Where is personal space and sidebar?

I installed Oracle WebCenter Suite 11g Patch Set 3 ( and choosed only Oracle WebCenter Spaces.
After login to spaces I dont't see personal space and sidebar. Where is it?
Edited by: 847147 on 29.04.2011 14:07

Personal space and group space terms are no longer used in PS3. You can design your personal space using create space functionality. Sidebar is also not available as a out of the box feature in PS3.
Pls refer to latest documentation of Oracle WebCenter Space user guide:-

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    The ones I can't acess are:  1)  an album that my daughter purchased on her computer.  I understand we can add each other to our accounts and that will help.
    Did you or your daughter copy that album to your computer from hers? If not, then it's not surprising you can't find it. You have to move tracks from computer to computer yourself.
    2)  I have a player that burns from vinyl or tapes to disc.  Some of those files - not all - are locked out
    I have no idea what you mean by this. Can you please explain further?
    an album I purchased online from a recording entity is locked out too.
    From where did you purchase this album, what format it is, and what do you mean by "locked out"?
    I can guarantee you that nothing sinister is going on. Apple hasn't reached into your computer and disabled anything. It's either a program error or, as seems to me more likely, a misunderstanding on your part about some issues and perhaps incompatibility between iTunes and the format of some other content you've acquired. If you'll please post back and provide more details, avoiding the unnecessary ranting and hyperbole, someone here can probably at least explain things it not help get them sorted.

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    iDVD can only use your startup hard disk for the "scratch space" it needs for calculations during the encoding process.  25 GB is a good average requirement, but a large project (3 or 4 hours of content) might require more.
    To free up space, you will have to move items to an external hard drive and/or delete items you no longer want.
    Please note that iDVD can't use and external hard drive for this "scratch space".

  • Group Space and Personal Space not listed

    Version used :
    When I login to WebCenter Spaces as an administrator, I do not get the option to create a Group Space. I get links for Favourites, Logout, Help, Spaces, Administation but not for Group Space. Why is it so. I all the tutorials for WC these options are available but when I want to explore group Space I cannot do so in WebCenter Spaces.
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    I think in WC, only space concept is used. I also dont see any group or personal spaces in my Webcenter ps3 app. All we can do is create a space or subspaces or business role pages and assign the role or users to it. In that way we can decide it will be a personal or belong to a group.

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    These products are still available on Metalink as part of a patchset
    2378248 Express Server Client Kit 6.3..4

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    It is no longer available because the problem with that was that it applied spaces around the image rather than where the user actually wanted them.  You now need to use CSS and apply margins and paddings and target exactly where you want them by using something like this:
    img {
        margin-bottom: 0;
        margin-right: 0;
        margin-left: 0;
        margin-top: 0;
        padding-top: 0;
        padding-right: 0;
        padding-bottom: 0;
        padding-left: 0;
    img {
         border: 0;
         padding: 0;
    The second style is generic to set margin and padding for all four sides.
    Good luck.

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    Did you do a secure empty trash? SHIFT COMMAND DELETE, they will be over wriiten. Are you deleting docs as they aren't much space, videos,pictures,music use much more space.
    You can move those fiels to an external "archive" drive to save them then delete them from your internal drive.

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    Check your Videos and your text messages - if there are any pics or videos in text messages, they can take up a lot of space.

