When will sync support toolbar buttons/ordering?

I've noticed that, while both old and new Firefox sync systems can put the same add-ons into each copy of the browser, their toolbar icons are always in different places. This doesn't help me to use Firefox as each time I sit at another machine with the same sync profile, I have to hunt the toolbar buttons!
I read in another question from 2011 that sync didn't then do anything about toolbars; is this feature still coming?

HI iainhallam,
I have not heard any announcements on this feature yet. I currently do not have an available date for this feature either. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Add ons are currently synced and should be the same unless the profile is different on each computer. It would be if it is "defined by whitelisted prefs"

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    I firmly disencourage people to purchase Aperture these days.
    To everyone asking me for advise as a Pro photographer.
    Apple attitude on this issue is of abandonement and ignorance of users needs.
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    Speculations or rumors about unannounced products.
    Discussions of Apple policies or procedures or speculation on Apple decisions.

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