Where to get com/sun/mirror/apt/AnnotationProcessorFactor?

I am facing a problem with locating com/sun/mirror/apt/AnnotationProcessorFactory while trying to deploy my webservice in Tomcat. Could you please tell in which JAR file can I find this?
I made an apt build task in this manner. My compile.classpath contains: jaxws-tools.jar.
    <taskdef name="apt" classname="com.sun.tools.ws.ant.Apt">
        <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <taskdef name="wsgen" classname="com.sun.tools.ws.ant.WsGen">
        <classpath refid="jaxws.classpath"/>
    <target name="apt">
        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/WEB-INF"/>
        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
        <copy todir="${build.dir}">
            <fileset dir="${web.dir}"/>
        <apt sourcepath="${src.dir}"
            <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
        <copy todir="${build.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
            <fileset dir="${src.dir}" excludes="**/*.java"/>
        <copy todir="${build.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
            <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
                <include name="*.jar"/>
    </target>Then I tried building my project, but I got this error.
humpty@nifty:~/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc$ ant
Buildfile: build.xml
Trying to override old definition of task apt
      [apt] An exception has occurred in apt (1.6.0_10). Please file a bug at the Java Developer Connection (http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport)  after checking the Bug Parade for duplicates. Include your program and the following diagnostic in your report.  Thank you.
      [apt] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/mirror/apt/AnnotationProcessorFactory
      [apt]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
      [apt]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:621)
      [apt]     at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:124)
      [apt]      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:252)
      [apt]      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:320)
      [apt]      ... 38 more
      [apt] Command invoked: apt -d /home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/build/WEB-INF/classes -sourcepath /home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/src/java -g -classpath /home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/FastInfoset.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/activation.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/http.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jaxws-api.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jaxws-rt.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jaxws-tools.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jsr173_api.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jsr181-api.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/jsr250-api.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/mimepull.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/resolver.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/saaj-api.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/saaj-impl.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/stax-ex.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/streambuffer.jar:/home/humpty/lab/wsdl/jaxrpc/lib/woodstox.jar

i found it in axis2-1.4-bin\axis2-1.4\lib\jaxb-xjc-2.1.6.jar
but in different package
maybe look for this jar.

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  • New com.sun.mirror.* packages - annotation processing

    i would like to use annotation processing tool (APT), but there is much to learn yet.
    So, please help me.
    Let�s have an annotation that can be apllied to all code declarations (source code entities).I want to process some *.java files (their proper source code) via APT.From this code i wanna gain (in any way) those declarations (classes, ifaces, methods, constructors, etc.) that are annotated just with the only one annotation that i have.
    i was already going through the API, but not well-understood.
    As written, i created AnnotationProcessorFactory (just my annotation should be processed by this factory) with an appropriate AnnotationProcessor.
    I�ve already done some steps to succeed, but you know, that�s not that i want
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    Thank you a lot

    I am new to this forum and also just started
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    com.sun.mirror package and its sub-packages
    hanksIf you can use JDK 6, I strongly recommend using the standardized annotation processioning in javac and the packages javax.annotation.processing and javax.lang.model..* instead of apt and its com.sun.mirror.* API. To get started, take a look at
    under the JDK 6 install directory.
    If you just need to compile against the apt API, it is found in the tools.jar file in Sun's JDK; see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/apt/GettingStarted.html
    You can find a jar file with just the API definition from https://aptmirrorapi.dev.java.net/.