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    Hello SHenoudabak,
    It sounds like you are trying to find the Personal Hotspot option in your Settings. You were close. The option is directly under Settings, and not in the Cellular section of Settings:
    Go to Settings > Personal Hotspot
    Personal Hotspot - iPhone
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    > You should keep Firefox updated for security reasons
    Yeah, I know, but allowing an application to create a profile or override the no update setting is also a security problem. After all using the same method an application could do . . . well, whatever it would like to do, right?!
    As for the suggest solution, I tried the plugin but it just isn't there, IMHO. I even contributed $$$ to help him continue his work so it might some day be there.
    IMHO, it shouldn't be hard to have the old interface. It should be as easy as having an option in the Tools -> Options dialog where the person could specify the interface (s)he wants to use. AFTER ALL there will be even more interface changes over the years and each one will have people who like and dislike them. Thus people should be able to use the interface they like.
    Another download to a plugin doing this work instead of Firefox, itself ....
    A) The plugin author might not be able to keep up with new releases and getting it "certified."
    B) A future version of Firefox might break the plugin
    C) Having the interface choice and support in Firefox means the Firefox testing plan would include the interface changer for each update.
    (Also if the code has to support multiple interfaces, the programmers might think more than "hey that's a cool idea," as they'll have to support it and write code to have it work with and not break past interfaces.
    Where can I go to propose and promote that idea?!

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    Please HELP ME!
    I'm not sure WTH is going on, and it's frustrating the crap out of me.
    I don't have any external drives connected, and I've never had this problem before.
    ***NOTE: suddenly now it's showing that I have 30gb+ free. WTH just happened?!***

    Time Machine is having fun with you.....
    Seriously, if you check the Time Machine configuration in System Preferences, you will probably find that it is taking snapshots of the disk drive. Since those take up space, and old ones get deleted, that would explain what's going on.

  • A Personal Assessment And A Tip Of The Hat

    Hosts and Long Time Responders,
    My first visit to the Discussion Boards was on 7/9/08 or 7/10/08. I came for some advice and was very happy to have finally found a place where people were willing to share what they know about all things Mac and also, what was then dotmac. The day after that MobileMe was released (we all know how that's been going so I won't rehash the details). Just for reference tho I would like to say that I was also out of service for more than a few days, and still have remaining issues with my mail. But I am willing to wait it out, let the crowds thin and then deal directly with support. Having said that...
    I feel for you. And frankly you should be commended for your patience. Personally, I have already grown weary of what is going on in a couple of the forums. For me, when this all started, I thought that people being able to congregate in Discussions was a smart idea. Most people were trying to stay updated on information, helping each other through the transition, etc. Not everyone was a happy camper (including myself), but help, advice and support were flowing. Even in my limited experience, I enjoy helping someone if even just to post a link or direct them to a post that might help them. But it has become obvious that the Discussion Boards have been hijacked and the looters haven't left yet. It is close to impossible for anyone with a real question to get read, let alone get real help. And lots of posts seeking real help are being used for no other purpose than to repeat witty writings, bash and start 'tee-shirt clubs'? I'm all for consumer advocacy and understand the frustration... but I feel increasingly angry at the "Me,me,me, give me something free, I can act anyway I want" attitude that's being displayed in the boards. My last straw was yesterday when some poor guy in Iraq was trying to find out what was going on and all anyone could do was argue. So....
    lest I get drawn into the ugliness, I think I will just peek in once in awhile and see if anybody has something to say that's worth hearing.
    I don't blame you, not even for the deletion of posts. At this point I don't know what you could even do short of shutting down the boards or revoking peoples use. I hope this is over soon as I was just starting to get serious about using all my mac apps and get some long awaited projects going!
    Thanks to all of you that have helped and educated me over the last 2 weeks. It was appreciated. And I look forward to the boards returning to a place where people can come and learn.
    Sincerely and All The Best!
    MWN :o)

    Thank you, MWN. You have expressed thoughts many of us have felt.
    A "me, too" can be effective - as long as it is held to one or two sentences; it can help Apple's tech folk (yes, they do peruse these forums - they just don't usually respond) spot a general issue as opposed to an isolated, one-of-a-kind problem. If the person is having the identical problem, going into length about it when that info has already been posted in the Topic is a waste of time and space.
    Ranting, generally complaining, etc., is conterproductive. Discussions is a user-to-user forum, not a user-to-Apple forum. If a thread opens with a rant, I usually won't read any further - I have better places to spend the bit of time I have available to volunteer here. Ranting and such belong in a blog somewhere, or in one of the many available other-site forums where verbal brawling is accepted.
    I fail to see why someone asking for help would jump all over a person giving what help they can - bashing someone does nothing but drive that assistance, and help from others, away. If the help is not applicable, or does not work, move on - hammering the person who offered the suggestion does no good at all.

