Who wants to video chat?

if you wanna video chat hit me up at sportsblm which is an aim account please don't hesitate!!

It one of those "Yes, No, Sort of" answers.
Apple brought out a version of iChat 2.0 for Jaguar as a Free beta download for a few months in may to Oct 2004 which is obviously not available now.
It also only applied if you had done the Updates to get to 102.5 or higher.
That leaves Upgrading to 10.3.x at least for iChat 2.x or using another option.
Skype is probably the widest user base at the moment.
Can be downloaded by Macs or the PC version for PCs to keep in contact with sets of users.
There other options such as YakforFree and iVisit that I have listed here
They tend to be sorted in those that Text Only and those that can Video/Audio chat plus others.
There is also Flash Web page options like http://www.mebeam.com/
Yes, 10.2.5 and up can use iChat 2.0 for Jaguar
No, it is no longer available (from the Apple download pages)
Options are listed above with links but processor power may still be an issue
The Flash based web page/Chatroom may be the best starting point
9:52 AM Saturday; September 1, 2007
9:49 AM Saturday; September 1, 2007

Similar Messages

  • Who can you video chat with?

    who can you video chat with? is it only for other users of a mac computer? .. or can anyone with a webcam have chats with you via iChat AV? Someone please explain how you add people into a video chat. Thanks, its much appreciated,

    If there is a camera displayed next to your friend in the contact list you can invite your friend by clicking on that camera icon. You need to use iChat for video chats with more than one friend the same time. (friends using iChat can invite you to a multi person video chat and add others if the iChat user initiates the video chat)
    Windows users need AIM 6, the iChat application only runs on Mac OSX.
    Message was edited by: Jan Pieter Melchior

  • I want to video-chat with friends who are using MSN on PC

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    Try Mercury mercury.to/">http://www.mercury.to/
    Or aMSN amsn.sourceforge.net/">http://amsn.sourceforge.net/
    Both do video but no audio.
    If you want video and audio try looking at Skype.

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    WHat does anyone suggest for an app to link to my Facebook and/ or msn account in order to be able to video chat with them?

    It sounds like Skype would do well.  It has no direct connection to Facebook or MSN, but that's OK ... as long as they use Skype as well.
    Skype is now a Microsoft product, so it's related to MSN in some sense.

  • Using ichat on a mac and wanting to video chat to someone using a pc

    i have a macbook pro and heard that using i chat i can video chat to my friends who all use pc's. that's fine but what software will they need to install to talk back... or can install some other software to get my camera working to video chat with them. i was chatting to a friend using skype the other night... i could see them but i couldn't get my camera to work through skype for them to see me... any and all suggestions will be greatly received. rich

    See http://www.mvldesign.com/videoconferencetutorial.html
    You might be better off using Skype.
    Mac version http://www.skype.com/intl/en-gb/download/skype/macosx/
    Pc http://www.skype.com/intl/en-gb/download/skype/windows/
    Or web based http://www.mebeam.com/
    Also now with gtalk video if you have a gmail account http://mail.google.com/videochat

  • I want to video chat, what should i use?

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    Try SightSpeed....works with most PC webcams and works with iSight. SightSpeed is free for the basic video and chat services.

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    Also, when trying to add my wife's AIM name to my buddy list, I get the following error message: Feedbag error 10. I've never heard of this, searched for it and couldn't find anything. Any thoughts?

    For others Feedbag 10 is lower down on this page
    For PC to Mac look at this page
    8:45 PM Friday; June 1, 2007

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    As this thread has been marked as Solved I would start a New Thread.
    7:42 PM Tuesday; January 8, 2008

  • Video chat Mac to PC

    Ok, we want to video chat from our MAC's to a family member on a PC. Both have cable modems. Is it possible or should I buy a MAC Mini for them to use. We need to get set up in a couple of weeks. Your thoughts and help is appreciated.

    Hi Mike,
    iChat to PC is Possible.
    There are the links and info in the Link EZ Jim gave you.
    There is also an FAQ here Ralph Johns (UK), "FAQ 1: How do I Get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ?", 02:13pm Jul 25, 2004 CDT
    And my "Girlfriend" page http://www.ralphjohnsuk.dsl.pipex.com/page12.html
    AIM for Windows is one Application and Trillian is another
    Both need Enabling through the XP firewall as shown on my page 12.
    Having said that if you can convert them ....

  • Video chat not working, Please help.

