Why am I getting ORA-06502

I have the following call in a form trigger:
ERROR_MSG('Access denied');
Here is the detail on ERROR_MSG, which is in a pll (base.pll):
                     P_MSG                 VARCHAR2,
                     USE_ALERT             BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
                     P_TITLE               VARCHAR2 := '',
                     RAISE_FAILURE         BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
                     USE_LONG_MSG          BOOLEAN := FALSE
  V_ALERT_ID          ALERT;
  V_MSG               VARCHAR2(32767) := P_MSG;
  IF SUBSTR(V_MSG, -1) <> '.' THEN
    V_MSG := V_MSG || '.';
      END IF;
      MESSAGE(REPLACE(V_MSG, CHR(10))); -- I am getting this message
    END IF;
END;I am getting the message in the line marked "I am getting this message"
My problems is that I am also getting ORA-06502 error message after the "Access Denied" meesage.
Does anybody have an idea why?

I suspect that whatever trigger or procedure is issuing the "Access denied" message is not causing the ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error message. What trigger are you issuing the message from? Is there some other trigger or procedure running? If it is issuing some sort of navigational command, which is causing the current procedure to issue the "Access denied" error message, but NOT checking
    If not form_success then
      Raise Form_trigger_failure;
    End if;then it may be proceeding, and then encounters the 6502 problem.

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    ORA-06512: at line 6
    Here is my procedure. Can someone look at it and explain to me what i could possibly be doing wrong here.
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE sp_data_check(p_date number) is
    v_table_name VARCHAR2(35);
         v_string VARCHAR2(1024);
         v_result number;
         v_output VARCHAR2(1024);
    v_report_date VARCHAR2(8);
    v_dt VARCJAR2(8);
    CRLF char(2) := chr(10)||chr(13);
         CURSOR c_table is
              select table_name
              from user_tab_columns
              where COLUMN_NAME = 'REPORT_DATE'
              and table_name NOT LIKE '%BIN%';
    OPEN c_table;
              FETCH c_table into v_table_name;
              exit when c_table%NOTFOUND;
              v_string:='select decode(max(report_date),'||p_date||',1,0)'|| ' from ' || v_table_name;
              execute immediate v_string into v_result;
    v_report_date:='select max(report_date)'|| ' from ' || v_table_name;
    excute immediate v_report_date into v_dt;
              v_output:=v_output||CRLF||v_table_name||': '||v_dt;
    end loop;
    if v_result =0 then
    sp_send_mail('reports@localhost','[email protected]',
    'Report Date Not There','The following tables do not have the correct report_date information:'||v_output);
    end if;
    close c_table;
    The bold section of my code is what i added that broke it. Before adding these lines of code it all worked fine.

    That worked. Here is the revised working program
    create or replace PROCEDURE sp_data_check(p_date number) is
    v_table_name VARCHAR2(35);
         v_string VARCHAR2(1024);
         v_result number;
         v_output VARCHAR2(1024);
    v_report_date VARCHAR2(100);
    v_dt VARCHAR2(100);
    CRLF char(2) := chr(10)||chr(13);
         CURSOR c_table is
              select table_name
              from user_tab_columns
              where COLUMN_NAME = 'REPORT_DATE'
              and table_name NOT LIKE '%BIN%';
    OPEN c_table;
              FETCH c_table into v_table_name;
              exit when c_table%NOTFOUND;
              v_string:='select decode(max(report_date),'||p_date||',1,0)'|| ' from ' || v_table_name;
              execute immediate v_string into v_result;
    v_report_date:='select max(report_date)'|| ' from ' || v_table_name;
    execute immediate v_report_date into v_dt;
              v_output:=v_output||CRLF||v_table_name||': '||v_dt;
    end loop;
    if v_result =0 then
    sp_send_mail('reports@localhost','[email protected]',
    'Report Date Not There','The following tables do not have the correct report_date information:'||v_output);
    end if;
    close c_table;

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    Please create the failing case in your workspace on apex.oracle.com and tell us the workspace name, app ID and steps to recreate.

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    What is your 6i version? We had similar strange problems and applied the latest 6i patch. E.g. instead of this:
    if my_function(my_parameter) = 'X' then ...
    We had to change the code (in some cases only) to:
    my_variable := my_function(my_parameter);
    if my_variable = 'X' then ...

