Which method to call

I have a web service that I created.
In order to create webservice client, I used WSDL2JAVA utility - which in turn created the following classes -
ListService.java (originally created by me)
What class/method do I call now to test if it works.
I do not see the main method anywhere.
Please suggest.

You don't have any main method because these classes are thought to be used as interfaces to the Web Service. You have to create your own test class like (I guess):
public class Tester {
  public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
    // Make a service
    ListServiceService service = new ListServiceLocator();
    // Now use the service to get a stub which implements the SDI.
    ListService port = service.getListService();
    // Make the actual call
}What method to call depends on what operations the service exports and which one you want to test!
Perhaps if you give us more information (WSDL for instance) we can help you more...
Look here: http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/user-guide.html#WSDL2JavaBuildingStubsSkeletonsAndDataTypesFromWSDL

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    In Eclipse, which I don't use very much, there is a context-sensitive menu (right-click) that allows you to look at various aspects of a members (classes, variables, methods). In the source file editor, move the insertion point in the code to be in your method name. Right click, and select References. It should search for, and find, every class/method that calls your method. There can be more than one. Sometimes, there are too many to examine. Good luck.

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    Hi Revethi,
    Here is the difference between the Session and Call Transaction method.
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          Call Transaction
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    4) it doesn't support background processing.
    5) data processing is synchronous and Data updation is Synchronous( default), in
    this method also supports daya updation in asynchronus process also.
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    mode <A/N/E> update <L/A/S>
    messages into BDCMSGCOLL.

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    I am seeing frequent FULL GC This is because you are creating and destroying objects VERY frequently. Try to look at your design and see where you can reuse objects (i.e. object pooling) if possible, that is if this is adversely affecting performance.
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    There is a way to do it - if you only want it when an error occurs, it's fairly easy - and PIFFLE on performance - it only occurs when there's an error (which should be rare!) for pete's sake!
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    import java.util.*;
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    ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    PrintWriter pw = null;
    throw new Exception("Exc");
    catch (Exception e)
    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(bs, true));
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(bs.toString(),"\r\n");
    if (!st.hasMoreElements())
    return "None";
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    theString = theString.substring(theString.indexOf(' ')+1);
    return theString;
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    System.out.println("Caller is "+caller());
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    System.out.println("Caller is "+caller());

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    public void test2()
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    This should give you an idea:   public static void main (String args[]) {
        public static void wereAreWe() {
          try {
            throw new RuntimeException("here we are");
          catch (Exception ex) {
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    hi siva,
    first of all Ejbcontainers maintain a pool of stateless sessionbeans .when you call home.create() the ejbCreate () method is definitely called and you said you are initializing some variable and may be you are trying to retrive that value after home.create() method.. when you try to retrive the value thee value may be same as you have initialized or different depending upon the no of stateless session beans in the container. you have created a bean and there is no guarantee that the same bean will be called when you invoke retrieval method..
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    A (asynchronous updating) The called transaction does not wait until the database has been
    updated, it simply forward the updates to the SAP update service. This usually speeds up the CT
    program. This processing mode is NOT recommended for large data sets as the called transaction
    does not receive a completion message from the update module.
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    was terminated early. The error analysis /correction functions for are less helpful than with
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    S (synchronous updating) With synchronous updating the called transaction waits until all the
    updates have been completed. So processing is slower than with synchronous updating. The called
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    analysis/correction easier.
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    Now you decide which one is best...
    For large amount of data Sessions method is the better.

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    class C2
         private int i = 2;
         public void meth1(){
              System.out.println("super class static method");
    class C22 extends C2{
         public void meth1(){
         System.out.println("sub class static method");
    public class C3 extends C2
    public static void main(String [] arg){     
         C2 c3 = new C2();     
    It appears that the C2's method is being called but once overridden shouldnt C22's method be called?

    Yes, if you call the method on an object that is an instance of the C22 class, as in:
    C2 c3 = new C22();
    c3.meth1();Note the "new C22" instead of "new C2".

