Which folder storage the iProcurement web page in server?

Dear all:
As the question, which folder storage the iProcurement web page in server?
Can I use the Jdeveloper open these web pages?
My environment is : IBM P550 aix 6.1 | oracle ebs R12
Terry Chen

Hi hsawwan:
Thank you for your reply, but I am now in R12, the [ID 562555.1] is talking about the 11.5.10, I think it should be use JDeveloper to customize, right?

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  • Issues making restricted Printers available via the IIS Web page in Windows 2008 R2

    I've gone through the standard procedure of restricting access to printers by doing the following:
    Remove the Everyone group from Access list on the Security Tab (which removes Print and Read Permissions)
    Add my restricted AD group PRINT-RESTRICT to the Access List (which adds Print and Read Permissions)
    However, once I've removed the Everyone group, those printers are no longer listed on the IIS webpage,
    Users in the restricted group can actually add the printers and use them successfully by going to the Add Printer wizard on their PC, and searching for printers to add in the directory, however I really want one set of instructions for all people to
    add and manage their printers, (and the web page is the simplest method)
    I've tried adding the Everyone group back in with Read Permissions and not Print, however this doesn't fix things. I've also tried adding the PRINT-RESTRICT group into the Print Server object, but no change their either.
    Can anyone help with the permission that controls visibility of the Printer in the IIS web page for Windows 2008 R2 ?
    thanks in advance,

    Good news, I did actually work out a solution.
    Simply give the IUSR account Print access to the restricted use printer. (the printer that has the Everyone group removed)
    Since this is the account that display the web page, as long as that account has access to the printers, the printers continue to be displayed for users to connect to. The solution still restricts the printer, as you need to be in a group or have print rights
    for the user to actually Connect to the printer.

  • How to transport the contents of the WPC web page ?

    Hi Experts,
    I've been trying to transport the WPC web pages from POC to DEV server.. The problem is that only the pages get transfered and not its contents..
    Can anybody please guide me in this matter..???

    Dear Archana,
    As per your requirement this is the whole process where you can easily export or import the XML form .
    Here is the whole description.
    ICE Exporting // Importing method
    Exporting Method
    Content Admin->KM COntent->ICE ->Syndicator->Global Offer->Folder>Link--->Click on complete package and lastly download the file.
    Importing Method
    Content Managemet>Content Exchange->Left Navigation panel(Package Upload)--->Browse
    Maybe this will helpful to you and give me nice marks.

  • What / Where are the QA Web Pages provided by the Phones?

    Reading the Phone Services App SDK Dev Notes and it mentions you should check the QA Web Pages to see what Soft Key's are being presented to the user.
    Anyone got any ideas which page this might be? I've found the following pages:
    But none of these appear to actually display the softkey set being presented. ModeInfo was looking hopeful, but it doesn't appear to actually show any real information (at least for me with Phone Load 8.02 on a 7940).
    Anyone know what Cisco are on about here?
    TIA - Nathan

    Side by side comp with your older iPad?   With your Mini?  What does it show?   What colors are the web links?
    Google search results--are they more purple on the Air than the blue on the others?  macsurfer.com is one site people have posted about.  macrumors.com, too.

  • How do I get Firefox to print the entire web page instead of truncating when it gets to end of first print page?

    Firefox 3.6.8, Windows XP Pro
    Frequently when I try to do a print of a web page, I end up printing only whatever fits on the first printed page. Instead of continuing to later pages as needed, the rest of the displayed web page is simply ignored.

    See Tools > Options > General > Startup: "When Firefox Starts": "Show my home page"

  • After doing a Google search, I click on a link and go to the searched web page.  When I go back to the Google page using the back button the links I originally clicked on no longer show as "greyed out".  Any idea what is going on with the browser?

    After doing a Google search, I click on a link and go to the searched web page.  When I go back to the Google page using the back button the links I originally clicked on no longer show as "greyed out".  Any idea what is going on with the browser?

    Type '''about:config''' in the Location (address) bar and press the "Enter" key. When you see a warning, click '''I'll be careful, I promise!''' button.
    * Preferences that have been modified are shown as '''bold (user set)'''.
    * Preferences can be '''Reset to the default''' or changed via the right-click context menu.
    -> In the '''Filter bar''', type '''browser.sessionhistory.max_entries'''
    * Right click the preference '''browser.sessionhistory.max_entries''' and click '''Modify'''
    * Change value from 0 to whatever you want over 0 (Default value is 50)
    * click OK
    -> Close the '''about:config''' tab and then Restart Firefox.
    See this post:
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/860894#answer-229574
    Check and tell if its working.

  • MacBook Air intermittently has issues connecting to websites when wireless shows connected to the internet. The pages show that I am offline, but I can ping Google DNS. Windows PC, iPhone and Android phone have no issue displaying the same web pages.

    MacBook Air intermittently has issues connecting to websites when wireless shows connected to the internet. The pages show that I am offline, but I can ping Google DNS. Windows PC, iPhone and Android phone have no issue displaying the same web pages.How do I solve this issue?

    Go step by step and test.
    1. Power off the router. Unplug it from the wall. Wait a while.
        Plug it back to the wall. Power the router on. Wait until all the lights are lit properly. It will take a while.
        Restart the computer.
        Start up in Safe Mode.
    2. Empty Caches
        Safari > Preference > Advanced
        Checkmark the box for "Show Develop menu in menu bar".
        Develop menu will appear in the Safari menu bar.
        Click Develop and select "Empty Caches" from the dropdown.
    3. Deselect Proxies if selected.
        System Preference > Network > Advanced  > Proxies Tab
        Under "Select Protocol", uncheck any box if selected.
        Click "OK" then  "Apply”.