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    Let me guess, you want to write a DOM document
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  • I am getting com.sun.kvem.ktools.ExecutionException error

    Below is the error that I get in the console while building the midlet in J2ME Wireless ToolKit 2.0
    Building "ParseXML"
    C:\WTK20\apps\ParseXML\src\ParseXMLService.java:1: illegal character: \187
    +&iuml;&raquo;&iquest;import javax.microedition.midlet.*;*+
    C:\WTK20\apps\ParseXML\src\ParseXMLService.java:1: illegal character: \191+
    *&iuml;&raquo;&iquest;import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    +2 errors+
    Build failed
    Below is the actual java code
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.io.*;
    import java.io.*;
    //kxml imports
    import org.kxml.*;
    import org.kxml.parser.*;
    public class ParseXML extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
    private Command exitCommand; // The exit command
    private Command displayXML; // On execution, it displays title and description
    // on phone screen
    private Display display; // The display for this MIDlet
    // UI Items for display of title and description on phone screen
    private static TextBox t;
    private static String textBoxString = "";
    // XML String
    private String xmlStr = "";
    public ParseXML() {
    display = Display.getDisplay( this );
    exitCommand = new Command( "Exit", Command.EXIT, 2 );
    displayXML = new Command( "XML", Command.SCREEN, 1 );
    // The XML String in form of RSS
    StringBuffer xmlString = new StringBuffer();
    xmlString.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC \"-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN\"");
    xmlString.append("<rss version=\"0.91\">");
    xmlString.append("<channel><title>Meerkat: An Open Wire Service</title>");
    xmlString.append("<description>Meerkat is a Web-based syndicated content reader based on RSS (\"Rich Site Summary\"). RSS is a fantastic, simple-yet-powerful syndication system rapidly gaining momentum.");
    xmlStr = xmlString.toString();
    public void startApp() {
    // The textbox displays title and description from a RSS String
    t = new TextBox( "MIDlet XML", "kXML", 256, 0 );
    t.addCommand( exitCommand );
    t.addCommand( displayXML );
    t.setCommandListener( this );
    display.setCurrent( t );
    Pause is a no-op since there are no background activities or
    record stores that need to be closed.
    public void pauseApp() { }
    Destroy must cleanup everything not handled by the garbage collector.
    In this case there is nothing to cleanup.
    public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { }
    Respond to commands, including exit. On the exit command, cleanup
    and notify that the MIDlet has been destroyed.
    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {
    if ( c == exitCommand ) {
    destroyApp( false );
    else if ( c == displayXML ) {
    try {
    catch( Exception e ) {
    // This function sets up kxml parser and calls traverse() to parse the whole XML String
    public void viewXML() throws IOException {
    try {
    byte[] xmlByteArray = xmlStr.getBytes();
    ByteArrayInputStream xmlStream = new
    ByteArrayInputStream( xmlByteArray );
    InputStreamReader xmlReader = new
    InputStreamReader( xmlStream );
    XmlParser parser = new XmlParser( xmlReader );
    traverse( parser, "" );
    catch (Exception exc)
    catch ( IOException e ) {
    return ;
    } finally {
    return ;
    Traverses the XML file
    public static void traverse( XmlParser parser, String indent ) throws Exception
    boolean leave = false;
    String title = new String();
    String desc = new String();
    do {
    ParseEvent event = parser.read ();
    ParseEvent pe;
    switch ( event.getType() ) {
    // For example, <title>
    case Xml.START_TAG:
    // see API doc of StartTag for more access methods
    // Pick up Title for display
    if ("title".equals(event.getName()))
    pe = parser.read();
    title = pe.getText();
    // Pick up description for display
    if ("description".equals(event.getName()))
    pe = parser.read();
    desc = pe.getText();
    textBoxString = title + " " + desc;
    traverse( parser, "" ) ; // recursion call for each <tag></tag>
    // For example </title?
    case Xml.END_TAG:
    leave = true;
    // For example </rss>
    case Xml.END_DOCUMENT:
    leave = true;
    // For example, the text between tags
    case Xml.TEXT:
    case Xml.WHITESPACE:
    } while( !leave );
    t.setString( textBoxString );

