Where's Rosegarden?

I ran pacman -Sy rosegarden. pacman updated the db, then told me every requirement for rosegarden. I installed everything. I then proceeded to run teh command "rosegarden" and bash told me the command was not found.
I didn't get any errors installing rosegarden. I even tried pacman -R rosegarden; pacman -S rosegarden which ran without any problem.
If it's not installing, pacman should tell me, right? If it is, where is it?

You want to use "pacman -Ql rosegarden".  It looks like it installs to /opt/kde/bin/rosegarden.  Source /etc/profile or relogin and it should work for you.

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    Any ideas what could be different this installation?
    Last edited by Jamie (2009-10-20 17:13:08)

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    ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 2493, errno = 32
    X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
      Major opcode:  20
      Minor opcode:  0
      Resource id:  0x2200233
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      Major opcode:  20
      Minor opcode:  0
      Resource id:  0x2200233
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    Birdman wrote:
    I an new to arch and I am enjoying the joys of pacman. I have installed Rosegarden with no errors but when it comes to starting up the app I do not get past a splash screen. The error output below is the tail, the first listed item was replicated many times and then when it gave up the final lines were dumped. Are there support services that need to be running at boot before I run Rosegarden?
    I have just visited the support site and the FAQs mention this problem, particularly with a reference to problems with SUSE where there a compile error and the package does not work. Is anyone running this package to prove that it does work?
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    As of August 2014, MusicXML is supported to varying degrees by over 180 notation programs.[11][12] These programs include:
    Most scorewriting programs, including Finale, Sibelius, and MuseScore.
    Most Music OCR programs, including SmartScore and PhotoScore.
    Many music sequencer programs, including Cubase, Logic Pro, SONAR (v.X2 onwards), and Rosegarden.
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    There is no change to this problem after 6 months since the last post. Put simply, and as stated in the previous posts, there is no way to scan a document and receive the image on your PC. If you are working with graphics for any length of time or want to create an image for inclusion as an image in a document or web page using this piece of equipment will not allow you to do so.
    Great shame as every other function works well - it cannot be beyond the wit of HP to include a Windows application that enables you to scan an image, receive it in the software you are using at the time (e.g. Outlook, Word, Photoshop...) and use it in your work.
    HP Printers several years older than this £1000+ Enterprise printer were able to do this simple job and have done so for a great many years. Just being able to use Microsoft's Fax and Scan would be start.

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    hi nagaraju
    sy-tabix is in Internal table, current line index. So it can only be used while looping at the internal table.
    sy-index is in Loops, number of current pass. This you can use in other loop statements also (like do-enddo loop, while-endwhile)
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    id Name
    198 XYZ
    475 ABC
    545 PQR.
    loop at itab where id > 300.
    write :/ itab-id, itab-name , sy-tabix, sy-index.
    My output will be :
    475 ABC 2 1
    545 PQR 3 2
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    So, for the first record in the output (475 ABC), 2 is the index of the record in internal table and as it is first time loop pass occured, sy-index value is 1.
    award points

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    select count(x) from <yourtable> where nvl(y,<not_possible_value>) = nvl($variable,<not_possible_value>);where <not_possible_value> is a value that is not possible for column y.
    E.g. if y always is a positive number you could use the value -1.

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    Firstly, uninstall the current version of Cyberlink Youcam and re-install it.
    To Uninstall: Click Start >> type Programs and Features in search and select it from the list >> In there, select Cyberlink Youcam and uninstall it.
    Once done, try using webcam with Skype or any other messenger you may have, or else re-install Youcam.
    If the above does not work, do a System Restore to a previous working date when the webcam worked.
    System Restore: Click Start >> type System Restore in search and select it any perform on-screen instructions to restore the notebook to a previous working date.
    If none of the above work, open Device Manager, check if you have 'HP Webcam' listed under Imaging Devices category.
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    Hu Gurus,
    I log in to portal as user1 and go to a page and then log out of the portal. Then I try to login as user2, it takes me to the same page where the previous user was. It looks like it caches the page information. How can I avoid this. Please post a reply if you have some suggestions.

