Who canceled my Flash Pro CS5 60-day trial?

A couple of weeks ago I downloaded Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and it said I had 60 days. Now it says I have only 15 days left.
What gives?

I thought they only have 30 day trials--at least that's all they offered way back when I last used one.  You may want to check on that.  From what I see in their trial offerings, 30 days is all you get, so you may be confusing this with some other company's trial offer.

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    Bernst did you also run the uninstaller located in the Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers folder?  This is meant to be ran prior to utilizing the CC Cleaner Tool.  You can find more details at Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs5-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html.
    Also what specific configuration error are you receiving?

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    Bonjour !
    J'utilise Adobe flash pro CS5 pour éditer un site web flash. (version gratuite 30 jours)
    Aujourd'hui, j'ouvre Adobe flash pro CS5 quand un message d'érreur apparait : "Adobe à céssé de fonctionner".
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    SVP, aidez moi
    Merci beaucoup, jérôme.

    No reply... Up
    Thank you !

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    If you use timelines (ouch) you can get seamless video or audio loops. Although I imagine you may be doing some transforms on the sound and I myself would rather keep everything in code. But I have still to this day had very little luck with seamless looping via code-only. But the compression Flash does is no different at all than you batch compressing down all those audio files using Adobe Media Encoder.
    It's not hard and will save you tons of memory. Just duplicate your full quality audio folder so you have them save. Make a MP3 preset in Adobe Media Encoder with your desired mp3 settings. Drag the folder you want to have better compressed versions and apply the preset to them. Bonus points if the folder is in the same location you initially imported from because you can just select all audio and hit update in flash and you're done. File size should drop drastically. Then while you have the audio still selected you can hit properties and tell them all NOT to compress on export so it'll use the compression you already did (in a cleaner way). Then your export time will drop significantly and your filesize will too. Your memory issue should be gone and flash should be stable.
    Let me know if you want me to test exporting. I doubt I'll have an issue but unfortunately all that can tell you is either your Flash is acting up (8GB should be WAY more than enough), or you really somehow are running low on ram.

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    I didn't have to use any larger memory settings.  Just like the example in the link, I'm using a .bat file to make the command easier to setup:
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    @set java_param=-Xmx128m -jar
    @set adt_cmd="C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5.5\AIR2.6\lib\adt.jar"
    @set target=ipa-test
    @set cert=iOS_dev.p12
    @set cert_pass=password
    @set provisioning=my_iOS_device.mobileprovision
    @set build_file=helloworld.ipa
    @set desc_files=helloworld-app.xml
    @set files=helloworld.swf AppIconsFolder
    %java_cmd% %java_param% %adt_cmd% -package -target %target% -storetype pkcs12 -keystore %cert% -storepass %cert_pass%  -provisioning-profile %provisioning% %build_file% %desc_files% %files%
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    For others who might have this error, note that it was suggested to modify the settings in <InstallLocation>/Common/First Run/ActionScript 3.0/jvm.ini
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    by Rich Galvan @Adobe
    MXP has been released. I tested on CS5 and seems to work
    Kenneth Kawamoto

    Yes you could but that also displays the debug movie console which is uneccessary if you just want to quickly test your movie.
    I find myself using Test Movie hundreds of times a day and I just want a clean, quick, uncluttered view of how my work will look.
    I do use Debug Movie but only occasionally.
    More importantly though is that I'm not sure FP11 is ready yet. Its got a pretty horrible bug that really affects my work:
    Just my opinion!

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    Any idea why the plugin doesn't detect my Flash Pro CS5 installation?

