Which OS X Server do I need just for QTSS?

I want to use only the QTSS part of OS X server. Am I right that the 10-user version will suffice? I have no other users on my local network.

The 10 client restriction appears to apply to file sharing, not to using the QuickTime Streaming Server. In addition, the QuickTime Streaming Server has the same code base as the Darwin Streaming Server, which has no client restrictions in its licence.

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    Hi Gleb:
    That's what I thought.  Thanks, for confirming.   So just to make sure I'm clear on this.  
    For server side targeting:
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    For WindowsServer (Standard edition or Enterprise edition or DataCenter edition), a Client Access License (CAL) is required for each device (if you're using the per-Device CAL licensing method), or, is required for each user (if you're using the per-User
    CAL licensing method).
    (whether you use per-Device, or per-User, is up to you, it comes down to cost).
    CALs are version-specific (to a point) - i.e. if you purchased WS2008 CALs for your 20 devices, for use with your WS2008 server, and you are now upgrading that server to WS2012, you need to upgrade your CALs.
    If you are adding a second server which is WS2012, and you are keeping your WS2008 server, you need to upgrade your CALs (because you only purchased WS2008 CALs which don't grant you the rights to connect to the newer server).
    If you were to install your second server as WS2008, you wouldn't need to purchase additional CALs, because as long as the version is the same, a single CAL grant you access to unlimited server (of the same version).
    CALs can be tricky to correctly license.
    Here's some introductory reading:
    And, none of this relates to the technical aspects of product installation/configuration at all (e.g. clean install vs. upgrade).
    Windows Server CALs are not license keys/tokens/files which you install/load/download - Windows Server CALs are quite literally paper-based (just like a drivers license or car registration). You are required to have them, to be correctly licensed, but, you
    don't physically do anything with them to own/drive a car.
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

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    The DB2 OleDB Provider is completly independend of the used SQL Server/SSIS Version; you can use that one.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    Well, you'll be able to see how much material you already have by looking at the bottom of the iTunes window (eg "2000 songs, 2GB" or whatever). Then you can gauge whether that represents about as much as you expect to have in the near future, with a little headroom, or if you think you will dramatically increase that amount, either through ripping CDs, or by purchasing downloads.
    Calculate a 4-minute song in AAC format / 256k as being 10MB. A 128k track would be around 5MB. Most MP3 tracks will generally be a little smaller for the same time length, but better to give yourself more room than you think you'll need.
    So for the 8GB iPod - 800 tracks at 256k, or 1600 at 128k.
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    Hope that helps.

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    As far as I know, PLA is just a web app that provides you an LDAP client interface, as well as Apache Directory Studio.
    You do not needed any LDAP client interface to administer Sun Directory Server 6.3, in theory (and if you like) you have all the available options via command line (dsadm, dsconf, ldapsearch/ldapmodify), but of course a GUI is something that may ease your tasks.
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    This VPS is purely  for my personal usage. So, no need for large memory and allowed transfer.
    Any recommendations?

    1) SecureDragon: https://securedragon.net
    I haven't tried them out yet.  Great prices and good reputation. Reviews:
    http://www.96mb.com/96mb-low-end-vps-re … re-dragon/
    http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/secure-dr … ksonville/
    2) IntoVPS.com
    (Very quick response time. I consider them a hidden gem.)
    The problem with ArchLinux on IntoVPS is specific to ArchLinux and initscripts. You should still be able to send commands using:
    ssh me@server "mkdir something && mount it"
    A temporary solution:  http://forums.quantact.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1149
    The permanent solution is:
    When you do "pacman -Syyu", you have to make sure to update the initscripts: "pacman -Syu initscripts". Sometimes, pacman saves them as .pacnew files.  The "/etc/rc.sysinit.pacnew" and "/etc/inittab.pacnew" contains the commands to setup the /dev/pts mount that will allow you back in with ssh.  Those should be safe to rename it as the original unless you customized them. Just keep a backup of the original, in case anything goes wrong.  (If you don't see "/etc/inittab.pacnew", then it was installed automatically.)
    Don't replace the "/etc/rc.conf". I know that one should *not* be replaced with the newer version.  It was custom built for your machine.  You should look at it and get familiar still look at it and compare it with the .pacnew version to see if you should include any new lines/commands.
    Then reboot the machine.
    More info. on .pacnew files: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pa … ng_Started
    (I would also like to recommend IntoVPS.  They and Linode are my two favorite choices.  If you want lower prices, other budget VPS sometimes add ArchLinux to their offerings if you request it. )
    Last edited by da99 (2011-09-02 14:46:21)

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    You don't need a server, you just need a web hosting package such as the ones from GoDaddy or many other hosts. You then send the web gallery directly from LR to your web space.
    As you're asking such basic questions, it might be best if you read articles like this and see if a friend or colleague can get you started.