  • Need help accessing the router web page.  I have been tol...

    Need help accessing the router web page.  I have been told my router is acting like a switch and the IP address is not in the proper range.  I have tried reseting the router (hold for 30 sec and unplug for 5 mins).  Didn't work.

    What router are you using?  Almost all Linksys routers use as the default local IP address, but there is at least one that uses , namely the WTR54GS  (not the WRT54GS).
    You need to try again to reset the router to factory defaults.
    To reset your router to factory defaults, use the following procedure:
    1) Power down all computers, the router, and the modem, and unplug them from the wall.
    2) Disconnect all wires from the router.
    3) Power up the router and allow it to fully boot (1-2 minutes).
    4) Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds, then release it, then let the router reset and reboot (2-3 minutes).
    5) Power down the router.
    6) Connect one computer by wire to port 1 on the router (NOT to the internet port).
    7) Power up the router and allow it to fully boot (1-2 minutes).
    8) Power up the computer (if the computer has a wireless card, make sure it is off).
    9) Try to ping the router. To do this, click the "Start" button > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. A black DOS box will appear. Enter the following: "ping" (no quotes), and hit the Enter key. You will see 3 or 4 lines that start either with "Reply from ... " or "Request timed out." If you see "Reply from ...", your computer has found your router.
    10) Open your browser and point it to This will take you to your router's login page. Leave the user name blank (note: a few Linksys routers have a default user name of "admin" (with no quotes)), and in the password field, enter "admin" (with no quotes). This will take you to your router setup page. Note the version number of your firmware (usually listed near upper right corner of screen). Exit your browser.
    If you get this far without problems, try the setup disk (or setup the router manually, if you prefer), and see if you can get your router setup and working.
    If you cannot get "Reply from ..." in step 9 above, your router is dead.
    If you get a reply in step 9, but cannot complete step 10, then either your router is dead or the firmware is corrupt. In this case, use the Linksys tftp.exe program to try to reload your router with the latest firmware. After reloading the firmware, repeat the above procedure starting with step 1.
    If you need additional help, please state your ISP, the make and model of your modem, your router's firmware version, and the results of steps 9 and 10. Also, if you get any error messages, copy them exactly and report back.
    Please let me know how things turn out for you.
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 01-21-2008 04:40 AM

  • How to redirect the first web page?

    Hey everyone. Does anyone know how to set up a firewall or router so that when an IP is first assigned, the very first web page that they pull up (port 80 request) is automatically redirected to a web page. But only on the first web page, so that they can go ahead and surf other subsequent pages after they view the splash screen.

    Actually, what I mean is similar to when you log into your hotel's Wifi. Whenever you open up a browser, you get redirected to some splash page where you have to accept some terms and conditions. I have a Linksys 3G CDMA router and I want it to put up a splash page whenever someone first logs in and opens up a browser.

  • How do I close the current web page in Safari?

    UPgraded to IOS 8 because a friend said it cured his problems, so I took the plunge.
    BIg mistake.
    THis question concerns Safari.
    how do I close the current web page?

    I just found how to do this on my iPad!  At the top right are two squares overlapping.  Click on that and you will get your page hanging in space.  There is an X on the top (I think) left.  Click on that and TaDa!  Lost of hoops, but glad I found it.

  • I am running XP SP2 fully patched. I recently upgraded to 3.6.3 and since then, clicking on an icon that normally would open another windows (for example, a printer-friendly version of the current web page), nothing happens. In these situations, I have be

    I am running XP SP2 fully patched. I recently upgraded to 3.6.3 and since then, clicking on an icon that normally would open another windows (for example, a printer-friendly version of the current web page), nothing happens. In these situations, I have been forced to go to IE or Crome in order to accomplish what I need to do. Very frustrating. Also clicking in the slider area has no effect. "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys work. Holding down left mouse button on slider works. Also very frustrating. Can someone help
    == This happened ==
    A few times a week
    == Upgraded to 3.6.3.

    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

  • A link in a thunderbird message fails to activate firefox but if i copy & paste it in the ffx location bar, it goes to the linked web page

    a link in a thunderbird message fails to activate firefox but if i copy & paste it in the ffx location bar, it goes to the linked web page. Also, some web page links are failing except that some will work if i use right-click with open in new tab. just updated ffx to 3.6.13, then updated java per mozilla notification (plugin checker)

    Hi Larry,
    Thanks...that was one of the things I first tried. I did a save as another document.
    I also resized the image in PS so it would be at 100% of size, figuring that would help and I made the image box's background white instead of none, but nothing so far.
    It almosat seems like it is coming from the origianl template file?

  • How to export the Apex web page to PDF with click of a button?

    How to export the Apex web page to PDF with click of a button?
    Am looking at exporting the Form view on APEX to be exported to PDF.

    In order to get a PDF, you need to generate a Report....in PDF format.
    If you are using the APEX Listener, you can initiate the download of the PDF by calling APEX_UTILS.download_print_document()  (I normally place this in a Process)
    BUT -- You have to create the Report (under Shared Components) and a Template (also under Shared Components).
    The white paper in my first post gives you the HOWTO "[Create] Custom PDF Reports with Oracle Application Express and the APEX Listener".
    Start by creating a Report (in Shared Components, bottom right) that uses a simple SQL statement like:
    Select * from emp where empno = :P15_EMPNO
    You may need to hard code the parameter before you hit "Download XML" button.
    The XML that you get from clicking "Download XML" satisfies the "Step 1 - Create an XML Data Source" found on Page 11 of the document.
    The rest of the instructions is in that whitepaper.

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