Who's going to be at the EMEA CX Partner Summit in Brussels next week?

Which sessions are you looking forward to attending?
Click here to check out the agenda

Yes, you can do that using 3G cellular, LTE will not work in UK because of Band differences.
Message was edited by: ckuan

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    Okay, so far i really did not anticipate it being THIS difficult to get the iphone.   So far i stayed up for hours on feb 3rd. and all i got was a website that crashed and i did not get to order it, then they sold out.  Now my last chance is to somehow get into the store on the 10th and HOPE to get one before they sell out again!! Are people planning to camp out at the stores??? I have a feeling im going to drive up to the store at 7am and watch a swarm of people fight to get in. It's insane...but im curiious who else is doing it?

    sarbear23 wrote:
    Well i was planning on doing so...but i am on a Family plan and i am taking my brothers upgrade because i am eligible next month...after reading all the posts about what different reps' said about using someone else's upgrade i am assuming im going to have to talk to verizon in person?? Otherwise i will def. try to order on the 9th----that is if the website doesnt crash yet again....which i have a feeling it will
    Nope, you can use someone else's upgrade. Order it on the 9th. Worst case you take it into Verizon to have them activate it if you're having issues (or call), but there are plenty of people using someone else's upgrades. 

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    Four years is a long time.  Your needs can change as studies progress from "general classes" to "deep core of your major".
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    In all the cases I have seen of users who buy a MacBook Pro, they come charged, maybe not fully, but a bit to run Setup Assistant.
    If I were you, I would carry on using the MacBook Pro unless you find it has got a problem. If it does not work properly, return your MacBook.
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  • Adobe Forums - it's going to look a little different next week

    Just in case you did not see the notice on the main Adobe Forums page (e.g. you subscribe via e-mail), I just wanted to be sure no one is surprised when the forum starts looking a little different next week.
    The overall "look" will be changed on Monday, the 7th (possibly pushed on the evening of the 6th). We will still be on Jive, and no functionality is changing; we're just updating to something that actually looks like it came from this century.
    If you have any questions about this between now and then, let me know by replying here or sending me a PM.
    If you have any issues, questions, or feedback after it is live, be sure to post it in Forum Comments: http://forums.adobe.com/community/general/forum_comments

    Firstly, I too think, that Firefox displays the page in a better way. Tahoma is amongst my favourite fonts.
    ConnorBehan wrote:Why is the (5656 viewing) part only in the Firefox screenshot?
    Easy explanation. He displayed both pages shortly each after, this is why under Konqueror there is one more posting. He is using Firefox as his primary browser I guess, therefore Konqueror has him not marked as logged in. Only logged in users have the information displayed, how many users are viewing some particular subforum.

  • Any truth to the rumored update scheduled for next week?

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    Crossing my fingers but not holding my breath...

    Wildman wrote:
    And this update is suppose to due what? Not being funny, I would like to know..
    P3Droid P3Droid  
    On a happier note..I hear the X is slated for an update next week. If you are rooted and want the new radio you will have to monster to 340
    That's all I've heard - I do have a DX, and although have not experienced all the bugs with Gingerbread, I do have the restart issue and lose 3G connectivity pretty consistently. It's a stock DX, with only very few apps - bought it in February.

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    i have a friend who was going to sync her phone with my computer to get the new update..  how do i add her phone with out her losing everything on her phone and not getting all my info on her phone..

    First, create a separate login on your computer for your friend. Do this BEFORE you do anything else. Next, make sure iTunes is up to date. Then:
    1. Disable auto sync when an iPod/iPhone is connected under Preferences>Devices in iTunes.
    2. Make sure you have one contact & one event in the supported applications(Address Book, iCal) on your computer. These entries can be fake, doesn't matter, the important point is that these programs not be empty.
    3. Connect her phone, iTunes running, do not sync at this point.
    4. Store>Authorize this computer.
    5. File>Transfer Purchases(To make sure all purchased content on her phone will be in her itunes library).
    6. Right click in the device pane & select reset warnings.
    7. Right click again and select backup.
    8. Right click again & select restore from backup, select the backup you just made. When prompted to create another backup, decline.
    9. This MUST be followed by a sync to restore her itunes content, which you select from the various tabs, You'll get a popup regarding her contacts & calendars asking to merge or replace, select merge.
    You should be good to go.

  • (MacBook / No FireWire) What are people here going to do down the line ?

