Why can't I add some songs to a playlist?

I'm wondering why certain songs won't drag and drop or Add To a Playlist?  There are certain songs in my music library that, when attempting to move, appear with the red circle/slash through icon instead.
All of my songs have either been purchased through iTunes store or imported from a CD, if that helps.

I ejected my iPhone then it worked. Maybe it locks the contents in some way.

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    Red tree wrote:
    I can't understand why some songs are available to play and some are not!? Even songs from the same album?
    I've uploaded 100s of. songs from my MacBook, some are ripped from CDs and the rest from iTunes.
    Please explain I don't understand why this is so.
    If the initial scan in iTunes has not finished yet then you can see this behavior on an iOS device. The simplest trouble shooting step is to disable iTM on the iOS device and open the Music app and let the content clear out. Wait for the scan to complete in iTunes then re-enable the service on the iOS device.

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    Hello VwecheRiste,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    To troubleshoot this issue where some songs do not burn to a CD, please follow the directions in the article below.
    Can't burn a CD in iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    This is all code from app, php and database:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center"
    applicationComplete="klaseinit(), init(), tipasinit()">
        import mx.controls.Text;
        import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
            import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            import mx.controls.DateField;
            import mx.events.DateChooserEvent;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            public var newUsername:String;
            public var newPassword:String;
            public var newPassword2:String;
            public var newVardas:String;
            public var newPavarde:String;
            public var newKlase:String;
            public var newTipas:int = new int();
            public var newTel:String;
            public var newAdresas:String;
            public var newElpastas:String;
            public var newGimimoData:Date = new Date();
            public var newGimimoData2:String;
            public var dataDump:String = "dataDump";
            private function klaseinit():void{
            private function tipasinit():void{
           private function dateChooser_init():void {
                    newGimimoDataTxt.dayNames=['Sekm', 'Pirm', 'Ant', 'Tre', 'Ket', 'Penk', 'Sest'];
                    newGimimoDataTxt.monthNames=['Sausis', 'Vasaris', 'Kovas', 'Balandis', 'Gegužė', 'Birželis', 'Liepa', 'Rugpjūtis', 'Rugsėjis', 'Spalis', 'Lapkritis', 'Gruodis'];
                    newGimimoDataTxt.firstDayOfWeek = 1;
           private function klaseResult(evt:ResultEvent):void{
                newKlaseTxt.dataProvider = evt.result.status;
           private function tipasResult(evt:ResultEvent):void{
                newTipasTxt.dataProvider = evt.result.status;
           private function tipasChange():void{
           if (newTipasTxt.selectedItem == "Mokinys" || newTipasTxt.selectedIndex == 3)
           newKlaseTxt.enabled = true;
           newKlaseTxt.enabled = false;
            private function addNewUser():void{
            if (newUserTxt.text == "" || newPassTxt.text == "" || newPass2Txt.text == "" || newVardasTxt.text == "" || newPavardeTxt.text == "" || newKlaseTxt.text == "" || newGimimoDataTxt.text == "")
            Alert.show("* pažymėti laukai yra būtini!", "Tuščias laukas");
            if (newPassTxt.text != newPass2Txt.text){
            Alert.show("Klaidingai pakartojote antrajį slaptažodį!", "Klaidingai pakartojote");
            newPassTxt.text = "";
            newPass2Txt.text = "";
            newUsername = newUserTxt.text;
    newPassword = newPassTxt.text;
    newVardas = newVardasTxt.text;
    newPavarde = newPavardeTxt.text;
    newKlase = newKlaseTxt.selectedItem.toString();
    newGimimoData = DateField.stringToDate(newGimimoDataTxt.text,"YYYY-MM-DD");
    newTipas = newTipasTxt.selectedIndex.valueOf();
    newElpastas = newElpastasTxt.text;
    newTel = newTelTxt.text;
    newAdresas = newAdresasTxt.text;
    newUserTxt.text = "";
    newPassTxt.text = "";
    newPass2Txt.text = "";
    newVardasTxt.text = "";
    newPavardeTxt.text = "";
    newGimimoDataTxt.text = "";
    newElpastasTxt.text = "";
    newTelTxt.text = "";
    newAdresasTxt.text = "";
           private function newUserResult(evt:ResultEvent):void{
            Alert.show(evt.result.status, "Result");
           private function init():void{
            private function getUsersResult(evt:ResultEvent):void{
            userDG.dataProvider = evt.result.user;
    <mx:HTTPService id="newUser" url="php\newUser.php" method="POST" result="newUserResult(event)">
        <mx:request xmlns="">
