Why Do 1000s of Emails Show Up?

Since updating my iPhone 4S to iOS7, the number of emails showing up on my Mail badge is at an incredibly high number (3,975 today). Is there or will there be a fix for this soon?

I have the same problem and it is killing me. Apple store technicians were not able to help. This is a data protection that is affecting my privacy. If this issue cannot solved then I will not be able to send confidential emails. It *****.

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  • Why is my HTML email showing up wrong in different email account?

    I've seen this before and I think it has to do with CSS (which I realize isn't supposed to be in emails), but I'm super new to this and have scoured the internet to find out exactly what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it. It shows up properly in my Yahoo acccount, but not in my Gmail accounts (which initially threw it in Spam, if that has anything to do with it). I only know the very basics of HTML and CSS, but still have get this work done and I'm assuming someone will be able to view the code and see what my issue is pretty quick - I hope! It previews in browsers just fine, it's only when I'm click "Forward to a Friend" to send it to myself to test.
    See the HTML and screencaps of the difference in view below...
    My HTML:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    <meta name="Description" content="LandOf.org is a land use information salon for Minnesota developers, planners and the public to learn about growing smarter. LandOf.org covers everything along the transect from central cities to rural areas with topics such as mixed land use to stakeholder collaboration with experts, downloadable plans, case studies and images for each. LandOf.org is a mingling of voices that asks, &ldquo;how can we do what&rsquo;s best for Minnesota?&rdquo;
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    <title>Summer Reading List: Best of Smarting Off Blog</title>
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          <p align="center"><span class="text">Summer reading list from LandOf.org. Having trouble viewing this email? <a href="http://www.landof.org/email/7-13.html" target="_blank" style="color:#6CA233">View it online.</a></span></p>
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                                    <img src="http://www.landof.org/email/images/blog-bubble.jpg" width="87" height="69" /><br />
                                  <font style="color:#154051;font-family:Arial;font-size:8pt;font-weight:bold;line-height:10pt;"> THE LATEST FROM THE SMARTING OFF BLOG </font><br />
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                                  The following are a few of our favorites to keep in touch with on Facebook. Like them too for resources, news and more.</font><br />
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                                  <font style="color:#154051;font-family:Arial;font-size:8pt;font-weight:normal;line-height:11pt; "><a href="http://blog.landof.org/2012/09/recommendations-who-to-like-on-facebook.html" target="_blank" style="color:#6CA233">Read more. &raquo;</a> </font> <br/>
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                    <td><div align="center"> <a href="http://www.landof.org/email/12-12.html"><img src="http://www.landof.org/email/images/last-issue.jpg" alt="Read the last issue" width="150" height="208" border="0" /></a> </div></td>
                <a href="http://blog.landof.org/2011/02/celebrate-life-in-twin-cities-watch.html" target="_blank"></a></td>
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              <td valign="top"><p><strong><a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/05/16-rules-for-growing-smarter-city.html" target="_blank" style="color:#977347;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:15px;line-height:20px">16 Rules for Growing a Smarter City</a></strong>
                <p><font style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;color: #977347;line-height: 16px;">Kaid Benfield&mdash;professor, nonprofit founder and author specializing in the topics of smart growth and sprawl&mdash;discusses the need for moving past simply advocating for smart growth to putting quality plans into action.<br />
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                <a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/05/16-rules-for-growing-smarter-city.html" target="_blank" style="color:#6CA233">Read more.</a></font>           
                <hr noshade="noshade" size="1" />
                <p><strong><a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/05/northfield-named-as-having-complete.html" target="_blank" style="color:#977347;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:15px;line-height:20px">Northfield Named as Having a &quot;Complete Street Policy&quot;</a></strong></p>
                <p><font style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;color: #977347;line-height: 16px;">There are 488 cities, states and regions with Complete Street policies in the US. In 2012, 130 new policies were passed. Northfield, MN has made the cut.<br />
                  <br />
                  <a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/05/northfield-named-as-having-complete.html" target="_blank" style="color:#6CA233">Read more. &raquo;</a></font></p>
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                <p><strong><a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/05/walk-score-ranks-most-walk-and-bike.html" target="_blank" style="color:#977347;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:15px;line-height:20px">Walk Score Ranks Most Walk- and Bike-Friendly US Cities</a></strong><br />
                  <br />
                  <font style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;color: #977347;line-height: 16px;">Where do the Twin Cities rank regarding their walking and biking scores? What cities are doing better? How can we improve?<br />
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                  <a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/05/walk-score-ranks-most-walk-and-bike.html" target="_blank" style="color:#6CA233">Read more. &raquo;</a></font></p>
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                    <td width="267"><font style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;color: #977347;line-height: 16px;">People in the 18-to-34 age bracket currently prefer to rent in downtown areasover the suburbs and a sprawling yard. But what happens when they decide to raise families in larger homes?<br />
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                      <a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/05/generation-y-prefers-walkable-downtown.html" target="_blank" style="color:#6CA233">Read more. &raquo;</a></font></td>
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                    <td width="140" valign="top"><img src="http://www.landof.org/email/images/7-13-walkabledowntown2.jpg" width="140" height="105" alt="Downtown Mpls" /></td>
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                <p><strong><a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/06/barcelona-fold-out-apartment-is-just.html" target="_blank" style="color:#977347;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:15px;line-height:20px">Barcelona Fold-Out Apartment Is Just 250 Square Feet</a></strong><br /></p>
                <p><font style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;color: #977347;line-height: 16px;">This ingenious tiny studio apartment has everything a larger home does&mdash;a dining room, a kitchen, a bedroom, a lounge and more. How does it all fit into 250 square feet?<br />
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                <a href="http://blog.landof.org/2013/06/barcelona-fold-out-apartment-is-just.html" target="_blank" style="color:#6CA233">Read more. &raquo;</a></font></p>
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    How it's supposed to show up:
    How it's showing up in Gmail (Incorrectly! All the copy should be within the white box.):
    Screencap from DW:
    So, is it CSS causing this? Are the Tables setup incorrectly? Something not Inline? Not enough info for you? Gmail HATES ME?!
    I'm just not seeing it and need to put the question out there while I continue to search for an anwer. Please respond!

