Why does instrument still play after wave is deleted?

In GB '11, I deleted a guitar track (aka real instrument) wave and upon playing the song back, the guitar part still played despite my deleting the wave. I either have to mute or delete the track to fix. Why is this happening?

If it is an IMAP account, try Mail/Preferences/Accounts/Mailbox Behaviors and un-check Store junk messages on the server.

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    If it is an IMAP account, try Mail/Preferences/Accounts/Mailbox Behaviors and un-check Store junk messages on the server.

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    Water in itself will not kill electronic components if you let it dry out.  Your first reaction to turn it off was a good one but you could have waited even longer.
    It also depends what's on your water that will stay after the water itself had dried; like salt. Anything that iseither acid or conductor left on the circuit board will reduce the life of the board.  Given said this, no one could state how long your iPhone will work since no one will know for sure where the water had time to infiltrate before you removed your device and no one what's may left there.
    Consider yourself lucky.  I don't understand however what you mean by a sensor triggered.

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    I am going to try reorganizing my reply first and
    just forwarding to you before I try to recover a
    message.  I think the problem may be that I
    provided answers within your text instead of
    separately.  Your system may not like the format
    I tried.  So here goes....  I have pulled my
    answers out of your message and they appear in
    the order of your inquiries below.
    “Check the Windows system tray carefully to make
    certain no applications are still in memory which
    might possibly use Flash Player.” –a statement
    from the Adobe Un-install link article.  I don't
    know what “in memory” means.  The only things I
    have that may use Flashplayer that I know of is
    the Weather Bug.  Windows Mediaplayer is also
    listed in my programs, but I have never used it.
    Also, there is no mention of Norton here, but
    Norton Internet Security ’09 is what I have installed.
    1. No Firefox.  MSN Exlorer is listed among my
    Programs, but I have never used it.  It was
    likely installed by Dell when I purchased the computer.
    2. Norton Internet Security '09.  Bell Internet
    Security - Alert is listed in my programs (with
    options, including uninstall) but this is the first time I have noticed it.
    3. Norton Internet Security has a firewall with
    it that I understand is way better than Windows.
    4. There is a Google toolbar, Norton toolbar and
    a bunch of stuff listed in the Manage Add-ons
    like Skype, Adobe and Sun Java Console which I think are add-ons.
    Java Webstart is listed under Accessories in
    Programs.  In Programs is Adobe Distiller 6.0,
    Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Standard, Adobe (which is
    empty), Adobe.com and Adobe Reader 9.  I did not find DLM or GetPlus.
    I found no listing for Shockwave Flash
    Object.  You did not ask this and I don't mean to
    get ahead of you but in case there is relevance,
    I looked in Internet Options, Security, Custom
    and saw a number of reference to Active X and
    plug-ins, some of which are disabled; others enabled.
    From reading in your posts to mlmarg, I saw the
    instructions for finding the Flash folder and
    used them.  I used Explorer to access My
    Computer,, C Drive, Folder 1386, Folder System
    32.  There are 2 items in it from 2002 but not
    what I think you want.  The 2 are SMSS.EXE and
    NTDLL.DLL.  If this is not correct, I will need your instructions to locate it.
      I will ask because I don't always understand
    what you are asking of  me.  Thanks.
    >Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:23:36 -0500
    >To: [email protected]
    >Subject: Re: Flash Player Why does't
    >Flashplayer work after I agreed to an update from an Adobe pop-up box prompt?
    >My comments are within your text below.  Let me
    >know what I missed or misunderstood.

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    What apps are open and are you really still only on 10.5.1??????? At the very least please update your profile, also please remember to post more information. I suspect it's something going on with just your user account. You can verify that by creating another user account (call it TEST ACCOUNT) and log into that account and test. Once this has been verified then you will need to check which apps are running to determine what is causing your issue.

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    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    The further information area has direct links to the current and recent builds in case you have problems downloading, need to revert to an older version or want to try the iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) release as a workaround for installation or performance issues, or compatibility with QuickTime or third party software.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there are also links to backup and recovery advice should it be needed.

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    I bought on of these HD adapters http://tinyurl.com/7455nek to get the files off of a G3 Wallstreet laptop HD. I loaned it to my grandson so he could use it to get files off of a PC HD.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi. I feel your pain my friend.  This is so annoying it makes me want to cancel my "pro" subscription. I think it has to do with other audio from a web page (includes Facebook) overriding Spotify's audio. I have looked all over Spotify to see if there is an override the override setting.  I can't find it. Maybe this bumps up this thread so we get some sort of answer.  I wouldn't mind it even if we got it's not possible. At least then we'd know. That's the problem with forum posting - you never know if you're going to get an answer pee what kind of answer it may be.  As the headline says this forum is not sourced from Spotify. hoibie

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    Hello wayne1722
    If you are having issues with the Pandora app, check out the article for troubleshooting the issue.
    iOS: Troubleshooting apps purchased from the App Store
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    You mean that you're on a single call for 4 hours continously, and then it disconnects?
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    You asked your question on the wrong forum. Try one for the Flash Player

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    Yes go to preferences, and then click on security and privacy.

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    Apple has rolled over users since OS X 10.6.8 when this issue first appeared.
    If you want a browser that actually CARES about it's users, then install Firefox, it's the only one that does.




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