    I've attached the logs you requested.
    You should know that I am using Windows-7 64bit
    Thanks for the help.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <AMTLIB_PDApp xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="AMTLIB-PDApp.xsd">
            <key name="AdobeCode">{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}</key>
            <key name="AdobeIDCreated">true</key>
            <key name="AppAMTBkGndFilePath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT\LMResources\background.png</key>
            <key name="AppAMTConnectionFAQFilePath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\OBLRes\en_US\ConnectionFAQ.html</key>
            <key name="AppAMTLicenseAFAQFilePath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\OBLRes\en_US\LicenseFAQ.html</key>
            <key name="AppAMTLogoFilePath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT\LMResources\adobelogo.png</key>
            <key name="AppAMTPath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT</key>
            <key name="AppDriverAMTPath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT</key>
            <key name="AppDriverLEID">FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM</key>
            <key name="AppEULAFolderPath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\Legal</key>
            <key name="AppHostAppType">ALM_HostAppType_LicensedProduct</key>
            <key name="AppLaunchPath"></key>
            <key name="AppListOfLocales">en_US</key>
            <key name="AppName">Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in</key>
            <key name="AppPath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse</key>
            <key name="AppProcessID"></key>
            <key name="AppRunningLEID">FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM</key>
            <key name="AppRunningLocale">en_US</key>
            <key name="AppSerialNumber">952307006650319154206597</key>
            <key name="BonusLaunchCode"></key>
            <key name="BuyURL">http://www.adobe.com/go/buy?productID=424&release=4.0&platform=2&locale=en_US</key>
            <key name="ClaimSource">nag_trial</key>
            <key name="DriverAdobeCode">{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}</key>
            <key name="ExtendedProfileRegURL">http://www.adobe.com/go/adobemembership?productID=424&release=4.0&platform=2&locale=en_US& source=PCSTHX</key>
            <key name="ForcedActivation">0</key>
            <key name="HasSAASBit">0</key>
            <key name="LaunchMode">postchrome</key>
            <key name="NoTrial">0</key>
            <key name="ShowEULA">false</key>
            <key name="TrialExpired">0</key>
            <key name="TrialGrace">60</key>
            <key name="TrialLeft">52</key>
            <key name="UpgradeCheckRequired">0</key>
            <key name="WorkFlowType">Subsequent_Launch</key>
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: START SESSION, library version,3.0
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Initializing C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Adobe License Manager version 3.2 (build 64.0) RELEASE
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Virtualization Turned off
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexide.amt_4.0.0.272416\os\win32\x86\adobe_caps.dll
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ServiceLoader: Found library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexide.amt_4.0.0.272416\os\win32\x86\adobe_caps.dll
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: PCD Service in threaded mode
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  performance: AMTPreObtainProductLicense took 2.547850 ms
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCD thread: PCD thread started
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexide.amt_4.0.0.272416\os\win32\x86\Adobe_OOBE_Launch er.dll
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ServiceLoader: Found library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexide.amt_4.0.0.272416\os\win32\x86\Adobe_OOBE_Launch er.dll
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [0] = en_US
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [1] = en_US
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [2] = ja_JP
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [3] = de_DE
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [4] = fr_FR
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [5] = zh_CN
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [6] = ru_RU
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [7] = ko_KR
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [8] = en_GB
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [9] = ar_AE
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [10] = da_DK
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [11] = el_GR
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [12] = fi_FI
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [13] = he_IL
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [14] = nb_NO
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [15] = ro_RO
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [16] = zh_TW
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [17] = fr_CA
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [18] = es_ES
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [19] = es_MX
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [20] = it_IT
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [21] = pt_BR
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [22] = nl_NL
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [23] = sv_SE
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [24] = cs_CZ
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [25] = pl_PL
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [26] = tr_TR
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [27] = hu_HU
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: App Product Locale [28] = uk_UA
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Loading configuration for C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT\application.xml
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Found payload code {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: found driver code {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: config: Host app was installed, using installed license configuration.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [FLMap] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Setting current license to the driver at startup because no mapping was found.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Setting current license to FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM [ALL]
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: payload code: {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: driver payload code: {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: driver licensing code: FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: current licensing code: FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: current locale code: ALL
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Done loading configuration
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Locale from PCD [0] = en_US
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Reordered Installed App Product Locale [0] = en_US
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Setting insalled locales
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Changing locale to "en_US" because old locale "" is not in the new list of installed languages
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexide.amt_4.0.0.272416\os\win32\x86\asneu.dll
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ServiceLoader: Found library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexide.amt_4.0.0.272416\os\win32\x86\asneu.dll
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: config: Finding license info for payload: {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: config: PayloadCode: {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: config: Driver PayloadCode: {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: config: Installed LicensingCode: FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [BridgeTalkCode] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [BridgeTalkCode] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [ISO_TAGGING_DISABLED] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [EULA] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Registration] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Registration] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: config: No BridgeTalkCode found in configuration; Bridgetalk will be disabled.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SuiteFeatureCount] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Application can be serialized (sif file found).
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Setting current license to FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM [ALL]
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [ExpirationDate] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Subsequent launch (serial [95230700665031915420] in trial).
