Where to find PAY11i sql

I have been looking and reading this whole Morning and tried to find a place to download PAY11i.sql Diagnostics for Payroll. I got this note "Oracle Human Resources (HRMS) PAY11i.sql Diagnostics for Payroll [ID 208964.1]" (can't figure it out which responsibility from step #2) ) and Note 358831.1 but still can't figure it out where to download it and run it. Would you please kindly help me here so I can complete an user's request? We have R12.1.3 db: on linux.
Thank you very much in advance.

870765 wrote:
I have been looking and reading this whole Morning and tried to find a place to download PAY11i.sql Diagnostics for Payroll. I got this note "Oracle Human Resources (HRMS) PAY11i.sql Diagnostics for Payroll [ID 208964.1]" (can't figure it out which responsibility from step #2) ) and Note 358831.1 but still can't figure it out where to download it and run it. Would you please kindly help me here so I can complete an user's request? We have R12.1.3 db: on linux.
Thank you very much in advance.Please refer to "Installation on E-Business Suite Release 12" section in (E-Business Suite Diagnostics Installation Guide [ID 167000.1]).

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    When you say, ASH captures active sessions, does that mean, it only captures "session" information, which may not include details about SQL ?Exactly, it's a snapshot of session level information for active sessions.
    So, session X can be executing sql statement abc123 and be captured by ASH which takes a snapshot of all active sessions every 1 second in V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.
    1 in 10 of these active sessions is stored in the repository - DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY (in practice, this 1 in 10 sample is literally as simple as store the active sessions from every 10th second).
    Independently of this, obviously you have the shared pool and V$SQL. If your statements are in here then great.
    Otherwise you have AWR which captures the top N sql from each interval.
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    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 27005] Unresolved column: "Sales Facts Current Month"."Amount Sold (000) Current Month". (HY000)
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    SET VARIABLE QUERY_SRC_CD='Report',SAW_SRC_PATH='/shared/sh/Learn';SELECT Times."Calendar Month Name" saw_0, Times."Calendar Month Desc" saw_1, Products."Prod Category" saw_2, Salesfacts."Amount Sold" saw_3, REPORT_SUM(saw_3 BY saw_0, saw_1), REPORT_SUM(saw_3 BY ) FROM SH WHERE (TOPN(Times."Calendar Month Id",40) <= 40) AND (Channels."Channel Desc" = 'Direct Sales') ORDER BY saw_1, saw_0, saw_2
    +++Administrator:13290000:1329000f:----2009/09/29 09:18:33
    -------------------- General Query Info:
    Repository: Star, Subject Area: SH, Presentation: SH
    +++Administrator:13290000:1329000f:----2009/09/29 09:18:33
    -------------------- Cache Hit on query:
    Matching Query:     SET VARIABLE QUERY_SRC_CD='Report';SELECT Times."Calendar Month Name" saw_0, Times."Calendar Month Desc" saw_1, Products."Prod Category" saw_2, Salesfacts."Amount Sold" saw_3 FROM SH WHERE (TOPN(Times."Calendar Month Id",40) <= 40) AND (Channels."Channel Desc" = 'Direct Sales') ORDER BY saw_0, saw_1, saw_2
    Created by:     AdministratorThis does not help as the selected tables are not fully spell out. It appear like that OBI find the sql in cache and did process the request fully.
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    Physical SQL is not visible as it hits the cache.
    you can :
    1) clear the physical cache from rpd and re-run the request.
    2) copy the logical SQL, go to web Admin - issue SQL--paste the logical SQL there, then just change one parameter or two, so it does not hit the cache. E.g. change a filter to Feb from Jan...or just add a dummy column at the beginning as select 1 or select 'a' ....rest of the sql same.
    this way you can avoid hitting the cache and see the sql (at the bottom of the results - view log)
    make sure you have checked the presentation server cache option and set the log level to 4 or more to see details.

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    1.Open the report in the crystal designer
    2.Go to the field explorer(if hidden go to view menu->field explorer)
    3.Rt. click on the database fields->choose database expert
    4.Now you will see 2 columns-Available DataSource  and Selected Tables
    5.Rt. click on the object(ex.command) available in the Selected Tables column->Choose Edit command
    6.A new Modify Command window will appear,here you can edit your SQL Query
    I get to step 4 and I see the two columns including my database and the report table, but there is no command object available.  If I right-click on my table, I can just view the Properties. ??
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    REP-0736: There exist uncompiled program unit(s).
    REP-1247: Report contains uncompiled PL/SQL.
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by prashant Sahoo ([email protected]):
    Hello Sir,
    As per you , I compiled everything in Windows NT. And when I ran it on windows NT it works fine. But when I tried to run the same in Unix server (where the production Report Server 6i is installed) by ftp the RDF file and PLL file to bin directory in binary mod and tried to run from a remote client thru command line syntax it gives me the above error again. Please help me out.

Maybe you are looking for

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