White screen appears when I play a downloaded movie

When I play a movie after I have downloaded it a white screen appears. Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone have any suggestions on how fix this? I don't think it is a connection issue as I can play movie previews and trailers perfectly fine.

Smithy1783 wrote:
Through trial and error I can only glean that the problem is with the way in which the devices handshake at the point when they switch off - either explicitly or shut down suddenly when the lid is shut on my laptop or the battery goes flat.
I think that the issue does indeed lie with individual network components but my network is entirely Apple excepting the USB ext HDD that is attached to my AEBS. My house is quite small and signal strength is not an issue. I even use 802.11n on 5GHz to minimise the risk of interference... so I think that I should reasonably expect Apple to resolve such issues.
i don't know which particular problem you are talking about (possible the white screen issue), but i would assume your TV is not an apple product? an HDMI handshake is usually what causes the white screen issue, and apple have no control over how a TV manufacturer implements their own unique way for HDMI handling.
HDMI although a standard, still is quite shaky amongst lots of devices.

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    Thank you,

    Since your profile says you are using a Mac you would be more likely to get an answer to this question by posting in the QT for MacOS group.
    http://discussions.info.apple.com/webx?[email protected]^[email protected]
    But the short answer is that you do not have the video decompressor for that particular movie. Open the movie again and then open the MovieInfo window (Command-I). You should then see the compressors listed that were used in making the movie. Post the names in the Mac group and someone will possibly be able to point you to a web site that has the decompressor. It would also help if you list the movie format (avi, mov, etc) of the file.

