Why can't I make a change to my template?

I have a template with editable regions and non-editable. The footer is no-editable but I can't make a change to it. I have the telephone number listed twice in the footer and want to remove one of them but can't do it. I get the circle with a line through it when I try to modify it. Nor can I make the change on the pages made from the template. What to do? http://mountainartistsguild.org
Here's the code for my template:
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    <p><a href="http://visitor.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001Md2lQvja6UBBEQy3X2JMHY0qNMYNDvJqqy pofIxr-EVHHypkoPUYb0h19RIQV9BL9fpH0zwk93h2JDm8ghFBQw==">Join our Mailing List</a></p>
    <p><a href="../pdf/newletter.pdf">View our Newsletter</a><a href="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/pdf/newsletter.pdf"></a></p>
    <p><a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mountain-Artists-Guild-and-Gallery-MAG-Prescott-Arizona/1691 06459867375">Like us on Facebook!</a><a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mountain-Artists-Guild-Prescott-Arizona/169106459867375"></a></p>
    <p><a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mountain-Artists-Guild-Prescott-Arizona/169106459867375"><img src="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/48x48Facebook_icon.png" height="48" width="48" /></a></p>
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    <p style="color: #930"><a href="../pdf/OfficalMAGhistory-2.pdf">Read about the History of MAG</a></p>
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    <h1><a href="http://prescottartfestivals.com/"><img src="../images/PAF button.png" alt="Prescott Art Festivals" width="120" height="48" hspace="20" align="right" /></a>Welcome to the Mountain Artists Guild and Gallery.</h1>
    <h2><a href="../pdf/OfficalMAGhistory-2.pdf">Read about the History Of MAG.</a></h2>
    <h2><a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mountain-Artists-Guild-and-Gallery-MAG-Prescott-Arizona/1691 06459867375?ref=ts&fref=ts"><img src="../images/48x48Facebook_icon.png" width="48" height="48" hspace="80" align="right" /></a><a href="../pdf/MAGMembership2012.pdf">Click here for a membership form.</a></h2>
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    <p> </p>
    <p align="center">Congratulations to Keith Sanders, our new promotional winner!<br />
      <br />
      <img src="../images/TaosInspirationsWeb.jpg" alt="Tao Inspirations by Keith Sanders" width="648" height="539" /><br />
    <p align="center">&ldquo;Taos Inspirations&rdquo; watercolor, Promotional Winner 2013, by artist Keith Sanders<br />
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><img src="../images/art and soul/Canyon Mei-June Liao.JPG" alt="Canyon Pastel" width="370" height="296" hspace="14" align="left" /></p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Our Current Gallery Show is Art and Soul.</p>
    <p>Here is the Best of Show winner <br />
      Canyon Pastel by Mei-June Liao.</p>
    <p><a href="../main_gallery.html">See all the winners by visiting the Main Gallery page.</a></p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><a href="http://www.artthe4th.com"><img src="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/links/art_the_fourth.jpg" alt="Prescott's 4th Friday Art Walk" align="left" height="134" width="225" /></a></p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Visit our Gallery each month as part of the 4th Friday Art Walk.   Enjoy an Artists' Reception, Guest Artist Demonstration, great  camaraderie and refreshments, too. </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><br />
      <p><br />
        Welcome to the Mountain Artists Guild and Gallery</p>
      <p>This year's theme is Arizona's Centennial.</p>
      <h2>Mountain Artists Guild, Inc.</h2>
    <h2>Mission </h2>
    <h4>Mountain Artists Guild, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of the visual arts. </h4>
    <h2> Vision</h2>
    <h4>Mountain Artist Guild is the destination for visual arts in Northern Arizona. </h4>
    <h2>Guiding Principals</h2>
    <h4>The Guiding Principles of Mountain Artists Guild is to be:</h4>
    <h4> A cohesive volunteer-based art center<br />
      A learning center for artists<br />
      A gathering place for artists and community organizations for mutual interaction<br />
      A respected provider of exhibition opportunities for members and other artists<br />
      A resource for artists for information and art enhancement<br />
      An organization free of debt with adequate physical plant and parking facilities.</h4>
    <p align="center"><img src="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/images/logos/100xlogo.png" height="93" width="100" /></p>
    <p align="center">Supported in part by the Arizona Commission on the Arts with funding <br />
      from the State of Arizona and the National Endowment for the Arts.<br />
      <br />
      Mountain Artists Guild is also sincerely grateful for funding from:<br />
      <br />
      J.W. Kieckhefer Foundations,<br />
      National Endowment for the Arts,<br />
      Margaret T. Morris Foundation, and <br />
      Prescott Area Arts &amp; Humanities Council.</p>
    <br />
      <p align="center"><a href="http://www.azarts.gov/"><img src="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/links/100x90AZComission.gif" alt="Arizona Commission on the Arts logo" height="90" width="100" /></a><img src="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/links/20x50_transp.gif" height="50" width="20" /><a href="http://www.nea.gov/"><img src="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/links/100xNatl_Endowment.gif" alt="National Endowment for the Arts logo" height="90" width="100" /></a><img src="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/links/20x50_transp.gif" height="50" width="20" /><a href="http://www.prescottarts.org/"><img src="http://www.mountainartistsguild.org/links/100xPrescott_Area_Arts.gif" alt="Prescott Area Arts &amp; Humanities Council logo" height="90" width="100" /></a></p>
    <h2 align="center"> </h2>
    <p> </p>
    <!-- end .content -->
  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
  <div class="footer">
    <h6>Mountain Artists Guild, Inc. ▪ 228 North Alarcon in Prescott, Arizona 86301<br />
      Office Hours ▪ Monday - Friday 9 AM to 3 PM ▪ Phone 928.445.2510 928.445.2510 ▪ Fax 928.776.4861<br />
      Gallery Hours ▪ Monday - Friday 10 AM to 4 PM ▪ Saturday 11 AM to 3 PM ▪ Phone 928.776.4009 <br />
      Website Design: SitesByBeth.com | <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Contact</a> </h6>
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The code taht you have shown is not the template, it is a document that has been created from a template and renamed with a dwt extension.
If you load the document into DW then go to menu item Modify->Templates->Detach from Template and save the file, you will have your original template called index.dwt and located in the Templates subdirectory.

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    We are dedicated to offering you the best possible service where you need it most, It does concern us to hear that the service has not be the best lately but will work to get this resolved as soon as possible. I can see that this happened yesterday but I do want to check to see if your service has been restored? Are you not able to access the internet or send and receive text messages? Please keep us posted.
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