Why does AE's 720 become QT's 654??

Hi - I have a project where I need to work in 720x480 to satisfy specs http://vpcinc.net/ftp/RCA/Masons Spots/OMC Encoding Standards.doc.
So  - I'm using NTSC DV settings in AE CS5.5 (Mac).  The new comp dialog says 720x480 and I thought I'd be golden.  But when I render out a QT.mov the "actual size" (according the the QT movie Inspector) is 654x480.
I've tried rendering with no compression and a few others but I'm shooting in the dark.  The results are the same.
What don't I understand here??  How do I get 720x480 to actually BE 720x480 in my final QT??
TIA your help.

In Quicktime, you can select what kind of "aperture" you want to use.
If you go to the "Properties" window of your active Quicktime movie, and then go to the "Presentation" tab, you will be able to select or deselect "Conform Aperture To...". If you deselect it, you will see actual pixels, and if you wish to see a compensated image, you can choose the appropriate setting while the option is enabled.

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    Why does this happen and how do I stop it? Solid black type should print solid black!

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    Show the file in Finder with the pps or ppt extension, you want Powerpoint to open.
    Get info on the file, using command-I, and change the application to open all documents like this to Powerpoint.

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