White iphone 4 brightness

i have noticed that the black iphone 4 has a better brightness then the white iphone 4 is it normal ?

Monkiedude24 wrote:
How would the color be an issue? It's white. White is white. Did they accidentally color it yellow or orange or something? That makes no sense. I've seen a few of them on some YouTube videos, and they looked fine to me. Personally, I'm guessing it is just a ploy to make all kinds of money when they finally release em for the holidays. Then all those people will be stuck waiting until iPhone 6! But whatever.
Wow, that's quite the conspiracy theory you have going there. Any U-tube video showing a white iPhone 4 is a fake.

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    i had the same yellow tint and the problem is very easy to solve , first i cant understand why apple are so useless when it comes to its ios firmware options , so many iphones have been returned to apple because of this problem and a simple tint adjuster would solve this problem .
    ok onto how to solve this problem .
    first you need to do something apple hate and always block with every upgrade , jailbreaking
    simply jailbreak any iphone ( a temporary messure if you do not want this on your phone )
    as soon as your iphone is jailbroken install " color profiles "
    when you open this option you see colour temperature , adjust it to the tint you like from very warm to very cold ( blueish tone ) as soon as you have the correct tone you like you can then uninstall the jailbreak by reseting the iphone firmware ,
    when your iphone has finished restoring you will see the tone you chose is still there and you can finally enjoy your iphone as you want to
    why cant apple include this option in the brightness settings is a mystery or plain dumb , apart from letting users set the tone correctly for thier use it would save apple 1000's with all the returns to the apple store.
    if an apple ios firmware developer is reading this then try and knock some sense into the apple's firmware dev team , hopefully before the ipad 3 comes out ( as they are bound to screw that one up tone wise again )
    i myself find it a joke and poor on apples side to have to jailbreak my iphone to get the screen to display the correct screen tone .
    i hope this helps anyone who is having the same too warm tint to solve the problem as it works , no thanks to apple YET

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    From Malaysia, Kevin

    i had the same yellow tint and the problem is very easy to solve , first i cant understand why apple are so useless when it comes to its ios firmware options , so many iphones have been returned to apple because of this problem and a simple tint adjuster would solve this problem .
    ok onto how to solve this problem .
    first you need to do something apple hate and always block with every upgrade , jailbreaking
    simply jailbreak any iphone ( a temporary messure if you do not want this on your phone )
    as soon as your iphone is jailbroken install " color profiles "
    when you open this option you see colour temperature , adjust it to the tint you like from very warm to very cold ( blueish tone ) as soon as you have the correct tone you like you can then uninstall the jailbreak by reseting the iphone firmware ,
    when your iphone has finished restoring you will see the tone you chose is still there and you can finally enjoy your iphone as you want to
    why cant apple include this option in the brightness settings is a mystery or plain dumb , apart from letting users set the tone correctly for thier use it would save apple 1000's with all the returns to the apple store.
    if an apple ios firmware developer is reading this then try and knock some sense into the apple's firmware dev team , hopefully before the ipad 3 comes out ( as they are bound to screw that one up tone wise again )
    i myself find it a joke and poor on apples side to have to jailbreak my iphone to get the screen to display the correct screen tone .
    i hope this helps anyone who is having the same too warm tint to solve the problem as it works , no thanks to apple YET

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    thank you very much x

    Yes Apple did a horrible rush on this phone.
    But it's the same with the IOS 6. horrible.

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    If you've had it for over a month, then you are outside of the return window. You can't 'exchange' it at all.
    You're welcome to sell it and buy a new phone.

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    Message was edited by: mbexkens

    So throughout the forums there are numerous questions but noone posts a clear fix.
    I have rounded some of them up here.

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  • IPhone 5 brightness permanently reduced (Please help, voltage issue??)