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Application state initialized.  Obtaining Product License.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Obtaining client features from cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Obtaining client product info from cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [ExpirationDate] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [ExpirationDate] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Running in PROV_APP
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [MediaTag] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No media tag found for payload {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Using default media policy RET
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [EULA_ACCEPTED] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [EULA_PHASE] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  uiswitch: Suppressing EULA display on requst
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: This is a subsequent launch. Deferring services.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  performance: AMTObtainProductLicense took 179.272598 ms
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Pre-Validating Product License.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Services not yet loaded in this session.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Loading services in background to get ready for Validate call.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Spawning background thread to load services.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  performance: AMTPreValidateProductLicense took 4.600975 ms
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Starting work on prevalidate thread.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: AMT: PreValidating Product License.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Launch Workflow not yet done in this session.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Starting Background Subsequent Launch Workflow
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Starting ALM workflow.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Initializing ALM for serialized activation.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALMService: Initializing as licensed app
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Start ALM 3.2 Release (build
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Starting up SLCore 1.0 Release (build
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Service construction took 0.0 ms and succeed.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: LEID passed FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM is used to configure SLCore = 0
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Host app is Licensable App
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}2] in hive [SSC-CS5-LE-Dominance] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID WebSuitePremium-CS5-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\WebSuitePremium-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Found LEID MasterCollection-CS5-Win-GM with AMT Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ssc\MasterCollection-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [MediaTag] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No media tag found for payload {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Using default media policy RET
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: MediaTagPolicy is RET
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [NTL_WO_SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Canonical LEID is FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Driver LEID is FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [952307006650319154206597] in hive [RejectedSNDomain_CS5] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Reading product config [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT\SLConfig.xml]
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Set Running Locale to en_US
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _time_: (func: ALM_Initialize, duration: 0.016 sec)
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Performing ALM silent license verification.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [EncryptedSerial] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Serial] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No pre-serial number found in {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [PSN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No en_US provisional serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [PSN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL provisional serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Validate license at Post-Chrome time, running locale is en_US
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Searching license for locale en_US ...
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Found no existing serialization
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Searching serial number for all possible LEIDs ...
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [WebSuitePremium-CS5-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in WebSuitePremium-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [WebSuitePremium-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in WebSuitePremium-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [MasterCollection-CS5-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in MasterCollection-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [MasterCollection-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in MasterCollection-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Found no serial number
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: This is the running locale, stop the search
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}en_US] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No en_US licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [952307006650319154206597] in hive [RejectedSNDomain_CS5] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Checking if lang pack is installed for ALL
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: alm::IsLangPackForLocaleInstalled - Lang pack is not installed
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: Setting current license to FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM [ALL]
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Syncing to license store...
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Found client mkey.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Loading license references...
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Found 2 license file(s)
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Parsing license file [174626573.lic] succeed.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Parsing license file [3254477.lic] succeed.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: License store synchronization took 76.7 ms and succeed.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 1, duration = 60 days, remaining = 30 day(s) 53614 seconds.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Feature ALM_FlashBuilderPremCS5GM_4.0 is enabled.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Feature FlashBuilder_4.0 is enabled.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Feature FlashBuilder_Base_4.0 is enabled.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Feature FlashBuilder_Prem_4.0 is enabled.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Performing Block Check
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 1, duration = 60 days, remaining = 30 day(s) 53614 seconds.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Subscription] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Subscription] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [ACT_NOINTERNET] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SERVICE_ONLINE] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 1, duration = 60 days, remaining = 30 day(s) 53614 seconds.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _time_: (func: ALM_License_SilentValidate, duration: 0.078 sec)
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ALM: _info_: ALM_License_SilentValidate return license status: Valid Not Activated
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM{|}ALL] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  config: No ALL licensed serial number found in FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: License check shows product is still in trial.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Prevalidation finds app not activated.  Requiring foreground validate.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Calling AUM API to create scheduler entry to be used by updater.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AUMService: config: No AdobeUpdaterCode found in configuration; AUM will be disabled.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexide.amt_4.0.0.272416\os\win32\x86\updaternotificati ons.dll
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  ServiceLoader: Found library C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexide.amt_4.0.0.272416\os\win32\x86\updaternotificati ons.dll
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AUMService: IsUpdaterEnabled call
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AUMService: IsUpdaterEnabled call succeeded
