Where is multitasking gesture in IOS5 for IPhone 4s??

Where can i multitasking geture in ios 5 for Iphone 4s enable?

I thought this comes with ios5 also for iphone 4s. Thanks for your answer.

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    Reset your iPhone and try again.
    Hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home button down at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

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    The iphone will sync with one computer at a time.  If you sync to another, then the current contetn will be erased and reaplaqced with content from the new computer.
    "If so, do I go directly to the Mac App Store do I open some App program on my MacPro? "
    The Mac app  store has NOTHING at all to do with iphone.  it is for buyong apps for your computer ONLY, NOT iphone.
    You can download apps from the itunes app store on your iphone or on your computer.  Your choice.
    iPhone User Guide (For iOS 5.0 Software)

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    Open notepad as administrator, and direct yourself to:
    open the "Hosts" file:
    note the " gs.apple.com" portion near the bottom. your hosts may be different, and if so, then look for that part specifically. the problem for me, lied within the fact that just before the " gs.apple.com" part, there originally was no hash(#) with the space like the rest of the hosts file. This was all I had to fix. After editing and then SAVING the hosts file in notepad I restarted iTunes and the update went through without a hitch!
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    # gs.apple.com
    good luck!

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    Yes, I have this on an iPad Air after updating to IOS 8. The pinch option seems to randomly quit working. It you go to Settings and turn off Multitasking Gestures, leave Settings, and go back in to Settings and re-enable Multitasking Gestures it works again for a while but will then randomly quit again. It seems like it is only the pinch option that quits working.
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