Why do I have a"Missing Manual" called "iPhoto 11" when the latest is iPhoto 9.6?

Does this make any sense to anybody?

Hi Drew...
I agree.  Not sure I was condemning the impending "Photo" app.  It appears that there will be a choice... move to there new or stay with the old.  But , in all likelihood, there will come a time (sooner than later) when Apple will not continue to support the old.  I don't want to make an issue of this.  After all, there are plenty of apps that do the same thing that iPhoto does.  The problem I have is that Apple wants everybody on the Cloud... whether they like it /want it or not.
When I first bought the new sooper-dooper iMac this is being written on virtually every step of the way I was confronted with making a decision concerning my moving to the Cloud.  The cloud may be great for businesses, corporations, but for folks like me (and we're legion) it makes no sense.  Further, lets say you buy a new iMac, lets say by the time you're done you've got $3000 tied up.  What does the Cloud give you that you don't already have built.  Or have you spent that money for dumb terminal... a workstation.  In my career I worked with loads of Art Directors...the professionals who put Apple on the map.  The loved their Apples.  But they came to dislike Apple's arrogance. Didn't make any difference to me until I bought this new iMac.  Now I understand.  That noted, end of rant, and I'll keep taking my pictures and using iPhoto until they render it useless.  Despite criticism from some users, iPhoto is a sensational app!  I just don't think the Cloud and being able to connect every apple device to it is worth it... on any level.  Forgive my rant.

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