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    I know that there is lots of talk in the MacBook forums about the new MacBook's lack of FireWire but as a fellow musician I was hoping to get other musician's (Logic Pro 8 users) perspective on the situation.
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    Why? .....my wife bought herself an iMac about a year ago (Nov 2007) and I've fallen in love with her computer. I have not loaded Logic 8 on her machine but I have used GarageBand on it and it works great so I would assume I would get good performance on it with Logic 8.
    But, now that the new MacBooks don't have FireWire and my connections (audio, hard disks, video cameras etc.) to my iMac via FireWire, I've decided not to buy a new MacBook.
    1. I still like doing music on my iMac. Maybe I'll just keep it as my music computer
    2. Ask my wife to trade? (not going to happen)
    3. Buy a MacBook Pro? Thats a lot of extra money that if I had I would rather spend on something that would make my music really "sound" better (better mic, better Guitar, better mic preamp etc). After all, those things will last forever, a computer has a limited lifespan.
    4. Switch to a USB interface and get the new MacBook? I have a FireBox interface now that I really like although I have been using a external mic preamp that made my audio sound quite a bit better.
    What would you all do? Or better, what WILL you do when it comes time for you to need a new notebook computer with FireWire.

    This is a good thread with information that may be useful to you:
    With all due respect to Marceldada, I would not recommend buying one of those white macbooks. Although they price is right, you want to get the best and fastest machine you possibly can, or you are going to have performance issues with Logic and grow out of the machine sooner. The newest model 'unibody' 2.1ghz Macbook actually gets faster benchmarks than the 2.4ghz previous generation Macbook (yes, I typed that in right, the 2.1 is FASTER than the previous gen 2.4), so that white previous generation 2.1 Macbook they're still selling on the MB page is going to be significantly slower than any other Mac laptop you can get now.
    I'm not totally convinced that USB is terrible for Audio interfaces - there seem to be some nice ones out there if you just want something with a couple of ins and outs. Get a 7200 speed internal HD, and you can record several tracks of audio onto that with no problems.
    If you're wanting to do really heavy Logic work and lots of multi track recording, you should spring for the MBP anyway. The Macbook Pro's are amazing machines, and that 2 inches more on the screen in my opinion is worth its weight in gold. Also keep in mind that you will recoup some of the added expense that you put into a newer and better spec'd machine when you resell it. Even if you bought one of the black or white Macbooks brand new now, the silver one will still hold its value better because it is newer technology. And that certainly holds true for the MBP's too. The more you spend now, the more it will be worth when you sell.
    If you do want firewire and definitely don't want a MBP, I would look at the refurbished and clearance machines on Apple's website, or check out some Apple retail stores who may still have some of the older black and white Macbooks they're trying to get rid of.
    I think getting a refurbished or clearance model 2.4 black or white Macbook (or a refurbed previous generation Macbook Pro, which you can get for cheaper than the current silver Macbook) is a much better deal than the low end whitebook they're still selling new. If there is a university near you, check out their bookstore. I was just in a university bookstore two days ago, and the were selling the 2.4ghz blackbook for $999, and the 2.4 whitebook for $949. That's cheap, and a pretty fast machine!
    Good Luck!

  • Who's going to be at Networkers in Las Vegas?

    Curious to know who's going to be at Networkers in Las Vegas this year?  If you are, drop a post here or send me a private message via the forums.  I'll be there along with a number of my fellow Chesapeake NetCraftsmen and we'd be love to put faces to names either at our booth or even just out and about having fun. 

    CNC info for Networkers.  A few of our own will be presenting and we'll also be in Booth 2248 (near Certification Lounge):

  • Who is going to take ownership of "download this video" not working? Mozilla, Flash or Real???

    Upgraded Mozilla Firefox to 3.6.4. Updated Adobe Flash to 10,1,53,64. Updated Real Player to 1.1.4. I am able to view videos but unable to see "Download this video" button on Youtube.
    The download this video button will appear in IE but no longer in Mozilla Firefox.
    There are lots of complaints/questions about this issue. Who is going to take control of this issue to resolve it? Is it Firefox's or Flashplayer's or Real's problem??? Some issues in this forum state that they have been resolved, but they have not.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == After upgrade of Firefox and Adobe Flashplayer ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; Media Center PC 4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; MS-RTC EA 2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

