Where do I find the edit marks in QuickTime 7 Pro?

I have purchased QuickTime 7 Pro (I think two times) and can not find the edit points even when I run the pointer over the screen and time line.  Can someone help me?  Thank you in advance.

The top marker is the playhead and the two markers under it are the in and out.
You must be opening a MPEG 1 or 2 file. They are not editable until they are converted.

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    Message was edited by: belovedjs

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    Do you mean Cell Borders in the Format Panel?
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    Did you purchase a subscription to Acrobat Pro? (It sounds that way if you're paying monthly.) If so, you just need to sign in to your account at https://www.cloud.acrobat.com and click Acrobat at the far right. Click Download Now to download and install Acrobat--that's where you will find the tools that you are looking for.
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