Why can't my new iMac find my windows laptop?

Followed all the instructions but cannot get a connection between new iMac and a similar spec Windows 7 laptop.  Not a good start to my Imac experience but I'll blame the other machine for the moment.

Both or at least one of them should be allowed to be shared. On your mac, go into System Preferences > Sharing and see if File Sharing (at least this one) is checked.
Which instructions is a good question, of course. Instructions to what? The router, the PC, the iMac?

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    It sounds really unlikely though... You have to type in your password twice when setting up so you either:
    made the same typo twice
    the caps lock was on
    You held down SHIFT during one of the letters
    the keys have relocated because of different language keyboard layout
    you simply forgot exactly what you typed.
    Are you aware that passwords are case-sensetive? also, when using punctuation in passwords be aware that language localization of the keyboard can cause relocation of certain symbols like $ and € and * and ' which may make it impossible to retype the password correctly, if you are unaware of the correct way to type a certain puntuation symbol.

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