    Since upgrading to Tiger, I have tried just about everything suggested on this board to get ichat av to fully function. For months I have been trying off and on to use the AV functions of ichat. I have spent days reinstalling, clean installing, trashing plists etc... I have had success in engaging in a boring audio chats with all of the bots (appleu3testXX) but never have had luck with getting video to work. (But for some reason today i can not even audio chat with the bots, am getting insufficient bandwidth error) I can get the video preview and that is it. I get the error "Can not get video from the camera" when i attemt to connect to one of the bots. I just want to video chat with my sister halfway across the world. The error i get with her is "User failed to respond", or I failed to respond. I consider myself somewhat computer saavy, and am almost to the point of writing my own standalone application inorder to video chat with her. We do have a router (either a Cisco 828 G.SHDSL or a Cisco 805 Serial Router) at the studio to service the 50+ connections here. Our IT person has made the necessary adjustments on his end with the router. I am located in Amsterdam with about a 900 Kbps connection.
    Below is an error log when trying to video chat with a bot. My firewall is off.
    ryan:~ ryan$ /Applications/iChat.app/Contents/MacOS/iChat -errorLogLevel 7
    145632.983393 Loading hardware rules from hardwarerulesH264-G4.plist
    145632.984201 Checking H264 hardware rules
    145632.984568 Satisfied rule #6 (15:160x120)
    145632.985710 setLocalUserName: [email protected]
    145633.091762 ### NEW STATE: to: VC_INIT, from: VC_INVALID
    145633.094059 ### NEW STATE: to: VC_IDLE, from: VC_INIT
    145633.094535 ++++++++ confStatusMapRemoveAll
    145633.095347 UPnP init passed
    145633.095926 NATTraversal created
    145633.096553 Bandwidth based on QT prefs = 768
    145633.105024 BWD: GotBandwidth: 1951285/1961779 (up/down) @[]
    145633.105616 BWD bandwidth: 1951 kbits up, 1961 kbits down.
    145633.105924 videoNetworkCapable: 1 -- 3 max participants.
    145633.106189 audioNetworkCapable: 1 -- 9 max participants.
    145633.106533 vcCapabilities returns: 0x0000001f
    145633.106833 VCCapAudio
    145633.107086 VCCapVideo
    145633.107325 VCCapMultiAudio
    145633.107560 VCCapMultiVideo
    145633.107804 VCCapMultiAudioHost
    145633.143590 Found 1 cameras:
    145633.144266 Sony DV - 576537722429414901
    145633.145922 selectCameraByGUID: 576537722429414901 returned 1
    145633.154930 Microphone devices:
    145633.157915 Sony DV Built-in
    145633.168033 Internal microphone
    145633.168542 Line In
    145633.169114 Soundflower (2ch)
    145633.169661 Soundflower (16ch)
    145633.314855 Selected mic: Built-in Audio / imic
    145633.522355 Found 1 cameras:
    145633.523113 Sony DV - 576537722429414901
    145633.523533 selectedCamera GUID returned Sony DV
    145633.523909 selectedCamera GUID has associated microphone: Sony DV Built-in
    145633.531965 Microphone devices:
    145633.532634 Sony DV Built-in
    145633.533254 Internal microphone
    145633.533615 Line In
    145633.534122 Soundflower (2ch)
    145633.534680 Soundflower (16ch)
    145633.535203 Selected mic: Built-in Audio / imic
    145633.535770 Found 1 cameras:
    145633.536235 Sony DV - 576537722429414901
    145633.536923 selectedCamera GUID returned Sony DV
    145633.537268 selectedCamera GUID has associated microphone: Sony DV Built-in
    145633.542491 Microphone devices:
    145633.542965 Sony DV Built-in
    145633.543514 Internal microphone
    145633.543862 Line In
    145633.544351 Soundflower (2ch)
    145633.544866 Soundflower (16ch)
    145633.545334 Selected mic: Built-in Audio / imic
    145633.546048 Found 1 cameras:
    145633.546790 Sony DV - 576537722429414901
    145633.547148 selectedCamera GUID returned Sony DV
    145633.547476 selectedCamera GUID has associated microphone: Sony DV Built-in
    145633.567338 Microphone devices:
    145633.568054 Sony DV

