When will wallpaper issue on ios7 be fixed

Having difficulty using photos for wallpaper...won't resize or scale.....please address this issue. thank you.

Unfortunately no one here knows for sure, when/if there will be a fix, or if Apple even considers it an issue.
If you go in through the photos app and send your image to be wallpaper you will have a bit more control than if you go in through the wallpaper part of the settings.

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    Thanks Apple!!!!
    (I am once again your loyal fan!!!)

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    in addition to poor open GL performance, i've also had problems with any program utilizing antialiasing support. i recently sat down and called apple and had a discussion with their support line. while i didn't mention the poor open GL performance, i did mention the graphical errors i was experiencing with my MBP. i was told these issues are not normal, and have a replacment on the way. while these issues are some what numerous, i've not been able to find much more than a few articles or discussions on the topic. i'm hoping this means it is contained to a few MBPs and not all. we'll see when the replacment comes. if not, however, i'd consider a class action suit. the machine i bought was sold as a portable gaming machine, (apple.com/games/hardware) and thats not what i've gotten. i am very disappointed that apple has not even acknowledged the issue to let us know some fix is in the works. if enough of us make a big enough noise about it, perhaps we can get some sort of reply. i'd recommend you sending a note to apple as mentioned, then take some time to sit and give apple a call. they are very interested in listening to you, don't feel silly about calling about game perfromance, they are advertising these machines as such.

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    To permanently alter the Rotation of portrait Images, yes, that would be a good workflow.
    I normally shoot in RAW (Nikon or Canon), and then process the Images in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) through Photoshop. There, I will do the Rotation, and when I Save_As PSD, the Rotation is permanent. For users of Adobe Lightroom, the operation is the same. I assume that it will be the same with PSE, but have to admit that I have never used that program. Still, in most respects, it works just like its "big-brother," Photoshop. Now, I also use Adobe Bridge (big-brother to Organizer), and with that Save_As, it will handle the task of Rotation too.
    One thing that I have never experimented with is the differences between doing the Rotation in an Image editing software, like PS, vs doing it with the Fixed Effect>Rotation in PrE, or PrPro. Based on the Scaling algorithms in PS vs PrE, or PrPro (up to CS 5), I would think that the Image editing software would be a bit better, but that is ONLY a guess on my part, and especially as the Rotation algorithms will be different than the Scaling algorithms. Maybe I need to do some control testing, though my workflow is set up to do the Rotation in ACR.
    Good luck,

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    CVE-2015-3829 Alternatively, will EE be filtering out MMS messages in the network before they are transmitted to users' mobile phones?

    Northerner wrote:
    You think the manufacturers care about EE? I think the manufacturers care about their relationships with all the carriers. I'm not naive enough to think that EE alone could swing it, but this vulnerability affects almost all Android devices in circulation, a significant proportion of which will be under contract with a carrier. Northerner wrote:
    99.9% of all users will never even encounter any issues anyway as these exploits are rarely found via normal day to day usage.  That's a bold claim. I hope you're right.brendonx wrote:
    EE doesn't fix the bugs. They add their bloatware yes but that is all. The bug fixes and holes need to be fixed by the manufacturer. Until then EE can't help you here.I know that, but I disagree with your conclusion. A handful of consumers (the very few who understand the security implications) approaching Samsung, that would be one thing. A consortium of carriers, representing hundreds of thousands of consumers, pressuring Samsung, that would be another thing entirely. The savvy consumers will realise that this situation provides one of the strongest arguments for buying unlocked devices and flashing their own preferred ROMs. But that will be a small minority and realistically the carriers will feel almost no paiin from that. You can understand why it make people want to rant! 

  • When will the issue of unacceptable performance of the forums get resolved?

