Why did you ruin the perfect phone with an update to Lollipop? It wasn't broken---why did you feel the need to "fix" it?

The S5 was PERFECT until Lollipop installed. Now? I have no end of glitches and it drains my battery much faster. What is the obsession that companies have with "improving" something when, in fact, they rarely do? When my last phone went to Kit Kat it was, essentially, a paperweight which is why I switched to the S5. I HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iPhones but at least you only have to deal with the update nightmare once a year with them. STOP! Or at the very least, make it an option. If people are happy with the OS they have...leave us alone!

I agree. Verizon and Samsung both blamed each other and then they blamed Google.  In my eyes, shame on all of them for releasing and rolling out an update that clearly wasn't ready, nor was it properly beta-tested by ANY of the companies.  It's completely preposterous in this day and age to release a product of such subpar standard! I've worked for engineering companies where anything happening like this (even HALF as bad) would result in heads rolling (immediate job loss). Everyone I know that updated to lollipop is suffering

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