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    Is there any way it could be known which class is calling a particular method from the method itself?

    Try this:
    * @author Malcolm McMahon
    * @version $Revision: $
    public class TestTrace {
        static {
        private static void c() {
        private static void printCall() {
            String name = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName();
            System.out.println("Call: " + name);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    }Only think is, I'm not confident that the index 3 will remain unchanged in different releases (there are two levels within getStackTrace() and there's no guarantee that will remain true).

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    public class ProductMaintApp
    // declare two class variables
    private static ProductDAO productDAO = null;
    private static Scanner sc = null;
    public static void main(String args[])
    System.out.println("Welcome to the Product Maintenance application modified by Royce\n");
    // set the class variables
    productDAO = DAOFactory.getProductDAO();
    sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    // display the command menu
    // perform 1 or more actions
    String action = "";
    while (!action.equalsIgnoreCase("exit"))
    // get the input from the user
    action = Validator.getString(sc,
    "Enter a command: ");
    if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("list"))
    else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("add"))
    else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("update"))
    else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("del") ||
    else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("help") ||
    else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("exit"))
    System.out.println("Error! Not a valid command.\n");
         public static void displayMenu()
    System.out.println("COMMAND MENU");
    System.out.println("list - List all products");
    System.out.println("add - Add a product");
    System.out.println("update - Update a product");
    System.out.println("del - Delete a product");
    System.out.println("help - Show this menu");
    System.out.println("exit - Exit this application\n");
    public static void displayAllProducts()
    System.out.println("PRODUCT LIST");
    public static void addProduct()
    String code = Validator.getString(
    sc, "Enter product code: ");
    String description = Validator.getLine(
    sc, "Enter product description: ");
    double price = Validator.getDouble(
    sc, "Enter price: ");
    Product product = new Product();
    + " has been added.\n");
    public static void deleteProduct()
    String code = Validator.getString(sc,
    "Enter product code to delete: ");
    Product p = productDAO.getProduct(code);
    if (p != null)
    + " has been deleted.\n");
    System.out.println("No product matches that product code.\n");

    i would like to add an updateProduct method which this method should call the updateProduct method of the ProductDAO object to update the product. Permission granted.

  • Which method is being called?

    I have the foll. setup:
    class A{
    class B extends A{
    func1(); // over-ridden
    So, when super.func2() is called, and A.func2() is executed, within it does A.func1() get called or does B.func1() get called. If A's method gets called how can I change it to call B's method instead?

    Write up a quick test case. You can easily find this out for yourself.

  • How do I keep track of how many times a method is called inside anthr clas?

    I am writing code for a program that solves a Knight's Tour. A Knight's Tour is a path a Knight Chess piece can take around the board starting at any spot, touching every square once, and only once. I have to write 2 classes and one is provided. The provided class is encrypted and written by our professor. All I know that it does is simulates the game using the two classes I write and provides a print out and prompts to ask the user which square they want to move to next.
    The square class I have to write consists of a constructor that makes a square object that keeps track of its color (white/black) and its status (whether it has been visited, is occupied by the knight, or is free and has not be visited).
    The GameBoard class I have to write is what I am having problems with. I am writing a method that determines how many squares have been visited. The previous mentioned class that my professor wrote for me contains a method moveKnight();. The way the program works is that every time moveKnight() is called a square's status is changed to occupied and therefore visited later. moveKnight() will only work if the move requested by the user is a valid move.
    SO! My main problem (sorry for all the explaining, just trying to give you all the information) is that I don't know how to keep track of how many times moveKnight() is called by the program. If i can figure this out it should be simple. I'm new to java but i believe...
    if(moveKnight() is called)
    {count++;} //count is a member variable already initialized
    return count;
    the moveKnight() is called section within the if() statement is what I am unclear how to do. Please help.
    Thanks, Veritas

    in your case you want 'count' to be a class attribute rather than a local variable. But yes, incrementing it each time that the method is called will serve your purpose.

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