    continued error log
    a=RTCP:AUDIO 16387 VIDEO 16385
    a=fmtp:126 imagesize 0 rules 15:160:120:160:120
    145648.778729 [[SIP/2.0 100 Trying
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK55d164b31dd232ae
    To: "appleu3test012" <sip:[email protected]>
    From: "undirectedfloat1" <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=1722177242
    Call-ID: dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    User-Agent: Viceroy
    Content-Length: 0
    ]] from 11CA27F0:5060
    145648.779052 [[SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK55d164b31dd232ae
    To: "appleu3test012" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=1606160400
    From: "undirectedfloat1" <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=1722177242
    Call-ID: dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]>
    User-Agent: Viceroy
    Content-Length: 0
    ]] from 11CA27F0:5060
    145648.779245 Dialog(CREATED) Match(STATUS) [dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177]=[dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-84 7d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177], [1722177242]=[1722177242]
    145648.779296 Dialog(CREATED) Match(STATUS) [dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177]=[dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-84 7d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177], [1722177242]=[1722177242]
    145648.779793 ##### (2)Trying...
    145648.780782 VCSendNotificationProc: name = VCInformation, data = Trying
    145648.781206 ##### (2)Ringing...
    145648.781637 VCSendNotificationProc: name = VCInformation, data = Ringing
    145648.805283 [[SIP/2.0 200 OK
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK55d164b31dd232ae
    To: "appleu3test012" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=1606160400
    From: "undirectedfloat1" <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=1722177242
    Call-ID: dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]>
    User-Agent: Viceroy
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 168
    o=demo 0 0 IN IP4
    c=IN IP4
    t=0 0
    m=audio 16386 RTP/AVP 12
    m=video 16384 RTP/AVP 126
    a=rtpmap:126 X-H264/8000
    ]] from 11CA27F0:5060
    145648.805599 Dialog Match(STATUS): [dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177]=[dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-84 7d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177], [1722177242]=[1722177242], [1606160400]=[1606160400]
    145648.805660 TAInviteClientProc Thread end(0)...
    145648.806145 Send to 11CA27F0:5060 [ACK sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK17b541ba574fd419
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "appleu3test012" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=1606160400
    From: "undirectedfloat1" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=1722177242
    Call-ID: dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177
    CSeq: 1 ACK
    User-Agent: Viceroy 1.2
    Content-Length: 0
    145648.806267 Start heartbeat to 11CA27F0:5060
    145648.806363 SIPConnect stop(0)...
    145648.806440 SIP connect returned 0
    145648.806467 Call initiated with callID = 2
    145648.821090 Callee User Agent: Viceroy
    145648.821180 * Callee SDP *
    145648.821315 Selecting QCELP.
    145648.821384 Conference_SetPayload: audio = 12, video = 126
    145648.838194 v=0
    o=demo 0 0 IN IP4
    c=IN IP4
    t=0 0
    m=audio 16386 RTP/AVP 12
    m=video 16384 RTP/AVP 126
    a=rtpmap:126 X-H264/8000
    145648.838585 SIPSendMessageAll start...
    145648.998739 [[SUBSCRIBE sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK3cc298c527b575a4
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "undirectedfloat1" <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=1722177242
    From: "appleu3test012" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=1606160400
    Call-ID: dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]>
    Event: conference
    Expires: 3600
    User-Agent: Viceroy
    Content-Length: 0
    ]] from 11CA27F0:5060
    145648.999264 SIPSubscribeProc Thread start...
    145648.999406 Dialog Match(REQUEST): [dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-847d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177]=[dd25d866-1630-11da-bb7a-84 7d2ba613c4@172-16-0-177], [

  • Can i video chat with only email?

    Im new to skype so need help..lol...im wanting to video chat with my daughter..she has an ipad but no mobole number..are we able to video chat using email only? Thanks

    regarding video, yes you can do a video chat with another pc user. the pc side has to right click your name and find the "view video" (using yahoo mesenger and built in cam)
    have not use audio though so i can not assure you that it would work. (but most probably it would)
    as to using external cam and mic, you can try to borrow someone else cam or go to a mac store and ask for a demo
    as to microsoft outlook... there is no mac version of microsoft outlook as far as i know. (correct me if im wrong) how ever you can use bootcamp and have windows installed and use your mac as if your using windows

  • IChat 5.0.3 to AIM 7.5 video chat problems.

    I could use some help, please?
       I have a cousin that live in another state and she wants to video chat with me and my mom.
    My mom and I have Macs with Snow Leopard and iChat 5.0.3 and my cousin has a PC with Windows 7 and AIM 7.5. Both computers are notebooks and have Webcams built-in.
    Whenever we tried to send a Video chat invitation from the PC to the Mac we would get a connection error on the Mac, but when we tried the same thing the other way (Mac to PC) it would go through and we can video chat. I am trying to figure out how to make Video chat invitations work both ways, iChat -> AIM and AIM -> iChat.
    I have gone as far as changing the IM server on the Mac to match the IM server on the PC. I then tried to change the IM server on the PC to match the one on the Mac and got a connection error on the PC, so I just reset them both to their defaults.
    I even went as far as turning off the firewall on the PC but that didn't work either. Now I'm stuck and can't figure out what to do.
    Any information you have would help me and my cousin.

