Where can i get iWeb?


How long ago did you purchase your MacBookPro?  Recently and did it come with Lion or Snow Leopard?  If it came with Lion, then although it says that iLife 11 is pre-installed, the only part of iLife 11 that it will have will be iPhoto, iMovie and GarageBand.  iWeb and iDVD will not be part of it.  This is because the latest and newest version of the Mac OS OS 10.7 Lion was and is only available as an upgrade by going to the Mac App Store.  The only part of iLife 11 that is available for purcahse and download via the Mac App Store is iPhoto, iMovie and GarageBand, NOT iWeb or iDVD.  So this is the reason why you don't have iWeb on your Mac.
If you have a new Mac with Lion, then it is likely that you won't have iWeb on it - if you did it will be in the Applications folder or on the dock at the bottom.
If you don't have it and you want it, then your only option is to go to the Apple Retail store online and purchase the boxed set of iLife 11 that does contain iWeb 09 and iDVD.  This is the photo that Alancito linked to in his post to take you to the Apple store directly so that you can purchase the boxed set of iLife 11.
Your other option is of course to go to Amazon and purchase either a boxed set of iLife 11 or iLife 09, both of which contain the most up-to-date copy of iWeb which is iWeb 09.
You could also try E-bay, but ultimately, if you don't have iWeb, then you'll have to purcahse it from the boxed set.

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    majortilt wrote:
    So there goes that plan into pieces... How to I fix that case? Buying an old ilife and try to intall it?
    That will work.  The latest version of iWeb does run on Lion (with a couple of quirks). 
    But be aware that iWeb is clearly a dead end;  fixes/updates/improvements are highly unlikely, and it may quit working with new versions of OSX (possibly even future updates to Lion).
    If you're using MobileMe as a host, that will stop in June of 2011, so you'll have to move your site elsewhere.  You can still use iWeb with it; a few changes are required on the Site Publishing Settings page, of course, but they're pretty simple.  And a few features won't work, but there are workarounds for them.
    I recently moved my iWeb site from MobileMe to GoDaddy, and it was relatively painless. 
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    iWeb used to be part of iLife.  Now it is not, and had apparently been discontinued...  probably because many of its features rely on being used with MobileMe, which is also being discontinued in favor of iCloud.
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    Dear Sandeep,
    u will find VKORG is the Sales Organisation .
    u will find this Field in every related SD Module Table...
    Like ...VBAP,BKPF ..etc..
    Hope it helps...!!!
    Pls reward if Helpful...!!!

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    As per my knowledge there is not one complete tutorial for how to configure wireless settings in the router .....
    But one thing you can do is to log in to http://linksys.com/kb ...... it provides all the information related to all products of Linksys ......
    Just type the Model number of the router you want to know about ....& it shows different answers .....
    Give it a try .... & see it is helpful or not .....

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