White iphone 3g brighter than black 3g

Comparing side by side, my wife's white 16gb 3g is far brighter and less yellow than my black iphone 16gb 3g. Is there a difference in the screen between the two models? This doesn't seem right and I am wondering if my black one is defective or if apple sent out different iphone models. Any input would be appreciated!

Okay a bit of surfing on the internet and it looks like my contrast issue is not the only one. Here at this link http://forums.appleinsider.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=88915 nottoshabby posted a black and white iphone 3g side by side and it shows exactly what i see front to front on my wife's and I phones.
So it looks like apple released two different screens! Or something is wrong with the black iphone's contrast as the white looks normal! I want to keep this bumped so that people can see that there was some sort of wide spread issue here and if others who also have both phones can post their differences to let apple know of the issue.

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    Monkiedude24 wrote:
    How would the color be an issue? It's white. White is white. Did they accidentally color it yellow or orange or something? That makes no sense. I've seen a few of them on some YouTube videos, and they looked fine to me. Personally, I'm guessing it is just a ploy to make all kinds of money when they finally release em for the holidays. Then all those people will be stuck waiting until iPhone 6! But whatever.
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