    Many mail clients reject images, JavaScript and embedded CSS styles.  For best results use plain text near the top to communicate your message and give a link to the actual web page on your server.
    For mail clients that do have limited support for HTML, use uncomplicated tables and inline CSS rules (inside the body tag).  
    All that meta data description is a red flag to spam filters.  You shouldn't be using meta description or keywords in e-mails.
    The article below has some good tips & resources for reliable e-mail templates you could use:
    Nancy O.

  • Why do my sent emails show up in inbox?

    I have a gmail account that I use for my iphone email. Everything works fine, except...whenever I send someone an email, a few minutes later I hear the "email chime" and I think "oh good, they just wrote back." However, sitting in my inbox is a copy of the email I just sent to the person. Any ideas why this happens and how I can get this to stop?
    I went in to my email settings and "Always Bcc Myself" is OFF.

    I'm really sorry, but I'm not sure what a POP account is...I wanted to be able to use the email system built in to iphone so I created a new account online via gmail and then set up the account in my iphone using instructions from a book I bought (the iphone pocket guide).
    More importantly, I cannot find the "recent" setting you mention within the email setting on iphone.
    Thanks for being patient!

  • Why do my sent emails show in my inbox?

    I am using Gmail with the Apple Mail app.
    When I select "Inbox" it also shows my sent mail whether it has replies or not.
    How can I get the Inbox, Sent, etc selections again?

    This has been posted before.
    This is a feature of Gmail. Everything you send gets sent back to you so you always have a copy of it on the server, no matter where you send mail from (iphone, mac, pc, etc). For example, with most mail servers, if I send mail via the mail application, the only place I can view it is from that mail app. If I go on a different computer and try to view the mail I sent, it will not be there. This is why gmail sends a copy to the server.
    Not sure if you can get rid of it. I just move them into the sent folder.
    Try searching the forums, there might be more answers.

  • TS3899 Why don't my emails show up?