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    WHERE sdo_filter (t.shape_a,
                             SDO_GEOMETRY (2003,
                                           sdo_elem_info_array (1, 1003, 3),
                                           sdo_ordinate_array (1, 1, 2, 2)
                            ) = 'TRUE';

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    Did you use the DBMS_GOLDENGATE_AUTH.GRANT_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE procedure to the DBLOGIN user?  
    This call grants all of the required privileges for ADD SCHEMATRANDATA and ADD TRANDATA - whether it is classic or integrated capture.  

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    Thanks & Regards

    The machine name is unknown to the Database server. To see if this is the problem try adding that machine in hosts file.

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    Try this. It is the Oracle recommended workaround and it worked for us.
    STOP AND START THE instance.
    Good Luck!

  • ORA-06502 when trying to call a function inside my report

    Hi guys,
    I have the following code in a function to get my open bal for a field in my report but I am getting ORA-06502 every time I try to run it.
    Does any one have any idea as why?
    function CF_OPNE_BALFormula return Number is
    v_bal number;
    v_period char;
    v_prv_period char;
    v_period := to_char(last_day(:p_date_From),'RRRRMM');
    if substr(v_period,5,2) = '01' then
    v_prv_period := to_char(to_number(substr(v_period,1,4))-1) ||'13';
    v_prv_period := to_char(to_number(to_char(:p_date_From,'YYYYMM')-1));
    end if;
    v_bal := csh_acc_pkg.csh_get_acc_bal(:p_own_id,:P_GLA_acc_num,v_prv_period,'F','ACC');

    Try using varchar2 with length specified instead of char in the variable declarations.

  • ORA-06502 character string buffer too small, works in query not procedure

    The following query works prefect as a single query:
    with t as (select steroid_start_date as the_date from treatments where patientid = 1378 and visitnumber = 0)
        select max(case when instr(mon, '/') > 0 then NULL else mon end) mon,
             max(case when instr(yr, '/') > 0 then NULL else yr end) yr
      from ( select the_date, substr(the_date, nvl(last_pos,1), pos-1) mon, substr(the_date, pos+1) yr
              from ( select t.*,
                               instr(the_date, '/', 1, lvl) pos,
                            lag(instr(the_date, '/', 1, lvl))
                                over (
                                        partition by the_date
                                        order by instr(the_date, '/', 1, lvl)
                                     ) last_pos
                     from t, (
                                select 1 lvl
                                from dual
                                UNION ALL
                                select 2 lvl
                                from dual
                             ) b
                      where instr(the_date, '/', 1, lvl) > 0
          );I have a procedure contains:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_steroid_start_date(patid number, visit number)
        mon varchar2(3);
        yr varchar2(3);
    date1 varchar2(12);
    insert_date varchar2(12);
        select steroid_start_date into date1 from treatments where patientid = patid and visitnumber = visit;
        with t as (select date1 the_date from dual)
        select max(case when instr(mon, '/') > 0 then NULL else mon end),
             max(case when instr(yr, '/') > 0 then NULL else yr end) into mon, yr
      from ( select the_date, substr(the_date, nvl(last_pos,1), pos-1) mon, substr(the_date, pos+1) yr
              from ( select t.*,
                               instr(the_date, '/', 1, lvl) pos,
                            lag(instr(the_date, '/', 1, lvl))
                                over (
                                        partition by the_date
                                        order by instr(the_date, '/', 1, lvl)
                                     ) last_pos
                     from t, (
                                select 1 lvl
                                from dual
                                UNION ALL
                                select 2 lvl
                                from dual
                             ) b
                      where instr(the_date, '/', 1, lvl) > 0
          );when I try to execute this procedure, I am getting ORA-06502 character string buffer too smal on the line
    with t as (select date1 the_date from dual)why is that? I am trying to break user input 1/2000, sometimes junk (1/ , /2000), and apply some logic so they will be 01/01/2000, NULL, 01/01/2000
    Edited by: OracleNoob on Feb 17, 2009 10:58 AM

    That error occurs when the variables that are being set are too short to hold the entire value being selected.
    Either make the variables longer, or the columns shorter.
    If you need mnore help, post
    (1) The version of Oracle (and any other relevant software) you're using
    (2) A little sample data (just enough to show what the problem is) from all the relevant tables
    (3) The results you want from that data
    (4) Your formatted code
    (5) The full error message(s), including line number
    Executable SQL statements (like "CREATE TABLE AS ..." or "INSERT ..." statements) are best for (2).
    Formatted tabular output is okay for (3) and essential for (4). Type &#123;code&#125; before and after the tabular text, to preserve spacing.