    iChat and AIM Logins first
    In iChat Preferences > Accounts Server settings the default Login in login.oscar.aol.com if you are not using the SSL option
    It will add a leading s if you do and this is an automatic change (slogin.oscar....)
    The Default port is 5190 but almost anything can be used (we Suggest port 443) Changing this port sometimes helps with Videos (It shouldn't but does) on some routers (Zyxels).
    iChat and Video to PCs
    Firstly Video and Audio chat have nothing to do with the Login port (Although that is used for Text chats)
    The AIM on PC app uses 4 ports to do the Audio and Video In and Out feeds
    (iChat 3 used to).  iChat 4, 5 and 6 uses just one port to do the Video and Audio parts of the Chat (In and Out)
    So iChat will send on port 16402 the SIP Invite (This is the behindf the scenes connection Process).
    It uses the same port fro the A/V chat data.
    If the PC starts then it sends an invite (SIP) on port 5061
    When it connects it sends the data out on 2 ports from within the range 1024-5000 and asks for data back on two other ports (i.e one each for Vid in, Vid Out, Audio In and Audio out).
    iChat does this by contacting a Server called SNATMAP.mac.com run by Apple just for connecting iChat Audio and Video chats.
    This server helps the app negotiate the ports that are going to be used during the connection process.
    (this happens on port 5678)
    Now the Mac Firewall will allow any port that iChat Uses if the Firewall is On and iChat is allowed.
    The AIM app is trying to connect on port 5061 when iChat is not already using it and this is most likely where the issue is.
    WIth the Visible Invite iChat is supposed to use SNATMAP and this is supposed to "take" over getting the connection established but it seems it is not that smooth.
    Possible workaround
    Set the Login port to 5061 in ichat so the port is open anyway in the Mac Firewall.
    Also make sure this port is allowed through your router.
    9:52 PM      Monday; August 15, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Can't video chat with AIM only .mac users like me.

    I'm running the latest iChat AV.
    There seems to be alot of posts regarding people being unable to chat with .mac and only AIm but my problem is exactly the opposite. I can only video chat with other .mac users and not with AIM users. (I am .mac).
    Nothing here involves a PC, all accounts are on macs. Any .mac friends I try and video chat to it works great, but any mac AIM users all I kept getting are 'failed to respond' messages. I failed to respond or they did depending on who initiated the video chat. All type chatting works fine. I have no firewalls and plenty of bandwith. To the best of my knowledge the AIM users have no firewalls either. Any ideas?

    Hi Rodi,
    There has been one report of a .mac user contacting .mac because of this problem. He said he was informed that they were aware of the problem exsiting for some users but that they could not tell which ones.
    They did something to his account that made it work (some problem with the .mac user list and the AIM Servers)
    I suggest you explore this as well.

  • IChat can't video chat with AIM user

    My mother in law has switched from PC to iMac, and wants to video chat with her grandchildren. They are on a PC, and have installed AIM 5.9. Can IM fine, but as soon as we try to hook up a video chat, it fails to connect, saying:
    There was a communication error during your chat. iChat encountered errors while communicating with participants in this chat. You can send details etc etc...
    Firewall is off in OSX
    Any ideas?

    See for mac and pc setup http://www.mvldesign.com/videoconferencetutorial.html
    If your tring to video with PC then you might be better off using Skype to do video between Mac and PC.
    Mac version http://www.skype.com/download/skype/macosx/index.html
    PC version http://www.skype.com/download/skype/windows/helloagain.html

  • Can't start One-Way Video Chat with some Buddies

    I have a MacBook running the latest version of iChat AV 3 (3.1.5 v440).
    I just held a video chat with my father. He's also using the latest version of iChat.
    Quitting that video chat, I also wanted to video chat with my mother in law. She's also running the latest version of iChat (on her non-intel mac: 3.1.5 v436). However, in my Buddy list, she shows up with a greyed out icon for the multi-chat. My audio and video chat buttons disable when I select her. There is no "Invite to One-Way Video Chat" menu.
    We have both restarted our computers. We're both listed as Buddies of the other. No luck. My father shows in the buddy list as available for video chat, my mother in law does not.
    I've previously been able to video iChat with her. What's going on?

    5 minutes after posting, my wife noticed that one of the other computers in the house (with a different .Mac account on it) was 'ringing'. Apparently my mother-in-law had left an open audio chat invitation to another account, and that was preventing a new chat from starting. Sorry for the noise, hopefully this answer helps someone else.

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