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    I Have a 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 macbook pro, I recieved it with OSx 7.2 lion installed, I need to us AHT (apple hardware test) according to the support page that I copy here
    Additional Information
    Apple Hardware Test is included on the DVDs that are shipped with some Macintosh computers. If the copy on your hard drive becomes unavailable, use the DVDs to run Apple Hardware Test.
    For Intel-based Apple computers that shipped with Mac OS X v10.5.4  or earlier, Apple Hardware Test is located on the Mac OS X Install Disc 1  and should be included with your computer.
    For Apple computers that shipped with Mac OS X v10.5.5 to 10.6.7, Apple Hardware Test is located on the Applications Install  Disc 2 and should be included with your computer.
    For some Apple computers that shipped with OS X Lion, if Apple Hardware Test cannot be found on the hard drive, an Internet-based version starts up instead.
    This doesn't work as the additional information statement says it should above.  Could someone at apple give me an idea of where to get it or what the "REAL" solution is, since it doesn't work on an internet version which was confirmed today at the Genius Bar in the Apple store.
    Please help me

    chrisfrommarion wrote:
    Thanks, while it worked on yours it doesn't work on mine, any other ideas?
    Are you holding down the "d" key, all by itself, just after the system shuts down for a restart?
    And how long did you hold it down?
    I held mine down for about 40-50 seconds. Then I lookat at my routers WAN light and it was flickering so I let up on the d key.
    If that does not work then maybe there is something wrong with your MBP. Is that the reason you want to run this test, something isn't right with your unit?

  • HT5312 I DO remember them but Apple chose to put them in Japanese and I can not change the language on Manage my Apple ID so I do not know if I made an error ,it threw me off , it was the wrong question Where did you fly to on your first Aiplane trip ? th

    I DO remember them but Apple chose to put them in Japanese and I can not change the language on Manage my Apple ID so I do not know if I made an error ,it threw me off , it was the wrong question Where did you fly to on your first Aiplane trip ? then I was unable to enter until 8 hours then called Apple Japan 4 times each time threy asked me would you like to speak with an English speaker,I said yes then they told me sorry today is Sunday no English speakers ,but they refused to speak Japanese, then I called 5th time and a kind guy could speak English we were on 1and 1/2 hours he got me to log in but the reset key chain could not be completed still pending.
    He said do not mess with that ! then I got a text from somewhere to reset 4 pins suddenly it was very strange I said to him that I got this pin this morning but it said you can use maximum 3 hours it had a UK number and I told him I do not like this and will not enter the code he said do not do it if it is from the UK and then I said to him ok you did a lot to help but we can not go any further ! and we cut of I went back to my computer to re do the ID but I found everything a mess so I call and a stupid sounding Japanese women with a squeaky voice came on I was calm at first and they want your phone number your IMEI number your iPhone serial number date of birth Address email address it takes 10 munutes to check then they ask what are you caling about so I try to explain my keychain is broken or problems with language security questions and can not change my pasword because the security question have failed me so it is ONE BIG HEADACHE AND I START I GET STRESSED she says Do want an ENGLISH speaker ,I say yes ,that guy i talked to earlier but I never got his name and first time I ever talked to him but they said he is not here so I said ok and then she said today is sunday so call back in the morning ,I said ,well ok in Japanese but they make you feel stupid because they do not want to speak Jap@anese with none natives and they are to busy,And they feel that I should not bother them ,then I say that Apple Japan is trying to refuse Apple foreign customers and then she wants to hang up and ask me to visit the shop ,but they are the same I have a very bad time with Apple Japan since they do not discuss software problems or security with customer meaning if you have a problem they ask you to come on a time 20 minutes max so they do hardware test and say you phone is fine then I say no I can not reset my ID they say you must call call centre so I am going around in circles ,When I call English it is usually Australia so if my problem is in Japan surely if do not want me to talk to them in Japanese and they ask me to call Australia but every time my call charge is expensive after asking them is this free because I have Apple care they say yes but when the call goes to Australia 0120 277 535 it might change to paid call so I call then I have to ask is this charging they say we can not give you that information ! so what can I do I have have been at the computer and phone all day on my day off work and in tre week I am so busy and can not use my phone I can not work without it ,this new technology for you ,they can not cope with the fact that the customer have problems yet they do not want to deal with us because they can not solve it and so it shows them to be useless they like to walk around in their cool tee shirts and retro shop but when it comes to functionality we are unwelcome they got the money so do not return because apple is perfect that nothing should go wrong .
    But it does somehow my English security answers do not work on a Japanese Question especialy if I did not choose that question I set  up the multiple choice In English and wrote the answers in English or Roman and set them langauge preferences in English, do you really think you can correctly write english name or word in Japanese they write a police patrol car  pato caa パトカア they do not have r and l .So it is my choice to make my security easy for me and as difficult for others to hack.But they also have patororoo choo meaning ' now patrolling ' so why they have pato caa patrol car and patoro patrol and have thousands of Chinese words kanji they can find patrol.
    I am getting off the topic but I am at a loss to fix this problem when they hold the keys and i have all the info to verify my ID.