    Below is the error that I get in the console while building the midlet in J2ME Wireless ToolKit 2.0
    Building "ParseXML"
    C:\WTK20\apps\ParseXML\src\ParseXMLService.java:1: illegal character: \187
    import javax.microedition.midlet.;
    C:\WTK20\apps\ParseXML\src\ParseXMLService.java:1: illegal character: \191
    import javax.microedition.midlet.;
    2 errors
    Build failed
    Below is the actual java code
    import javax.microedition.midlet.;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.;
    import javax.microedition.io.;
    import java.io.;
    //kxml imports
    import org.kxml.;
    import org.kxml.parser.;
    public class ParseXML extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
    private Command exitCommand; // The exit command
    private Command displayXML; // On execution, it displays title and description
    // on phone screen
    private Display display; // The display for this MIDlet
    // UI Items for display of title and description on phone screen
    private static TextBox t;
    private static String textBoxString = "";
    // XML String
    private String xmlStr = "";
    public ParseXML() {
    display = Display.getDisplay( this );
    exitCommand = new Command( "Exit", Command.EXIT, 2 );
    displayXML = new Command( "XML", Command.SCREEN, 1 );
    // The XML String in form of RSS
    StringBuffer xmlString = new StringBuffer();
    xmlString.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC \"-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN\"");
    xmlString.append("<rss version=\"0.91\">");
    xmlString.append("<channel><title>Meerkat: An Open Wire Service</title>");
    xmlString.append("<description>Meerkat is a Web-based syndicated content reader based on RSS (\"Rich Site Summary\"). RSS is a fantastic, simple-yet-powerful syndication system rapidly gaining momentum.");
    xmlStr = xmlString.toString();
    public void startApp() {
    // The textbox displays title and description from a RSS String
    t = new TextBox( "MIDlet XML", "kXML", 256, 0 );
    t.addCommand( exitCommand );
    t.addCommand( displayXML );
    t.setCommandListener( this );
    display.setCurrent( t );
    Pause is a no-op since there are no background activities or
    record stores that need to be closed.
    public void pauseApp() { }
    Destroy must cleanup everything not handled by the garbage collector.
    In this case there is nothing to cleanup.
    public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { }
    Respond to commands, including exit. On the exit command, cleanup
    and notify that the MIDlet has been destroyed.
    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {
    if ( c == exitCommand ) {
    destroyApp( false );
    else if ( c == displayXML ) {
    try {
    catch( Exception e ) {
    // This function sets up kxml parser and calls traverse() to parse the whole XML String
    public void viewXML() throws IOException {
    try {
    byte[] xmlByteArray = xmlStr.getBytes();
    ByteArrayInputStream xmlStream = new
    ByteArrayInputStream( xmlByteArray );
    InputStreamReader xmlReader = new
    InputStreamReader( xmlStream );
    XmlParser parser = new XmlParser( xmlReader );
    traverse( parser, "" );
    catch (Exception exc)
    catch ( IOException e ) {
    return ;
    } finally {
    return ;
    Traverses the XML file
    public static void traverse( XmlParser parser, String indent ) throws Exception
    boolean leave = false;
    String title = new String();
    String desc = new String();
    do {
    ParseEvent event = parser.read ();
    ParseEvent pe;
    switch ( event.getType() ) {
    // For example, <title>
    case Xml.START_TAG:
    // see API doc of StartTag for more access methods
    // Pick up Title for display
    if ("title".equals(event.getName()))
    pe = parser.read();
    title = pe.getText();
    // Pick up description for display
    if ("description".equals(event.getName()))
    pe = parser.read();
    desc = pe.getText();
    textBoxString = title " " desc;
    traverse( parser, "" ) ; // recursion call for each <tag></tag>
    // For example </title?
    case Xml.END_TAG:
    leave = true;
    // For example </rss>
    case Xml.END_DOCUMENT:
    leave = true;
    // For example, the text between tags
    case Xml.TEXT:
    case Xml.WHITESPACE:
    } while( !leave );
    t.setString( textBoxString );

  • Where is the com.sun.kjava.* ?

    in the sun's new CLDC v1.03.i can not find com.sun.kjava.*. so i can never use the old
    spotlet program. can anybody help? thanks.

    kJava was never part of the CLDC specification and was only a temporary unsupported class library for demonstration purposes. I suggest you switch to the supported new MIDP, which now supports the Palm, but you will have to port your kJava code to the MIDP classes.
    (although I have never tried to run kJava on the latest CLDC...)