    I really need someone with high expertise to help me. Obviously i appreciate any help given but please dont say point less comment like reboot the phone or turn autobrightness off.
    Here is the issue:
    I have had several iPhones, right from the first to the 5. Lucky me. But i have always had the same issue. The screen brightness is significantly lower than any other iPhone that I compare it to.
    Now i have the iPhone 5, if i compare it to anyone elses the brighness is much lower. Autobrightness is off. When i first got the iPhone the brightness was like everyone elses.
    i only use the official charger. I think there may be a problem with the voltage or the electricity in my home as all my iPhones have had this problem. Im not sure when the change happens but the something is damaging the backlight of my iPhones. No idea what.
    Please can some one with the same issue or knowledge of physics please help me. I dont want to keep having this issue. I also have a Macbook pro and am fairly sure its happned with this also but have no means of comparison as I dont know any one else with one that comes to my apartment.

    The iPhone 5 has full Warranty. Make Genius reservation and take to Apple Store. Show the Genius the problem and they will replace your iPhone 5 with a perfect iPhone 5 without problems. If some of iPhone 5 have this problem, it does not matter, Apple makes millions of iPhone 5, some are going to have a problem. When the Genius gives you the new replacement iPhone 5 test it out in the Apple Store before you leave, so you are happy and do not waste anymore of your time.

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    This issue actually does bother many apple fans who are expecting perfect product design and manufactured product paying premium price for their product.
    It's product quality control is below average comparing to established electronic device manufacture.
    Inconsistency is very significant especially in Iphone line starting from the originals. Among all 3 of the replacement I had, none of them were identical. So as in apple portable's keyboard touch and feelings, It feels worst when your friend with a same machine has a better keyboard touch and feelings.
    Many of the apple products utilizes white plastic, they look cool for the first 2 month, but then it gets so scratched up and dirty don't look great anymore. Apple needs further investigation if they want to keep using this material. Aluminum is a good choice because it maintains it's aesthetics for a long time.
    Apple headphones, the cord twines so much I hate it. None of the sony headphone will have that issue because they've been making headphones for a long time. There is a difference in material.
    Apple product design needs further development for it's durability and use.
    Each and every product needs to function, look and feel the same for a long time, just like your ordinary housewares.
    Beside mentioned product manufacturing quality control issue.
    I am happy.

  • Has anyone else noticed that colors are washed out on screen on the white iPhone?

    Comparing the white and black iPhone 4 side by side, I noticed that colors on the screen are washed out on the white iPhone. This is clearly noticable when clicking on messages and looking at the top where the word messages appears in blue/gray color. When looking at this on the white iPhone, its more white than blue/gray.

    It could be just the contrast in color with your eyes looking at the white iphone vs the black one. Your eyes can sometimes play tricks on you. But in all seriousness, iPhone screens vary in color temperatures. I have seen two black iphones 4s that looked like they had different displays in them.

  • When can we pre-order a white iPhone

    I have been waiting for the WHITE iPHone as many others have. I have seen a release date for the "end of July" and July 30 in limited quantities. Can we pre-order them and have them shipped or pick them up in the store like they're doing for the black ones?

    Quebber wrote:
    Jobs said that starting July 30th the iphone 4 will be available in many other countries. He said "END OF JULY" Apple will begin shipping "THE GREAT WHITE HYPE" in limited quantities. I agree as well that Apple will try to make it past the first 30 days of the release of the iphone 4 to prevent "trade ins" but supposedly the 30 day return policy was extended. Im sure there are stipulations for returns though. What does everyone think the demand for the White iphone 4 (GREAT WHITE HYPE) will be?
    Thanks for using your second post here to share your great wisdom. But do let your mind rest before favoring us with your third post: Your words above indicate a brain under much stress.

  • If i made an appt. with Apple, and i asked them if i could switch my black Iphone 5 to a white Iphone 5, because i always have trouble with black Iphones, would they let me?

    if i made an appt. with Apple, and i asked them if i could switch my black Iphone 5 to a white Iphone 5, because i always have trouble with black Iphones, would they let me?

    i've had black iphones in the past, and the same thing always gets messed up, the network, i will not have service what-so ever, and when my mother's iphone will be right next to me and she will have full service. Also the lock screen button/power button broke on both of my black iphones as well. i was just wondering if they would consider. Does apple have an email i could contact?

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