        <mx:HTTPService id="klaseServ" url="php\klase.php" method="POST" result="klaseResult(event)">
        <mx:request xmlns="">
        <mx:HTTPService id="tipasServ" url="php\tipas.php" method="POST" result="tipasResult(event)">
        <mx:request xmlns="">
        <mx:HTTPService id="getUsers" url="php\getUsers.php" method="POST" result="getUsersResult(event)">
        <mx:request xmlns="">
    <mx:ApplicationControlBar dock="false">
    <mx:Label text="MENIU" color="blue"/>
    <mx:MenuBar id="myMenuBar" labelField="@label">
                    <menuitem label="MenuItem A" >
                        <menuitem label="SubMenuItem A-1" type="check"/>
                        <menuitem label="SubMenuItem A-2" type="check"/>
                    <menuitem label="MenuItem B"/>
                    <menuitem label="MenuItem C"/>
                    <menuitem label="MenuItem D" >
                        <menuitem label="SubMenuItem D-1" type="radio" groupName="one"/>
                        <menuitem label="SubMenuItem D-2" type="radio" groupName="one"/>
                        <menuitem label="SubMenuItem D-3" type="radio" groupName="one"/>
    <mx:LinkBar dataProvider="{['Facebook','Chat','Friends']}" />
    <mx:Glow blurXTo="5" blurYTo="5" color="white" />
    <mx:HBox top="10" horizontalGap="10" left="10" right="10">
    <mx:Panel title="Naujas Vartotojas" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" layout="vertical" horizontalAlign="center">
    <mx:HBox horizontalGap="10">
       <mx:VBox verticalGap="10" horizontalAlign="right">
         <mx:Label text="*Tipas"/>
          <mx:Label text="*Klasė"/>
          <mx:Label text="*Slapyvardis"/>
          <mx:Label text="*Slaptažodis"/>
          <mx:Label text="*Pakartokite slaptažodį"/>
          <mx:Label text="*Vardas"/>
          <mx:Label text="*Pavardė"/>
          <mx:Label text="Gimimo data"/>
          <mx:Label text="E.Paštas"/>
          <mx:Label text="Telefonas"/>
          <mx:Label text="Adresas"/>
         <mx:ComboBox id="newTipasTxt" change="tipasChange()"/>
          <mx:ComboBox id="newKlaseTxt"/>
          <mx:TextInput id="newUserTxt"/>
          <mx:TextInput id="newPassTxt"/>
          <mx:TextInput id="newPass2Txt"/>
          <mx:TextInput id="newVardasTxt"/>
          <mx:TextInput id="newPavardeTxt"/>
          <mx:DateField id="newGimimoDataTxt"
          width="160" height="22"
          <mx:TextInput id="newElpastasTxt"/>
          <mx:TextInput id="newTelTxt"/>
          <mx:TextInput id="newAdresasTxt"/>
       <mx:Button label="SUKURTI" click="addNewUser();"/>
        <mx:Panel title="Visi Vartotojai" height="390">
                <mx:DataGrid id="userDG" height="350" horizontalScrollPolicy="on" verticalScrollPolicy="on">
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Klasė" dataField="klase" width="40" textAlign="center"/>
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Tipas" dataField="tipas" width="40" textAlign="center"/>
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Pavardė" dataField="pavarde"/>
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Vardas" dataField="vardas"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Slapyvardis" dataField="username"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Slaptažodis" dataField="password"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Gimimo data" dataField="gimimodata"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="E.Paštas" dataField="elpastas"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Tel" dataField="tel"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Adresas" dataField="adresas"/>
    php file
    $hostname_conn = "localhost";
        $username_conn = "root";
    $password_conn = "";
        $conn = mysql_connect($hostname_conn, $username_conn, $password_conn);
    //$values = $_POST['id'];
    //mysql_real_escape_string POST'ed data for security purposes
        $newuser1 = $_POST["newuser"];
        $newpassword1 = $_POST["newpassword"];
    $newvardas1 = $_POST["newvardas"];
    $newpavarde1 = $_POST["newpavarde"];
    $newklase1 = $_POST["newklase"];
    $newgimimoData1 = $_POST["newgimimoData"];
    $newtipas1 = $_POST["newtipas"];
    $newelpastas1 = $_POST["newelpastas"];
    $newtel1 = $_POST["newtel"];
    $newadresas1 = $_POST["newadresas"];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM vartotojas WHERE USERNAME = '$newuser'";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $logged = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($logged == 1)
    $log = false;
    $log = true;
    if ($log == true)
    $sql = "INSERT INTO vartotojas (USERNAME, PASSWORD. VARDAS, PAVARDE, KLASE, GIMIMODATA, TIPAS, ELPASTAS, TEL, ADRESAS) VALUES('$newuser1','$newpassword1','$newvardas1','$newpavarde1', '$newklase1','$newgimimoData1','$newtipas','newtipas1','$newtel1','$newadresas1)";
    if (!mysql_query($sql, $conn))
    echo "<status>Sukurti nepavyko</status>";
    echo "<status>Naujas vartotojas sukurtas!</status>";
    echo "<status>Šis vartotojo vardas yra užimtas, bandykite kita!</status>";
    phpMyAdmin structure:
    Please help!