  • "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.tools..apt.Main.process"

    I am a new to Web Services and was following some site for implementing it.
    The link is as below:
    However while doing the "build and deploy" -- I am getting the following error while doing a ::
    Warning: MANIFEST.MF modified in the future.
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\META-INF
    Warning: META-INF\context.xml modified in the future.
    Warning: WEB-INF\lib\jaxws-tools-2.1.7.jar modified in the future.
    Warning: WEB-INF\sun-jaxws.xml modified in the future.
    Warning: WEB-INF\web.xml modified in the future.
    Warning: index.jsp modified in the future.
    Warning: modified in the future.
    Warning: META-INF modified in the future.
    Copying 5 files to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Warning: modified in the future.
    *java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.tools.apt.Main.process(Lcom/sun/mirror/apt/AnnotationProcessorFactory;[Ljava/lang/String;)I*
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
    I am using netbeans version 5.5 for this.
    Although from the initial investigation I understand that this error is related to "jaxws-tools.jar".
    However I could not resolve this error.
    Can Somebody provide me with the steps to resolve this error.

    No, I put the 'main' method just to see if it solved the problem

  • HELP: where is "com.sun.awt.svg"?

    there is sample code "HelloSVGWorld.java" for SVG generator at
    can anyone kindly tell me where the package com.sun.awt.svg is. Many thanks.

    I did download batik but there are about 20 jar files and anyone knows if "com.sun.awt.svg" is contained in one of these jar files. Thanks a lot.

  • URGENT!!!! help me!Where I can get package com.sun.awt.svg.*

    I want to know Where I can get package com.sun.awt.svg.* ??

    JDK 1.3 Software -
    To use the Graphics2D SVG Generator, you need to have installed the Java 2 Software Developer's Kit (SDK). You can obtain the Java 2 SDK from the Sun Java 2 web site (http://java.sun.com/j2se/).
    The Graphics2D SVG Generator software was tested with version 1.3, so you should use the same version or a newer one.
    DOM Implementation -
    A DOM level 1 implementation is needed to use the Graphics2D SVG Generator. You can obtain a Java language DOM implementation from the following:
    Apache Xerces (http://xml.apache.org/xerces-j/index.html)
    Sun Microsystem's Project X
    You also need to put the corresponding jar files in the classpath. The following table shows commands for doing this.
    Operating System DOM Implementation Command
    Windows 98 Xerces set classpath=%classpath%;
    Windows 98 Project X set classpath=%classpath%;
    UNIX Xerces setenv CLASSPATH ${CLASSPATH}:
    UNIX Project X setenv CLASSPATH ${CLASSPATH}:
    SVG Viewer
    To view the generated SVG files, you need to have an SVG viewer. You can find a list of available SVG viewers at the W3C SVG web site (http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/SVG-Implementations).
    top of the page
    Installing the Graphics2D SVG Generator Software
    Before installing the software, make sure you agree to the license terms.
    To install the software, perform the following steps:
    Step 1: Uncompress the distribution file in the desired installation directory. Use these commands (from the command line):
    > cd installDir
    > jar xf j2d2svg.zip
    The j2d2svg.jar file expands into a directory (j2d2svg) that contains the following:
    README.html (this file) -- Provides important information about installing and using the Graphics2D SVG Generator.
    svggraphic_license.html -- License agreement.
    svggen.jar -- A jar (java archive) file that contains the SVGGraphics2D classes.
    glf.jar -- A jar file that contains the Graphic Layers Framework classes.
    svggenDoc.jar -- A jar file that contains the software's API documentation in HTML.
    HelloSVG.java -- Example file.
    HelloManipulatedSVG.java -- Example file.
    Step 2: Add svggen.jar to the classpath.
    On Windows, use this command:
    - set classpath=%classpath%;<j2d2svginstalldir>\svggen.jar
    On UNIX, use this command:
    - setenv CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:j2d2svginstalldir/svggen.jar
    To use the Graphic Layer Framework conversion utility (i.e., to use the com.sun.awt.svg.util.GlfSVGPrettyPrint), you will also need to add the glf.jar file to your classpath. However, this is not required to run the examples.