    Obviously there are major problems nowadays when using the Forums.
    Not only many times you don't even get it at all, getting the 'Experiencing technical problems' message, quite often it takes about 5 minutes to post a message, and after checking it appears three times.
    Oracle can not say it is not aware of these issues, as they have been reported many times.
    Apparently addressing these issues is not getting much priority.
    For a professional company this is hardly acceptable.
    Does Oracle plan to resolve the ongoing issues, or do they want people to learn to live with it, or simply go away, and not answer any questions anymore?
    Just wondering.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

    Similar behaviour reported in the forum thread "Posted three times automatically "
    at Posted three times automatically
    Jan Vervecken

  • Ok when will 7.x come out to fix most of these problems

    Since rollback seems difficult and unsupported I am asking how soon will the next version come out to fix/satisfy needs/requests
    Thank you

    Ignatus1 wrote:
    Since rollback seems difficult and unsupported I am asking how soon will the next version come out to fix/satisfy needs/requests
    Thank you
    Most of WHAT problems? I've had it for 2 days and so far I've had ZERO problems. The smoothest update ever. I'm a pretty heavy user, with over 200 apps, 6 email accounts, 5 BlueTooth devices paired.

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    Turkish siri will be when? I want to have this program in Turkish Turkish. because you can not use this program.

    Nobody here would know.

  • NG6 update my phone reboots and notification/menu changes are slow/lag. When will an update be released to fix this?

    I have already troubleshot this device, it is clear the update is corrupted. I expect an official response with a time frame on a future update to resolve these issues.

    I was able to fix mine.
    I had the same issue for the past week, random reboots, home screen unresponsive after unlocking. apps crashing. I had tried several fixes including:
    Starting in "Safe Mode"
    Removed all home screen widgets
    Clearing specific program cache (specifically the internal program responsible for the home screen)
    Rebooting into "recovery" and trying to clear the cache partition (this involves starting the phone using the home button, volume up button and power button)
    Factory reset.
    I still had problems after all of these suggested solutions in other threads.
    The final solution was to plug my phone in to a windows machine, install the "Upgrade Assistant" program, and then use the Repair option. Since it took quite a while to download the software that was installed, and it appeared to go into the low level phone flashing screen, it probably did more than a factory reset.
    I'm curious if the problem was partially a failed update, and possibly not the NG6 update. I noticed that my system menu looks different and Audible, an app I use very frequently appears to have upgraded to a newer version that was not available prior to the "repair". It's possible that my phone has been slightly wrong for some time and this last update exposed all the difficulty.

  • I am unable to download free trial of cc? when will this issue be resolved?

    On the website the links for free trial take you to a page that states there is an issue with the server. This has been the case since last night, can anyone shine some light on this?

    You can try to download & install by the below mentioned steps.
    if you follow all 7 steps you can directly download a trial here: http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cc-direct-download-links.html
    if you have a problem downloading, you didn't follow all 7 steps, or your browser does not accept cookies.
    the most common problem is caused by failing to meticulously follow steps 1,2 and/or 3 (which adds a cookie to your system enabling you to download the correct version from adobe.com).
    failure to obtain that cookie results in an error page being displayed after clicking a link on prodesigntools.com
    Refer to:
    Unable to install free trial
    Re: Downloading a free trial version of Illustrator for the second time
    Hope it helps you.

  • VPN barely working after 7.1.1 update. When will Apple release a patch to fix this?

    I have an iPad 2. VPN speeds (usually around 10mb) dropped to under 1mb as soon as I updated to 7.1.1. And no way to uninstall and reinstall an older release. Lots of discussion threads circulating about this problem from some very frustrated and annoyed Apple users, some of whom are "jumping ship". I completely understand how they feel... And even more frustrating is there has been no response from Apple anywhere to these threads that I could find. So...
    QUESTION FOR APPLE TO ANSWER: Is this problem being worked on and how soon do you anticipate a fix? 

    You aren't talking to Apple here. This is a user to user technical help forum hosted by Apple. No one here knows what Apple is doing or not doing.

Maybe you are looking for