  • White screen appears when using AS3 wrapper file with Captivate 7

    We had no problems with this in the past but now a white screen appears instead of the captivate running. The file is used when we use Captivate, streaming video, or HTML assessment. It triggers a complete signal to our LMS at the end. Is there anything that we are missing? The file is:
    package  {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.net.URLLoader;
        import flash.system.Security;
        import BrightcovePlayer;
        import flash.media.SoundMixer;
        import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
        import caurina.transitions.properties.ColorShortcuts;
        import pipwerks.SCORM;
        import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
        public class MainWrapper extends MovieClip {
            public var loadedSwf:URLRequest;
            public var contentLoader:Loader = new Loader  ;
            public var contentContainer:Sprite;
            public var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
            public var videoList:XML;
            public var currentLoadedSection:Number;
            public var nextEnabled:Boolean = false;
            public var currentModule:Number = 0;
            public var currentContent:Number = 0;
            public var currentContentType:String;
            public var advanceBehavior:String;
            public var prevBehavior:String;
            public var previousPage:String;
            public var moveAdv:Boolean;
            public var timesAdvanced:Number = 1;
            public var numPages:Number = 1;
            public var furthestPage:Number = 0;
            public var scorm:SCORM;
            public var lmsConnected:Boolean;
            public var lessonStatus:String;
            public var success:Boolean;
            public var suspend_str:String;
            public var suspend_data:String;
            public var arrayToParse:Array;
            public var videoChoice:Number = 0;
            public var vidChoice:Number = 0; // Picks up button selections from loaded swf...default is 0 if only one ID supplied
            public var vidID:Array = new Array(); // Recieves XML supplied video IDs
            public var MC:MovieClip;
            public var swfURLChoice:Number = 0; // Picks up button selections from loaded swf...default is 0 if only one ID supplied
            public var swfURL:Array = new Array(); // Recieves XML supplied swf URLs
            public function MainWrapper() {
                // constructor code
            public function init(e:Event):void {
                contentContainer = new Sprite  ;
                exit_btn.visible = false;
                main_HUD.home_btn.visible = false;
                textPanel_mc.mask = panelMask_mc;
                BrightcovePlayer.initialize(this,onBrightcoveVideoComplete,onBrightcoveInitComplete,onBri ghtcoveVideoPlay);
            public function loadXML():void {
                xmlLoader = new URLLoader  ;
                xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("playlist.xml"));
            public function showXML(e:Event):void {
                trace("Line 95: Loaded XML");
                XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
                videoList = new XML(e.target.data);
                numPages = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent.length();
                trace("Line 100: numPages="+numPages);
            public function mainMenuVisibility(setVis:Boolean):void {
                main_HUD.visible = textPanel_mc.visible = setVis;
            private function onBrightcoveVideoComplete() {
                trace("Line 107: video has stopped");
            private function onBrightcoveVideoPlay() {
                trace("Line 111: player is playing");
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
            private function onBrightcoveInitComplete() {
                trace("Line 118: init is complete");
            public function loadContent():void {
                if (currentContent > furthestPage) {
                    furthestPage = currentContent;
                    trace("Line 125: The furthest page so far: "+furthestPage);
                saveCoursePos() //SCORM Bookmark
                var loadedContentType:String = String(videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent]. @ type);
                currentContentType = loadedContentType;
                switch (loadedContentType) {
                    case "cap" :
                        trace("Line 133: loading a Captivate swf");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                        loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                    case "swf" :
                        trace("Line 146: loading an interactive swf");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                        loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                        trace("XXXXXXXXXXXXX "+(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]))+" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
                    case "quiz" :
                        trace("Line 158: loading a quiz");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                          loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                    case "bcVid" :
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        trace("Line 172: loading a Brightcove video");
                        //vidFrame_mc.visible = true;
                        //videoBG.visible = true;
                        //setChildIndex(vidFrame_mc,numChildren - 1);
                        vidID = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].videoID.split(",");
                        BrightcovePlayer.instance.alpha = 0;
                    default :
                        trace("Line 183: unrecognized type. check the node's 'type' attribute");
            public function contentFadeOut():void {
                if (currentContentType == "bcVidBranch" || currentContentType == "bcVid") {
                    trace("Line 190: fading BC vid");
                } else {
                    trace("Line 193: fading something else");
            public function movePanel(moveDir:String):void {
                switch (moveDir) {
                    case "up" :
                        if (textPanel_mc.y != 145) {
                    case "down" :
                        if (textPanel_mc.y != 645) {
                    default :
                        trace("Line 211: WAT. That is not a valid direction");
               public function getSWFChoice(e:Event):void {
                   MC = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                   swfURLChoice = MC.swfURLChoice;
                   contentLoader.content.removeEventListener( "getSWFChoice" , getSWFChoice );
                   trace("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY swfURLChoice="+swfURLChoice+" YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY");
               public function getVidChoice(e:Event):void {
                   MC = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                   videoChoice = MC.vidChoice;
                   contentLoader.content.removeEventListener( "getVidChoice" , getVidChoice );
               public function playOn() {
                   moveAdv = true;
            public function loadComplete(e:Event):void {
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
                Tweener.addTween(main_HUD.progBar_mc.progFill_mc,{scaleX:(currentContent) / int(numPages - 1),time:.4,transition:"easeOutSin"});
                if (currentContent == 0){
                    main_HUD.pgNum_txt.text = "Welcome";
                } else{
                    main_HUD.pgNum_txt.text = "Page " + currentContent + " of " + int(numPages - 1);
                switch (currentContentType) {
                    case "cap" :
                    case "swf" :
                    case "quiz" :
                        var loadedContent = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                        var xmlQuizContent = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].question;
                        var numQuestions = int(xmlQuizContent.length());
                        var questionArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var choiceArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var correctChoiceArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var responsesArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var passedImageArray:Array = new Array();