    $sql = "INSERT INTO vartotojas (USERNAME, PASSWORD. VARDAS, PAVARDE, KLASE, GIMIMODATA, TIPAS, ELPASTAS, TEL, ADRESAS) VALUES('$newuser1','$newpassword1','$newvardas1','$newpavarde1', '$newklase1','$newgimimoData1','$newtipas','newtipas1','$newtel1','$newadresas1')";
    you appear to have missed a quotation mark right at the end of this statement, i've highlighted it in red.
    a brief check over, you seem to be doing everything correctly, my bet would be that you've made a simple mistake in your syntax like i mentioned above, you'll just have to check through it thoroughly.
    if it still doesn't work, i'd suggest cutting it down in size, try to add one field and get that working. Once it does, build it up from there testing each time and see when it goes wrong.
    i think i've already mentioned to you that i have an example app here that adds information to a database:
    i'd recommend going back to that if you still can't get it to work, as i know that's working fine

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    These are probably songs that you have either deleted in iTunes, or deleted from the phone that were synced to the phone at one time. This is how it determines to put the cloud symbol beside them. iTunes Match is that way as well. Of course, if you would have mentioned the cloud earlier, it would have ended earlier too. Glad you got it sorted.

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    Settings>General>Restrictions>On>Allowed content. Check to see if you that that set up and if you do, you may have age restricted the app.

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    This is probably a dumb question, and I probably didnt understand it in the first place, but it seems that my songs are held hostage to internet connection. Most of the time i am somewhere that has interenet, but i also DJ sometimes and i cant get to some of my songs...PLEASE help.

    Tunes that aren't aready on your iOS device can be downloaded uses iTunes match by either the internet or 3G. If the tunes aren't on your iOS device to begin with, the only way to get them from iTunes match is by downloading them or making sure they are on before you go somewhere where you have no connection.

  • Why can't I play some songs in my library?

    My Itunes library has about a thousand and 200 songs... But there are 400 songs that i can't play or even I can't put them on my Ipod because they have in their left side a tick : I Tunes ask me to find them in a paste but i can't find them.. How can i stay with these musics and make them playable!? PLEASE HELP ME AND DON'T DECLARE THAT I WILL HAVE TO LOOSE ALL THESE 400 SONGS!!!

    You get exclamation marks or dead tracks because iTunes can’t find the file. This can happen for a number of reasons:
    The song file or a folder in its path was renamed
    The song file or the folder it is in has been moved
    The song file has been deleted
    The device containing the song files e.g. external drive is not accessible or the drive letter has changed
    Do did you change anything or do you have any other software that can rename or move files?
    You can try using Windows search to look for some of the files so see if you can find them. Also look in the recycle bin.
    If you have not synced you iPod since the problem started and you have the tracks on the iPod there is software that will allow you to copy the files from the iPod to the PC.
    Otherwise you need to recover your files from backup if you made a back up.
    If none of these work you will have to re-rip the tracks if you have them on CD.

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    I am unable to add some songs to a playlist.  There is a red circle with a line diagnonally through it that appears when I click and drag to the new playlist.

    That problem can be caused by the Yahoo! Toolbar or the Babylon extension that extents too much downwards and covers the top part of the browser window and thus makes links and buttons in that part of the screen not clickable.

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    why can't i move some music to my iPhone from iTunes? i have some songs the tracks names are faded and wont move to my iphone and others that arnt faded and still wont move?

    For the faded tracks right mouse click on them and select Check Selection.
    What are the others that will not move?