  • Where I can get package com.sun.awt.svg.*

    Anyone know Where I can get package com.sun.awt.svg.* ??
    My Email is :[email protected]
    thank you !

    I do not know,
    but if you need to deal with SVG take a look at Batik at xml.apache.org,

  • How to get the " com.sun.xml.* " package?

    In a java xml sample, it uses a class "com.sun.xml.tree.XmlDocument". Its author said it is a internal class.But I can't find the class in "com.sun" package. Please tell me how to get the class?
    Thanks very much!

    This set of classes was available in the J2ee.jar that was packaged with j2sdkee1.2.1, This set of classes is NOT in the j2ee.jar of the j2sdkee1.3.1. After we upgraded, we started to get these errors ... have no idea where/if these classes are still available as add on api or not. I downloaded the the java xml pack and this class is not available in any of the jars contained within.

  • Where do i find com.sun.xml

    i need to import com.sun.xml package but i get an error message: The import cannot be resolved. Evidently i miss some API. Where do i find it.
    Thanks in advance.

    i need to import com.sun.xml package but i get an
    error message: The import cannot be resolved.
    Evidently i miss some API. Where do i find it.
    Thanks in advance.It's a good thing you can't find it anyways, because it is not a standard class. Nothing from com.sun.* should be directly used - only java.*, javax.* (and other names that come with the JRE), your own packages, and true 3rd-party packages. com.sun.* doesn't fit any of those categories, they're internal classes (I'm pretty sure anyway).

  • Dumb newbie question - where do I download com.sun.web.me.*?

    I am new to j2me programming & have just started developing apps for mobile phones. So far so good, I have Netbeans 5.5.1 with the mobility pack and have created a couple of Midlets already. To braoden my knowledge, I have downloaded a coupe of samples from https://meapplicationdevelopers.dev.java.net/ but when I try and build them, I get errors regarding the import of classes com.sun.me.web.*
    Where/how can I download & install these libraries for use in Netbeans 5.5.1?
    Many thanks

    Thanks for the response,
    I have serached my computer for anything that looks like it might contain the required libraries, but top no avail
    My code has the following lines which the compiler objects to:
    import com.sun.me.web.path.Result;
    import com.sun.me.web.path.ResultException;
    import com.sun.me.web.request.Arg;
    import com.sun.me.web.request.ProgressInputStream;
    import com.sun.me.web.request.ProgressListener;
    import com.sun.me.web.request.Request;
    import com.sun.me.web.request.RequestListener;
    import com.sun.me.web.request.Response;
    so any help on where I might find them would be appreciated

  • Where is com.sun.xml.tree.XmlDocument ???

    Where can I get this package (com.sun.xml.tree.*) ???
    Where where where can iiiii get ?????????
    Please, where?

    Hey guys,
    I've got the same problem.
    please help me to [email protected]
    Basically, i am running a program which needs to import "com.sun.xml.tree.XmlDocument", but the system can't find it!!
    I've downloaded J2SE 5.0 already, was thinking JAXP already included, but still not working. Can somebody tell me why please?
    Big thanks again

  • Where exactly can i download the com.sun.j3d.*?

    where exactly can i download the com.sun.j3d.*?
    can anyone provide a complete download website for me?

    but still couldnt get what i really want?Well, the first link takes me straight to Sun's 3D download page... so I'm confused.
    What do you "really want" then?
    And PS: Type whole words FFS... SMS speak shits me.

  • Where is com.sun.estore.cart.ejb found??

    Could someone tell me what i have to download to get the classes in com.sun.estoer.cart.ejb. I thought it is in jsdk2ee.jar but it is not there. WHERE IS THE JAR ?

    It seems you are talking about the very early version of the Java Pet Store sample application that was part of the J2EE Blueprints.
    See http://java.sun.com/j2ee/blueprints/jps10/src for source code.

Maybe you are looking for