                        for (var i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++) {
                            var tempString:String = "";
                            for (var j = 0; j < xmlQuizContent[i].answerChoice.length(); j++) {
                                tempString +=  xmlQuizContent[i].answerChoice[j] + "%";
                            tempString = "";
                            correctChoiceArray.push(xmlQuizContent[i]. @ correctChoice);
                            passedImageArray.push(xmlQuizContent[i]. @ dispImage);
                        loadedContent.populateQuiz(questionArray,choiceArray,correctChoiceArray,responsesArray,pa ssedImageArray);
                    default :
            public function endContentHandler(e:Event):void {
                //here, we will enable navigation again
                trace("Line 295: END OF CONTENT");
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
                nextEnabled = true;
                if (currentContent == int(numPages - 1)) {
            public function checkFurthestPage(evalNum:Number):void {
                if (isNaN(furthestPage[currentLoadedSection])) { trace("Line 312: furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] is NaN"); }
                if (evalNum > furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]) {
                    trace("Line313: currentLoadedSection is a Number");
                    furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] = evalNum;
                    trace("Line315: furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] = "+furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]);
            public function endPageNav():void {
                trace("Line 321: On page " + currentContent + " of " + int(numPages - 1));
                setChildIndex(main_HUD,numChildren - 1);
                if (currentContent < int(numPages - 1)) {
                    main_HUD.next_btn.visible = true;
                } else {
                    exit_btn.visible = true;
            public function hideNavControls():void {
                main_HUD.next_btn.visible = false;
                main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = false;
                exit_btn.visible = false;
            public function loadNext(me:MouseEvent):void {
                moveAdv = true;
            public function quizNext(e:Event):void {
                moveAdv = true;
            public function loadPrev(me:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Line 350: loading prev");
                moveAdv = false;
            public function doLoadNext():void {
                switch (advanceBehavior) {
                    case "next" :
                    case "noAdvance" :
                    default :
                        for (var i in videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent) {
                            if (advanceBehavior == videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[i].contentTitle) {
                                currentContent = i;
                trace("Line 372: loading next");
                if (contentContainer.numChildren > 0) {
            public function doLoadPrev():void {
                switch (prevBehavior) {
                    case "prev" :
                        if (currentContent < 0) {
                            currentModule = 0;
                            currentContent = 1;
                            timesAdvanced = 2;
                            numPages = 2;
                    default :
                        for (var i in videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent) {
                            if (prevBehavior == videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[i].contentTitle) {
                                currentContent = i;
                trace("Line 400: loading prev");
                if (contentContainer.numChildren > 0) {
            public function addContent():void {
            public function loadProgress(pe:ProgressEvent):void {
                var percentageLoaded:int = (pe.bytesLoaded / pe.bytesTotal) * 100;
                trace("Line 415: Loading..." + pe.bytesLoaded + " out of " + pe.bytesTotal);
                loadMsg_mc.loadText_txt.text = String(percentageLoaded) + "%";
            public function updateNav(contentTypeCondition):void {
                trace("Line 420: Checking nav. On Page " + currentContent);
                if (currentContent == 0) {
                    main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = false;
            public function checkForBeginning():void {
                trace("Line 427: Check for beginning");
                if (currentContent != 0) {
                    trace("Line 429: Is not beginning");
                    main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = true;
                } else {
                if (currentContent < furthestPage) {
                    main_HUD.next_btn.visible = true;
            public function textPanelListener():void {
                if (videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].panelText != "_noText") {
                    trace("Line 443: should move up");
                    textPanel_mc.panelText_mc.gotoAndStop(videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[curre ntContent].panelText);
                } else {
            public function addNavListeners():void {
                main_HUD.prev_btn.mouseChildren = false;
                main_HUD.next_btn.mouseChildren = false;
            public function beginGlow(me:MouseEvent):void
                switch (me.target.name)
                    case "next_btn" :
                        if (nextEnabled == true)
                    default :
            public function fadeGlow(me:MouseEvent):void {
            public function determineSkip():void {
                if (contentLoader.numChildren) {
                    var thisContent:MovieClip = MovieClip(contentLoader.getChildAt(0));
                trace(currentLoadedSection+ "Current content: "+thisContent.currentFrame);
                trace("Line 486 - Furthest page is "+furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]+" and the current page is "+thisContent.currentFrame);
                if (furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] >= thisContent.currentFrame) {
                    trace("can skip this page");
                    nextEnabled = true;
                } else {
                    nextEnabled = false;
                    trace("can't skip");
            public function navHandler(me:MouseEvent):void {
                    switch (me.target.name) {
                        case "next_btn" :
                            if (nextEnabled == true) {
                                nextEnabled = false;
                            } else {
                                trace("can't proceed yet");
                        case "prev_btn" :
                            exit_btn.visible = false;
                        case "exit_btn" :
            public function exitCourse(me:MouseEvent):void {
            public function initializeTracking():void {
                scorm = new SCORM  ;
                lmsConnected = scorm.connect();
                if (lmsConnected) {
                    lessonStatus = scorm.get("cmi.core.lesson_status");
                    if (lessonStatus == "completed" || lessonStatus == "passed") {
                    } else {
                        success = scorm.set("cmi.core.lesson_status","incomplete");
                        suspend_data = scorm.get("cmi.suspend_data");
                        if (suspend_data.length > 0) {
                            arrayToParse = suspend_data.split(",");
                            currentContent = parseInt(arrayToParse[0],10);
                            furthestPage = parseInt(arrayToParse[1],10);
                } else {
                    //connectionStatus_txt.text = "Could not connect to LMS.";
            public function saveCoursePos():void {
                trace("Line 554: Saving position at " + currentContent);
                var suspend_str:String = String(currentContent)+","+String(furthestPage);
            public function setCourseToComplete():void {
                trace("Line 561: Saving complteted course");
                success = scorm.set("cmi.core.lesson_status", "completed");
                   lmsConnected = false;
            public function navToTop():void {