    My emails don't show uo

    I can confirm that I am experiencing the exact same issue. It has been bugging me for several days and I couldn't find any current info about this problem until I found your post.
    I've done some experimenting. If I use a computer to upload a photo with a status update, it will appear in the newsfeed. When I use my iPhone with the Facebook app, the photo and update will appear on my wall, but not in the feed. If I just upload text from the iphone app, it will appear in the newsfeed. I was using the newest version of the app for a while without realizing this issue.
    Also, I always set my newsfeed to "most recent" so that I am not just seeing the "most popular."
    iPhone 4. IOS 5.1.1

  • Why do my deleted emails show up in the search menu

    If i scroll to the search menu on my phone, and type any random letter, i will see old deleted emails from waaaay back. how do i permanately delete those?

    I have the same problem and it is killing me. Apple store technicians were not able to help. This is a data protection that is affecting my privacy. If this issue cannot solved then I will not be able to send confidential emails. It *****.

  • Emails show up on web but not in Outlook 2013 inbox

    I have several email accounts and one of them that is working fine on Outlook 2013 is set up as a Microsoft Exchange account. But the other ones are set up as IMAP/SMTP accounts and the emails don't show up in the inbox, only on the web. When I check the
    settings and run a test, everything goes through fine. Why don't the emails show up in my Outlook 2013 inbox? Help!

    What's the build number of Outlook you are using? Please first make sure you have installed all available updates. This is because Microsoft has released an update before which has fixed several IMAP issues in Outlook 2013. See:
    If above doesn't fix the issue, we may also try the following steps to see the result:
    1. Open Outlook, click File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings.
    2. Double-click your IMAP account to open the Change Account
    3. Click More Settings button, click Advanced tab.
    4. Under Folders heading, type Inbox in the blank box.
    5. Click OK and then click Next to complete the configuration.
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • HT3529 why does my email show up instead of my number

    why does my email show up instead of my number? when im using imessage..

    Try going to Settings>Messages>Receive At>Caller ID, if your email address is select here select your phone number instead.

  • Why my old emails show up when I use the spotlight search?

    why my deleted emails show up when I use the Spotlight search?

    Hi ..
    Try a reset.
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    If that doesn't help, tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings
    No data is lost due to a reset.

  • Why doesn't my message show up in the thread in email on I pad.

    Why doesn't my message show up in the thread in email on iPad ?

    You're welcome.  My mistake, I completely misread your question. Unfortunately currently  I don't have any email threads to check it out, just replys from the Apple Support Communities.Sorry.

  • Why does my internet password show up when I reply to an email from my cell?

    Why does my internet password show up when I reply to an email from my cell?

    this question is extremely broad. can you describe what you mean? where does the password show up? in the signature line? as the subject? in the body? and what internet password? your home provider? your cell provider? what's the password for? your email account? or is your phone password protected? details.

  • HT3529 When i send a text while using imessage to another iphone user why does my email show up on their phone instead of my number ??????

    When i send a text while using imessage to another iphone user why does my email show up on their phone instead of my number ?????? Can somebody please help me !

    Welcome to our family. We want you to be able to enjoy all the services we provide and we definitely need to address this. Do you receive/make calls without problems? Are you able to receive messages with your contacts' number? Are you using iMessages? If so, go to Settings>Messages>Send&Receive>only your phone number should be enabled.
    Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport 

  • HT2500 why doesn't my mail show me how many unread emails i have

    why doesn't my mail show me how many unread emails i have

    Highlight each Mailbox & choose Rebuild from the Mailbox menu, does that cure it?

  • Why won't Firefox automatically show new Hotmail emails or easilly down load attachments when it was working a week ago?

    Why won't Firefox automatically show new Hotmail emails or easily down load attachments when it was working a week ago?

    Hotmail has been having a few hiccups lately I'm afraid.
    If you don't see any emails when you log in, or nothing appears after some time, click in the middle of the grey bar on the left which has the word "'''Inbox'''" in it. This usually causes them to magically appear for some strange reason.
    I've read on on a few blogs that Microsoft is working on the problem, but don't hold your breath.<br><br>
    If this suggestion resolves the problem for you, please click the '''Solved it''' button next to this post after you log in into the forum. This will help others searching for a solution to the same problem.

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