Where to store QT downloads?

Hello again:
I receive QTs from Gson about the activities of the Great Gson. Can they be stored in iPhoto or iMovie or elsewher? They are now in the Download folder.
I checked 10 pages of posts and did not see this question.
Thanks for any help

Back again Klaus
In our Hemet Senior Mac User group someone suggested just put the Qtime Players into the Picture file in my John User file.
OUr web site is hemetsmug.org. I think it is up and running and up to date.
Thanks for Your help

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    newbie14 wrote:
    Dear Masijade,
    I dont quite get you. You mean run the command -cp followed by my folder path is it? Then this will be permantently set or I must still go n change somethings inside the .bash profile ? I am not running the java file as project but just as a single java file so any settings for it? Thank you sorry I am very new to all this.Then you should skip DBCP. You should skip JDBC as well. You need to learn the basics of java before you learn JDBC.
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    Hello Curtis,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing when trying to downlaod Mavericks.  I recommend emptying your trash and restarting your computer.  Once you have done that, navigat the the Purchased tab of the Mac App Store and try downloading Mavericks again:
    Mac App Store: Finding your purchased apps
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Hi SarahHannah,
    If you are having trouble activating iMessage, this article contains relevant troubleshooting steps:
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    Take care,
    - Ari

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    Hi Who\'s doza,
    If you are having issues connecting to the iTunes Store, you may find the following article helpful:
    Apple Support: Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    - Brenden

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    Thanks a lot, Josephine

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