    You'll have to do two things.. Elaborate on exactly what you mean by a white screen appears. What is turning white? Are you generating a SWF from captivate of a screen capture session, then trying to load that SWF with a wrapper and when you do so it turns white? (In that scenario, if Captivate was looking for external assets it can't find, that'd be why). Please include more details on that.
    Second, code of this size pasted into the forum really doesn't help. You'll need to do the work to isolate exactly what part of the code you're seeing this white box appear. Run it in a debugger line by line until you witnesss it turn white and only share that small portion of code. And if you do choose to share a ton of code, please use a site like pastebin.com which will retain formatting and color coding, making it much easier to read, and then share that pastebin link.

  • White screen appear in FP 10

    White screen appear when swf file is played using FP10. This
    was previously working in the month of November 2008,but suddenly
    some update for flash player 10 has happend and my swf files are
    not working.
    If anyone found any solution for this,please pass that to

    Hi Flashuser10-
    There was a mid-Nov update, but for the "AIR" feature (1.5),
    for the Acrobat feature that dls with Reader 9. It's supposed to
    help in the link between Acrobat-on-AIR and Flashplayer. You can
    read it at
    You'll see this update also applied to other Adobe products, which
    may/maynot apply to you. This shouldn't have bonked FP10.
    There was an update to v10 the first part of Oct, which
    brought it up to v10.0.12.36
    Of course, a buncha MS updates, including 2 for WMP11.
    So the file used to work OK with FP10.0.12.36? Can you verify
    what you have now? Version checker-
    Got the newest? Reply back and with more info (OS,browser,
    link, etc.) and we'll give it a shot.

  • A white screen appears on my phone when I enter gallery ,settings....

    A white screen appears on my phone when I enter gallery ,settings....

    Hi your phone may need the software re-installing
    this link will show you whay needs to be done.
    if you do need to re-install your software start here, this will take you to where your can download the software to your PC or Laptop,  Please read the Crackberry instruction as they will help, if you can't do it. take it back to the shop as you have a 12 month warranty, aslong as you've not had the phone 12 months, they have to send it off to blackberry

  • My macair won't turn on. when I try to turn it on, the white screen appears. But instead of the apple logo, there is a flashing folder that has a question mark on it. how do i fix this?

    my macair won't turn on. when I try to turn it on, the white screen appears. But instead of the apple logo, there is a flashing folder that has a question mark on it. how do i fix this?

    Try this.
    Erase and Reinstall OS X
    Note: This will delete all data on the disk. Back up important files before continuing.
    Erasing and then reinstalling OS X can give you a fresh start, making your computer exactly as it was whenever you received it from Apple. This can solve various problems such as corrupt system files.
    Shut down the computer by going to Apple () > Shut Down…
    Select Shut Down or allow the computer to shut down automatically.
    Plug in the MagSafe power adapter into a power source and then connect it to your Mac if you have not already done so.
    Press the Power Button to turn on the computer.
    Press and hold both the R and Command (⌘) keys on the keyboard until the Recovery partition loads.
    Select Disk Utility and then choose Continue.
    Select your startup disk (Macintosh HD by default) from the left.
    Select the Erase tab.
    Choose the Format pop-up menu and choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled), enter a name for your disk, and then click Erase.
    After the disk is erased, choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility.
    Select Reinstall OS X and then choose Continue.
    Follow the instructions.
    I hope I solved your question.

  • Quiz problems, white screen appears, quiz freezes, cannot get consistent responses when adding click-through assessment questions to the quiz.

    Why would I get a white screen after answering a quiz click-through?