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AUMService: Get LEID xml call
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AUMService: Get LEID XML call succeeded
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: AUM GetLEID called with status =0.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Starting Data Collection for SWTag_Init()
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() productCanonicalLEID = FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM;outMappedLEID =  FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM, unused =
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() productPayloadCode = {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241};driverPayloadCode =  {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: SWTag_Init() Tags Arguments Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in; FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM;
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() License Status = trial
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() Tags 952307006650319154206597; 4.0; TRIAL
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() Product Version 4; 0
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  AMT: Prevalidate indicates license is bad or UI is required.
    2010-05-24 17:58:28 [3976]  performance: PreValidate thread took 265.950806 ms
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: AMT: Validating Product License.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Launch Workflow not yet done in foreground in this session.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Starting Foreground Subsequent Launch Workflow
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Running in PROV_APP
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [MediaTag] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  config: No media tag found for payload {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  config: Using default media policy RET
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [EULA_ACCEPTED] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [EULA_PHASE] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Suppressing EULA display on requst
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: ALM workflow completed in this session.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Product is not activated.  Starting ALM launch-time product licensing UI.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [ExpirationDate] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 1, duration = 60 days, remaining = 30 day(s) 53613 seconds.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  SLCoreService: Query license: type = 1, duration = 60 days, remaining = 30 day(s) 53613 seconds.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Entered ALM_NeedANAG
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Exiting ALM_NeedANAG
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: App is not to be relaunched.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [EULAFolderName] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  EULA: EULAFolderName key not found for license, using default name "Legal"
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  EULA: EULA folder found relative to folder containing licensing AMT folder.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [EULAFolderName] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  EULA: EULAFolderName key not found for app, using default name "Legal"
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [NTL_WO_SN] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [STORE_URL] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Running in PROV_APP
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value WorkFlowType [Subsequent_Launch]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value ShowEULA [false]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value TrialGrace [60]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value TrialLeft [31]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value BuyURL [http://www.adobe.com/go/buy?productID=424&release=4.0&platform=2&locale=en_US]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value LaunchMode [postchrome]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AdobeIDCreated [true]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppLaunchPath []
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppAMTBkGndFilePath [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT\LMResources\background.png]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppAMTLogoFilePath [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT\LMResources\adobelogo.png]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppAMTLicenseAFAQFilePath [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\OBLRes\en_US\LicenseFAQ.html]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppAMTConnectionFAQFilePath [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\OBLRes\en_US\ConnectionFAQ.html]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AdobeCode [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value DriverAdobeCode [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppName [Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppRunningLEID [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppDriverLEID [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppRunningLocale [en_US]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppListOfLocales [en_US]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppProcessID []
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppPath [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppAMTPath [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppDriverAMTPath [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\AMT]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppHostAppType [ALM_HostAppType_LicensedProduct]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppEULAFolderPath [C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\Legal]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value TrialExpired [0]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value AppSerialNumber [952307006650319154206597]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value NoTrial [0]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value UpgradeCheckRequired [0]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value BonusLaunchCode []
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value HasSAASBit [0]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value ForcedActivation [0]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value ExtendedProfileRegURL [http://www.adobe.com/go/adobemembership?productID=424&release=4.0&platform=2&locale=en_US& source=PCSTHX]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Key Value ClaimSource [nag_trial]
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Subsequent_Launch
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: PDApp
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  uiswitch: Launched
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [AdobeUpdaterCodeV2] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [Updates] in hive [{4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AUMService: config: No AdobeUpdaterCode found in configuration; AUM will be disabled.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AUMService: IsUpdaterEnabled call
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AUMService: IsUpdaterEnabled call succeeded
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  ALM: _info_: Deactivation menu is disabled
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Completed Launch Workflow successfully.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Checking client features against cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Feature FlashBuilder_Prem 4.0 is licensed (was licensed).
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Feature FlashBuilder_Base 4.0 is licensed (was licensed).
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Validating client product info against cache.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  PCDService: No value for key [ExpirationDate] in hive [FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM] in master.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: Starting Data Collection for SWTag_Init()
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() productCanonicalLEID = FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM;outMappedLEID =  FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM, unused =
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() productPayloadCode = {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241};driverPayloadCode =  {4429F632-6999-48AE-9251-9591031C7241}
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: SWTag_Init() Tags Arguments Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in; FlashBuilderPlugin-CS5-Win-GM;
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() License Status = trial
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() Tags 952307006650319154206597; 4.0; TRIAL
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: DoISOTagging() Product Version 4; 0
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  AMT: AMT: Product License Validated.
    2010-05-24 17:58:29 [3976]  performance: AMTValidateProductLicense took 50.538868 ms

