and index creation ?
    index creation needs sort. how much depends on the size of the index.
    2. how to create the index on a huge table?
    create an interim (temporary? :)) huge temporary space for the very purpose.
    3. What is the meaning og logging and no logging in INDEX creation .
    nologging means you the creation isnt in the logs so if you need to recover you cant get back to it. when using nologging in a prod env you might do it for performance during a period of heavy dml such as a large index creation and then backup afterwards. common enough.
    4. how can we over come for these kind of problem and manage the temp TS..
    current tempspace size =X
    is X big enough? if yes, cup of tea, if no, make X bigger.
    It doesnt matter what X is.

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