Why can't show iPhoto albums on ATV?

At one time, I could show all my photos from iPhoto to Apple TV. Now, I can't find them on ATV - - only "Photo Stream" which is very limiting. I need to find a way to show Albums.

Your photo library will be accessed via the Computers section

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    After a good hour, finally sorted it out thanks to this
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    There was a bug in the first version of the iBooks app that prevented it from moving all the books in the iTunes library to the new app. In my library, only two books didn’t get moved, but I’ve heard from people who lost dozens or even hundreds of books.
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    iPhoto Album?
    Select the Album and Export it to a folder on the desktop.
    Burn that with the Finder.
    File -> Export:
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.

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    You're doing something really wrong yes!
    On this site:
    this image:
    is in front of the albums that's why they don't work... What you should do is remove this frame...

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    A: "Who knows?"
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    Thanks in advance for your help.
    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Yes. File -> Export
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.
    What (and how) things are displayed on the Frame depends entirely on the features of that device. So you need to read the manual on the for the possibilities it offers.

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    Thanks so much. If it seems like I'm awfully nitpicky, it's because I am.

    Also, if you just want to chat about TLoU, I'm perfectly fine with that as well

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  • Why can't itunes identify albums?

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    Thanks - Al

    alfowler7 wrote:
    So, since iTunes can find information about albums I import, please tell me what I'm doing wrong.  Obviously I need to do more than simply rip the CD. 
    When iTunes reads the CD in your CD drive, it (iTunes) should ask Gracenote for the the album information straight away. You should see the track names, album name and artist all appear as appropriate in the CD import window. If that doesn't happen, check your Edit/Preferences>When you insert a CD: and make sure that Automatically retrieve CD track names from Internet is ticked "on". You will notice the drop-down menu as part of that section as well. Since you are having issues, I suggest that you set the drop-down menu to Show CD which will allow you to check that the track name information is being completed prior to importing.
    If this information is missing or incomplete, it is at this point that you should identify the cause, not after importing. Perhaps your iTunes is not able to get online.
    Just to clarify something; Gracenote can only identify commercial releases, not home burnt CDs. Frequently, now-days, artists release albums directly, without the use of a record company. In this situation (and even with very new company releases), Gracenote may not have that information yet. It is possible for an individual (including yourself) to submit track information (for a commercial release) to Gracenote through iTunes if so desired. If someone has done just that, with the albums you are having trouble with, but they did not fill in the details correctly, perhaps that is the problem. If you tell us which albums they are, maybe someone else with that album can offer specific help.
    I feel the need to make an observation here.
    I made several points in my response to Smirnoff about what happens when a CD is being imported which, if you had read them, might indicate - to you - at which point in the procedure, your process fails and without the need for your "attitude";
    Smirnoff wrote:
    When I read about importing in Help, it tells me that the tracks will appear in the Music Library.
    Correct, complete with the song titles and album and artist names - as well as appearing in the import window, prior to you selecting Import CD, so you will able to confirm titles before importing.
    Smirnoff wrote:
    Or does iTunes recognise it as an album and create an album title?
    Yes, of course. The album will imported into your iTunes Library under the album title and with the artist listed, just as you would expect to see the album information on the CD you imported from.
    ... and yet you have not acknowledged that. If you had read either of those points, surely you would comment to me about whether that did, or did not, happen in your case, instead of coming out with condescending stuff such as "Well I obviously need your superior skill to operate iTunes" and "Please share your superior wisdom"
    wouldn't you?
    Don't you forget, people such as myself post here in order to help other people, (look at the number of points awarded to those who do actually help) and we do so on a voluntary basis. If you are rude to those who offer you help, how long do you think that help will continue? Huh?
    One last gesture of help towards you. You say you have a collection of songs in your Library without names, from previous "failed" imports. You can edit the song information in your iTunes Library, even after importing the CD. Highlight the song and select File/Get Info/Info and type in the information you require. You can bulk edit items such as Album Name and Artist by selecting all the required songs and using the same File/Get Info ... Just be cautious that you don't overwrite individual song information. If all else fails, once you have identified and corrected the cause of your initial problem, you could re-import the failed imports.