  • Anyone can help me? I can't start my flash pro cs5

    Ive installed my adobe cs5 master collection. and it run correctly. one day, i lost my motherboard and i replace it with the new one. after that, i still can access flash pro cs5 for one time. after restarting the windows, i can't open it anymore. just flash cs5 which i cant open. the other aobe programs still can run. anyone can help me to repair it? ive already reinstall it for several times..

    Hi Samuel,
    Is Flash still broken for you?
    Try uninstalling Flash. Run the cleaning script from http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/829/cpsid_82947.html. And reinstall again.
    Hope this works!
    Flash Pro, QE

  • Need Help testing iOS app created in Flash Pro Cs5.5

    I've followed several instructions on how to develop a simple iOS app. I've managed to go all the way through and Publish + create the .ipa. I'm able to then add the file to my iTunes library, but when I then try to add it to my iPod Touch (2nd Generation) I get the following error:
    The app "XXXXXX" was not installed on the iPod "XXXXX's Ipod" because it is not compatible with this iPod.
    I've even tried it with a simple "Hello World!" app but I get the same error.
    I'm using Flash Pro Cs5.5 on a Windows PC.
    Any suggestions?

    I'm having the exact same problem with my iphone 3G. I tried publishing the exact same simple flash app to my iphone, which I already previously tested succesfully, after having downloaded flash 5.5, and now I get the following message (which, I believe, is identical to yours kinant87) :
    "The app "Main" was not installed on the iPhone "Norgaard" because it is not compatible with this iPhone."
    I was trying to make another small app, when I got this problem, which is why I went back to re-test the app I knew was working!
    I've reinstalled all my apple certificates, and also tried using flash builder 4.5, with the same result.
    I also have not jail broken my phone, and was starting to think perhaps the iPhone 3G was no longer supported?