    You have to enter the Apple ID and password. You are running into the Activation Lock
    iCloud: Find My iPhone Activation Lock in iOS 7
    Is there a way to find my Apple ID Name if I can't remember it?
    Yes. Visit My Apple ID and click Find your Apple ID. See Finding your Apple ID if you'd like more information.
    How do I change or recover a forgotten Apple ID Password?
    If you've forgotten your Apple ID Password or want to change it, go to My Apple ID and follow the instructions. SeeChanging your Apple ID password if you'd like more information.

  • I am trying to restore a locked device where password is unknown.

    iTunes goes to restore, iPhone Software Update goes to 18,000  hours remaining, then stops with error 9006.  I have done the same thing on a different device, restore took about 8 minutes, so network connection is fine.
    I've retried this restore on the locked device about 6 times, same result.
    Here is the background.  I manage mobility for my company.  I have an iPhone 5 from a terminated employee that we are trying to reset and redeploy.  We do not know the passcode for the device and cannot contact the terminated employee as the parting was not amicable.
    So, held down power and home keys while device was disconnected, until it shut down.  Held down home key while reconnecting the device.  Window opened in iTunes saying it had detected a device in recovery mode and the device would have to be restored.  Clicked on Restore iPhone, window opened asking if I want to restory the iPhone to factory settings.  I clicked on Restore and Update. iOS 7.1 update opens, accepted license agreement and download begins.  Hours remaining continually counts up until it hits anywhere from 14,000+ to 18,000+ hours remaining, then stops with error message:  "There was a problem downloading the software for the iPhone "iPhone".  An unknown error occurred (9006).  Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, or try again later."  Then I get the message that iTunes cannot connect to the device because it is locked with a passcode and I need to enter the passcode to proceed.  In other words, back to square one.
    I have my own iPhone 5, so I backed it up and repeated the same steps to restore it to factory settings, took about 8 minutes with no errors, so I know there is no issue with my network connection.
    I need to get this device restored so we can redeploy it.  Any suggestions are much appreciated.

    Yes, you will still get the prompt.
    I meant reset then try the recovery mode restore again.
    You can also try DFU Mode.
    DFU (Device Firmware Update) Mode is different than Recovery Mode.
    DFU Mode is a special mode where the device can still interface with iTunes, yet it does not load the iBoot bootloader.
    DFU Mode:
    Plug your device into your computer.
    Turn off the device.
    Hold the Power button for 3 seconds
    Hold the Home button without releasing the Power button for 10 seconds
    Release the Power Button but keep holding the Home button
    Keep holding the Home button until you are alerted by iTunes saying that it has detected a device in Recovery Mode
          NOTE: Make sure the device screen is blank and no logos are present. Be patient, it make take several trys.

  • Where we have to open and close posting periods in asset accounting

    hi sap gurus
      can anybody give where we have to open and close posting periods in asset accounting
    thank you

    Hi Venkatareddy,
    You make specifications for fiscal years and posting periods in the SAP R/3 System in Customizing for Financial Accounting. This is done in the fiscal year variant in the global parameters of the company code. These settings are, in general, also binding for Asset Accounting. The depreciation periods in Asset Accounting then correspond to the posting periods in Financial Accounting.<b> It is usually not necessary to create a separate fiscal year variant for Asset Accounting.</b>
    The period control in the depreciation key determines the start and end of depreciation when asset transactions are posted . The period control determines the relationship between the calendar period in which the asset transaction is posted and the depreciation period.
    These calendar periods are independent of the posting periods in Financial Accounting. The only restriction is that the beginning of the first calendar period and the end of the last calendar period defined in a period control have to match the start date and final date of the fiscal year in Financial Accounting.
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    This article is for startup but it might help.  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts2570

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