  • Can't use iPhoto Album as Screensaver in Snow Leopard with iLife '11?

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    After installing both, I noticed my screen saver wasn't using the iPhoto album I had originally selected before the upgrade.
    When going to System Preferences > Destop & Screen Saver > Screen Saver the options are:
         Computer Name
         iTunes Artwork
         RSS Visualizer
         Word of the Day
         Nature Patterns
         Paper Shadow
    There used to be an option for iPhoto albums, or am I just not seeing something?

    iPhoto forum:

  • Why can't iTunes find album art when it is showing in Media Player?

    I am new to iTunes, having previously used windows media player. What a disappointment.  The sooner Apple get back to being a niche plyer the better. In Windows media player, every one of my albums has the artwork on it. Import to iTunes the crock of **** can't find the artwork for 71 albums. Not just a handful, 71!!! 
    I had heard that iTunes doesn't like compilation albums from a friend, several years ago.  No problem in media payer  - but in the bag of **** that is iTunes, my compilation albums (shop bought CDs) are listed as separate albums i.e I have 20 albums all called "the best of New Wave"!!!
    Finally before I sell my iPod back on to Ebay, I tried to import my MP3s to the Touch. Not enough room (I knew that) so opted to select which Albums I wanted. Now I have 250 albums, so do you think some overpaid ******* in Apple might have thought that folk would like to "select all" and then de-select the albums they didn't want? No...let's make it really irritating and get people to MANUALLY select each album, one by Fxxxing one. This really is the dark ages.
    Finally, for some reason, some of my albums (again perfectly intact in Media Player) have been split into two. In Media Player you can drag tracks from one album onto another to create the whole album.  Is this possible in iTunes? You know what, don't even bother answering, because I'm done with iTunes.

    Deckard6 wrote:
    You know what, don't even bother answering, because I'm done with iTunes.
    Thanks for letting us know!

  • Why can't i drag albums created in iPhoto onto desktop

    or into Photobox?

    This seems to be a desktop issue rather than an iPhoto one, as you can't drag from Mail either.
    So I'd start by repairing permissions.
    Can you export to the desktop?
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.

  • When you show all albums, why can you only sort albums by best sellers, release date, etc., sometimes?

    Sometimes I can sort albums by release date and other times I don't have the option. Its frustrating. I tried to look in preferences but couldn't change it.

    I agree that Apple should improve the year field to be an actual date.
    I am not 100% happy doing this, but when you have multiple albums from a single artist for the same release year, a temporary solution is to chage the album title by adding an outline type letter before album titles for that year, so that they appear in the correct order:
    David Bowie
    a. Low
    David Bowie
    b. "Heroes"
    This could help in the short term until Apple changes that field.

  • Can't sync iPhoto albums with Sony Bridge for Mac

    When I connect the Sony Xperia Z3 compact to the mac the Sony Bridge for Mac shows up. I select the option to explore iPhoto. At first nothing shows up (Sony developers, it would be nice to at least show a spinner or progress bar) but after a while events appear. However all other picture categories (faces, albums, pictures or last importation) don't show up.
    Since I prefer to organize pictures by albums rather than events I can't sync anything, as I have no options to check. I'm using Sony Bridge for Mac 3.8.3(3831) and iPhoto 9.5.3 (902.17). Does somebody know how to solve this?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Asle!
    I'm very sorry to hear that you have a problem with BFM.
    I will try to help but I need some more information.
    (1) The build number of your phone
    (2) The android version you are using
    (3) The version of iPhoto
    It would also be very nice if you can send me the error logs.
    Here’s how to get error logs from Sony Bridge for Mac:
    1. In BfM, hold the "alt" key down while selecting the "Phone" menu. Select "Clear logs" to remove all old logs and get a clean start
    2. Reproduce the problem you're having, whether it's connecting the phone, importing photos, doing backup...
    3. In BfM, hold the "alt" key down while selecting the ”Xperia” menu. Select "Export logs"
    4. On the computers desktop there should now be a file named "SonyBridgeForMacLogs_[date].zip
    5. PM that file to me
    Best regards

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