  • Need help with languages issue in iOS app created in Flash Pro CS5.5

    Hello all,
    I'm using Flash Pro CS5.5 on a Mac running Snow Leopard to create an iOS app by publishing with 'AIR for iOS' from inside Flash Pro. Everything works great except after I submit my app to the Apple App Store and it is approved, the App Store listing claims that the app is available in a ton of different languages including English, German, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, etc. Since this app is a word game and all the words are in English, this is a pretty significant issue.
    If I view the binary details for the app in iTunes Connect, it shows that localizations are active for all of the different languages. This information is read from the .ipa file that is submitted.
    If I unzip the .ipa file, I can see that folders have been created for all of the localizations (i.e. en.lproj, es.lproj, fr.lproj, etc.). If I delete any of those folders, the .ipa will give me a 'resources modified' error at install.
    I have also tried setting the plist attribute 'CFBundleLocalizations' to 'English' by editing the 'app.xml'. I have verified that the attribute has been changed correctly but it does not solve the issue. All of the localizations are still active.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Can you try workaround given at http://forums.adobe.com/message/3976641 and post back your findings.

  • Save flash pro CS5 file created in windows to a mac os file

    I created a flash banner with flash pro CS5 using windows 7. Can I save the file so my client can open it with a Mac OS?

    Yes, the .fla file can be opened on either platform. Don't forget to include any external files that you may have used, and fonts that you have embedded into the fla.

  • Developing iOS application using Adobe Flash Pro CS5

    I have Adobe Flash Pro CS5.
    Is it possible to develop iPhone (iOS) application using this product (I have an iPhone iOS option in the New Document dialog)?
    If it is possible, how do I start a new iPhone project? How do I continue from there?

    This question needs to be posted in the Flash forum. This forum is only for the player.

  • How to use Air 3.2 in Flash pro CS5

    Hi all,
    Is is possible to target Air 3.2 in the authoring tool Flash Pro CS5 ?
    If yes, how can it be done ?

    Joe_suchta, you can follow these steps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwVkK27Nors

  • Flash pro cs5.5 project panel librarypath different from fla librarypath

    I have a flash pro cs5.5 project which i can browse in the project panel. (Window -> Project to open panel)
    I went to the settings dropdown in the panel -> project properties -> paths tab -> library tab
    I added a path to a swc here.
    However if i open the startup fla of the project
    and go to File -> Actionscript settings -> library path
    the previously added path is not there!
    Why are these two paths different?
    The startup fla needs to use some classes in the added swc.
    I only added the swc to the library path from the project panel.
    I was hoping the fla will compile and publish swf successfully!
    This does not happen . So what good is this project panel -> library path settings for?
    I need to use the project panel library path because i am opening this flash pro project in flash builder and any changes to build path done in flash builder only reflect in the library path in the project panel back in flash pro cs5.5
    Any ideas ?

    the project panel is just a convenience panel for you to use to access your flash project's files without using a file browser.  it has nothing to do with your publish settings.
    if you don't see a great need to forego using your file browser, join the crowd.  the project panel was an idea with no great benefit.
    someone probably made a big to-do about it and got enough people to vote for the feature so adobe added the feature.  and then found nobody cared so, it's not going to be in the next flash pro version.

Maybe you are looking for

  • HT1414 how to downgrade from iOS 8 to iOS 7

    Since i was updated to iOS 8 i face a problem of blank screen during unlocking So i would like to downgrade to iOS 7 again

  • Windows 7-updated, cant open cus error 7(windows error 5)

    I have a hp with windows 7 on. I updated ITunes to the newest version the other week 12.0.1 and from then on haven't been able to open ITunes because the computer picks up a threat: virus found Win32/Heri in the file ITunes.dll and I get a error box

  • Can't Open iTunes Booklets

    Hi, I just purchased a cd that has an interactive booklet (Ry Cooder's My Name is Buddy) I can't open it. I've followed the iTunes "Help" and enable Flash. I've tried Preview and Adobe Reader to open what is labeled as a PDF. Preview just says it can

  • How to deliver the olap reports to clients

    Hi Please some one guide us on how to deliver the created OLAP worksheets to clients. Is that possible?? Regards S. Kokila

  • Iframes and spry widget issue

    PLEASE HELP! I am building a website for my company using Dreamweaver for the very first time. I have a spry accordian menu on my page (that probably has nothing to do with my issue). Next I added an iframe in the page to hold a vertical spry menu (s