Which Mobile Vdo Format Is Better?Qcif Vdeos or Vg...

HAiy guys can any 1 tell me that which Mobile Video Format is gud Qcif or Vga plz.. help me..

Thnak u dear thanks again.

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    If you are using LabVIEW's Flatten to String function, you are storing your data as binary, even if you are sending a string to the file writer.
    The issues you will run into using this method or any of the canned LabVIEW XML VIs:  If your data type changes, your files can't be read in any more.  You mentioned you have clusters.  If you add an element or take one away, the old files won't be read in anymore.  You would have to store old versions of the data type and file reader and then convert the old data type to the new data type.
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    Message was edited by: Logic Pro

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    Hi Terrence,
    i just tried to install the LocalSearch application, sadly it doesnt work. The installation process aborts with the following message:
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    I dont see any other ways to make it run. Wondering if there are any hacks, like upgrading to feature pack2?
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    Best regards,
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    The latest version of Muse is 2014.2, so you need to uninstall another version of Muse manually.
    regarding the items in Library, you can add items in your library manually, as shown in this article
    Adobe Muse Help | Organizing and reusing design elements using Library panel
    Please let me know if you have any other query.

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    InputStream in = conn.openInputStream();
    approach 1
    byte[] byteData = new byte[(int)conn.getLength()];
    String rawdata = new String(byteData);
    approach 2
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    int t;
    while( (t=in.read(buf)) != -1) {
    String rawdata = new String(baos.toByteArray());

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    Are you certain that you're asking your question in the right place? This forum is about the Adobe Media Encoder application. Most of the people who answer questions here are familiar with the digital video and audio applications such as After Effects and Premiere Pro.
    If you have a question about Director, it's probably best to ask on the Director forum. But I see that you already know that, since you already have a thread on that forum to ask this question, and it got an answer:

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    To post your questions starting on October 14, go to the SDN Ask the Experts page (http://java.sun.com/developer/community/askxprt/index.html).

    I'm sorry, I don't speak english very well! :)
    I want to use NB 5 beta, and mobility pack.
    My problem:
    If I bulid a project (for example the auto generated simple HelloWorld MIDlet) the build is succesfull.
    If I want to run, the emulator of the integrated wtk starts (DefultColorPhone), and after a secund shut down. The error message:
    Starting emulator in execution mode
    Running with storage root DefaultColorPhone
    Incorrect domain name, switching to 'untrusted'
    Incorrect domain name, switching to 'untrusted'
    java.lang.SecurityException: untrusted domain is not configured
    at com.sun.midp.security.Permissions.forDomain(Permissions.java:530)
    at com.sun.midp.dev.DevMIDletSuiteImpl.create(DevMIDletSuiteImpl.java:148)
    at com.sun.midp.dev.DevMIDletSuiteImpl.create(DevMIDletSuiteImpl.java:91)
    at com.sun.midp.main.Main.runLocalClass(Main.java:453)
    at com.sun.midp.main.Main.main(Main.java:126)
    Execution completed.
    What do you think why?
    What can I do?
    (If I use the separeted wtk (installed to an other place) it works.)
    Gabor Tarjan
    [email protected]

  • Which kind 3D format file can be used by LV

    I will try to make a 3D model and display it in labview, then make it can turn and mark.
    May I know which kind 3D format file can be used by LV, thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    I am not familiar with ASE, but can give you a little info on the other two file formats.
    STL is a simple, triangle based, file format used by many pieces of software.  All the major CAD programs can export it.  Examples are AutoCAD and SolidWorks.  Due to its simplicity, it is probably the best supported.  It is also the most commonly used file type for 3D modelling (e.g. stereolithography, selective laser sintering, 3D printing).  You can get instructions on how to convert from a .skp to a .stl here.  I have not tried them so cannot vouch for their accuracy.
    VRML format was invented for virtual reality simulations.  It has remained somewhat popular.
    A net search on any of these formats should get you a lot more information.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

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    Restore your iTunes library from your computer's backup along with all other important data that should be included with your computer's backup such as your documents, photos, etc.
    Important to maitain a backup with any computer platfirm but event more so with Windows due to being very insecure and unreliable,

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