    actingweb posted in macromedia.dreamweaver:
    > Ok so i have done everything that was said in this
    thread, ive
    > downloaded the new version of ffmpegx, I changed my
    > service for bluehost, i added the myme tipe for flv and
    it still
    > does not want to work, Help please.
    > New link is:
    Hmm. Mime type is correct, but if you used the new ffmpegx to
    Clown.flv, did you remember to upload the new file?
    I ask because Clown.flv does not have the metadata that Flash
    I ran it through the Windows only flvmdi program from
    and it works now.
    I don't know Mac, but if you can run Windows programs on it
    via Wine or
    some other means, you may want to look into it. Or look for a
    Flash Video encoder program altogether.
    Meanwhile, just to get you up and running for this file, I've
    Clown.flv here:
    You should be able to
    download it from there and upload to your site.
    Here it is with your HTML file in action:
    Mark A. Boyd
    Keep-On-Learnin' :)

  • My mac won't recognize an external monitor. The screen Goes Blue Once, then goes blue again and the second monitor just turns off. I am using an HDMI adapter to a visio TV. I also have my xbox on the tv. Can anyone Help??

    My mac won't recognize an external monitor. The screen Goes Blue Once, then goes blue again and the second monitor just turns off. I am using an HDMI adapter to a visio TV. I also have my xbox on the tv. Can anyone Help??

    Lol, figured out the first part. Just for those who may be searching, when you click on the Display Preferences, and click on the arraingment tab... it not only shows where your two screens will be displayed, but the WHITE BAR at the top of one screen is the dock/toolbar. Click and hold to grab this and just slide it over to the screen you'd like it to be on.
    You have to release it IN the screen box, not on top of it... and it should pop right over to the new (or old) screen. At any rate, you can put the dock on either (or any) screen that you prefer.
    I am thinking of ordering more of these. Lol. 3 monitor setup seems like it would be crazy good.
    Still looking for the answer to keeping the new 16" screen on the right without switching between screen #s with that... not expose... Lion feature.
    Thanks. Hope my other question has an answer out here.
    Paul H

  • List of user who is going to get locked - OEM

    There there any way in OEM(Enterprise Manager Grid Control) to get the list of user who are going to get expired/locked in 5-6 days.
    Can we set up such alert in OEM.

    Under the home page, under Related links at the bottom, I think you can follow the 'User-Defined Metrics' link.
    This requires the Database Diagnostics pack, of which i do not have, so I cannot show example. More information on this link:
    Edited by: mcarbon on 18-Apr-2013 08:27

  • Why does my iphone 3gs screen go white after it goes "to sleep" for the first time after turning it on?

    Why does my iphone 3gs screen go white after it goes "to sleep" for the first time after turning it on?
    The screen isn't broken because it works after i turn the device off and back on, but after it goes black once, it's only white again.
    But it takes the touches although it's only white, because I can answer my phone when I slide my finger on the bottom of the screen, eventhough there in not the button to see.
    This is so weird. I have already done everything I can think of that might help. But I cannot think of anything that might be causing it, because nothing has happened to the device.

    Let me know if I should start a new discussion instead of opening a new topic here.
    My wife's iPhone is the same vintage as mine 3Gs, but has never had the battery problem.  Its affliction instead is that it cannot detect WiFi networks unless it is quite close to the source.  Often, when my iPhone not only detects but shows a maximum cells connection with a network, hers cannot detect the network at all.  In contrast, her iPhone seems to detect ourcellular carrier just as well as mine does.
    Is there any help for this affliction?

  • I have several users in an exchange environment who cannot email a photo from the iPhone.  When the click on Email Photo, they are prompted to configure a mail account even though there is already an exchange account in place.  How do I remediate this?

    I have several users in an exchange environment who cannot email a photo from the iPhone.  When the click on Email Photo, they are prompted to configure a mail account even though there is already an exchange account in place.  How do I remediate this?  Not all of the users in our environment have this issue.  If the users having this issue, install a secondary email account, Gmail, Hotmail, etc, then they can send through those accounts.  Why would the exchange account not be seen to send photos?

    Sounds like it worked until the policies associated with the account that are creating the problem were fully pushed down.
    Try setting up a new (test) Exhange account and see if it behaves the same way on the phone (after removing the problem account from the phone, of course).

Maybe you are looking for

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    --begin ciscomoderator note-- The following post has been edited to remove potentially confidential information. Please refrain from posting confidential information on the site to reduce security risks to your network. -- end ciscomoderator note --

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