  • How can I add a song to a playlist on my iPod?

    Since I upgraded to iTunes 12, I can't seem to add a song from my music to a playlist on my iPod.
    I tried two different ways:
    1) Click on Music, then click on Playlists, and show Songs. Open up the iPod in the sidebar by twirling the arrow next to the iPod. I can add a song to the iPod by dragging it over iPod / Music, but I cannot add a song to a playlist by dragging it directly over the playlist name.
    2) Click on iPod / Music. Try to drag the song from the iPod's music list to the iPod's playlist. Again, it won't let me.
    So, how on earth do I add a song to a playlist???

    Hey ElisabethR,
    I see that you wish to edit some of the playlists on your iPod from your computer and add some songs to them. The best way to do this would be to change the playlist as you wish in iTunes on your computer:
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Create a playlist
    Then, you can sync these playlists onto your iPod using the information in this article:
    Sync your iPhone, iPad and iPod with iTunes using USB - Apple Support
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

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    Why can't Adobe add the feature of viewing focus points? This is an obvious,  common sense feature that Adobe Engineers must understrand how to do, No?
    I've seen this requested in several past Lightroom versions.
    Is Adobe not addressing this basic feature for a reason?, I mean, even Aperture has this feature, it can't be that hard to add? Can it?
    Maybe Adobe isn't reading the feature request?

    Honestly, I am hardly qualified to even guess - there are tons of bugs reported that would be easy to fix, but aren't, features that would be useful and easy enough to implement, but aren't. Things like focus points which seem like a no brainer but are never implemented - your guess is as good as mine..
    But to be clear: focus points are different for different cameras, and are stored in proprietary metadata. - not impossible to get at, obviously, but requires some programming/maintenance..
    Worth noting: Apple is shutting down their Aperture business. Yeah, they support focus points and all kinds of good stuff, but I guess Aperture isn't a real money-maker for them (lotsa maintenance work, but not a lot of revenue) - relatively small market.
    Adobe has been working on Revel, and Lightroom Mobile.., instead of focus points (and bug fixes, and...) - my guess: that's where the money is, or where they think it is.

  • How come I can't add a song to my playlists in itunes match? Is it me or itunes match? It keeps on coming up with a message " iCloud playlists can only contain songs from your iCloud music library. If you continue, the playlist will be removed from iCloud

    How come I can't add a song to my playlists in itunes match? Is it me or itunes match? It keeps on coming up with a message " iCloud playlists can only contain songs from your iCloud music library. If you continue, the playlist will be removed from iCloud and will only be available on this computer"?
    You must surely be able to add and subtract songs on specific playlist?

    I fixed this issue (with help from tech support) and it involved several things.
    After adding a song to iTunes, right-click on the song in iTunes and select "Update iTunes Match."
    OR go to the iTunes menu-->Store-->Update iTunes Match.
    Maybe that's the reason, it just hadn't updated to the cloud.
    OR maybe it's not a high-enough bitrate file.   This happens to me because most of my tunes are home-recorded.
    Sometimes converting to .mp3 or Create AAC version might work. (You do this with a right-click in iTunes, and then you will want to remove the original file from iTunes.)
    There is an iTunes Preferences setting, under General Preferences called Import Settings.  Try setting it to AAC Encoder and iTunes Plus.   That (I think) causes imports to be slightly better quality.
    Good luck!  The tech support person at Apple is requesting that a knowlege-base article be written about this.

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    For a transition to work, you need handles... basically, enough footage to overlap each other so that the transition can grab from both sides... your clip is merely 7 frames, way too short to be able to add a transition...
    I've used the "joining two pieces of fabric" analogy before, but I think it was too girly.. Perhaps another way to think about it, is to think of a "dovetail joint" used in wood working... the two pieces of wood need to grab onto each other in order to hold together...
    Anyhow, doing a quick search to perhaps better explain, I found this:
    http://multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/tutorials/finalcut/transitions-handles /

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    It seems this is a "backwards" upgrade from Apple in their iTunes 11 release....like you, I used to use that function in the iTunes store to sort through and decide which song version to purchase.   (For a large returned list of songs...see all...then sort by any of the headers, including Popularity...this functionality is now gone.)  
    The iPad always suffered from this...was never able to sort on those same column headers with an iPad.   It seems, this new iTunes release killed that functionality on the Mac as well.
    Just one of the few things that went wrong with number 11!
    Better luck next time,

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