Where is the MediaDatabase.db3 file with Windows 8.1?

I received a suggested solution to my October Runtime error question, but it pertained only to Windows XP, Vista and 7.  I have version 8.1
I cannot find a file named MediaDatabase.db3 in the Photoshop Elements 11 program.    I only see a file named  MediaIO and do not want to mess with that for fear I would screw up something important. 
There seem to be a number of people who have sudden Runtime errors.  Hopefully someone can help me and I thank you in advance.

I am having trouble finding my MediaDatabase.db3 file as well. I am able to get to the folder where it should be, but it isn't there! Have you tried making hidden folders visible?

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    Define "the Aperture files".
    Read this concise guide.
    The files you imported into an Aperture Library can be exported (at any time, and repeatedly) using the command "File ▹ Export ▹ Originals".  Your Originals are never altered.  What went in is what comes out.
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    When you need a file of an Image to use in another program, you export the Image from Aperture.  "Export" means "Make me a file of this Image according to these file specs I'm providing".  The way to get files of your adjusted Images is simple:  create them by exporting.  Specify "Original size", and use a loss-less image-file format (e.g. TIFF 16-bit) if you want to retain as much visual information as possible.
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    As always, never use any computer file without having a back-up.
    We have seen mixed reports here of the success of the LR tool that creates a LR database from your Aperture database.
    If you want to carefully define the process, and test and refine it, use the excellent process-development, analysis, and execution program inShort.
    Sadly, there is not and can never be a good, thorough re-positioning of the digital assets in your Aperture Library to become digital assets in a LR database.  Just as a metaphor for any user contemplating transitioning to another digital asset manager:  that would be like digging up a house in one country, planting it in a hole in another country, and expecting to be able to use the toilet and the sinks, turn on the lights, cook dinner, and sleep soundly.

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    x86 Image Manager. Can
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    Itanium-based Image Manager.
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    This article may helpful to you:
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    Leo Huang
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    Removed feature: Server Behavior, Bindings and Components Panels and Database feature
    There is a single extension to restore these features. Extension is available at:* Vista/Windows 7: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC\Configuration\DisabledFeatures* Mac OS X: /Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CC/Configuration/DisabledFeatures
    As seen on http://blogs.adobe.com/dreamweaver/2013/06/a-look-at-the-modernized-dreamweaver-cc.html
    Video instructions on how to install these back available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB2vmNfcq7A

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    PS google translator

    You can download the drivers before you install windows, or download it from Apple support!
    here is a link:
    hope it helps you!

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    Some one please clear this up for me, it could be answered in the simplestterms from the English Language of course.
    I've recently purchased the Linksys WRT160N however after purchase "of course"I manage to find reviews stating that the router will not work with the WindowsVista Premium, or windows Vista for that matter.
    E.g.(Comments like These 'which are not my own')----------
    "When I tried it with a new computer running Vista 64, it would install but the Linksys System Advisor would not. After 1 chat and 4 phone calls with support the system will still not run." 
     "It is a good product with XP, but if you use Vista 64 good luck. After several hours of working to get it running my patience and options have run out."
     "It has taken almost a week for us to figure out that the Linksys Router, WRT160N from Best Buy does not workwith Vista Premium. I looked on-line to Linksys Website and discovered that the router, WRT160N is notsupported for Vista users. .." 
    E.g. (CommentContradicting to what has been said above)------
    "Bought this to replace my outdated Linksys (new Vista laptop) and was blown away. Thisthing practically set itself up. It replaced the wired router and wireless routers I was using, asthe signal strength is awesome. I'm still pulling over 5meg ... "
    So I guess one could see why I am confused, based on the 2 sidedcontradictions pertaining to this router actually working with windows vista ornot.
    So can someone respond (preferable a Vista User) and tell me the truth as of towhat this router can an cannot do in terms of Vista? Thanks 

    It should work with vista without any issues if you are running any software on the computers (64 bit) from linksys it may not work but if you will connect that computer with an ethernet to the router it should work fine.

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    I am using oracle 10g reports and I get something in it like one patch I downloded and one java code is having which creates the batch file ...still I am working on it ..
    If you will get some please share so that it will be helpful.

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