  • Ora-06502: variable length too long on report query xml schema download

    on shared components/report queries/edit report query/
    and downloading my queries in xml schema format (radio button).
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: raw variable length too long
    when i click the download button.
    i want to add that i recently changed several columns in the database from 150 to 3000 chars long.
    Edited by: Manny Rodriguez on Oct 11, 2011 7:19 AM

    "4000 bytes is the ultimate maximum. you can say 4000 *characters* , but it'll always be limited to 4000 *bytes* . "
    "The maximum length of the column is determined by the national character set definition. Width specifications of character data type NVARCHAR2 refer to the number of characters. The maximum column size allowed is 4000 bytes."
    By the way, you're treating your numbers as STRINGS, remove the quotes around your zero's.

  • Ora-06502 while calling oracle function

    I am using database.
    I have vb.net application that uses oracle provider for .net to connect to database.
    I am calling Oracle function which returns varchar2 value back.
    when i execute cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery, I get ora-06502 error.
    ************** vb.net code
    Dim cmd2 As New Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand(UserSchemaName & ".ZZZ_TEMP", con)
    Dim VAL As String
    cmd2.Parameters.Add("RetVal", Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)
    cmd2.Parameters.Add("p_val", Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Input).Value = "XYZ"
    cmd2.Connection = con
    cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    VAL = cmd2.Parameters("RetVal").Value
    Catch ex As Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException
    End Try

    If I change this function to retrun number rather than Varchar2 and change my
    RetVal parameter as follow it works. I am noticing that there might be a bug when function returns varchar2
    cmd2.Parameters.Add("RetVal", Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.int32, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)
    cmd2.Parameters.Add("p_Val", Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.int32, ParameterDirection.Input).valu ="XYZ"

  • XML transform and ORA-06502:

    When i update a limited set ( 1 row) of data with the statement in example 1 the statement works fine. When i delete the where clause i get ORA-06502: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small.
    How can i make the statement work for a large amount of data.
    example 1:
    update udo.udo_cursus_beschrijvingen cbg
    SET cbg.tekst = cbg.tekst.transform(XMLType(
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="url[(starts-with(child::text(),''www.''))]">
    <url>http://<xsl:value-of select="."/></url>
    <xsl:template match="@*|*|text()|processing-instruction()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|*|text()|processing-instruction()"/>
    where cbg.id = 1672;

    Sergio - I'm surprised that a hundred rows causes the Display As Text (based on LOV, save/does not save the state) to blow out. I'd expect no problems up to 5000 rows or so. I'd like to see an example of your case. The limitation on select lists is usually related to either the size of an individual report column (4000 max) or the size of a report row (32K max) in which a select-list lov is used. The total size of the HTML returned counts towards these limits. The problem for select-list items on a page is that large select lists mean lots of HTML on the page making the page heavy and burdening the network.

  • ORA-06502 error when clicked on Lines tab in Oracle Service Contracts

    When i query for some contracts and click on Lines Tab,i get ORA-06502 error.
    This is not happenning with all contracts.My ICX: Numeric Characters profile is set to 10.000,00 but the user who created the contracts which were showing error message has ICX: Numeric Characters profile set to 10,000.00.
    If i change my profile option to this users profile option,then i am not getting error in these contracts but getting error when trying to view the contracts which were created by other users who's ICX: Numeric Characters profile is different from mine.
    Plz let me know how can i resolve this issue.
    Looking for your suggessions.

    CRS Home is indicative of having Oracle clusterware installed. Is this a RAC cluster? Are you running on ASM? How many nodes? etc.
    Please fill in the blanks.

  • Download Interactive Report fails with ORA-06502

    I am using:-
    Apex version
    Oracle DB 11.2
    Apex Listener
    I.E. 8
    I have created an interactive report and when I download the report to CSV I get ORA-06502.  My report contains over 100 columns some of which are blobs so I am hitting the old 32k limit.  Does anyone have a work round for this problem. The ability to download data is a key feature of my application and this really is a show stopper form me.

    The queries are not executed in parallel but in serial. So the total execution time configured will be for all the Select statements in the report combined.
    As for your second question, since the execution is not parallel hence BO will not initiate any error message until the total execution time exceeds the defined limit. This could be during the execution of first select statement or the second.
    Try executing the queries directly in database one by one and see how much time they are taking.
    - Noman Jaffery

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