  • HT201302 How to importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to my computer with Windows 8?

    myHow to importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to  computer with Windows 8?
    Nothing indicating iPhone 4s folder for images and videos in Win 8 anymore after plugged in USB cable to PC with the iPhone 4s. Nothing pop up anymore asking if I want to backup photos  / videos to my PC (used to pop up in Win 7).
    Where can I find this folder in iPhone 4s?

    You can do it via your computer's iTunes. If you are on iTunes 11 on your computer then you may want to re-enable the left-hand sidebar via View > Show Sidebar (option-command-S on a Mac, control-S on a PC), which might make it easier to navigate and my instructions may make more sense.
    To sync photos, connect and select your iPad on the left-hand side of your computer's iTunes (if you've enabled the sidebar), and on the right-hand side there should be a series of tabs, one of which should be Photos - if you select that tab you can then select which photo folders to sync to the iPad. There is a bit more info on this page. You will need to sync all the photos that you want on the iPad together in one go as only the most recent photo sync remains on the iPad - synced photos can't be deleted directly on the iPad, instead they are deleted by not including them in the next photo sync.
    If you haven't enabled the sidebar, then from your library click 'iPad' at the top right of the screen and you should get a series of buttons along the top of the screen, including one for Photos

  • New to Web Center Spaces and Webcenter

    Can i someone explain me when to use webcenter spaces is it a substitute to build application using webcenter in JDev ? I feel the tasks that are mentioned in Developers guide for Webcenter and the user guide for webcenter Spaces are same (ver

    It all depends on the requirements.
    Spaces is a collaborative environment that is ready made and can be extendible by custom development.
    Webcenter portal is a template in JDeveloper for building a portal.
    Now, when to use what...
    There are some requirements that should tell you what to use.
    For example when one of the requirements is allowing the possiblity to build microsites, then use spaces. No doubt about it. In webCenter portal (jdev) you can't allow the users to build microsites or seperate group spaces without needing to code a lot of code. This is exactly what spaces is inteded for. Devide the portal into sections where each section have their own set of resources, security, users, pages and so on.
    When a personal space is required so users can build their own dashboard. use spaces. This requirement can be build by using the webcenter portal in jdev but it will be very hard.
    These are just a few differences between spaces and portal.
    Normally when you require a lot of flexibility and major customizations are required, than webcenter portal should be used.

  • Question about Hard drive Space and Logic Pro

    We just installed Logic Pro 7.2 (and Tiger) onto our Dual G4. We have nearly filled the bootup drive, with tonnes of space on our other hard drives (80GB and 100GB). With only ~4 GB left on the startup drive, will this cause problems with Logic Pro? We have more than the recommended RAM, but I was wondering if the hard drive space might be an issue, like with iDVD where you need ~8-10 GB free to burn a DVD.
    I've been considering copying things over from my startup drive to my 80GB drive (which has tiger on it too)and making the 80 GB drive my new startup drive, but it's a bit of work and if I don't need to do it right away I don't want to bother. What is the recommended amount of free hard drive space and memory for Logic Pro to work well? I personally like to have ~10GB free for anything, but that might be tricky at this point. I want to know if I should go through with the hassle of moving things over or wait a bit and see how it goes. I've not ahd a chance to use the program yet, but I'd like to set it up and keep it working smoothly once I start to use it. Any advice or experience from anyone in this department?

    Your best off having at least 25% free space of any hard drive.
    With Logic, It is a good idea (though not necessary) to have your OS and apps on one HD, and your song files and samples (and other files) on another. I would also suggest that you get a hard drive with a speed of at least 7200rpms.

Maybe you are looking for