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    which is better server side include or templates? i mean which will be faster in development? and also more robust?
    thanks in advance.

    I think server side include.
    since you will only need to run the database.
    Templates still have the pains of pages

  • SQL -Server stalls and need to be restarted to work correctly again.

    I am running VMS 7.3.2 and Oracle rdb
    The SQL-server start working fine, but after it have been running for some time it stops working for remote access using forms and ODBC.
    The SQS_xxx_disyyy.log file have the following information:
    ---EVENT BEG: EVENT_LOG ------------------------ Tue Jul 5 13:04:45.670 2005---
    %SQLSRV-I-EVENT_LOG, event logged at line 2828 in file CMD.C;1
    %SQLSRV-I-CONNECTNAME, Connect : CONNECT_0000026
    %SQLSRV-I-CONNECTSTATE, Connect state: 4
    %SQLSRV-I-USERNAME, User name: xxxx
    %SQLSRV-I-NODENAME, Node : x.x.x.x
    %SQLSRV-I-APPLNAME, Application : ifrun60
    ---EVENT END: EVENT_LOG ------------------------ Tue Jul 5 13:04:45.670 2005---
    ---EVENT BEG: EVENT_LOG ------------------------ Tue Jul 5 13:04:46.480 2005---
    %SQLSRV-I-EVENT_LOG, event logged at line 4455 in file COM_DIALOG.C;1
    %SQLSRV-E-READERR, Error on read
    %SYSTEM-F-LINKDISCON, network partner disconnected logical link---EVENT END: EVENT_LOG ------------------------ Tue Jul 5 13:04:46.480 2005---
    ---EVENT BEG: EVENT_LOG ------------------------ Tue Jul 5 13:04:46.500 2005---
    %SQLSRV-I-EVENT_LOG, event logged at line 286 in file DISP.C;1
    %SQLSRV-I-CONNECTNAME, Connect : CONNECT_0000026
    %SQLSRV-I-CONNECTSTATE, Connect state: 2
    %SQLSRV-I-USERNAME, User name: x
    %SQLSRV-I-NODENAME, Node : x.x.x.x
    %SQLSRV-I-APPLNAME, Application : ifrun60
    ---EVENT END: EVENT_LOG ------------------------ Tue Jul 5 13:04:46.500 2005---
    I have not been able to find any clue on the internet about what could cause for this.
    Since it help to restart the SQL-server I expect it might be the SQL-server that got a problem.
    Other possibility could be because we use an "old" Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb version from 1997.
    Any suggestions are very appreciated.

    http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Replacing+PowerBook+G4+Aluminum+15-Inch+1.67+GHz+Hea t+Sink+%26+Fans/654/1
    This link provide you with how to remove and where the heat sink is located.
    I removed mine and used a level to make sure the surface was flat. Removed the old heat sink compound and put new compound on. For mine, Apple had put loads of compound on, which over time become sticky and thick.
    Too much compound will provent the heat sink from being effective.
    The idea is for the CPU and GPU to touch the metal of the heat sink, allowing the heat to dissipate though the heat sink.
    Which is attached to the base. (That's why the base get so hot)
    Just for clarification, I recently tested this therory of a heat problem, by simulating a blockading in effective cooling.
    I placed the PowerBook on a thick carpet and covered the vents. Sure enough after a while started to freeze and the screen when black. So I know this was a problem with the effective cooling.
    It could also be a defective tempature sensor, preventing the fans from coming on before it gets too hot.
    That problem I've had in the past with a 17" PowerBook.
    There are six sensors on these PowerBooks.
    Some can be replaced, others can't.
    The CPU sensor is part of the CPU and can't be replaced, unlike the tracker pad sensor which can be if replaced the tracker pad.

  • Which 5.o version do I need to download

    Just got a new computer.  Putting Desktop Manager on and clicked update button.  I had 4.3, newest version is 5.0, but there are a bunch of different versions.  some with Media Manager.  Which one do I need.

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    Your basic choice is languange and Media Manager -- both of which depend on your needs. For instance, if you want English with Media Manager, then you'd download:
     Desktop Manager 5.0.0 B28 English - With Media Manager
    File name: 500_b028_english.exe
    File size: 222.082 MB
    Date posted: 17-Jul-09
    Download Software
    If you need multi-language without Media Manager, then you'd download:
    Desktop Manager 5.0.0 B28 Multilanguage - Without Media Manager
    File name: 500_b028_multilanguage_nomediamanager.exe
    File size: 124.079 MB
    Date posted: 17-Jul-09
    Download Software
    The stuff further down the page are subsets of the full DTM package -- USB/Modem drivers (with different languages), Device Manager only (with languages), etc. Stick with the Desktop Manager selections at the top of the list and you will get all that you need.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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