    You'll have to do two things.. Elaborate on exactly what you mean by a white screen appears. What is turning white? Are you generating a SWF from captivate of a screen capture session, then trying to load that SWF with a wrapper and when you do so it turns white? (In that scenario, if Captivate was looking for external assets it can't find, that'd be why). Please include more details on that.
    Second, code of this size pasted into the forum really doesn't help. You'll need to do the work to isolate exactly what part of the code you're seeing this white box appear. Run it in a debugger line by line until you witnesss it turn white and only share that small portion of code. And if you do choose to share a ton of code, please use a site like pastebin.com which will retain formatting and color coding, making it much easier to read, and then share that pastebin link.

  • When I was editing a picture that I reposted on instagram, I hit the edit button and then a white screen appears and randomly shuts down. I have also noticed that my iPod has been crashing about every single 30 minutes!

    When I was editing a picture that I reposted on instagram, I hit the edit button and then a white screen appears and randomly shuts down. I have also noticed that my iPod has been crashing about every single 30 minutes! Please help!

    The iPod crashing when editing a photo is a known bug in iOS 5.1.1.
    For the other problem.
    Try the following:
    - A reset. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    If you still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order

  • Hello, I have a MacBook Air, when I was watching a movie it started to freeze, so I turned off. But when I turn it on just the white screen appears nothing else. I looked on other websites, but the methods didn't help.

    Hello, I have a MacBook Air, when I was watching a movie it started to freeze, so I turned off. But when I turn it on just the white screen appears nothing else. I looked on other websites, but the methods didn't help.

    Try a Safe Mode boot ...
    Startup your Mac in Safe Mode
    A Safe Mode boot takes much longer than a normal boot so be patient.
    Once you are in Safe Mode, click Restart from the Apple () menu.

  • White screen appears in my i pod and when i try the restore it apple logo doesnot comes up

    white screen appears in my i pod and when i try the restore it apple logo doesnot comes up

    Se the white-screen topic of:
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    Frequently it is due to a hardware problem.

  • White screen appear and my home button does not work

    My ipod home button is not working
    I went online reading for what happens when white screen appears
    I tried it and i realize it might not work because my home button stop working
    should i go to an ishop or will i be able to fix it?
    I hook up my ipod to the computer and its not reading it anymore...
    (4th generation)

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Neglect the Restt. When it says place the iPod in recovery mode use one of these programs
    For PC
    RecBoot: Easy Way to Put iPhone into Recovery Mode
    If necessary:
    Download QTMLClient.dll & iTunesMobileDevice.dll for RecBoot
    For MAC or PC       
    The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer          
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

  • Strange white light appearing when password input required on locked apps!

    Strange white light appearing when password input required on specific apps... Locked apps.
    It is a thick white line) appearing momentarily on upper left side of my screen.
    This only appears briefly as specific apps are opening up .....only on apps where a password is required,(locked apps) like password managers, Apple App Store, etc.
    (this is a little troubling… And I'm wondering about the security of my phone now)
    I'm using iPhone 5s with latest iOS 7.1 This only started after the latest iOS update!
    Although this line appears very briefly, I was able to get some screenshots examples (see links)
    Apple has no idea what this is… They're only suggestion was to wipe the phone clean and reinstall from the last backup! If that doesn't work, they would replace the phone.
    Before I have to do this, I'm wondering if this could be a phone app doing this, or the iOS or something easily explained/ remedied?
    Any ideas?

    Anyone have any thoughts on this? Searches and experiments
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  • White screen appears while downloadaing data

    Whenever I try to download the data a white screen appears before the pop up of download data. My users dont want to see the white screen before downloading any thing. Please help me

    Interesting question. In my environment, I can replicate the blank popup window in IE, but not FF. But it closes automatically as soon as you hit Open or Save. I'd be curious as to what the business need is for trying to eliminate this behavior.

  • While trying to opening Video link in IE6 browser a white screen appears and the screen hangs.

    Added a video as an internal link to a news article.
    The flash player version we are using is This video opens fine in all the browsers except for IE6 browser.
    While trying to opening this link in IE6 browser a white screen appears and the screen hangs.
    Please find the link below :
    When we try to open any videos in the above link using IE6 browser white screen appears.
    Could you please provide a solution as what can be done to resolve this issue.

    if you're using an flvplayback component, you need to use fp 8 or better.  or, use the netstream class with fp 7.

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    Hi ..
    Follow the troubleshooting steps here >  Apple - Support - iPod - iPod nano Troubleshooting

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